Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 721 The Horror of Iceland (242)


A deafening roar resounded throughout the camp, and the air waves that exploded in all directions shattered the window glass of the building. Tons of snow flew into the air, like a snow fountain erupting. A vast white mist covered the sky and the earth for an instant, and then was hit by a strong burst of force. The powerful wind blew away the scene, revealing the tragic situation in the center.

The moment the fang hunter and Raguel fell, Raphael closed his wings, and the overlapping black wings of the fallen angel firmly protected Bingyi. Bingyi could clearly hear the heartbreaking sound of the wing bones being broken and reshaped, and could smell the smell of the wings being burned by the holy light. Raphael's chest vibrated slightly behind him as he breathed, murmuring the healing spell.

The terrifying force caused by the Archangel Raguel of Punishment and the Fang Hunter falling into the world required Raphael to chant and cast more powerful healing spells to offset it. It is hard to imagine how injured the Fang Hunter who suffered the greatest impact in the center of the battlefield would be. Bingyi was even worried that he would die, and the Fenrir wolf kept worrying and roaring angrily. It wasn't until the remaining power dissipated that Raphael reluctantly opened his wings under Bingyi's forced order, leaving him exposed to the danger. environment. The scene in front of him was so tragic that Bingyi's breath hitched.

The area around the single-family cabin looked as if it had been struck by a meteorite. The land with a diameter of more than a hundred meters collapsed into a depth of more than ten meters. Snow poured like a waterfall inward from the edge of the sinkhole, and the residual power shook and roared from the edge of the sinkhole. It came from the deepest part, like thunder. Raphael took Bingyi and flew up. He looked into the deepest part of the pit and saw only a brilliant golden color. He couldn't tell whether it was the dragon scales of the tooth hunter or the golden wings of the archangel Raguel, but no matter who it was, it was hurt. Extremely heavy.

The thick, bubbling crimson dragon's blood flowed freely, corroding holes in the earth, and the angel's blood was also extremely dangerous. Piles of blood glowed silvery, and the texture looked like mercury. They quickly evaporate and dissolve in the air, turning into rich holy light and holy blood, which are extremely lethal to demonic creatures.

Just standing above the sinkhole and coming into contact with a little angel blood steam made Demon Bingyi feel his face hurt. Raphael's wings also made a sizzling sound. No wonder he thought it was extremely dangerous outside and didn't want to take risks. However, Bingyi will definitely come to the front line, because the seriously injured fang hunter is still fighting Raguel!

The degree of distortion on his body is so deep that it is almost impossible to recognize the human form. Half of the scales on the golden dragon's body are peeled off, and even the bones are exposed. However, his attack is extremely fierce, like a brutal chariot of flesh and blood. Angels can be heard with every punch. The sound of bones cracking was actually from Raguel being beaten! The dragon's tail with exposed flesh and bones was like a scarlet fishhook, tightly hooking the angel's translucent spine so that he could not escape. His movements were as skillful as if he had killed the angel in RT-Mart for ten years. Raphael's face changed slightly when he saw it, and he couldn't help but feel his wings. Phantom pain.

It has to be said that except for the famous Michael, most of the other angels are good at long-range attacks. They are flying high in the sky, protected by the holy light, so why do they need to fight bloody battles with others? Therefore, once they are shot down from the air and pulled into close combat, most of their advantages will be lost. Demonic enemies are extremely afraid of the Holy Light and cannot fight with angels in close combat, but now monsters like the Tooth Hunter appear.

Raguel was convinced that he had killed him once, shattering the dragon's reverse scales, but the angel didn't understand why the evil golden dragon didn't die, why it became stronger and crazier! To prevent the angels from flying randomly, the fang hunter attacked the wings first. Most of the six golden wings behind Raguel were torn off by him in an instant. Without Raphael's thick blood and strong healing and regeneration ability, it was very difficult for Raguel. Fly to the sky again. However, his combat power was hundreds of times stronger than Raphael's. He turned his bow into a sword and almost chopped the fang hunter into pieces like crazy.

As if returning to the most primitive and bloody way of fighting, this sinkhole is like the cruelest colosseum. Soldiers kill bloody battles regardless of their lives, and the winner is the one standing at the end. But the tooth hunter will not die in this battle - Heiyi, who has determined that he is essentially equivalent to the tour guide, knows that death will only make the tooth hunter stronger! This state is extremely terrifying, as long as the fang hunter wants to, he can even kill any giant or even god.

But the problem is, angels don't die either. Even though Raguel is so seriously injured now, His spirit body is well hidden, and only the body is injured. If he hadn't desperately wanted to take away the Holy Infant, Raguel could have escaped even now, with only his teeth. The hunter leaves behind a cloud of holy air. The most important question at the moment is where Raguel's spirit body is and where is the key to the door of heaven.

Bingyi's spirit stirred slightly, and Yu Hehui, who had placed Balder's soul and B1 in a safe place, leapt down from the sinkhole to help, not only to suppress Raguel with the fang hunter, but also to control the battle situation to prevent the fang from finding the spirit body and the key. The hunter really beat Raguel into the air. It would be difficult to find him again if he really did that.

But soon Yu Hehui received bad news. The fang hunter went crazy. He had lost his mind and could not communicate at all. He even wanted to attack Yu Hehui one by one and even two!

‘Pay attention to your own safety first! ’

Bing recalled the extremely violent mood when b1 returned to zero, and knew that the fang hunter might also have fallen into this bad situation. Although they will not die, they will be injured. If things go on like this, it will be very difficult for the fang hunters to recover at all if they are really injured. It's not Ragnarok yet, and Bingyi doesn't want the fang hunter to be useless. He glances at the Fenrir wolf who is anxiously digging at the edge of the sinkhole, eager to jump down to help, and shakes his head slightly. Now is not the time to use Fenrir Wolf.

Bingyi immediately thought of a different method. Whether it was b1's return to zero or his own return to zero, it all involved the power of the abyss. To be precise, it was related to butterflies, pure power of the abyss. Ah Feng told him that during the hunt for Uriel and the appearance of the Jin Lunga Chasm, the return of B1 to zero drove the return of B1 to zero. But when there was a big crack in Silfra, the return of b1 to zero did not cause Bingyi to return to zero, which made Bingyi have a guess in his mind.

He doubted that the pure power of the abyss, or the butterfly, would affect the guide's return to zero. The tooth hunter, who is essentially like a tour guide and is also immortal and has a state of zero alienation, should also be affected by this. So Bingyi took out the fresh fungus juice just collected in the glacier lake, which can make the butterfly fragments become active. At the same time, Bingyi used the power of domination, the power of domination of the abyss and the butterfly fragments to influence the tooth hunters who were fighting out of control under the pit. , convey the message to him.

Bingyi's idea was correct. The moment the pure power of the abyss filled the air, the fang hunter who had been fighting with Raguel froze. He actually looked up at the sky and looked at Bingyi. In an instant, Bing had a pair of golden dragon eyes. In an instant, the world was quiet. Everything seemed to have returned to darkness and silence. Only these cruel and indifferent beast eyes remained. This was a pair of eyes like the sun, and the majestic vertical pupils seemed to be gilded. , there is a dazzling light like a solar flare on it, extremely bright and intimidating, but without any emotion, only naked murderous intention.

The owner of the eyes has completely lost control. Anyone who sees his eyes will be frightened by him, sink into bloody fighting, and become a fighting machine until death——


The sound of fluttering wings of butterflies woke Bingyi up. His head was feeling dizzy in a daze, as if he was suffering from the sequelae of a high fever. The smell of blood was very close at hand. He raised his hand and found that he was bleeding from all his orifices. This was a backlash. Plan C was right, but the fang hunter was too strong. He tried to use the power of the abyss to influence him, but was severely counterattacked by the arrogant and powerful pressure. Dragon is arrogant and free in nature, does not want to be controlled by anyone, and will not become anyone's puppet.

It's really fun though, isn't it.

The pure power of the abyss, or the power of the butterfly fragments on his body, can actually control the tour guide who lost his mind after being alienated.

Ignoring Raphael's worried inquiry behind him, Bingyi laughed, causing the fang hunter in the fierce battle in the sinkhole to give him an instinctively wary and hostile glance. Raguel took advantage of the fang hunter's continuous distraction and was about to fight back, but the fang hunter punched him with his backhand several times, almost smashing his head. Raguel also gradually gave up, knowing that he might not be able to take away the Holy Infant this time, so he burned his life fiercely to drag the tooth hunter into the abyss together!

Seeing that the situation was becoming more and more critical, Bingyi made a decision. He waved his hand firmly to refuse Raphael's treatment. The devil's wings stretched out, and Bingyi raised his hand in mid-air. The sharp black nails were pressed towards his heart, and he pierced it without hesitation. My own heart! The sound of his heartbeat suddenly became as loud as a drum in Bingyi's ears. As his vitality passed quickly, he felt that the many butterfly fragments entrenched in his heart were getting ready to move, sucking the blood spurting out of his heart, and also allowing Bingyi to use More powerful abyss power.

The death countdown reaches zero, and Bingyi becomes completely demonic. Raphael, who was flying not far away to guard Satan, his pupils suddenly shrank, and the devil's figure was reflected in his hell-red eyes. The powerful devil's horns are twisted, his long black hair is scattered, and his pale skin is as pale as snow with a few faint magic lines full of power and magical charm, which makes his eyes majestic and charming, as if no angel, no matter how pious, can resist him. Temptation, he followed him into hell without hesitation.

Blood gushes out from his heart and slides down Bingyi's dark nails. Under the reflection of the black magic lines, it shows a breathtaking blue-purple blood light. In other words, in fact, Bingyi's heart blood is originally stained with the color of butterflies. Wing color. Under the dominator's power, the dark tour guide's cloak automatically moved without wind. The pattern of blue-violet butterflies on the corners of the robe seemed to come alive, flying gracefully on the dark cloak, and flew from the corners of the robe to Bingyi's chest.

Tick ​​tock.

Tick ​​tock.

The blood soaked with the power of the butterfly fragments dripped from the high altitude and fell on the forehead of the golden dragon deep in the sinkhole. He was covered with wounds and had fought crazy. However, when the blood dripped, it seemed to be frozen, and it was clear that his whole body was covered with blood. The aura of anxiety and confusion has not dissipated, but it seems to be pulled by invisible threads. Looking high into the sky, those golden dragon eyes once again look at the devil high in the sky.

However, this time was different from before. In a world full of ruthless killings, a pair of superior blue-purple eyes appeared. It is extremely magnificent, yet profound and terrifying, like a blue-purple butterfly flapping its wings in the abyss. It is death and life, heavy and light. It is contradictory yet incredibly charming. It contains unimaginable power, as if it can make people sink completely in just one thought. A single thought can bring someone back from hell to earth.

Damn it, have Bingyi's eyes ever been so beautiful before?

The fang hunter grumbled dissatisfied in his heart and shook his heavy head. When he started to think, his sanity had already recovered. This was really incredible. It seemed difficult to wake him up. From Bing Yi to the power of controlling butterfly fragments with a drop of blood, to The fang hunter regained consciousness, but it only lasted less than a minute!

Raphael looked at Bingyi with eyes full of reverence. A drop of blood awakened the golden dragon that was killing out of control and made it surrender. This was no less than a miracle! Thinking that he had subtle doubts about Satan's strength just now because Satan was bleeding from all his orifices when he was glared at by the giant dragon, Raphael quickly crossed himself upside down on his heart and prayed devoutly that Satan would not notice his disrespectful thought.

If Raphael's admiration has the filter of the fallen angel himself towards Satan, then at this moment in the Icelandic live broadcast room, the tour guides who saw the tooth hunter who had lost control and was brought back to reason by a drop of blood were almost crazy. The reason why I wasn't completely shocked that my sanity value dropped wildly was because there was a setting in the competition where the tour guide would not die but would only reset to zero. Some tour guides suspected that the hotel was involved, and that Bingyi just happened to happen. But there are more people who are secretly looking forward to it, hoping that after the competition is over, Bingyi can succeed again on any journey.

If all this is not a coincidence and can really be done, then maybe the tour guides in the hotel can find another way to go...

Some tour guides have different concerns. Compared with those small tour guides who are weak and have low status and may never be able to communicate face-to-face with the Lizard Duke in this life, those B- and A-level elite tour guides really want to ask the Lizard Duke when he gets out of control. What kind of feeling is it? Most of them have experienced the terrible state of returning to zero many times and on the verge of losing control. They are even more curious and even vaguely envious of the Lizard Duke's sudden return to sanity.

But if you want to ask how the fang hunter feels now... the fang hunter's mood is really complicated now. He was obviously weak and could strangle Bing Yi with his fingernails, but now he woke him up from losing control, but... well, he was Bing Yi after all, so it was not unusual for him to be able to do some strange things.

Even the fang hunter didn't realize that at some point his thoughts were similar to those of the passengers in his team that he despised. His strong combat intuition brought him back to his senses quickly. Once he regained his sanity, everything would be easier. The fang hunter began to cooperate with Yu Hehui to control Raguel, and let Raguel, who originally wanted to burn his soul and take the fang hunter away forcibly, hope. Become confused again.

Seeing that the tooth hunter and Yu Hehui cooperated tacitly, Raguel would not destroy death in a short period of time, and the situation was back under control, Bingyi finally breathed a sigh of relief, and his heart moved slightly. Just now he asked Raphael where the key to the door to heaven was and how to find Raguel's spirit body, but Bingyi was a little disappointed. Raphael told him that the key to the door of heaven was crucial. It was integrated into Raguel's spirit body. This key would only briefly appear in reality when the door to heaven was to be opened.

Because she is fused with the key to the door of heaven, Raguel's spiritual aura is consistent with the sky. Basically, the only way to find her is through the induction between angels. And even if she finds it, she can instantly return to heaven through the key without opening the door. This is God's special love for the 'friends of God'.

Therefore, it is almost impossible to directly seize the key from Raguel.


"Laguirre must have wanted to extradite the Child and return him to heaven."

Raphael whispered, and after finishing speaking, he became flustered and quickly made a reverse cross on his chest. He felt good and bad. Just one day after his fall, he dared to slander Satan and use the Holy Infant as bait. But Raphael soon became confident again. He has become a fallen angel and should be bad! Fallen angels are not bad and Satan is not loving.

Then Raphael quickly came up with a worse idea: "King, Raphael is willing to work for you. You pretend to open the door to hell, and I pretend to take the Holy Child into hell. Raguel will definitely I am so anxious that I try my best to open the door to heaven and snatch the Holy Infant.”

"At that time, it will be easy for you to take away the key. You can even plant the demon seeds in the Holy Infant's body in advance and let him take him back to heaven..."

Raphael wanted to kill three birds with one stone. Not only did he seize the key, he also wanted to destroy the Holy Infant and then pollute heaven with hell! The wet nurse was so cruel, Bingyi couldn't help but sigh in his heart, and then he smiled and praised Rafael for his loyalty, expressing his trust in him. He praised him so much that Rafael blushed in embarrassment, and then refused.

"The Holy Infant is still useful to me."

Bingyi said calmly, seeing Raphael's expression of deep thought and then sudden enlightenment, and then his expression becoming more convinced, no matter what the angel had in mind, Bingyi's expression was very unpredictable anyway. Dan Lin is indeed quite useful, and there is no need to assassinate him for the time being. The most important thing is that Bing Yi cannot open any door to hell at all! To say that the Nordic underworld and the primitive abyss are still under control, Bingyi has really not studied the gate of hell.

But without Raphael's suggestion, Bingyi had indeed already had an idea. Seeing that the seriously injured Fang Hunter was bleeding more and more, the Fenrir wolf next to the sinkhole became more and more impatient. Seeing that Raguel's injury was getting worse and worse, his body became blurred and was about to disappear. Now is the time!


Bingyi gave a command in his heart, and Fenrir Wolf, who had been waiting anxiously for too long, finally no longer had to wait for his life. It roared fiercely and jumped down from the edge of the sinkhole. At the same time, the fang hunter and Yu Hehui restrained Raguel. Opening his bloody mouth, he actually wanted to swallow the damn Raguel in one bite! In Norse mythology, one of the two children of Fenrir Wolf swallowed the sun and the other swallowed the moon. Devouring is the most powerful talent of Fenrir Wolf. Even if the archangel is swallowed, he cannot escape.

However, when Raguel saw the huge and ferocious Fenrir wolf falling from the sky, Raguel did not dodge. A dark light flashed in her eyes, and she took the initiative to meet the wolf's mouth. While the giant wolf's sharp fangs tore her upper body apart, Raguel, regardless of his own safety, took something out of the wolf's mouth like corn from the fire and threw it into the sky!


The Fang Hunter's pupils shrank suddenly. It was clear that what Laguerre took out of the wolf's mouth was the Holy Infant Danlin! He slapped the ground with his dragon tail and was about to jump up to grab him back. However, at this moment, the remaining body of Archangel Laguerre burned violently, and the holy light exploded in the wolf's mouth! The Fang Hunter hesitated for a second whether to grab the baby or protect the wolf - perhaps he made a decision in less than a second. When he used his body as a shield to block Fenrir Wolf, the Fang Hunter was full of anxiety and annoyance, hoping that the agile Yu Hehui had already caught the Holy Infant back. However, when the explosion ended, the holy light fell, and the hymn sounded from high in the sky, the Fang Hunter was shocked to find that Yu Hehui had not been able to grab Danlin back! On the contrary, he was burning with flames, and he turned into a fox prototype and lay on the ground, as if he was seriously injured by someone, and in the sky there was a tall and upright angel with six wings of flames on his back and a brilliant red hair. He turned his back to them and was holding the Holy Infant in his hands. "Damn it!"

The Fang Hunter gnashed his teeth and gave the Wolf Head a punch. Six wings of flames and brilliant red hair, could it be Michael? ! But they flew too high, out of his attack range. The holy light enveloped the Holy Child and woke him up from his sleep. He yawned, then giggled happily, and snuggled in the arms of the red-haired angel, trusting him. Not far away, a translucent golden angel spirit flew over. It was the Archangel Raguel who was smiling and flying slowly towards them.

She held a silver scepter with a blue gem like the sky and six golden wings representing the Seraphim. This was the key to the gate of heaven. She looked at the angel holding the Holy Child in a friendly and cautious way. He looked very similar to Michael. Although it was not yet time for Michael to descend, this angel also had the pure breath of God's flame, without any mixed power, as pure as an elf born in the flame, and was trusted by the Holy Child so much.

The most important thing is that when the light of heaven falls, anyone with evil thoughts will be burned to ashes, while this angel is still brilliant and even more sacred and majestic.

[You brought back the Holy Child]

Laguer finally nodded to him gently, agreeing: [My companion, let us return to heaven together]

[Satan and his helpers will eventually be punished by God]

The red-haired angel said solemnly, neither of them looked at the ugly dragon and Satan standing on the ground who could not fly high. Laguer drew his scepter and prepared to open the door of heaven. At the same time, Laguer flew to the side of the red-haired angel and stretched out his hand to hold the Holy Child. This was her implicit temptation. The red-haired angel smiled heartily and handed the Holy Child to her without any hesitation. His smile was so contagious that Laguer also laughed and looked down at the Holy Child lovingly.

However, at the moment of smiling and lowering her head, the key to the door of heaven in her hand was taken away by a huge force! Then the flame angel stretched out a red dragon wing from behind. He threw out the emerald green insect wing with one hand and flapped it fiercely, like the most evil □□, and blew Raguel and the Holy Child into the small underworld that the small emerald insect wing led to with one wing!

"Going to heaven? You're on the wrong road."

At the last moment of falling, Raguel was furious and looked at the red-haired angel for the last time. He saw that his smile was still so sincere and brilliant, and his words were still so pious, but the words he said were so evil that made the angel angry!

David, who did not live up to the important task entrusted by Bingyi and successfully tricked Raguel, wanted to sing a song at this moment. Of course, his expression on his face was still joyful and pious. He stood firm for the last shift and tried to brush Bingyi's loyalty. He only heard him solemnly say:

"Where my Lord is is heaven."

The emerald green insect wing fell, the passage was closed, the angel Raguel's body exploded, and his spirit finally fell into the Nordic underworld!

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