Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 720: Iceland Shock (241)


The sound of disciplinary arrows carrying the holy light piercing the angel's wings came from above. As soon as Bing raised his eyes, he saw Raphael's layers of pitch-black wings being pierced by the holy light and corroded into a bowl-sized hole. , Raguel's disciplinary arrow was able to shoot through Raphael's six wings! Feeling Bingyi's gaze, Raphael withdrew his eyes from staring at the sky. His hell-red eyes looked at Bingyi, his expression softened slightly, and he smiled tenderly at him, and then his jet-black wings recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Obviously, after the fall, Raphael not only did not lose the power of healing, but actually became more sophisticated in his healing skills. There is a small green snake clinging to the bone of his right ear, which is like Raphael's once green and clear eyes, and also like the bronze snake on the staff of Moses that can heal everything. When the snake's eyes shimmered, Bingyi felt the healing power fall on him, gently smoothing away the traces left by the flame of the holy light.


Raphael lowered his head obediently, his long black hair falling down, and after obtaining Bingyi's consent, he hugged his waist. His wings flew up with Bingyi, and he flashed a hundred meters away in an instant, dodging the next person. A batch of sharp arrows shot out. Thousands of arrows were mixed with blazing flames and holy light, and exploded, melting tons of snow.

He is also an archangel, but Raguel, an archangel who specializes in punishment and revenge, and who has changed his job to judge and destroy evil souls, is obviously far more powerful than Raphael, an archangel who specializes in healing. While Raphael protected Bingyi, Yu Hehui also took Balder's soul and B1 to flash aside. However, the fang hunter stayed in the center of the battlefield for a moment with the terrifying power of the light arrow volley and explosion. The hard golden dragon scales were turned outwards and dripping with blood. The fang hunter immediately retreated quickly and threw a fiery red thing towards Bingyi from a distance. It was the flaming sword that Raphael once held.

Raphael had voluntarily given up on the restrained flaming sword long ago, but the fang hunter was not used to using weapons. When using the magic chain, he threw the sword on the snow. This is a good thing. It can be compared with Uriel. The resonance of the flaming holy sword left by Archangel Er shows its importance. So when Raguel fired random arrows, the fang hunter snatched it back immediately and threw it to Bingyi.

As he expected, the center of the battlefield after being shot by random arrows was completely blank and completely emptied. Whether it was snow, Raphael's broken and messy feathers, bones and blood, or the angel wings that he tore off with his own hands, they were all reduced to nothingness in the explosion of holy light and flames.

"Raguel will destroy everything about the Fallen Angels."

Seeing with his own eyes that the traces he had left in the bloody battle for the angels were ruthlessly destroyed, the last trace of sadness in Raphael's eyes was gone, leaving only determination and indifference. He moved Bingyi at high speed to avoid the sharp arrows shot by Raguel. , explained to him carefully with gentle and cold words. The patrolling Archangel Raguel will destroy the fallen souls of the fallen angels, and will also reclaim all the powers God has given him, including the Holy Light, wings, flaming swords, etc. Raguel's faith is extremely firm, Raguel (Raguel) ) This name means 'Friend of God', friend of God.

Therefore, it is impossible for him to fall. No matter what he sees or hears, his faith will never be shaken. Raphael is alluding to the fact that in 745 AD, Raguel was expelled from the calendar of saints by the then Pope, who accused him of being a demon who 'pretended to be a saint'. This experience is somewhat similar to Raphael, but Raphael Guell will never betray the Lord. The methods that Satan used against him, Raphael, are of no use to Raguel.

Then Raphael said seriously that Raguel was high in the sky and might not be able to kill him, but there was something in him that Satan had to take away.

"The key to the door of heaven lies with Raguel!"

The archangel Raguel is the owner of the key to the door of heaven. Legend has it that he once led the mortal Enoch to heaven. Raphael talked about Sister Maria again, because she had too much latest news about the Nordic pantheon and was very important. As soon as she defected to the angels, Raphael extradited her to Raguel and asked him to pick up Maria. Leah goes to heaven.

The reason why the rune with Odin's divine power was left on Raphael's body was just to confuse the pursuers (tooth hunters). After all, it takes time to open the door to heaven. It doesn't matter if it is taken away. Just a rune character cannot influence the death of the Nordic God King.

It turns out that Mary went to heaven! Bingyi suddenly realized, no wonder Dan Lin had been trying to postpone the plan to lure angels to fall until the day after tomorrow. When Maria really becomes famous, the angels who come by then may not be just Raphael, and the situation will be completely controlled by them. in hand.

It is a pity that Raphael, who surrendered, has revealed all the angel's plans. Whether the angel comes to the world or extradites mortals to heaven, he needs to open the door of heaven. Therefore, the key to the Gate of Heaven is very important. Mastering it is equivalent to mastering the opportunity of the invasion of the gods from the outer gods!

"I know you are cautious and wise, and you may not believe me who just surrendered, but this key is really important."

Raphael said sincerely and anxiously that after the fall, some aspects of his personality became a bit extreme. He was fed up with the feeling of not being trusted. Before Bingyi opened his mouth, he took the initiative and ate Satan's grapes happily, truly becoming Paradise Lost. part of. Bingyi liked such caring people who could understand each other, and his gaze towards Raphael became more and more appreciative and soft, and he said firmly: "Don't worry, I won't let him go."

Although Bing spoke very harshly and sounded domineering, it could not change the fact that they were being chased and beaten by Raguel. Archangel Raguel high in the sky is like a turret, with inexhaustible holy arrows and power. The fang hunter can't fly, Yu Hehuineng uses cloud and magic to fly, but he doesn't have wings. The sky fox is not fast and the defense is not good. Besides, he also has to protect the devil merchant and Balder's soul, so he can't compete with Raguel. , we can only run around in the snow together.

The fang hunter's eyes were red with anger, he had never suffered such humiliation. But the angrier he became, the calmer his face became. He kept looking at Bingyi until Bingyi nodded slightly.


After receiving the signal, the tooth hunter dodged another wave of arrows and put his middle finger and thumb against his mouth, and blew a long and loud whistle. The next second after the whistle sounded, a single-family wooden house residential area 100 meters away came. Fenrir's wolf howled in response. It's time to use Danlin! In order to allow the Holy Child to play the greatest role and prevent the Holy Child other than angels from collaborating with Satan, Bingyi did not contact Fenrir Wolf personally during this fierce battle, but used the tooth hunter as an intermediary, and the effect was very obvious.

When the giant Nordic wolf roared out and the Holy Infant, which was completely hidden by its bloody mouth, lit up because it sensed the angel's holy light and gave back a little light=, the Archangel Raguel high in the sky became angry. At the extreme, his eyes were as cold and furious as burning icebergs. He did not suspect that this was Satan's conspiracy because of his descent to earth - whoever plotted would go directly to the Holy Infant right now! The fifth trumpet-blowing angel after Raguel is the famous Michael, the Son of Light. If there is really a conspiracy against angels, he should be targeted.

Raguel only thought that the Satan gang could not withstand his indiscriminate bombing and was about to abandon this place and retreat with the Holy Infant. If the Holy Infant hadn't sensed the Holy Light, Raguel might even have been deceived and passed! No longer hesitating, Raguel took the initiative to fly down quickly from the high altitude. However, he had a bad temper. In mid-air, he set up a bow and shot an arrow at the single-family wooden house area. Hundreds of holy light arrows shot out at the same time. Completely smash the filthy place hiding the giant wolf!

There was a loud boom, and the single-family wooden house area was directly blasted into the sky. The fierce holy light flames completely engulfed the place, leaving only a white ground. This sudden change frightened the tooth hunter and was stunned for a moment. Damn it, the passengers wouldn't be completely wiped out, right? ? He couldn't help but glance at Bingyi, and saw him sticking his head out from Raphael's wings, but his face was still calm, as if everything was as he expected, and he was pretending to be very good——

No, it's not just showing off, this matter seems to be part of Bingyi's plan. In the white holy light of the wooden house area after the bombing, there was a huge oval black hole in the huge crater that was several meters deep. The shadow is like a chicken egg lying upside down on the ground, like a dark hill. Only when you look closely can you find that it is actually a huge charred turtle shell!

It's Tang Xiang's amazingly defensive turtle shell!

Although Wei Xun said that he would keep an eye on Director Bing, Tang Tuan, who had experienced many hardships, still had some inexplicable worries in his heart. He simply decided to build the camp defenses in advance and asked Wei Xun and Director Bing to discuss and use corn shoots in the wooden house. A deep pit was dug underground in the area, large enough to hold the enlarged Tang Xiang turtle shell. Passengers who fell asleep in the old dream were all wrapped in sleeping bags and piled into turtle shells like matches, so that even if a nuclear explosion occurred while they were sleeping, they would not all die suddenly.

That's why Bingyi chose the fighting venue so close to the wooden house area. The hardness of Tang Xiang's turtle shell is not something to be boasted. If something really happened, he could go in and hide. At present, this giant turtle shell is firmly clasped on the ground, perfectly withstanding Raguel's bombing. The sleeping passengers have no idea that they almost all went to heaven.

The fang hunter was really convinced after seeing the turtle shell. He didn't know how Bingyi had such a brain. He was so clever that the fang hunter gritted his teeth. He was unwilling to accept it and slandered. His hands were itchy and wanted to dig out his brain. But with a person like him, She has really good teammates. Archangel Raguel has already flown down, only a few meters away from the ground, close enough for Bingyi to see her face clearly.

With brilliant long golden hair, platinum eyes, and a holy and beautiful face, Raguel actually looks like a female angel! However, in the eyes of the fang hunter, it doesn't matter whether it is a woman or a man. The fang hunter, who had been beaten for a long time, was filled with anger. He couldn't hold back until Raguel landed completely, and the powerful golden dragon tail slammed on the ground. The force was so strong that the ground cracked. At the same time, he kicked off the ground hard with his claws and jumped up to a frightening height of nearly ten meters. He ignored the holy arrow that shot towards his heart and used a golden claw. He grabbed Raguel's long hair and dug into her heart.

When the holy arrow shot towards his heart, the painful fang hunter screamed in pain for the first time. For a moment, he even felt that he was dead (return to zero), but death made him stronger, and the golden and flexible dragon tail also became fierce. Li penetrated into the flesh and blood from the weakest point of the wing root, and tightly hooked the archangel's spine.

He was like the most evil dragon in the classics, locking the archangel tightly with his flesh and bones and rolling down from mid-air, letting the aloft angel fall into the world!

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