Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 714 The Horror of Iceland (235)

Hearing that An Fengniao was so picky and mean, Bingyi couldn't help laughing. He rubbed the ears of Fenrir Wolf, who was staring at the magic chain nervously, and asked him to hold the chain in his mouth to show it to the tooth hunter in the driver's seat.

"Fortunately, I have been able to obtain the magic chain for the time being."

Bingyi said lazily: "It's just that it may be controlled by someone from a distance, so it's not that safe. Let me watch it first."

"It's better to just destroy it."

The tooth hunter on the driver's seat said coldly, he just felt something coming out, he suspected it was a small lizard, but from this angle, he couldn't look back, and there was no sound of communication from behind. If Bingyi spoke a step too late, the tooth hunter might be tempted to let go of the steering wheel and let the car drive automatically, and look behind him.

"Destroyed? This is not okay."

Bingyi rejected his suggestion: "This magic chain is destroyed. The Nordic gods can make another one in a minute."

For such a unique prop, it is of course better to have it in your own hands. Who knows if the Norse gods will just wait for them to destroy the chain and make another one themselves? The tooth hunter did not refute Bingyi and acquiesced to his approach. Seeing Fenrir Wolf holding the magic chain in his mouth and eager to try, he seemed to want to swallow the devilish thing into his stomach and hide it, so he couldn't help but cursed the stupid wolf in his heart.

He pushed the wolf's head impatiently, looked at it, and asked Fenrir Wolf to put the magic chain back into Bingyi's hand without holding it stupidly. He asked calmly: "What do you want? Some more runes?"

Bingyi was able to get the magic chain so quickly, and the efficient cooperation really made the fang hunter feel happy, and he was not stingy with the reward. Although Miranda was the only rune left in his hand, the fang hunter was sure that Bingyi would not use this opportunity to get the talisman. After all, to be honest, he only has the character in his hand now, and he can get it at any time, so why not put it in his hand first and fool Odin.

Sure enough, Bingyi didn't ask for runes.

"Before arriving at the camp in the evening, I can already master the fusion of these characters to my limit. I don't have time for more."

Bingyi smiled, but didn't say anything more: "When I need you, I will naturally tell you."

The tooth hunter raised his eyebrows disdainfully and kept it hidden, thinking who couldn't guess it? The thing that needs him most recently is the matter of capturing Raphael. So it seems that Bing wants to do it tonight?

Thinking of this, the fang hunter fell into deep thought, wondering how he could get more benefits from this matter. He doesn't just want to be a thug. But before he could think about it deeply, Bingyi said again with meaning: "You and the little lizard are really similar. They are always unwilling to fall into the disadvantage."

When they first talked about the magic chain and amnesia, Bingyi completely led the fang hunter by the nose because he knew more. But the tooth hunter was not to be outdone, hinting that he knew that the God of Light, Baldr, was in the hands of Bingyi (Bingyi did not tell everyone in the team about this, obviously wanting to hide it), in order to seek a relatively balanced relationship.

The little lizard turned out to be like this. Before he left, he said that the sun's focus was on light and heat, and that it had no shortage of blazing flames. The focus was on 'light'. Obviously, it was also hinting at this point, Badr, the God of Light, in an attempt to aggravate the situation. The importance of 'investing' in yourself. To be fair, the closer he looked, the more subtle similarities Bingyi could find between the fang hunter and the little lizard.

And the more he said this, the more wary and resistant the fang hunter became to the little lizard. He saw that he let go of the steering wheel without listening to Bing Yi's words, and waved his hands impatiently on the driver's seat: "Don't talk about this, I don't like to hear it."

The deeper the cooperation with Bingyi, the more the fang hunter reveals his true temperament, the hypocritical responses are much less, and the whole person also shows a bit of indifference, arrogance, and a bit meanness: "I have several whips, Maybe it would be a good idea to use one on that lizard."


An Fengniao, who was originally squatting on the phantom cat, tightened his claws in shock and almost grabbed the cat's hair. What are they talking about? ? What light whip? Could it be that the hotel finally took a liking to the Lizard Duke and wanted him to be sliced? But why are there so many? What happened somewhere that he didn't know about? ! In a daze, An Xuefeng finally felt the sense of time jump that travelers Bingyi often felt - when he was not with Director Bing for a while, he didn't know what big thing he had done.

Especially when they were discussing such a dangerous topic now, their tone was as calm as a normal chat. When can the person in charge be discussed like this? They have already gone out of a primitive abyss in this competition, and there is also a journey to 30 degrees north latitude that is suspected to be coming. There can't be another slice person in charge!

Especially An Xuefeng sensed Bingyi's emotions and found to his heart's content that he actually really wanted to see him.

Just kidding, who wouldn’t want to see the birth of Soul Slice? After hearing what Hunter Ya said, Bingyi actually thought about it and was very curious. What would happen if the Tooth Hunter really used a light whip to separate himself and the little lizard? Will one of them be transported away by the light path? A person as strong as the Tooth Hunter would definitely not be unable to enter the light path like Roger Betty. Then would he be able to see what is at the end of the light path? Can those who are transported away be able to communicate with those who are left behind? Will this have any impact on Fenrir Wolf?

For a moment, Bingyi even wanted to encourage him. He really wanted to know what would happen. However, after being excited for a few seconds, he calmed down and advised: "It's too dangerous, so let's forget it."

Forget it, his cooperation with the tooth hunter was in the honeymoon stage, and Bingyi couldn't bear to part with such a gold medal fighter who would never die. He also borrowed flowers to offer to the Buddha, and in turn shared the little lizard's advice with the tooth hunter.

"Don't use it on your passengers either, that's my advice."

"They are your passengers, not mine."

The fang hunter hummed, except for Bingyi and Fenrir Wolf, no one in these two brigades could catch his eye. Smoking passengers? He still thought it was a waste of whips, after all, he only had four.

On the contrary...

"By the way, the person who has been following you all this time is called Yu Hehui, right?"

Suddenly thinking of something, the tooth hunter asked casually. But when Bingyi became alert, he said nothing.

The former fang hunter had a good impression of the big pure white fox. It was white, big, wild, and fluffy. Who doesn't like it? Especially since the fox can freely switch between humans and foxes.

Fenrir Wolf looks not much different from the giant white fox. There is no reason why a fox can transform into a human but a wolf cannot. There is also a ready-made example of the werewolf Walker in the brigade. It's just that the fang hunter doesn't appreciate werewolves very much. He likes pure wolves or pure humans. Werewolves look ugly and stupid, like a violent maniac with a head full of muscles, and lose the beauty and beauty of wolves.

If Fenrir Wolf stays with Bingyi for a while, will he be able to transform into a human like Yu Hehui? I had never thought about this before, but now that I thought about it, the fang hunter was itching to see what a mythical wolf like Fenrir would look like after becoming a human. I couldn't help but pluck the wolf's fur. It's just that when he said this, he sounded like a pervert. Even though Bing repeatedly asked insinuating questions, he kept a straight face and refused to say more.

The fang hunter refused to say so forget it, Bingyi didn't hesitate and continued to fuse the runes. Both the Tooth Hunter and the Little Lizard mentioned the God of Light, Baldr, and it was on Bingyi's agenda to deal with him thoroughly. However, the car was inconvenient, so the first priority was to fuse all the runes he had obtained.

He looked at An Fengniao questioningly, and the little Fengniao shook his head. An Xuefeng was worried that he would not be able to wake up after falling into the old dream this time and refused to sleep. At least he had to wait until Bingyi arrived safely at the camp and seized the wisdom and authority before taking the runes with him to the old dream.

Seeing that it wouldn't go away, Bingyi closed his eyes and concentrated on merging the runes. The whole afternoon's drive passed. The road conditions along the way were extremely poor, with violent storms and snow. In such extreme weather, fuel consumption was fast. Ya Hunter had to find gas stations to replenish supplies on the way, which delayed the time. When we arrived at tonight's destination - Sandfield Heath Campground, it was more than an hour later than expected, almost 8:30 in the evening. Bingyi had fully understood the power of these runes and seized the They represent wisdom and authority.

But just as An Xuefeng was worried, even when they arrived at the campsite tonight, all the passengers in the car were still stuck in old dreams, and no one was awake.

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