Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 716 The Horror of Iceland (237)

Time goes back to when An Xuefeng and other peak travelers were studying fermented shark meat. The smell of the meat was so pungent that after Ah Feng lifted the cover on the basket, Bingyi couldn't stand it anymore. He felt like his whole body was starting to rot and stink, especially because the werewolf Walker also vomited!

The smell of vomit mixed with smelly sharks made Bingyi suffocate. After Walker cleaned up the vomit, he did not hesitate to drive away the top passengers, but the strange smell still lingered here. Simply let the corn shoots carry the food from the stove and move the place.

When they sat down by the window in the restaurant, they finally got rid of the stench of fermented shark meat. Heavy snow fell on the window with a rustling sound, and the unbearable bone-chilling cold seeped in bit by bit, but soon the corn shoots covered the window with their tentacles, and Yu Hehui, who carried pure flame crystals, returned to Bingyi and turned into plush. Velvet sky fox.

Nine fluffy and soft big tails circled around him, which was like an imperial treatment. Let Bingyi lean comfortably on Yu Hehu's tail and drink hot and sour lobster soup. The cold winter makes people more obsessed with high-calorie and high-fat foods. Even Bingyi, who didn't have much interest in desserts before, and B1 finished a whole dinner plate of syrup waffles and cakes.

You can't eat in the ghost state. In order to eat, B1 can only temporarily change back to the normal state. As soon as he changed back, he suddenly sneezed. The current temperature is too unfriendly to people. His subordinates are all cold undead lords, not to mention that due to the influence of the undead, B1's body temperature is low and he cannot warm up even if he exercises. Shivering, he took the bowl of hot soup from his kind friend Bingyi and drank it in one gulp, attracting Bingyi's surprised look.

The lobster soup on the stove was boiling, and even he had to sip it in small sips. However, his B1 constitution was too undead and his yin energy was heavy. The soup bowl was already covered with frost in his hand, and the soup was still steaming hot just now. It becomes warm in the blink of an eye. If B1 drinks it slowly and becomes cold on the spot, this is not acceptable. Seeing that B1 was still shivering, and the heat of a stove alone could not keep him warm, Bingyi simply whistled to call Fenrir Wolf back, and by the way, he followed the wolf back to bring back the gloomy-looking Fang Hunter and the fire he had just made.

The fire and the stove finally made B1 warm up. To express his sympathy, he cut a leg of lamb after discussing with the tooth hunter and put it back on the fire to roast. The flames crackled, accompanied by the popping sound of dripping fat. B1 really knew how to roast the lamb leg by hand. From time to time, he used a knife to cut off the roasted lamb, which was crispy on the outside and soft and juicy on the inside, and stabbed it to Bingyi with the tip of the knife. eat.

The roasted leg of lamb was so fragrant that Fenrir wolf on the side grunted and put his head over to rub Bingyi, but he pushed him away in disgust - Fenrir wolf ate the raw sheep, and the fang hunter would not give it to the wolf. Feeding cooked meat, in his opinion, animals like wolves should remain wild. Fenrir wolf also ate very happily. It chewed the frozen hard mutton bones with sharp teeth like crispy biscuits. However, the white hair on the muzzle was dyed pink by the flesh and blood, and it did not look so clean. Bingyi refused to post.

The fang hunter looked on with cold eyes. Seeing Fenrir wolf approaching but being rejected, he returned to him dejectedly. He cursed in his heart for being useless, and patted the wolf's head in a perfunctory way, but couldn't help but complain that Bingyi's aesthetics were really worrying. What's dirty here? It's not like rolling around in the mud. A wolf with some blood would look so handsome. This is a wolf.

"Wolves eat sheep and are stained with blood. They are regarded as evil beasts and should be punished."

The tooth hunter's face suddenly darkened, he didn't like hearing this. Just as he slowly and slowly moved his fists to see which dead man was talking, he saw Dan Lin walking over and sitting next to Director Bing. Dan Lin didn't seem to notice the tooth hunter's expression at all, but smiled at him, his voice low: "With Fenrir Wolf here, I have a certain degree of confidence in luring the angel Raphael back."

"Tell me."

Bingyi raised his eyebrows and handed Dan Lin a piece of roast lamb. Dan Lin smiled and shook his head. He only took some honey rye bread and salmon meat to eat, and drank a pint of wine. The way he eats is very elegant and good-looking. His soft golden hair is scattered around his face. His blue eyes are half closed due to sleepiness and covered with a layer of mist. They don't look confused, but are somewhat divine. He is so lazy, as if a god above the sky is smiling, leaning his head and looking down at the world casually.

Although the rune character tablet was handed over to Bingyi, and the power of the rune character did not fit well with the mythological system of Danlin's title, the meaning it represented, the letter symbolizing 'close to God', gave Dan Lin received more spiritual inspiration. The Bible and cross he had always carried were gone, replaced by an angel quill and the sealskin corresponding to his character.

He did not wrap his skin around his body to keep out the cold, but used a pen to write and draw on the seal skin from time to time, sometimes meditating, sometimes smiling. His whole person's temperament became more and more awesome, and he didn't talk much. But Bingyi knew that An Xuefeng thought highly of him.

‘Whether it is scriptures, various rituals, or sacred objects, they are all future generations’ interpretations of God.’

While still on the off-road vehicle, An Xuefeng said: "According to those things, no matter how devout your faith is, you will at most become a pope or an angel. This is just a head-on." The reason why Dan Lin is so valued by Whitechapel is because he has the potential to go higher.'

'The power of faith is terrifying and will spread virally quickly. Once he finds the right path, his strength will increase very quickly'

‘So you think after this competition, Dan Lin will be the one to overturn everything? ’

Bingyi still remembers asking at that time, and he was a little excited. He likes this kind of big scene, and likes the pleasure of devoting himself to fighting desperately. The gods of the new century will replace the beliefs of the old century. With the destruction of the Nordic gods in Ragnarok, it seems to be a foregone conclusion that the invasion of the outer gods will replace them.

But Bingyi thought that if he could lead the giant camp to defeat the Nordic gods first, and then lead the remaining giants to fight the gods to death against the invasion of the outer gods, what kind of exciting scene would it be, which is hard to dream of. And he will control it himself - it's cool! And in the excitement, Bingyi's ambition is hidden. By then, the giants, the Nordic gods, and the many angels invading from the outer gods will surely be defeated. He will step on the corpses of the gods to grab the greatest benefits and quickly improve his strength in the bloody battle.

Not to mention being strong enough to challenge the behind-the-scenes hotel, at least he must be qualified to disrupt the chess game.

‘No, I mean, Danlin will be your helper in the invasion of foreign gods.’

However, An Xuefeng smiled, revealing an intriguing smile in his words: ‘Just like the Last Judgment, only by destroying the old world can a new world be created.’

Whether it is a human, a knight, an angel, or... the highest god, they are all targets that Danlin wants to subvert under his ambition. The path he takes is probably far different from what the White Church envisions for him. He doesn’t want to be someone old, but to be a unique, new, and top existence.

It’s very interesting that the Son of God of the White Church, the promising successor, is the person with the least faith. Or rather, he only believes in himself.

‘Don’t worry about him, wait until... next year, he will become particularly strong.’

A few months after the end-of-year celebration, all the top travelers in the White Church will go to the battlefield. For Danlin, the old ones will be destroyed, and he will bring a new life.

A new team, a new world, a unique faith.

Thinking of this, An Xuefeng couldn't help but sigh. The strength of the East and West Districts, the strength of the tour guides and tourists, is like reincarnation. This probability is summarized by generations of stubborn residents of the hotel, Xuanxue. In the past ten years, An Xuefeng has the strongest strength in the East District. The title of the strongest tourist awarded by the hotel is only given to An Xuefeng's Dusk Return, and there is not even a bias towards the West District. No one can get the title of the strongest tour guide. It can be said that An Xuefeng is the only one who dominates the top, and no one can compete with him.

And Danlin is the bright star that will rise in the West District in the next ten years. Maybe the strongest tourist in the East District will find it difficult to match him. But——

'Oh? So, he will be the strongest? '

Bingyi's interest has diminished a bit after hearing this. He doesn't care about the "strongest" next year. It's still unclear whether the world will be destroyed next year. What's the use of the strongest loan? His eyes only look at the present, and his tone of speech seems a bit perfunctory, especially when he hears An Xuefeng praising Danlin so much, he feels a little jealous in his heart that he doesn't even realize.


However, An Xuefeng denied it and said: ‘The strongest person will be you, not him’

In the past ten years, An Xuefeng, as the strongest traveler, dominated the market for ten years, and suppressed the Butcher Alliance. Therefore, at the end of the ten years, Wei Xun, this monster, appeared. It can be seen from the fact that Wei Xun opened up the journey to the 30th degree north latitude, became stronger at a rapid speed, and was favored by the hotel.

In the next ten years, I am afraid that the strongest tour guide will occupy the highest peak, and any traveler can only bow down to him, just like him, An Xuefeng, they will be the unique protagonists in their own era.

Thinking of this, An Xuefeng was a little proud, proud of Wei Xun, and couldn't help thinking more, thinking that the Ximing people rarely participated in the year-end celebration, and never had anything to do with the title of the strongest tour guide. Is it calculating the next ten years? The hotel should not be so absolute that ‘only the travelers are the strongest in this decade, and the tour guides will be the strongest in the next ten years’?

An Xuefeng is more inclined to believe that the title of the strongest awarded by the hotel may have some problems, so the Ximing people have no interest in it. But whether it was bait or poison, An Xuefeng was fearless. He didn't expect the next decade, nor did he think about the future, he just wanted to end it all in this decade. To do this, he had to do everything he could to become stronger.

It wasn't until he met Wei Xun that he began to worry about the future, hesitated, and even changed his previous plan, willing to pave the way for his next decade.

However, An Xuefeng hid his emotions very well. Bingyi didn't notice his occasional anxiety, but kept Afeng's words in his heart, thinking about how to use Danlin.

Who would have thought that before Bingyi made any move, he would deliver himself to the door.

"On the day of the Last Judgment, the passengers were all covered with the blood of the lamb."

Danlin whispered, his plan was very simple. When it comes to wolves eating sheep, of course it's not that Fenrir wolf eats frozen sheep, but he plans to let the passengers representing the 'lamb' perform a play together. Raphael can not only heal people's bodies, but also heal people's faith. When the travelers' faith in the Norse gods is "shaken", Raphael is likely to appear, otherwise Danlin will go out to lure him in person to ensure that Raphael comes.

Then he will lure Raphael to appear in this way or that way, and the Fang Hunters will lead the way to beat him up, causing Raphael to be seriously injured. At this time, the archangel will have two choices - because of the existence of the Holy Infant Danlin, he will not use healing magic to heal himself, so that he will be exhausted to death. Or he chooses to heal himself, and when he casts the healing magic, Danlin will turn hostile and angrily accuse him of using magic, directly removing his angel name and causing Raphael to fall.

"Good idea."

After listening to Dan Lin's plan with great interest, Bingyi smiled. Dan Lin's plan was indeed worthy of reference, but in his opinion, it was not so troublesome to seduce Raphael.

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