Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 719 The Horror of Iceland (240)

[Satan, the Lord will not forgive your lies! 】

Bingyi's meaningful words made Raphael's eyes burn with anger, and he scolded him angrily, but after the scolding, there was a hint of hesitation. Although he angrily denounced this as Satan's lies and deception, he could feel whether this person was the angel Raphael himself. Even if feelings can deceive people, the healing technique that can heal the God of Light and the wounds of the Flame Holy Sword cannot deceive people. Only angels can do this. Even Raphael, who is known as the "God of Healing", is using the ancient This can only be done with a healing spell!

Why can angels and demons transform into each other? Why can he heal Baldr, the God of Light? Numerous questions emerged from Raphael's mind. The special 'healing technique' made him unlike ordinary angels who would ignore everything and only believe in God. Raphael's faith is equally devout and firm, but he can think and have doubts. Usually he can finally justify himself and make his faith stronger. However, this time, Raphael is destined to be unable to justify himself, because angels and demons repeatedly transform into each other. It's just impossible!

I still remember that when I first discovered that Director C had the top titles of both devil and angel, even the top travelers watching the live broadcast said it was impossible. Even on the premise of activating human potential in the hotel, it is impossible for the angelic and demonic titles to coexist, and they cannot all be promoted to the top orange. This is against the rules and common sense, especially the angelic titles, which are more pure. , even a title related to the devil cannot coexist with it.

Unless he is like Director Bing, his angel title is a false angel and is no longer recorded in the Bible. Coupled with various opportunities, he can rise to the top level at the same time as the demon title.

But Bingyi knew clearly that normally a real angel could tell whether the other person was real or fake. Just like when facing the death knight, he kept his eyes on Bingyi. So in order to deceive Raphael, he had already made careful plans. Raphael is good at healing, so Bingyi will start from this aspect!

Bingyi personally used the Holy Flame Sword to seriously injure Baldr. The Holy Flame Sword was a very terrifying weapon. The flames of God burning on the sword made it impossible for the wound to heal, and the enemy would eventually die in the blazing fire. However, Uriel's authority was almost digested by Bingyi, and the angel statue stayed in his Lost Paradise, and even participated in a welcome (to welcome Di Feiyu's soul) with the Knights of the Apocalypse.

Bingyi has now been able to initially master the Holy Flame Sword. When he assassinated Balder, he restrained some of the flames, leaving only a serious sword wound and not much flame. But this kind of wound cannot be healed by Bingyi’s angelic light. The unhappy person is not good at healing in the first place. The key lies in Tong Hege!

When Bingyi turned into an angel, Tong Hege was turning into a ginseng leaf, hiding in his hair crown entwined with branches, leaves and gems. With the obstruction of Bader's body and the cover of Bingyi's holy light, he quietly started to attack without any trace of his body. He used his purest vitality to dispel the flames and restored Baldr's health in the blink of an eye!

Bingyi and Tong Hege have a soul contract, and their breaths are so fused that others cannot feel his presence at all. The only flaw is that angels will definitely be sensitive to the power of the Nordic system. Tong Hege has fused the core of the Nordic World Tree, and will naturally bring this power with him when he does it. But it doesn't matter. When B1 soaked the snow water with the power of Tong Hege's World Tree to give Balder a physical form, it had already infected him with the breath of the Nordic World Tree, which could cover up the power fluctuations when Tong Hege took action!

Layers of cover-ups and numerous calculations allowed Angel Bingyi to act lightly in front of Raphael and perform this wonderful show! Raphael witnessed with his own eyes Baldur, the God of Light, being seriously stabbed by Archangel Uriel's flaming holy sword. Only a real angel, an archangel like him who claims to be the healer of God, can heal such serious injuries. However, Bingyi's 'Holy Light' was able to cure Badr. How could he not be a real angel?

Maybe Raphael felt a little strange, but since he could freely switch between Satan and angel, it was normal for Bingyi to have any strangeness. Raphael was confident in his own healing skills, and all his attention was focused on Bingyi's healing of Badr. He soon fell into the death battle between Heya Hunter and Yu Hehui. He had no time to pay attention to the slightest difference, and could only watch with anger. With this damn Satan, the eloquent devil, he staged the transformation of angels and demons in front of him again and again, replacing the evil demonic energy with bright holy light again and again. This was simply a destruction of Raphael's faith, especially He kept chattering, and Raphael wanted to sew his mouth shut.

However, Raphael, who was surrounded by the Tooth Hunter and Yu Hehui, had no time to take action and could only hear Bingyi whispering not far away. His voice is ethereal and elegant, like plucking the strings of a harp. Such a beautiful voice is qualified to sing hymns in front of God, but the words he speaks are no less than Satan whispering: "In the beginning, I was just an angel."

Bingyi sighed softly, and the golden holy light enveloped the dead body of Baldr, making the Nordic God of Light struggle uncomfortably, but was tightly entangled by corn shoots and unable to move at all. Bingyi also prepared a big show for Raphael, George's version of Baldr is the most important drama. He murmured, letting Raphael focus all his attention on his words and ignore the changes that happened to Balder.

"When I took control of such a powerful healing technique, I was extremely happy and hoped to better complete the tasks assigned by the Lord. But soon, disaster struck."

Angel C's lips were clear, and he sighed quietly, sharing the story he had just made up with Raphael: "That's a snake."

As he spoke, the six wings of the golden angel behind him suddenly opened, blowing up a strong wind. The feathers in the wind and snow were golden and bright, shrouded in holy light. It made people want to kneel down and worship. It also attracted the attention of Raphael who was in the fierce battle. However, when he saw Bingyi's angel wings, Raphael's pupils He shrank suddenly and his whole body froze!

I saw that there were snake-shaped patterns on each of Bingyi's angel wings. When they were gathered together, they looked like a big snake clinging to the wings! Satan Samael, the Lost Joy, is the only angel who successfully created life when God created the world in the Apocrypha. He has the status of a Seraphim and is a serpentine angel* with twelve wings. With the construction of Lost Paradise, Bingyi showed some Samael characteristics, such as the snake-like patterns on his wings.

Snakes are not considered good creatures in the Bible. They usually represent Satan and the devil. When Bingyi reveals the snake patterns on his wings, it is tantamount to showing his inseparable connection with Satan in front of Raphael! However, in the eyes of Raphael, who was convinced that Bingyi was a real angel because of the healing technique, the snake pattern on Bingyi's wings not only did not convince him that Bingyi was Satan and that the angel was just an illusion, it actually made him feel more and more panicked, and even vaguely gave up. Close your wings.

Satan Bingyi's words hit the pain point in Raphael's heart, because he himself was also involved in the image of the snake, and it was precisely because of the healing technique he mastered!

There is a story in the classics that Moses was ordered by Jehovah to lead the Israelites to escape from ancient Egypt and go to a fertile land. The extremely harsh and difficult environment while crossing the desert made many people feel resentful. God felt that they should not have any grudges, so he sent poisonous snakes into the Israelite camp to punish them, resulting in the death of many people.

Soon the Israelites realized their mistake, confessed their mistake to Moses, and begged God to reverse the punishment. God then instructed Moses to make a snake out of bronze and wrap it around his staff. If someone was bitten by a poisonous snake, he would be healed immediately by looking at the bronze snake. This is the story of the Rod of Moses*, and the snake wrapped around the rod has become a symbol of life-saving and healing. Now the emblem of the World Health Organization and the emblem of the Ministry of Health of China, including the logos of many medical institutions, have the image of a snake wrapped around the rod. ,Therefore.

Raphael, the Divine Healer, is also related to snakes. He is smart because of the snake. He is proud of his name as the "Godly Healer", but also panics because of his intelligence. Snakes are closely related to Satan. Adam and Eve were driven out of the Garden of Eden by God because they were tempted by snakes and ate apples. They became wise and had a sense of shame.

As the guardian of the Tree of Life (the apple tree) in the Garden of Eden, Raphael witnessed all this happening, and planted the seeds of worry deep in his heart. This seed has been suppressed by devout faith and prayer, but after being watered by Satan's tempting words, it is quickly breaking out of the ground.

For a moment, the fear that had accumulated in Raphael's heart for countless years turned into anger. The raging anger made him burst out with powerful force, and he almost broke away from the struggle between the tooth hunter and Yu Hehui. He wanted to kill Bingyi with his own hands and kill this person. Damn Satan, kill the growing hesitation in your heart! Although the Tooth Hunter and Yu Hehui suspended their offensive after Bingyi's initial quarrel and focused on siege, and did not do the bloody thing of tearing off angel wings with their hands, they were already wary of Raphael's counterattack and realized something was wrong. The tooth hunter threw the magic chain Gleipnir (Bing Yi temporarily lent it to him), and together with Yu Hehui's sky fox fur rope, tied Raphael tightly.

Bingyi is really eloquent, he almost believes what he says. The fang hunter couldn't help but think that if he really believed Bingyi's lies and thought that Raphael had the potential to be corrupted, no wonder he had the confidence to leave Dan Lin behind and go it alone. While thinking about the tooth hunter, he tied Raphael's body tightly with a rope, letting the angel's soul roar angrily, but he couldn't break free at all. Wails could be heard faintly amidst the roars. Raphael couldn't help but wonder if Bingyi was once an angel with extremely powerful healing skills, and the spells corrupted him and turned him into Satan? Will Bingyi's present be his future?

He kept praying, praying for peace of mind, and even praying for the Almighty Lord to appear in front of him, comfort him, punish him, and take him back to heaven. However, this is the realm of Northern Europe after all. The Holy Infant Danlin is sleeping in the mouth of Fenrir Wolf, so how can he appear in front of Raphael? The biggest blow to Raphael's faith was the next change of the God of Light, Badr!

"I'm not going to kill you. I'm just telling you so much."

"A spell is a spell after all. The so-called divine healing, the strongest healing, is nothing but the source of corruption."

Bingyi, who had been showing off the snake patterns on his wings affectionately just now, suddenly changed his attitude and raised the corners of his lips into a subtle smile. He poked his head out from behind Baldr, the God of Light, and his long silver hair fell on the shoulders of the God of Light. He smiled half-heartedly and grabbed Baldr's chin.

"Do you think you are still a real angel? No, when you have mastered the healing art to the deepest level, you are already a false angel, an angel on the verge of falling."

Of course Raphael couldn't hear such words, but his rage was quickly interrupted by Bingyi's words: "Do you believe that I can use healing skills to turn the Nordic god of light into an angel?"

Bingyi didn't know what kind of storm his words had caused in the live broadcast room, especially in the West District. The older generation of peak travelers who had seen George had already guessed a thing or two from the appearance of the 'God of Light', and they could tell It’s Black Widow’s work again, that’s why I’m so shocked now! Bingyi wants to make George's version of the God of Light into an angel? ! Is he really going to resurrect George? ! Black Widow's efforts for nearly ten years have failed to resurrect. Will the pioneers of the 30th North Latitude really see the light of day again in the hands of Bingyi? !

In the live broadcast room, the astrologer was silent, the psychic gasped, and the S1 Devourer in the West District station raised his eyebrows. The peak passengers stood up in shock, and everyone's eyes fell on George. At this moment, no one doubted that Bingyi was telling the truth. Let’s just talk about it, because Bingyi shocked everyone so much that people subconsciously thought he could do it.

However, at the scene in Iceland, Raphael only felt ridiculous at this moment. Angel? How could the Nordic god of light turn into an angel? Are angels something that can be created at will? If the Nordic God of Light could really turn into an angel because of the healing technique, Raphael would not be impressed by the greatness of the Holy Light, but would only feel that his faith was seriously shaken! Because healing is essentially a spell, using it will deprive you of your angelic status! And the magic can turn the god of light from the outer gods into an angel. How ridiculous is this, how——

Raphael suddenly stopped moving. His whole body was stiff, and his wings could not suppress the slight trembling. His golden feathers spread out due to the fear that exceeded the ability of an angel. His green eyes stared at the God of Light, Balder, and his world view was completely overturned. .

I saw a little light shining from the shoulder and back of Baldur, the God of Light. It was not the light of the Nordic God of Light, but more like holy light. It was neither snow-white nor golden, but resembled the hazy light of dawn, gradually outlining the rudiments of wings behind Balder. No, this is not the wing of Satan. Bingyi has already stood aside, watching the changes in Badr with a smile. In addition to pretending to be calm, there is also a little hidden surprise in his eyes.

It actually succeeded, and it went so smoothly, which was even a little beyond Bingyi's expectations, but it was reasonable. All the viewers in the live broadcast room were crazy about the angel wings appearing behind George's version of the God of Light, but no one knew how Bingyi did it.

It's actually very simple. Bingyi did one thing. It was when he was healing the wound in George's heart that was pierced by the flaming holy sword that he brought in private goods and buried little George's skeleton inside.

Little George, a whaler, died on the first day of his journey when he went out to sea to watch whales. However, his skeleton survived. It was processed by Yu Xiangyang and handed over to Bingyi, because the skeleton contained very pure, but related Angelic powers that have nothing to do with faith.

When Bing advanced to his own angel power, he borrowed the skeleton of Little George and successfully advanced to become the unhappy one - Satan Samael, a false angel. But he kept the skeleton of little George, and when George kept emerging, he gradually let Bingyi meditate, brewing an experiment in his heart.

Regardless of their personality or appearance, these 'Georges' all have one thing in common, which is their fanatical pursuit of something. If they are really the same person, they should be able to 'fuse' together.

It's a pity that most of these Georges died miserably, leaving no intact corpses. Tong Hege also said that the success rate of using humans to conduct such experiments is very low, and various problems will arise.

George's version of Baldr, the God of Light, is a good experimental subject. It is strong and durable, and has a solid body made of the power of the Nordic World Tree. Burying little George's skeleton is the first step in the Bingyi experiment. No one thought He actually dared to conduct such an experiment with uncertain results while confronting Archangel Raphael!

However, Bingyi was confident that just by borrowing little George's skeleton, he would be able to achieve a breakthrough in his angelic power. After truly merging into George's version of Baldur, the God of Light, there would definitely be an effect that would surprise him. Sure enough, the changes that took place in Balder, the God of Light, lived up to his expectations. The holy light of the morning was getting brighter and brighter, and wings were outlined behind Baldr. And it was not six wings, but ten. Two wings!

With the emergence of wings, Badr, or George's expression became gentler and calmer, and the original struggle and resistance was no longer. He clasped his hands against his lips, his light-colored crystal eyelashes drooped, his eyes were slightly closed, and he seemed to be murmuring. Prayer is pious and beautiful. Anyone can feel the clear and pure holy light emanating from him, just like the most holy angel in everyone's imagination!

Bright star, son of the morning star, George is reappearing in the world like the angel of the morning!


As early as the morning light outlined its wings behind George, the black widow in the black beach cliff castle was already crazy. Even if she openly violated the rules of the hotel, she rushed to the campsite as fast as possible, at all costs! However, the moment she defied the hotel, Black Widow exited the Kuitu APP, and naturally could not see the live broadcast. Unexpectedly, a drastic change occurred over there.

【No--! ! 】


Accompanied by the sound of tearing flesh and bones, the world was crumbling and almost collapsed. Raphael wept tears of blood. The flaming sword was taken away. Without a weapon, he tore off his own wings alive, using the wings as a sword and the sharp bones as the blade edge. , slashed at Badr, the God of Light! The tooth hunter and Yu Hehui who had been trapping Raphael seemed to have missed the mark, and they actually let Raphael strike out with this sword, slashing the George version of Bader in half!

But Baldr was originally a dead god. His condensed entity was split into pieces, but his soul floated out, with the little flame angel blocking the way. With Francis taking care of Bader, his soul was not seriously injured. At the same time, he only heard a soft clang sound. Under the cover of the holy light, Bingyi quietly recovered the fallen bones of Little Angel George. Even if Raphael doesn't split Bingyi, he can actually feel that the fusion of this bone and Bader is not perfect, it is extremely unstable and easy to separate. Sure enough, it is not easy to fuse the Georges.

However, Raphael did not pay attention to this sound. After slashing out the sword, he hung his head and stood there in a daze, motionless like a stone statue. Blood dripped down drop by drop, like the tears of an angel, but the sound of blood falling could not cover up Satan's slightly surprised and hypocritical words.

"It's terrible, you killed the angel."

Satan whispered, as if with pity, as if sighing, but repeating the words that hurt Raphael's faith the most: "You killed the angel with your own hands."

How can you return to heaven after killing the angel and staining your hands with holy blood? The most important thing is that Raphael knew clearly that his faith in his heart had been shaken. Black permeated upward from the end of the golden wings, dyeing the golden feathers black. The pure power brought by the holy light was no longer there. The breath lingering around Raphael was chaotic and mixed, and fine black lines like spider webs appeared on Raphael's body, which was a sign that the spirit was on the verge of breaking.

He seemed to collapse and die in the next moment, and seemed to be completely degraded in the next moment, and Satan whispered, adding to his depravity.

"So you see, angels with healing skills are bound to fall."

And there seemed to be a desperate and sad voice in Raphael's heart.

Yes, it was all his fault. He failed to keep his heart, and he was the first to shake his faith--

"It's not your fault."

No, it's his fault, it's him...

"The omniscient and omnipotent God who gave you the title of 'God of Healing', can't he see this?"



If mastering the healing spell is destined to fall, then the omniscient and omnipotent God, hasn't he foreseen this?

Is God not omniscient and omnipotent enough, or...

God wants him to fall?

"Raphael, have you forgotten?"

Satan's voice was no longer gentle and seductive, but became steady and majestic, extremely powerful, and grand and loud like an epic truth: "Long, long ago, you were deprived of your angel status by the Church because of your healing spell, and fell into a fallen angel!"

At this moment, everyone seemed to hear Raphael's heartbroken voice, and the archangel was shaky and sobbing in pain. His golden wings were dyed gray and black, his hair turned black, and his eyes changed from clear emerald like the sky to hell red, already a fallen look. From beginning to end, Bingyi never looked for Raphael's spirit. He never thought of killing him, but wanted to make him fall! Without Danlin, he Bingyi could also make Raphael fall.


The hunter and Yu Hehui loosened the rope and watched the fallen angel Raphael murmur "king" and slowly walked towards the demonized Bingyi. However, Bingyi smiled and opened his arms to Raphael, as if welcoming him to join, but in fact Bingyi did not let down his guard. He had seen the fallen angel guide B3 in person during the night confrontation, and knew that the wings of a truly fallen angel were pure black, while Raphael's wings were only gray and black, and he was obviously still struggling, and there was a little bit that had not been completely fallen.

Bingyi was always alert that Raphael would give him a ** pocket if he got close. Wangcai, who had not taken action, was ready. If Raphael really took action, Wangcai would give him a hard bite.

However, the change in the situation was really unexpected by Bingyi. Just as Raphael approached Bingyi, the painful struggle in his eyes alternated back and forth, and his emotions were so intense that they were about to explode, a majestic rebuke suddenly came from the night sky.

[Raphael, you really have become a fallen angel! ]

The dark clouds cracked, and the figure of an angel appeared faintly behind the clouds. He held a longbow and his face was majestic and solemn. The extremely bright holy light just confirmed His identity - He was the fourth angel who blew the trumpet, Archangel Raguel! He is the most fair and just angel, the archangel on patrol. His duty is to track down the fallen angels and demons, punish them, judge those with weak faith, and destroy the evil souls.

Archangel Raphael fell, and it was normal for Raguel to appear and punish him. However, in the heart of Raphael, who was in pain and despair, Raguel's appearance just confirmed Satan's statement that God had never trusted him and had always been on guard against him. Once he began to fall, an archangel would kill him!


When Raguel's arrow of punishment shot from high above at Raphael and the demon Bingyi, the gentle archangel cried out to the Lord for the last time, and then his wings turned completely black. Raphael took a step forward, his eyes firm and unyielding, and the six black wings closed layer by layer on Bingyi's head, blocking the arrow of punishment for him!

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