Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 715 The Horror of Iceland (236)

Even though the sky had turned frighteningly dark after the death of Baldr, the God of Light, and all the light in Northern Europe seemed to have disappeared, the night stay arranged by the hotel was still safe. The violent snowstorm also became gentle at the Sandfield Heath campsite. There was almost no wind, and only the heavy snow fell in patches. It was illuminated orange by the warm lights of the campsite, looking quiet and peaceful.

Six Nordic-style single-family huts surround the center of the camp. There is a thick layer of snow on the roof and floor, like so much white butter that it is about to overflow. There are no destructive footprints on it. The snow surface is clean and pure. Under the light, there are diamond-like tiny spots of light, which are as perfect and dreamy as a dream. People can't help but admire in their hearts.

But the fang hunter would not be impressed. With a stinky face, he, along with Fenrir Wolf and Wei Xun, transported the sleeping passengers from the parking lot to the center of the camp. Bingyi and B1 went to get the room card and meal card, but they felt relieved to let Wei Xun and Fenrir carry the people. But the fang hunter was worried, fearing that when Fenrir Wolf was acting alone, a lizard would pop out from somewhere and tie up the wolf. He simply stared at it, and the golden dragon tail behind him waved impatiently, and moved the wolf away. The snow swept away the mess, which gave it a bit more life.

This camping center has a convenience area, including a large restaurant, public bathrooms (there are no showers in single-family cabins), a visitor area for renting hiking equipment, etc. The fang hunter, Fenrir Wolf and Wei Xun moved the tourists to the restaurant. At this point, they should have been extremely hungry, but seeing how they were sleeping soundly now, the fang hunter felt that they would starve to death in their dreams.

“The locals here are friendlier than those over at Glacier Lagoon.”

After a while, B1 and B1 came back, each carrying two large dinner plates. The corn shoots were also rolled up with several large buckets of water, some sleeping bags, portable charcoal stoves and other supplies. They looked like snakes that had swallowed the cyst between the eggs, squeezing and crawling against Bingyi. Upon seeing this, An Xuefeng and Fenrir Wolf rushed forward to help share the things. B1 smoothly placed the dinner plate piled high with salmon meat, grilled lamb fillet, pork chops and French fries on the table, and moved his wrist.

"Looking at how they looked, I thought they wouldn't give us any food."

"It's only the first day of winter in Finbul, and food is not that scarce yet."

Alongside Bing, a tray in his hand was piled with various high-calorie desserts. Grilled panini, syrupy waffles and cakes, a tray of Icelandic horse jerky and buttered langoustine.

The food was obviously not enough for ten people. The corn shoots were waving their tentacles in a showy manner. It carried several baskets of honey rye bread that could be used as staple food, as well as two five-liter iron buckets. One bucket contained a stew of Icelandic lamb and carrots and potatoes, and the other bucket contained Bingyi’s favorite spicy and sour Mediterranean lobster soup. However, at such a short distance from the kitchen to the dining room, the temperature was so low that the soup in the two buckets had no steam at all, and there was a layer of crushed ice on the surface. It had to be heated on the stove to drink.

In addition, the corn shoots were rolled back with several barrels of spirits. Spirits are in short supply during the cold winter months, so they can be a life-saver. An Xuefeng glanced at it for a few times, then looked behind him keenly, and happened to meet a few pairs of eyes full of covetousness. Obviously, the local Icelanders hiding in the campsite are very dissatisfied with the food shared by outsiders. They are all as strong as bears with beards on their faces, and they hold homemade weapons in their hands. They look extremely vicious and difficult to mess with.

But no matter how easy it is to mess with them, they can only give in when faced with a giant yellow worm that is more than ten meters long (a smaller version). And Bingyi didn't get the food for free. He took out a few pieces of impure flame crystals, and the Icelandic natives happily agreed to his exchange of food. In such a cold winter, it is difficult to ignite a flame even with dye. The warmth and light brought by the flame crystals can bring tears to the eyes of those who have been in the dark for a long time.

It's just that he was guilty of possessing the jade. When Bingyi took out the flame crystal, he keenly noticed the greedy expressions of many people. He was just afraid of the corn shoots and didn't dare to grab it.

Originally, Bingyi was still thinking about being in the Icelandic horse camp. The Icelandic natives had given them a lot of help in the past few days. The two were considered the same camp. He was wondering if he could get some key information or tasks from them, so he chose to use flames. Crystallize to make friends. But now it seems the situation is worse than imagined.

The Winter of Fenrir lasted for three years, and every day of the journey was like a year. Without any light, extremely low temperatures and year-round storms and snow, all of Iceland and even Northern Europe will fall into a food shortage tomorrow, and then it will be hell on earth.

Although he knew that the life of these locals would be even more difficult tomorrow, An Xuefeng still took Fenrir Wolf into the back kitchen again. When he came out again, he was carrying two baskets of canned fruits and vegetables, two baskets of bread, and one The basket was covered with cloth, I don't know what it was. The Fenrir wolf bit into a whole frozen sheep, and carried a net bag of dozens of kilograms of frozen fish on its back.

This time, no Icelandic native dared to cast a resentful look, probably because the Fenrir wolf was too intimidating. An Xuefeng had planned carefully and prepared food for the next two days in advance. The hotel would not let the passengers starve to death. Even if they were stuck in old dreams all day long, they would always have one or two hours to wake up and eat.

But it was just enough for dinner. When Bingyi lit the stove and hoisted the mutton soup up to boil again, the passengers woke up one after another. It's just that all of them have dull eyes and are confused, like a bunch of zombies that only know how to eat. Miao Fangfei and Yao Jinghe were in the worst condition. After barely drinking a bowl of broth and eating some bread, they fell into a deep sleep. The peak passengers and Dan Lin stayed longer, their eyes sometimes trance-like and sometimes awake. They deliberately slowed down their eating speed, barely staying awake longer, and asked about Bingyi's fusion of rune characters.

"It's all coming together, and I have an idea."

Bingyi wasted no time and simply took out a rune character slate and handed it to Tang Xiang. This was the rune character corresponding to him. Resisting the terrible chaos of falling into old dreams has consumed too much of Tang Xiang's energy. Didn't he think about something on his own? He just smiled sleepily and did as Director Bing said, drinking strong wine to refresh himself.

But when the energetic werewolf Walker almost fell asleep, Tang Xiang was surprised to find that he was still awake.

"The runes corresponding to one's own can keep people awake in reality."

An Xuefeng smiled at him and took out his corresponding rune from his pocket. After Bingyi realized his runes, he handed the stone slab to him directly. From the time he got off the bus to now, An Xuefeng felt sleepy, but it was within the tolerable range.

“Beyond that, I think fermented shark meat helps in that regard.”

An Xuefeng smiled, and at lightning speed, stuffed a piece of fermented shark meat that exuded a strong pungent smell into the mouth of the werewolf Walker who was almost asleep. Then there was only an earth-shattering sound of vomiting, and the werewolf Walker suddenly woke up from his drowsiness with fear and anger all over his body.

Just when he was getting angry and wanted to tear Wei Xun into pieces, Bingyi stuffed a rune into his hand at the right moment. Seeing Director Bing's presence, Werewolf Walker finally managed to suppress his anger. After cleaning up his vomit with a stinky face, he sat with Tang Xiang, Yin Qiaoqiao and Dan Lin, surrounded by the cloth covering the basket in the middle. Open it up and there is a basket full of fermented shark meat.

They are tawny in appearance, each one is as long as a forearm, and as thick as a man's arm. The surface is cold and hard and air-dried, but if you cut a piece with a knife, the fish meat inside is still light red, oily, dense and soft, and the oil will seep out when you use the tip of the knife.

"Fermented shark meat is a traditional Icelandic delicacy that was eaten in the winter when food was scarce."

An Xuefeng said: "This is the best quality shark belly meat."

There are two types of fermented shark meat in Iceland. One is made from ordinary shark meat, and the fish meat inside is white. The other is made only from shark belly meat, which is red inside. To say that it has a long history, of course the latter is older. In the past, after Icelanders caught sharks, they would only use the softest meat from the belly to make stinky shark. Because the shark meat is poisonous, it was fermented and eaten.

Although it smells pungent, it is a rare delicacy in winter and very precious.

"The long drowsiness may not only be due to the influence of old dreams, but also due to the long, cold and dark Finbul winter."

Due to the lack of light, extremely low temperatures, and polar nights in winter, there are a huge number of anxious and depressed people in Northern Europe. Passengers bought fish oil to fight off SAN on the first day of their journey, which shows its power.

But now, the weather is getting darker and colder. Although they have never taken fish oil, they have not lost SAN because of this. In fact, this is very abnormal. But under the cover of the lethargy of old dreams, it is difficult for anyone to discover the subtle and gradually accumulated changes in oneself.

But An Xuefeng was keenly aware of it. When he took Fenrir Wolf to search the kitchen, he originally wanted to find some fish oil, but in the end he couldn't find the fish oil. He got some fermented shark meat and it worked the same way.

"This thing is really unpalatable. Rune characters can also keep people awake."

He was amazed in his heart that Wei Xun was indeed a newcomer on the way home, and his observation skills were so sharp, but the werewolf Walker still complained in dissatisfaction. For werewolves with extremely sensitive senses of smell and taste, this fermented shark meat is really fatal. Until now, his mouth was still filled with a strong and pungent smell. If it wasn't for the goodwill, he would have stuck out his tongue to disperse the smell.

No matter that he was just complaining, after feeling his sober state, he still put the rune character back into Bingyi's hand. He pinched his nose and pinched another piece of fermented shark meat, and bit it with a fierce attitude. Biting the enemy's bones.

Tang Xiang and others also returned the rune characters to Bingyi. The corresponding characters could keep people awake, which was good, but it also further proved that the characters were indeed useful for old dreams, and most likely allowed people to stay awake in dreams. The key to the resurrection of the incarnation/kin. There is only one rune character tablet corresponding to each person. If you hold it in reality, Wei Xun cannot take it into the dream to find a way to resurrect.

Comparing the two, of course, is the key to resurrecting the old dream. Fermented shark meat can also be tolerated.

"Save it and use it in critical moments."

Tang Xiang weighed it. A piece of fermented shark meat as thin as a finger could keep a person awake for a quarter of an hour. A basket of shark meat seemed like a lot, but it could only keep the three top travelers awake for more than three hours at best. In his sober state, if he could get more shark meat, he might be able to climb the volcano tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

If they can't find it, they will have to regretfully give up on climbing the volcano attraction tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. This group of travelers will have to stay at this campsite until the old dream ends. But if they stay here, the winter situation in Finbul will become more and more severe tomorrow and tomorrow, and they will inevitably conflict with the Icelandic indigenous people gathered here over food and resources.

Tang Xiang meant to use the opportunity to keep them awake during conflicts. Three hours was enough to deal with the Icelandic aborigines here.

As for why not do it now...

"If the indigenous people were not actively killed because of the promotion of tourist attractions, the consequences would be serious."

Yin Qiaoqiao warned, glancing at the fang hunter who was cutting meat with a knife to feed the wolf. The Lizard Duke was the one who killed the most aboriginal people, and he was also the one who brought the entire journey to the point of death countless times.

"After people die, there are undead, and after the undead, there are more terrifying underworld creatures. Moreover, the death of indigenous people can easily cause the difficulty of the attraction to escalate, and even make the journey develop in an unpredictable direction."

Not to mention anything else, just saying that they from the East District are the "Iceland Horse" camp. They have received a lot of help from the Icelandic natives in the past few days. From a macro perspective, they are a group. If they turn against the indigenous people, the consequences are unpredictable, and they may even be deported.

Therefore, prudent travelers tend not to kill the indigenous people until the last moment, but to cooperate with them.

"Just have a good rest tonight."

The best thing is to go up to the volcano tomorrow. An Xuefeng said that he would find more fermented shark meat. If there is anything, we can discuss it at breakfast tomorrow. The Peak passengers had already finished their dinner, and the effects of the fermented shark meat had begun to wear off, making them drowsy. However, Tang Xiang was still worried and refused to fall asleep. With unspeakable worries, he whispered to Wei Xun.

If you want to go to Daydream, it’s best to go with Director Bing. Otherwise, if Director C is left alone in reality, I don’t know what accidents will happen.

He motioned and glanced at Bingyi, who was chatting head to head with Dan Lin. There was some worry in his eyes, but not much. After all, Wei Xun has now lost his impetuous and adventurous spirit, and has become more and more responsible.

With Wei Xun's solemn promise, Tang Xiang and the others returned to the single-family cabin and slept peacefully - if they had known that just half an hour later, dazzling white light would erupt in the campsite, and Bingyi would boldly release Badr, the God of Light. The soul came out and fished out Archangel Raphael's invasion, which almost caused the entire campground to be blown away. Tang Xiang and the others might not be able to sleep well for the rest of their lives!

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