Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 718 The Horror of Iceland (239)

The blazing fire mixed with the holy light can easily cover the white light of the dead soul Badr. Bing Yi, who was hiding his figure not far away, could clearly see that the burning holy light spread rapidly, soaking every snowflake and every wisp of cold wind, like ink droplets spreading rapidly in water, almost comparable to the most terrifying pollution.

Everywhere the light touched was like purgatory for the fang hunter. His golden scales were burned until they were charred black, and his whole body made a sizzling sound. The scales opened and lifted to reveal the flesh underneath, which became dripping with blood in an instant.

However, the fang hunter still held on to the tip of the flaming sword as if he couldn't feel the pain, and used his own strange strength to resist the angel without any dodge. He knew very well how fast Raphael could escape, and did not give the angel any chance. A pair of vertical pupils stared ruthlessly into the angel's eyes, and the pressure of the dragon restrained the angel's actions.

But after all, he is not a giant, and he does not have the huge wings of a dragon. He cannot stop the holy light that is spreading rapidly and burning with flames. However, the fang hunter did not fall into a difficult and difficult situation without thinking about the future. He gave the angel a chance to escape. He believed that Bingyi He will ask his subordinates to take care of the defense.

Sure enough, when the Holy Light came, David, the Angel of Fire, did not hesitate to stand in front of the soul of Baldur, the God of Light. The flames surged and burned with the wind, and the wings made of fire struggled to withstand the Holy Light that hit Baldur. In front of B1 stood a pearl-colored undead soul. He acted according to the opportunity and released the undead monarch, temporarily able to resist the terrifying holy light.

There was no need to worry about the fang hunter behind him attacking with all his strength. In the moment of stalemate, he tightly grasped the tip of the flaming sword with one hand and tore off an angel wing with one hand! In an instant, golden feathers were flying and dripping with blood, and the white angel bones and angel flesh were torn to pieces in the heavy snow and wind. A large pile of golden feathers were like golden rain all over the sky, spinning and flying like golden blades wrapped around the upper-toothed hunter's arm, trying to stir him up. Turned into flesh, the angel's blood sticks to the hard scales like golden asphalt, trying to contaminate and destroy it.

However, among the broken dragon scales and flesh, new dragon scales have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain. They can withstand the invasion of feathers and holy light. The terrifying defense and frightening regeneration power allow the tooth hunter to stand firm like a golden god of war. However, the severe pain and the unbearable itching and soreness when the scales grew could not shake the coldness in his eyes. The tough and powerful dragon tail behind him swept across, hitting the archangel like a battering ram, and the tip of the tail pierced His body dug into the archangel's spine, making it impossible for him to escape even if he gave up the flaming sword.

Obviously, the fang hunter still had a clear memory of the angel's ability to fly, so he trapped him firmly on the ground at the beginning of the fight. From time to time, he used the influence of the word spirit and dragon power to make the archangel lose its advantageous flexibility and speed, dragging him into a disadvantageous position for the angel. In bloody and violent hand-to-hand combat. In terms of physical strength, he can't match the Fang Hunter, but in terms of healing and regenerative power, the Fang Hunter is also on par with him.

It is foreseeable that if the fight continues like this, the situation will be dragged into the fang hunter's favor if nothing unexpected happens. However, Bingyi, who is watching with Yu and Huiyin not far away, knows very well that all the 'advantages' in front of him are just illusions. . The battle with Archangel Uriel allowed Bingyi to sum up many valuable experiences. One of them is that if you want to kill an angel, you must find and kill his spirit body, otherwise the angel's physical body will be torn into pieces and destroyed. To no avail, and now Raphael's spirit body has not appeared.

The second is that Raphael is not an angel. Once the battle reaches a stalemate, there may be other angels to help. For example, when fighting Uriel, a second angel almost came.

The last point is the unstable factor Maria. Bingyi is not sure if there will be any connection between her and Raphael. What will he say about killing the angel tonight? In any case, these points are clearly stated. , Tonight’s battle must be decided quickly. Without speaking, Yu Hehui, who was connected with Bingyi, appeared behind the archangel Raphael in an instant like an assassin. He climbed as lightly as a fox at the junction of Raphael's wings and shoulder blades, and his fingertips entwined With a very thin silver-white rope woven from sky fox fur, Yu Hehui used the rope to strangle the angel's throat when Raphael was restrained by the fang hunter and could not pay attention to what was behind him. He used his fingers to cut the angel's throat. Cut off his head!


The archangel's body suddenly stiffened, and his head rolled down, but before Yu Hehui could pick it up, it exploded into a sheet of holy light. The bright light shrouded the majestic flying snow and condensed into hundreds of light snow angels. There were too many of them. They held light bows and caused a lot of trouble to Tooth Hunter and Yu Hehui. After cleaning up these little angels, Raphael's head has regenerated, and he gave up the flaming sword when the fang hunter got into a melee, and violently broke his spine that was hooked by the dragon's tail. His broken body almost melted into the light, but he regained his freedom. , causing the fang hunter's pupils to shrink suddenly, and the dragon's tail, burned by the holy light until it was dripping with blood, tore through the light and stabbed Raphael again.

He wants to escape!


However, the dragon's tail cut through the air and made a sharp sound, but there was no muffled sound of piercing flesh and blood. The tooth hunter's prediction was wrong, and Raphael did not escape! On the contrary, after abandoning the sword, he burned the holy light at a speed that was so fast that it was hard to blink. In an instant, he was in front of the soul of Balder, the God of Light. The terrifying momentum made B1 shake his finger and almost knocked out the soul containing the power of the World Tree. The snow water spread crookedly, and under the water of the glacier water, Baldur's translucent soul actually showed signs of materialization. This was the fundamental reason why Raphael gave up the great opportunity to escape and returned to completely destroy Baldur.

Light is always the nemesis of all undead creatures. Even the undead monarch screamed and melted rapidly when facing the angel's holy light. B1 was even more unstable. The holy light burned his whole body in severe pain, but B1 gritted his teeth. Without retreating, he held on and poured all the snow water on Badr. He knew that Bingyi was beside him, and he believed in his and Bingyi's plan!

Bing expected early on that if the situation was not favorable, Raphael would escape even if he was seriously injured, so he had to think in advance how to force him to stay. Bingyi originally planned to use the Fenrir wolf to bite Holy Infant Dan Lin as a threat, but B1 knew that Bingyi did not want Dan Lin to participate in it, and did not want the 'Holy Son' to affect the construction of his lost paradise.

So in the few exchanges before, after knowing that the soul of Badr was in Bingyi's hands, B1 made a new suggestion. For the sake of the unity and legitimacy of the light, the dead soul of Badr may not be able to keep Raphael, but the 'resurrected' Badr definitely can. Bingyi didn't want to really resurrect George's version of Baldr, it didn't matter, B1 didn't want to really resurrect him either, but thought of something.

That was the glacier water that contained the power of the World Tree that allowed the undead to possess entities while snorkeling in the Great Fissure in Silfra a few days ago! After all, Bingyi didn't have any talent in the direction of the undead, so he wasn't interested in this aspect, but he didn't remember it as deeply as B1. Tong Hege integrated the core of the Nordic World Tree, and there is ready-made snow water here. They can completely recreate the scene of that day.

Does the undead possessing a physical body count as resurrection? Does it count as resurrection? Even B1 cannot be defined, but while Bader has the entity, Bingyi secretly activates Shao Yuan's rune representing light, which is enough to deceive Raphael! Sure enough, their plan succeeded and Raphael gave up his escape. However, the only person whose life was in danger in this plan was B1. After all, Baldur's undead soul was different from ordinary undead souls. It was necessary for him to have a physical body under the water of snow. The undead master B1 checks the situation at close range.

Archangel Raphael, who wants to kill the 'resurrected' God of Light at all costs, will burn him to death! For a moment, B1 felt that he was dead. The majestic and terrifying force lifted B1 away from Baldur. The intense pain that made his soul scream made him almost faint. But in fact, he would not die. B1 comforted himself in his heart, and in the severe pain When Zhongqiang opened his eyes, he was only worried about whether Bingyi's plan would go smoothly.

The scene he saw after opening his eyes made B1 instantly relieved. He saw that Raphael's golden feathers as sharp as a sword were close at hand, almost piercing the embodied heart of Balder, but was struck by a flaming red feather. The tip of the sword is pressed against it. What pierced Baldur's heart was not Raphael's feather, but a flaming holy sword that was almost identical to his flaming sword!

At that moment, Raphael's green eyes widened, and he looked in surprise at the three pairs of golden wings stretched out behind Baldur, the God of Light. With angel wings, long silver hair, and a laurel wreath of leaves and gems, a seraphim appeared behind Baldur, the God of Light. He smiled at Raphael and pierced him with the flaming holy sword. Badr's chest!


The joy of reuniting with his kind and completing the mission made Raphael subconsciously smile happily. However, before the prayer was uttered, his smile froze on his face and turned into disbelief and anger! In a very short period of time, the darkness was dyed silver, the golden feathers withered, the laurel wreath turned into the devil's horns, the seraph turned into a devil in an instant, and the smile on the corner of his mouth turned into a mocking one.

【Satan! ! 】

Director B's seamless transformation from angel to devil not only made the audience in the live broadcast room excited, but also made Raphael angry and severely scolded Satan for using inferior illusions! However, Bingyi ignored him. When Raphael was entangled again by the tooth hunter and Yu Hehui who rushed over, he majestically turned into an angel again in front of Raphael. The golden holy light shined in his hands and he was healed. Baldr had just been severely wounded by the Flame Holy Sword.

"Illusion, that's not right."

The Angel of Lost Music chuckled, his voice was ethereal and holy, as majestic and convincing as the sound of an organ, but to Raphael it sounded no less than the evil whisper of Satan: "Look, I am a genuine angel. ”

"Angels and demons can switch freely. This is not in line with your beliefs."

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