Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 713: Iceland Shock (234)

'But I have already stabbed the traveler'

Bingyi's understatement interrupted the little lizard's random thoughts. Its pupils shrank suddenly. What does it mean that it has stabbed a passenger with it? ? Could it be that Bingyi attacked Wei Xun without it knowing? ! For a moment, the little lizard wanted to watch the live broadcast with Black Widow, but he quickly realized that what Bingyi told him was not the same thing.

He was talking about connecting travelers with other swords, and Bingyi was talking about having stabbed Roger Betty.

Could this be a thing! Idiot, the little lizard couldn't help but roll his eyes. That's the bad thing about amnesia. That person B thought that the people in his team were his own passengers and couldn't think of any spiritual connection. In the eyes of the Lizard Duke, only the travelers with spiritual connections (Silver Moon Killer) can barely be regarded as travelers, and other travelers are just cannon fodder in his eyes.

There was a lot to explain, and it was very troublesome. The Lizard Duke was not a child caretaker, so he would not be careless with Bingyi's knife. I just wanted to ask him to get more information from him, so I was impatient and simply decided Said: 'Okay, you know what I mean'

‘Some people are weak and it won’t hurt if they get stabbed, but some people are different. If you kill him, he may not be yours anymore.'

The little lizard said meaningfully, and then noticed that the smile at the corner of Bingyi's mouth had not changed, and his expression was as calm as ever, without being too eager. He could not help but murmur in his heart when he further understood the probing statement.

Didn't Bingyi call him from the Land of Fire to learn more about the Light Whip and Light Saber?

Or is it that Yu Hehui, who was fooled by him, snitched? No, the little lizard did make some small moves, but it was harmless so far. The pure flame crystals promised to be given were also sent to Bingyi as agreed. He thinks that Bingyi is not a person who can tolerate even the slightest move when he is startled.

Why is that? Could it be that there is something wrong with that 'Fire Angel George' and Bingyi needs it to restrain him?

The little lizard thought more and more deeply, but soon, his divergent thoughts were ended by Bingyi.

‘The magic chain Gleipnir is in your hand, right?’

'How about lending it to me. ’

Little Lizard:......

Very few people would dare to say such damn things so confidently in front of him. Putting it on other people would let the Lizard Duke know why the minced meat was so fresh today, but Bingyi was a little different after all. The little lizard didn't hide anything, saying it wasn't with me. After all, the fact that the magic chain was in his hand when they were in Sahara has been exposed. Although Bingyi has no memory, Wei Xun who is returning home will most likely know about it, and sooner or later he will be able to tell Bingyi.

It was silent, just weighing the pros and cons.

Putting aside Bingyi's irritating push for the next step, from a rational and calm point of view, this matter has both good and bad qualities. To be fair, the little lizard certainly wanted to keep the magic chain in his hands. Although Bingyi said he was borrowing it, if the thing fell into his hands, it was up to two people to get it back. In particular, the magic chain is very crucial. It is an important tool for forcibly kidnapping Fenrir Wolf when necessary.

Not to mention that it is a prop that can destroy the token of the journey to 30 degrees north latitude. The Lizard Duke also thought that if the Black Widow went crazy and forced the Tower of Babel to come, he might have a chance to use the magic chain to destroy the Tower of Babel token and seize the Black Widow's butterfly fragments.

However, to a certain extent, these ideas are infringing on Bingyi's interests. Going against him is equivalent to going against the entire Homecoming, Mutual Aid Alliance, East Area Butcher Alliance, and all Bingyi's vassals. The proud Lizard Duke is still unwilling to fully agree with the bullshit view of 'if you follow Bing, you will prosper, and if you go against Bing, you will perish', but it is undeniable that Bingyi has indeed accumulated a very huge power after his death, and has great investment prospects.

Is it cost-effective to invest in Bingyi with a magic chain? Of course it’s a good deal! Not to mention other things, starting from the first journey, we started a journey to 30 degrees north latitude. I don’t know how to snatch the remnant soul of Fenrir Wolf from the hotel, then to nine light knives, black cloak, many butterfly fragments, etc., Bingyi It is extremely worth investing in itself. The most important thing is that Bingyi is telling him to 'borrow' it now, but if he really wants it, he may have to take it away in the future, and there won't be any kindness at all.

Countless thoughts emerged, and after a few seconds of thinking, the little lizard made a decision.

‘I can not only lend it to you, but also give it to you’

The little lizard said politely, a little regretfully: 'You are right, this magic chain is in my hand. But unfortunately, it has been forged by me into my own incarnation’

Bingyi raised his eyebrows, and just when he was wondering if it was the little lizard that was refusing, he saw it arching into the tour guide's cloak. Anticipating something, Bingyi used his cloak to cover the flame lizard egg and the little lizard, and he also retracted into the cloak. Looking down, he saw the little lizard flicking its tail, and a golden gecko appeared beside it.

The contrast between the two of them is extremely obvious. The volcanic lava lizard looks wild at first glance. It has a long and thin body and looks extremely agile. And this golden gecko looks like a domesticated one, it is chubby and its color looks very beautiful.

The next second, the golden gecko twisted its body, and a section of its lively tail fell off. It bounced several times on the phantom cat like a dehydrated fish, and then turned into a golden chain.


As soon as the chain appeared, the Fenrir wolf outside the cloak pricked up its ears vigilantly, and let out a low growl from its throat as if it was facing an enemy, as if it instinctively sensed danger, and its big head arched around outside the cloak, sniffing The tip of his nose is sunken into his cloak. The little lizard couldn't help but cursed silly wolf, but his face became more and more calm. Fenrir Wolf's performance meant that what he produced was not a fake.

'If you don't mind, it's yours'

The little lizard said generously and taught Bingyi a formula to control the magic chain.

‘I said, it’s just a temporary loan. It will be returned to you at the end of the journey. ’

Bingyi smiled and said, not in a hurry to touch the chain, but just looked at the little lizard with a somewhat thoughtful look. The two chatted for a while, and the little lizard promised to deliver the next batch of pure flame crystals to Yu Hehui as soon as possible before preparing to leave. Seeing that it was really going to leave and wasn't just pretending, Bingyi finally asked with interest: 'What do you want? ’

There can be no goodwill without reason in the world. All gifts are secretly marked with a price. This chain was forged into an incarnation by the little lizard. Now it will give him the chain for free. Is it to leave an eyewitness beside him? Maybe it can indirectly control the chain and kidnap the Fenrir wolf by surprise?

Bingyi thought a lot, thinking that the little lizard would repeat the same old story, saying that he wanted Fenrir Wolf. However, what the little lizard said was beyond his expectation.

‘What do I want? What I want will naturally be taken by myself’

The little lizard chuckled and said casually: 'If you are worried, don't treat it as a transaction, treat it as an investment.'

'invest? ’

‘Yes, I want to invest in you’

The little lizard smiled, and a touch of ambition and unruliness flashed in the cold-blooded animal's vertical pupils, like a desperate gambler. Bingyi felt that it seemed to have seen a very distant place, a future full of thorns, crises, and difficulties and obstacles.


For a moment, Bingyi thought that the little lizard had read his mind, but he felt that its emotions were extremely complicated, a bit confused and a bit unwilling, and finally turned into determination and pride. He firmly believed that his choice at this moment would not be wrong.

‘Yes, I just want to invest in your future’

"If you want to become the sun of Northern Europe, just swallowing the flame crystal will transform too slowly, and the newborn sun will definitely not be stronger than the radiant sun."

Before leaving, the little lizard warned: 'Don't be too stupid. The sun represents light and heat. You already have ‘heat’, so you can take a closer look at ‘light’.

After saying that, it squeezed the phantom cat into the depths of the egg shell, left through the flame passage and headed for the Kingdom of Fire, leaving Bingyi alone in deep thought.


What recalled his thoughts was the chirping of the little phoenix. An Xuefeng watched from the beginning to the end. The silence did not disturb the communication between Bingyi and the Lizard Duke. Even though it could not hear the mental communication between the two, it could sense Bingyi's mood. The change. Until the magic chain on the phantom cat was about to slip off - the phantom cat couldn't do it because the little lizard was crawling around and scratching it. It turned over in the eggshell. Originally, its back was exposed, but now it is curled up on its side, with its hind paws raised. On the edge of the eggshell, pink and white flesh pads and sharp claws were exposed, as if he wanted to kill birds and lizards in his dream.

As it rolled, the magic chain originally on its shoulders was about to slide down to the innermost part of the egg shell, but An Xuefeng caught it in time. It carefully checked the magic chain and quietly erased some of the aura left by the Lizard Duke on it. After confirming that the Lizard Duke had not done anything more to it, it called Bingyi's attention with a gentle chirp.


Bingyi touched the fluffy breast feathers of the little phoenix, took the magic chain from its pointed beak, and smiled. He bent his index finger so that the little phoenix could stand on his finger, and then got out of the tour guide's cloak. One person and one bird looked out the window into the vast darkness. Even the snowflakes were dim in the black, like gray dots. It doesn't look like snow, but more like volcanic ash.

There was darkness in the distance, in front of us, and behind us, except for the light from the headlights around the off-road vehicle. Investing in the future? Bingyi felt that the little lizard was really confident. He hadn't seen much of the future yet, so he dared to spend huge sums of money to invest in his future with a magic chain? It's too far-fetched. Or is this just a perfunctory statement?

Bing Yi told Xiao Fengniao as a joke. An Fengniao also scoffed after hearing this, but his thoughts were completely different from Bing Yi's.

Investing in the future? Want to invest in the future of their tour guide just by using a magic chain? The Lizard Duke is really a sweetheart, and a magic chain is also worthy of it? At least the Lizard Duke and the Silver Moon Killer both have to find a knight in the Mutual Aid Alliance, and this is only the treatment of the Black Widow.

The Lizard Duke did not make a journey to the 30th North Latitude nor did he have butterfly fragments. He only had hard power. If he really wanted to join forces, becoming a gold medal thug would be his destiny!

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