Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 722: Icelandic Horror (243)

"Lord, Francis is lucky to have lived up to his destiny!"

At the end of the fierce battle, an angel with six wings of fire and red hair fell from the sky. He had just accomplished a great feat, but he did not appear proud, but instead became more humble. As he flew downwards, he became smaller and smaller. By the time Bingyi was in front of him, he had transformed from a tall adult angel back to a palm-sized little flame angel. He was cute and loyal. He held the emerald green insect wings in his hands and handed them to Bingyi. .

"well done."

It's not easy to get Bingyi to praise him. A satisfied smile appeared on David's face, and the top of his red curly hair rubbed Bingyi's fingers, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. He boldly called Bingyi ‘Lord’ just now, but he did so after careful consideration. Bingyi did not refute it. This was a tacit approval, which meant that David had finally caught Bingyi's eye through tonight's incident. He should have been upgraded to a younger brother and would most likely not have to worry about being cannon fodder in the future.

Not everyone can call this title Lord. It is closer than the relationship between ‘God and believers’, and has more ties than the relationship between ‘king and subordinates’. David felt that a scrutinizing gaze had been falling on him. It was the fallen angel Raphael who had just been subdued by Director B. Angel is not stupid, he must also understand the meaning of this.

David understood that Bingyi's decision to allow him to claim lordship was also to stimulate Raphael, who had just recovered and had not been loyal for a long time. Only when there are competitors can there be healthy competition. So David took the initiative and smiled at Raphael. The smile that had just passed by Raguel was naturally warm, lively and endearing. When David saw that Raphael's eyes were darker, he gave up. After handing the key to the gate of heaven to Bingyi, he took the initiative to take the order to go to the Little Hades Kingdom to guard Raguel's spirit body.

Once the soul enters the kingdom of Hades, it is difficult to leave. The spirit body of an angel is equivalent to the soul. What's more, Xiao Cui, who has recovered well, is still in charge of the Little Hades Kingdom, and Hela Palace Eludnir, who they just moved back from the Hades Kingdom, is suppressing. Raguel can't make a difference. Bingyi asked Francis to bring Dan Lin out. Before, Danlin opened his eyes and woke up in Francis's arms, but Bingyi saw clearly that this was not in the plan at all. Danlin, who was trapped in an old dream, really woke up. Or a false awakening? This made Bingyi interested.

But the most important thing at the moment is not Dan Lin. When Raphael asked himself to enter the Little Hades Kingdom with the Flame Angel to torture Raguel, and issued a military order saying that he would be able to find out more secrets of heaven, Bingyi shook his head and refused, saying warmly: " Just leave this kind of thing to Francis, Raphael, I have more important things to leave to you."


Hearing Satan's affectionate name for the Fire Angel, Raphael tightened his fingers and remembered him firmly. Satan did not choose his plan, but used Francis to take back the key to the door of heaven. This angel's status in Satan's heart is probably not low. The key is why he didn't fall? The six wings condensed by flames were so pure, otherwise it would have been impossible to deceive Raguel. Satan allowed him to call him Lord because he believed in his loyalty. But if angels were really loyal to Satan, why didn't they fall?

"Raphael is always ready to serve the king."

Raphael bowed his head submissively, hiding the indescribable pain that was raging in his heart. This was jealousy. Angel had never felt this emotion before. For the first time in his life, Raphael tasted jealousy. Is it true that Satan still prefers the appearance of noble and holy angels? Otherwise, why would he keep attacking angels and allow Frances to remain pure? So far, Satan has collected Uriel and Raguel in addition to him. One of them is the light of God and the other is a friend of God. However, Raphael is nothing special among them, he only looks dim and ordinary.

However, the blackened wings could not be restored. Raphael quietly put away his wings, which is an innate ability of angels. Without the six black wings, he looked like a handsome young man with black hair and red eyes, and his pointed ears were like an elf. , elegant and gentle, but there is a hint of melancholy in the dark red eyes from time to time, which makes people unable to help but feel heartbroken for him.

It wasn't until Satan's hand wrapped around his shoulders that the melancholy in the fallen angel's eyes was replaced by surprise. They were so close at the moment, so close that Raphael was uncomfortable and excited. He had never had such close contact with God when he was an angel, but now Satan took the initiative to put his arm around his shoulders. With such force and at such a close distance, Raphael felt that he could stab Satan to death with one sword, so he must still trust him. Only when Satan trusted him would he allow him to get close.

And Satan gave him not only trust, but also reuse.

"Raphael, I need your help."

Raphael's heart was racing, and his eyes shone when he heard Satan solemnly entrusting him with the important task of rescuing the golden dragon. At that moment, confidence and pride seemed to return to him. Although he has complicated feelings about healing, Raphael is confident that he is the strongest in this regard! Maybe Satan took a fancy to his healing skills and tempted him to fall!

He was seduced and fell by Satan himself!

Angel is really tall, even if he is transformed into zero, he can be compared to Raphael. Bingyi couldn't help but pressed Raphael's shoulder heavily, and watched him flying down the tiankeng with great energy to treat the tooth hunter. He sighed in his heart, if the human form didn't hold his shoulders, Raphael would have to look down at him. But it’s still pretty good to take it out. What Bingyi valued most was Raphael's super powerful healing technique.

He now has many thugs and assassins under his command, but there are really few nannies. He only uses Tong Hege to his death, and he has harvested all the ginseng, ginseng, and ginseng slices. Even though he grew stronger, fought more bravely, and mastered the vitality of the Nordic World Tree, he was only one person after all.

For example, when Bingyi was in the ice cave, he was worried that if the passengers (mainly Ah Feng) asked Tong Hege to follow him, there would be no one around him. And when the passengers were injured on a large scale, Tong Hege was not enough. Sometimes Bingyi had to personally go into battle to COS an angel, but his healing skills were as weak as if he had not recharged, which was not enough. After all, his nature Above is the unhappy one, Satan Samael, not a serious angel.

Now that Raphael is available, Tong Hege will no longer be too busy and exhausted. Just like now, Tong Hege treats B1, Yu Hehui, Bader and Bingyi, and Raphael heals the tooth hunter who was seriously injured and on the verge of death. The two-pronged approach more than doubled the efficiency. Bingyi stood by the sinkhole and observed. Seeing that Raphael's recitation of the healing spell had an amazing effect on the tooth hunter, he thought about it and simply sent B1 out to treat Raphael.

Tong Hege's treatment methods are peaceful. Whether it is spiritual ginseng or the vitality of the Nordic World Tree, they are a gentle and positive force. The effect is good when treating normal creatures or creatures that prefer light. However, the effect is greatly reduced when treating dark creatures such as undead. It may even weaken the death energy and dark power of the undead.

In contrast, Raphael's healing technique does not have this problem. Healing itself is a spell, and Raphael has become a fallen angel. He can treat abyssal monsters like B1 Undead and Zero Fang Hunters more efficiently and with better results.

Of course, Bingyi is an exception. He and Tong Hege are connected by soul and life. Tong Hege can directly transfer vitality to him and recover faster.


The cold wind howled and heavy snow fell, and soon the messy battle traces on the ground were covered with a layer of snow. The temperature continues to drop and it's getting colder. Bingyi looked into the distance. This fierce battle had completely destroyed the camp. It was like a strong wind leaving a mess and a big hole. Naturally, the street lights were also damaged. The light dissipated and the camp fell into darkness. But Bingyi could also faintly hear Zheng Zheng in the distance. There was a constant buzzing sound.

The earth trembled slightly, as if thousands of sharp swords were falling from the sky in the depths of darkness, constantly stabbing the earth mechanically and coldly, like hammers forging the world. It is now past midnight, and on the sixth day of the journey, the first winter of Finbul Winter comes quietly with a deep chill. After the Winter of Winds comes the Winter of Swords. It is rumored that countless giant ice cones will fall from the sky like swords and turn into frost. A giant's weapon.

It was too dark to see what was going on in the distance. Even though most of the camp was destroyed, it was still safe, and no ice picks fell. But the heavy snow in the sky was already mixed with hail, which made a crackling sound when it fell on the ruins. The impact was painful, and the temperature continued to drop, making people who were cold unbearable.

Bing glanced around and saw that there was still light in the restaurant warehouse in the distance, and it had not been destroyed in the battle. Let Tong Hege and Raphael take the sick and injured patients to the restaurant to settle down first. And he, Fenrir Wolf, and Yu Hehui, who were almost recovered, stayed here to see if they could find some supplies that had not been destroyed from the ruins. The most important thing was to look for Tang Xiang's giant turtle. shell.

When Raguel was shooting arrows from the sky and blasting away the single-family cabin area, he could still see the overturned giant turtle shell in the shallow pit. But when Raguel and the Tooth Hunter fell from the sky, creating a huge crater with a radius of 100 meters and a collapse of more than ten meters, the giant turtle shell had been overturned and it was unknown where it was. Large piles of snow and soil surged and fell, probably burying the giant turtle's shell deep in the ground. Fortunately, the giant tortoise shell not only has a carapace on the back, but also a ventral carapace, which can be said to be all-round protection. Even on an underground roller coaster, passengers should not be thrown out.

Probably, no. When he put the corn shoots on the ground to look for the giant turtle shell, Bingyi prayed in his heart. For the safety of the phantom cat, he also stuffed the lizard egg into the giant turtle shell. If the egg was thrown out and buried under the snow, Bingyi would not be able to imagine the illusion. The cat's expression after waking up...

Well, maybe you don’t have to imagine it.

Because Bingyi saw it quickly.

'father! Bamboo shoots are found, bamboo shoots are found! ’

As soon as the corn shoots were taken out, they would know if there were any, and soon they happily received the good news. A few dozen meters away from the cabin area and nearly fifteen meters deep underground, the corn shoots had found a giant turtle shell. It was standing vertically. Buried, the corn shoots pushed it from the ground to the ground like a seal pushing a ball. Then it exerted great force, and the giant tortoise shell flew out. It rolled around on the snow for several times like a top, and was pushed in front of Bingyi by the corn shoots.

Bingyi's expression softened, and he quickly opened the seal, trying to check the situation of the passengers inside the turtle shell. As soon as the seal was opened, a red flame lizard egg rolled out, and a cat head emerged from it.

Oh leak.

The phantom cat's face doesn't look good.

B remained calm and felt a little weak. I saw the phantom cat that had been turned upside down in the turtle shell. When it first came out, its eyes were a little erratic. When it saw Bingyi, its eyes became sharp in an instant. The hairs on its back exploded, and its tail exploded like a squirrel. It seemed that it had already On the verge of an explosion.

Soon, a small golden-red phoenix bird came out of the seal in a daze, looking at Bingyi with extremely complicated eyes. Crouching next to the phantom cat, the cats and birds, who usually don't deal with each other when they meet, did not fight each other this time, but just stared at Bingyi together.

Bingyi will not know what happened in the old dream.

Now they also want to know what happened in reality.

Didn't you say you were going to test Raphael? ! Why are you tempted like this? !

Why did the sky fall down on the old dream of temptation? !

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