Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 717: Iceland Shock (238)

As Dan Lin said, travelers who are dyed with the blood of the lamb and are equivalent to the hidden lamb (believers) reserves are excellent candidates to spread the faith. When they are in danger, Raphael may come to win them over. However, Raphael had just been seriously injured by a tooth hunter. Bingyi thought that he would be more cautious and more inclined to observe the situation first, and the possibility of disaster was low.

In particular, Fenrir Wolf is the wolf that killed the Lord God Odin in Norse mythology. Angels should also have a reputation for it. Before Fenrir Wolf killed Odin, Raphael attacked him just to save the Lamb. The probability of taking action is very small.

So Dan Lin talked about so many bright prospects, but in fact the previous ones were just foreshadowing, with the highest probability of success. The most critical thing was to use Dan Lin as bait to seduce Raphael to come!

The importance of the Trinity, the Holy Infant, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, can be seen from the fact that the Apocalypse Knight was willing to put himself in danger to protect him. Especially since Rafael already has Sister Maria by his side, it is a certainty that Maria will turn a deaf ear to Dan and seduce him to come.

But in this way, the entire booby-trapped angel plan will be controlled by Dan Lin and Maria, especially later, Dan Lin will be used to restrain Raphael so that he does not dare to use healing techniques/Dan Lin will be used to angrily rebuke Raphael , depriving him of his angelic status all relied on Dan Lin. If they had any other plans or other purposes, it would be difficult for others to react.

In other words, whose trophy is the fallen angel Raphael, who was deprived of his angel status by Dan Lin? Bingyi's Lost Paradise also has needs for these archangels, and he already has his own plan in mind.

But this cannot be rejected outright. There is a high probability that there is a connection between Dan Lin and Maria. If Maria can stop and convince Raphael to continue hiding, then Bingyi's plan will be in vain. So Yan Yuese agreed to cooperate with Dan Lin on the surface.

Dan Lin thought that tomorrow would be a good time to take action. With such a small amount of fermented shark meat, it would be impossible to climb the snow-capped mountains. If you stay here, you will definitely encounter a sneak attack by the local Icelanders stationed here. Dan Lin is planning carefully, thinking that the two days of Fimbul winter will push the locals to the limit. When he wants to take action, he will have an angel coming, so that he can directly To relieve the siege, the chances of the aboriginal people converting to their faith are also high when they are surprised by the angel's light. Then if you kill the angel or let Raphael fall, these aborigines will lose their faith again and become unbelievers.

Those who have no faith can also become believers in his Danlin. Of course, if Bingyi wanted a believer, Dan Lin would not fight him. With seven trumpet-blowing angels and so many aborigines, as long as they can succeed this time, they can repeat the process. There are many opportunities.

Bingyi also smiled and said, yes, yes, the attractions are too dense today and everyone is tired, so let’s have a good night’s rest first. Tonight was the right time for Wei Xun to take the rune characters and enter the old dream to look for a chance of resurrection, and he protected Wei Xun. In addition, we carefully discussed many details with Dan Lin, such as the ownership of the fallen angels, whether the flaming sword in Raphael's hand is related to Uriel's flaming holy sword, and where to arrange the battlefield presets in advance. What wait.

The more carefully he discussed, the more relieved Dan Lin became, believing that Director Bing was indeed sincere - whether he was sincere in following his plan was doubtful, but Dan Lin believed that Director Bing was sincere and planned to kill the angel in a day or two. Especially after the Wolf Winter arrives the day after tomorrow, Fenrir Wolf's power will reach its peak, and Bingyi may choose that day to take action.

There will never be anyone who is crazy and will kill the angel tonight, right? Director C can't be such a anxious person. In addition, Guide Bing did not move with the tourists all day long from the ice cave to the diamond black sand beach. He seemed to have no interest in the scenic spots and did not like to participate. This made the tourists relax a little and felt that Today should go by peacefully. The Peak Travelers thought so too, so they slept.

An Xuefeng felt that Bingyi was particularly happy and excited, and felt that it would not stop tonight. However, after Bingyi smiled and said that he didn't need help, and gave him all the runes except Shao Yuan and Lisa, asking him to search for ways to resurrect his incarnations/relatives in his old dreams, An Xuefeng didn't do it either. Sticky insisted on staying to help, but responded quickly.

He believed in Bingyi, just as Bingyi believed in him. Both of them have enough strength and trust, so of course it is most efficient to act separately.

So the passengers soon fell into their old dreams and fell asleep in the single-family cabins in the camp, and Bingyi was able to start his own plan. He briefly explained a few words to the fang hunter, and then told B1 about the plan. Then he held the small green insect wing and entered the small underworld, chatting with the little flame angel Francis.

Just as Bingyi expected, George's version of the God of Light, Baldr, and the Little Angel of Fire chased them in the Kingdom of Hades for several hours without revealing any clues. This was also what Bingyi expected.

The God of Light, Baldr, is involved in the coming of the Winter of Finbul. If he can be resurrected, the Nordic gods can take a breather before Ragnarok and use more energy to prepare for war. At the same time, he is also related to the future of the reconstruction of the second generation of Nordic gods after Ragnarok. Destroying his soul will slow down the recovery of the Nordic gods after Ragnarok. Above all, he represents light.

For the indigenous people suffering in the darkness of the Finbul winter, light means hope and is equivalent to faith. The battle of faith is the most cruel, and only one representative of light is enough. Therefore, Odin did not hesitate to spend his power to build a passage between the Kingdom of Mist and the Kingdom of the Underworld, and also wanted to bring back Baldr's soul first. Therefore, Archangel Raphael, who has been hiding well and has not been discovered by anyone, will show up to intercept Hermod and want to intercept Balder, the God of Light.

With a single move affecting the whole body, Baldr, who was in such a key position, was replaced by 'George'. It was obvious that the layout was very deep. This made Bingyi couldn't help but wonder how powerful the forces behind the many 'Georges' were. , what is the purpose. It's as if someone has arranged the chess game in advance and put out a wonderful chess game to lure chess lovers to come, waiting to lure you into the urn.

But Bingyi doesn't want to be a chess player, he wants to be the one who overturns the chess game. Bingyi doesn't want to be tested by you and me. Testing Balder and booby-trapping the Angel Raphael in his mind was a good opportunity to kill two birds with one stone.

So half an hour later, Bingyi appeared in the empty activity square in front of the single-family cabin area. There were more than a dozen small sleds for tourists to play with scattered nearby. No one had packed them up. They had been covered in heavy snow. The white snow was surprisingly clean. , it was surprisingly quiet, with only B1's footprints. B1 had turned into a ghost state, floating beside Bing Yi without touching his feet, a little nervous and a little excited.

The two of them stood in the middle of the snow, only a hundred meters away from the cabin area. Heavy snow fell on Bingyi's shoulders and passed through B1's body. Bingyi turned his hands and took out an emerald green insect wing.

How many steps does it take to bring down the Archangel Raphael who has been hiding so well?

For Bingyi, only three steps are needed.

The first step is to let all the top travelers sleep peacefully in the single-family cabins, and stuff the sleeping Danlin in the form of the Holy Infant into the mouth of Fenrir Wolf as a backup.

The second step is to let the undead B1 communicate with the Little Hades Kingdom, and Bingyi hides his body with Ya Hunter, Yu Hehui, Tong Hege, Corn Bamboo Shoots, Wangcai and others.

In the third step, B1 releases the soul of Baldr, the God of Light, and the little flame angel who are fighting in the Little Hades Kingdom, and lets them fight outside.


In an instant, an extremely dazzling white light suddenly burst out, tearing apart the darkness! Tons of white snow were blown away by invisible forces. Even the local Icelanders shivering in the warehouse in the distance felt the shaking of the earth. They cursed, screamed and rushed out with weapons in fear, but because of the light in the dark night The light was shocked in place.

This is light, the light that people naturally long for, so bright, so dazzling, more dazzling than the aurora, just like the sun rises and the night ends! Some people couldn't help but knelt down with tears in their eyes and prayed. Some people couldn't help but stare at the light that was so dazzling that it made people cry, trying to see whether it was the sun in the white light.

However, the large piles of blown away snow were like shining stars circling and flying under the white light, making it impossible for people to see clearly what was happening in the field, and they could only feel the extremely dazzling light. Even the audience in the live broadcast room were blinded. No one could see what kind of fierce and tense battle was taking place in the white light at this moment!

After all, the God of Light, Baldr, is dead, and his return to the world is not a resurrection, but a dead soul. However, B1 is best at controlling the souls of the dead and stimulating their power in life. Bingyi hid with Yu and Hui, secretly stimulating the power of Shao Yuan's rune symbol representing "light". Only with the blessing of these two powers did the dead soul of Baldur, the God of Light, burst out with such a bright white light, making his power surge. But Badr had a clear goal. He ignored the sudden change in the environment, but used the sudden increase in power to speed up instantly. He grabbed the little flame angel George who had been sneaking away from him for several hours, and brutally tore it to pieces!

The flames shattered in the white light and regrouped dozens of meters away. David knew what Bingyi was thinking, and was planning to continue to lure George to chase him and explode with strength, but his expression suddenly changed in the next second, and he flew towards George quickly! No one expected that at the moment when the little flame angel was torn apart and Balder focused all his attention on reorganizing the flame, the remaining flame next to him was about to be extinguished, but before it was extinguished, the tip of the sword suddenly poked out from the sparks, Silently but fiercely and decisively, it pierced the heart of Balder's soul.

This is the flaming sword. Archangel Raphael has arrived silently! His arrival was far less majestic than that of Archangel Uriel, and was not accompanied by the sound of trumpets or hymns. However, the sword he thrust out was so hidden and unexpected. No one expected that his sword could appear with the help of flames, killing almost everyone. Everyone was caught off guard except one person.

Bingyi, who was holding the Uriel Flame Holy Sword, felt similar fluctuations in advance and immediately secretly chatted with the fang hunter, but the fang hunter did not disappoint him. I saw that the sharp and scorching fiery red sword tip failed to land on the soul of the light god Baldr. At the critical moment, a man covered with golden dragon scales and slender and powerful hands grabbed the sword tip like an iron pincer. !

【You can't escape this time】

The spirit of words like a dragon froze the angel who was about to abandon his sword and retreat without hesitation. At this moment, a golden figure over two meters tall appeared like a dragon. It had the secretive ruthlessness of an assassin and the tallness and indestructibility of a warrior. It was everything. The enemy's nightmare, the fang hunter who had returned to zero ignored the flaming sword that burned his scales black, grabbed the flaming sword and yanked it outward, and the abnormal force actually pulled the angel out of the void.

The golden six wings of Seraph are more dazzling than the white light. The yellow and white robe outlines the body of the angel, and the indestructible sword of flame is tightly held in his hand. There was no joy and happiness in the emerald eyes, only indifference and concentration, like emerald flames burning brightly. There seemed to be hymns ringing out along with the holy light, praising and chanting for the archangel.

[He is the ruling angel of the second day——]

【He is the Lord of the Angels of Power——】

[He is the guardian of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden——]

[He holds a flaming sword and stands in front of the throne of God——]

【Who is He——】

【Who is He——】

[He is the Archangel, God’s Healer Raffaele! 】

The flames overwhelmed the light, and Raphael, who was forced to descend, no longer retreated. The flames on the flaming sword were blazing, like a flame storm melting the wind and snow, killing the fang hunter, Balder and B1!

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