Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 788 Nutrient Solution 267 plus

Although the black dragon Poison Dragon in many Western fantasy novels is not a smart dragon, as the only giant dragon in Northern Europe, Nidhogg's dragon brain is very large, a strange dark green color, and a trembling mass like jelly. There is silvery white mist floating in the ravine - this is the dragon soul that the dragon has not completely dispersed. B1 is looking eagerly at the shapeless dragon soul, his cheeks flushed as if he is looking at his beloved.

Dragon Soul is the ultimate dream of all undead types, come on, dragons are really cool! B1 couldn't walk with his eyes straight, and immediately announced that he would give up his share of all cherished items, as long as he wanted this dragon soul! There is only one dragon soul, which can only be given to one person. It is useless to split it. Moreover, both the fang hunter and the dragon hunter are very resistant to the strange dragon soul entering their bodies, and they hope that someone will deal with it, so they both agreed happily. The dragon hunter wants dragon brains. If roughly divided according to the power of the dragon, his dream crystal dragon is considered a spiritual system. After swallowing such a large group of dragon brains, the dragon hunter intuitively knows that his strength will definitely reach a new height.

But if you want to withstand enough mental power, your physical and physical strength must keep up. The dragon hunter cannot be as heroic as b1 and give up everything. You still have to order dragon heart and dragon marrow. However, the dragon hunter was really reluctant to give up this opportunity. After pondering for a while, he went to discuss with the tooth hunter and Bingyi, hoping to make some exchanges.

"Dragon brain? If you want it, you can exchange 70% of your dragon blood, 50% of the dragon bone, and 50% of the dragon marrow with me. I can exchange them all for you."

The tooth hunter said happily that the power of the spiritual system was of little use to him. At their level, the power system has been basically finalized and stabilized. It does not mean that it is the best to be omnipotent. rashly adding external forces may be counterproductive. The fang hunter is going to the black by attacking closely. He needs a lot of dragon blood and marrow to bathe in to strengthen the body's hardness, and maybe make the scales poisonous. At the same time, the fang hunter wanted to add more defense and took a fancy to Nidhogg's trick of building bones into flesh and blood. If he wanted to try it himself, he would need a lot of dragon bone experiments.


The dragon hunter agreed neatly, and then went to find Bingyi. Bingyi initially thought that Dragon Hunter also wanted to exchange borneol brain with him, and he was already prepared for the exchange. After all, this thing was not suitable for him. Dragon Hunter helped him so much, and Bingyi was happy to exchange. However, when the dragon hunter came to him, he just wanted to ask him to roast the borneol as quickly as possible. This thing is more susceptible to damage than the heart. Of course, rough roasting like the corn snakes and others won't work. Bingyi has to roast it slowly and slowly.

"Aren't you going to trade me for some borneol?"

Sunbird naturally agreed, and then asked curiously: "I have the most dragon brains."

"Bernau is a good thing. Eat more of it yourself after it's roasted."

The dragon hunter shook his head and whispered to him: "There are other things, don't be so generous and exchange them with others. Nidhogg, the dragon, is very precious!" Then the dragon hunter took himself as an example: "Don't you think so? Don’t you think that after Nidhogg’s death, you awakened some new supernatural power?”


Sunbird nodded. Bingyi was thinking about this new power, so he was a little careless about dividing the spoils. His newly acquired powers are roughly described as dragon slayer, dragon heart blaster, dragon gourmet, etc. It should be because he killed Nidhogg, exploded its heart, and roasted its heart. Point, as soon as I heard this title, I was very unfriendly to Long, and there were more Bingyi who hadn't figured it out yet. Dragon hunters are dragons themselves, so they should feel more benefits than him.

"Nidhogg holds a high place in Norse mythology, and his existence seems surprisingly important."

The dragon hunter said, frowning in confusion, as if he didn't quite understand. But Bing remembered that An Xuefeng had once told him that the various famous gods and beasts in mythology are the agglomeration of records, cognitions, and consciousness of countless generations of people over thousands of years. The more people outside who know a certain god, the more people know about it. The more various creations it has, the more powerful a god may become.

This should be true for Nidhogg, and there are very few dragons recorded in Nordic mythology, and it is the most important. It is the only dragon that participates in the battle in Ragnarok. Killing it will even change the battle situation in Ragnarok to a certain extent. , so all its flesh and blood organs contain extraordinary energy, and the dragon hunter directly gained new power after killing it. The general meaning is 'pioneer', which means to commend his contribution to the local area and successfully kill it. After removing a large number of dragons or very important dragons in the outer area, the dragon creatures in the outer area will have a combat power bonus in the future. In addition, there is also the power of 'Crazy Dragon Disease', which is probably obtained by eating dragons. The dragon hunter's strength is temporarily doubled. The disadvantage is that he is afraid of water and light, and if the crazy dragon disease lasts for a long time, he will die after a while.

However, the tour guide will not die during the competition. The newly acquired power can greatly enhance the strength of the dragon hunter and fang hunter. At the same time, Bingyi may also gain dragon-related powers after eating a large amount of precious dragon ingredients. Compared with his own side, the dragon hunter always feels that Bingyi will encounter more dangers. Not every time they will fight side by side, so he hopes that Bingyi can improve more strength.

"I see."

Bingyi looked at the dragon hunter strangely. Sometimes he didn't understand why the dragon hunter was no longer wary of him after just a few days of acquaintance, and was planning for him seriously without any selfish motives. Can you become a good friend who talks about everything in just a few days? The dragon hunter is too easy to deceive - no, the dragon hunter is only special to him. Maybe in the lost memory, they were already good friends who could commit life and death, so they naturally brought the habit with them?

It was unclear, but Bingyi accepted the dragon hunter's kindness and just smiled: "But I will also give you part of the dragon brain. This thing doesn't look delicious."

"Hey, you."

The dragon hunter looked at him helplessly, but it was always pleasant to be rewarded with friendship. He took the sunbird group to the dragon head and decided to help b1 separate the dragon soul first, and then roast the brain. B1 was very busy here. He was very grateful to see the dragon hunter coming to lend a hand. He stepped aside without much caution. The hood he was wearing tilted slightly during the movement, allowing Bingyi to see something.

"What's on your head?"

"Newly grown horns."

b1 pulled off his hood directly, and saw a pair of huge black horns on the left and right sides of his head, just above his temples, which made his temperament even more evil: "If you want to conquer the dragon soul, you have to do it with it. Some deals, you know, in addition to having the power of the undead, I am also more or less a devil...a devil, something like that."

b1 shrugged, only feeling that the unruly dragon soul had restrained its momentum when it realized the arrival of Bingyi and the dragon hunter, and became much more well-behaved. It must have been influenced by the strength of the two of them. It was so fast. Bingyi became stronger so fast. Even if they were one meter apart, they could still feel the burning pain of the sun. This really made him amazed and unwilling to accept it. During this journey, Bingyi became stronger faster than anyone else. He was happy for his friend, but secretly determined that he must also work hard to improve his strength, otherwise he would only fall behind.

"By the way, let me tell you how to conquer the undead monarch at that time."

b1 smiled and briefly told the story. Not long ago, Sunbird B got so hot that he almost fainted from heat stroke as soon as he hugged him, which gave B1 a lot of stimulation. He decided to reconcile with the undead master in his body - he no longer ignored it and started preparing to kill it. Devour. The power of the sun naturally restrains ghosts, so Bingyi gave him a solar crystal feather. B1 thought he had a slight chance of winning. Bingyi can become the sun by swallowing the sun, then he can also swallow the undead monarch and become the monarch!

This frightened the Undead Monarch. He originally wanted to fight Amnesia B1, but he didn't expect that this person would be as stubborn as a cow even if he lost his memory. He was highly vigilant and suspicious. If he couldn't cooperate, he planned to devour him completely. Undead Monarch I was really convinced, so I gave up my calculations and walked out with b1.

'Yes, you can devour me, but the weak period after merging the power will be taken advantage of, you have to think clearly'

The Undead Lord said solemnly: 'Your singing can attract even the dead. Is it really just because you are a rock singer? Stop joking, open your eyes and see the true nature. Why were you chosen by the hotel? Why can your songs seduce everything in the world? ’

‘No need to say more, I won’t let you go’

b1 calmed down, but there was a storm in his heart. Seducing everything in the world? The undead monarch's evaluation is a bit too high. Is this him stalling for time to accumulate strength to resist, or is he licking him in order to survive? Or maybe there is something really special about his singing. Is there something special about him that he didn't realize that he had fans all over the world?

But b1 didn't show any flaws. He used a sun crystal feather to cut off a large piece of energy from the undead monarch with a cold face and ate it voraciously. Seeing that he and Bingyi were imitating bad things but not doing it well, and actually came to the real thing, the undead monarch was shocked and angry and said with hatred. : 'You devil! Damn it, I'm willing to trade my power to you. Shut up and don't eat anymore. You're wasting it! You will regret this! ’

devil? trade?

Suddenly, b1 had a flash of inspiration in his mind, like an enlightenment, and he instantly understood something. Yes, yes, the special power he possesses is not limited to undead, nor is it limited to rock singers. There must be other powers that he has forgotten. Has his memory been lost? He needs to think carefully about amnesia, devils, deals...

‘You are willing to trade your soul to me, how can I ensure your honesty? ’

b1's voice was low, and strange yet familiar power burst out from the deepest part of his body, like ice and snow melting. He naturally knew what to do, so he signed a contract with the undead monarch who no longer resisted, and awakened the devil's power hidden in his body. Devil Merchant, he likes this extraordinary power. He uses b1 with ease, as if this is his innate talent.

With the threat of Bingyi, the help of the dragon hunter, and the efforts of b1, the dragon soul separated from the borneol brain in just ten minutes, condensed into a dark green mist in the shape of a small dragon, and slept in the coiled horns of b1 . Without the interference of the dragon soul, Sunbird also successfully used the dragon skull as a pot to cook a pot full of brains for the dragon hunter.

It looked really horrible, like tofu dregs soaked in dark green spinach soup. A head full of unknown liquid was boiling and bubbling. The scene was very scary, and it also exuded a strong fishy smell. It even pretended to be inadvertently carrying its hands behind its back. The tooth hunters who wandered over took a curious look and turned away with their faces livid.

"This pot of borneol...are you sure you want to eat all of it?"

Bingyi politely advised the pale dragon hunter: "Why don't you go back and add some chili pepper hot pot base and stew it."

"I'm OK."

The dragon hunter said harshly, using the dragon bone to make some noise: "It looks good - ugh"

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