Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 702: Icelandic Horror (223)

[Isn't anyone curious, what is the explorer doing in the cloak? 】

The warm-up competition is now halfway through. Throughout the past few days, the popularity of the Iceland live broadcast room has almost always been the highest, even if the Dream Live broadcast room was opened later, even if the tourists in Norway are fighting with the Nordic gods, even if Viewers stationed in the Explorer live broadcast room fell down one after another, and were blocked one after another. The total number of viewers was still far higher than that in other live broadcast rooms, which is really hard to believe.

Among the various split screens in the Icelandic live broadcast room, the most popular is the live broadcast split screen of Explorer. Even if the audience is attracted by the peak passengers at the beginning, they can't help but pay more attention to the explorers in the end. It can be said that the explorers are the core of these two brigades. The audience's attention originally fell on the peak passengers shifted due to the special treatment given by the peak passengers to the explorers.

Just like now, all the top passengers have recovered their memories and go out to pass the scenic spots, and it is still a thrilling and bloody primitive hunt, while the explorers just stay on the boat, chatting in the barrage hidden in the tour guide's cloak, as comfortable as the old turtle shell that the guide B leans on , as if the years are quiet and peaceful, paying no attention to the disturbances outside.

[It can be regarded as a relaxing time. If the explorer follows me to do the mission again this time, I won’t be able to hold on anymore]

Someone hit the nail on the head and told the truth in one sentence. Chasing the Explorer live broadcast is a life-threatening and tiring job, and it is also very tiring to have your nerves stretched to the limit. The Explorer is non-stop. Opportunities for intermissions like this are really rare. It is a rare opportunity for the audience to relax and chat in the live broadcast room, complaining about the tour guide's cloak. The quality is really great.

It stands to reason that the live broadcast screen is either condescending and can reveal all the surrounding scenery and environment, or it is shifted according to the passenger's perspective. In the current situation, when Director B did not go into the water, he had been sitting on the bed in the cabin, hiding in the cloak and doing things, there were many viewers who were curious to see the perspective under the cloak and wanted to see the explorer. What are you doing.

However, what makes people sigh is that the quality of the tour guide's cloak is so good. This cloak was originally a "work uniform" issued to the tour guide by the hotel. It can cover the tour guide's face, body and voice, and resist all kinds of prying eyes on the tour guide, including the face of the tour guide. Live broadcast for all viewers.

Moreover, the tour guide's cloak is not big, and it only protects the tour guide. Live broadcasts of big tour guides are rare, and when they do happen to be seen, there will be various shielding methods. Who would use a cloak to hide something?

I saw the explorer tinkering in his cloak twice in a row today. It really aroused the curiosity of the audience, and they all speculated what the explorer was hiding in the cloak.

[Could they be resuscitating and assembling the minced meat of the ancestor giant? After all, the Nordic gods can overlook the world from the sky. Anyway, the explorers must not be preventing live broadcasts]

Some people speculate.

[I think it’s also to prevent the prying eyes of the Nordic gods, but it shouldn’t be about assembling the minced meat. Didn’t the explorer say before that the newly obtained minced meat from Glacier Lake has not been unsealed? 】

[I think the explorers must be understanding the rune characters and trying to find a way to resurrect the passengers! 】

Some passengers who firmly believe that "Director Bing's great love shines on passengers" said: "Director Bing is really very responsible and will definitely find a way to resurrect everyone!" 】

[I think the explorers must be understanding the rune characters and planning to destroy the brigade to gain wisdom and power! 】

These are the tour guides who have always believed that the explorers are just plotting deeper and actually treating the tourists as fools. They considered the Explorers' Mutual Aid League to be nothing more than a second shepherds' league, one that was just trying to be nice to the travelers so they could be grateful. Like this time, tour guides who are more sensitive to pollution realized the horror of Explorer's live broadcast earlier than tourists. Many people even speculated from the fact that the live broadcast was blocked by the hotel that Bing Yi's live broadcast had probably killed hundreds of thousands of people. ,even more!

I'm afraid that when the explorer regains his memory at the end of the competition, that's when he gets the title of Butcher. What is a butcher tour guide? This is the real butcher tour guide! Even though his brother killed more people than the explorer did! But all the passengers still think he is good. He kills people in this way in the competition and... takes the blame. He kills people and takes the title.

He was also resurrected by the hotel without taking any responsibility at all. The explorer is so calculating, which is really amazing.

There is a theoretical basis for the gathering of cockroaches. His brother is a life-seeker in the East District. His loyal dog subordinate is the former butcher Yin Yang Butterfly. The murderous werewolf Walker is very attached to him. The leader of the West District Butcher Alliance, Lizard Duke, praises him a lot. He has killed countless people. Black Widow admired him very much... A circle of friends were all this kind of people, how could Bingyi survive the mire and remain untouched!

Just like what he whispered to the Devil Merchant just now, he clearly hinted that the Devil Merchant would assassinate everyone. The explorers wanted to take advantage of the time when the Nordic gods had no time to take care of this, and seize all the runes first, and completely grasp the wisdom and authority, so that they can fight with everyone. Odin, the King of Gods, fights in his own chamber!

Of course, their dark thoughts are not mainstream, and they only talk about it in small groups. They don’t dare to talk about it on the forum. In the past, some tour guides couldn’t stand so many tourists praising Bingyi, so they couldn’t help but talk about it on the forum. He mocked the passengers for "revealing" "Bingyi's cruel truth", but ended up being stacked up thousands of floors and scolded by the passengers.

This has never happened before! They are top-notch tour guides! No matter where they go, tourists dare to be angry but dare not speak out, and there will also be a bunch of licking dogs who spontaneously attach themselves to them. But now the hotel is filled with all kinds of unhealthy tendencies, and the explorer is like a new generation of celebrity tour guide, which makes the tourists increasingly dislike other tour guides who used to be domineering, which is really frustrating.

However, no matter how hard they suppress their anger, these ugly villains only dare to curse in their own small group. They are nowhere to be seen in the live broadcast room. As time went by, the barrage of speculation about what was inside the explorer's cloak became more and more outrageous, and the originally serious discussion gradually turned into indescribable aspects.

[I saw him secretly eating chili sauce in his cloak. Shao Yuan died, and all his relics of chili sauce belong to Director Bing! 】

[What kind of hell joke is this... Seriously, I think he must be secretly meeting the Fire Angel George in his cloak! 】

The previous conversation between the explorer and the little lizard was heard by many people. Although no one could understand what the lizard was hissing, Director B was speaking very loudly at the time. He personally named the Flame Angel, whose original name was Francis, as George. This shocked many people at the time! 】

[George alone is not exciting enough. Listen to me, the three tour guides are having a meeting in the explorer's cloak. Everyone has their own ideas! 】

There are so many rehearsal combinations, including Black Widow, Dream Chaser, Lizard Duke, Devourer, Lifeplayer, and even the deceased Puppet Master. Although no one dares to mention these notorious directors openly on the barrage yet, they have all been given code names.

For example, "George", Longlong, Little Lizard, Slime, Good Brother and other fancy names. Others guessed even more bizarrely and vowed [The explorer was holding a family gathering in the cloak, and wanted to introduce Wei Xun to his good eldest brother, etc. This barrage was full of quirks, and other viewers couldn't help but snicker. .

But the astrologer did not smile. His face was extremely solemn, and he was thinking about a serious question.

Is the phantom cat asleep or awake now?

Astrologers are always extremely keen when it comes to certain people. He has long suspected that there is something wrong with the phantom cat that has been sleeping. In Bingyi's old dream, he may not be in two incarnations. Especially when the cat-faced seal appears, this rune character clearly corresponds to the phantom cat, rather than the two characters corresponding to C and 1. This matter is even more troublesome for astrologers.

If it was true... the astrologers wanted to call David back immediately.

Now the whole hotel knows that the flaming little angel is called Francis. It doesn't matter. Anyway, the astrologer with this surname has long been hidden, and he has planned it long ago. Now the hotel can count the number of people who know his real surname with just one slap, and almost all of them are closely related to him and are unlikely to betray him.


The Mingxi people are an exception.

The raging anger that was deceived and concealed in the past has been precipitated by the cold wind of time into a deep unwillingness, whether it is towards the life-seeking person or the right person? ? ? . Unwilling to accumulate further, it eventually became a stubborn obsession that was almost paranoid. The astrologer has divined many fates, consulted the stars in the sky and the twelve zodiac signs, and used the years that the man was confined to the Sun Gate to grit his teeth and improve his strength, looking for a way out that can truly survive the ten years of battlefield and regain freedom.

When we meet again, he will definitely appear with a brand new image, proudly throwing the fruits of his pursuit of destiny over the years in that person's face, letting him know that the path he took was absolutely wrong.

...But this image shouldn't be that of being a licking dog for his brother, as if he's getting more and more involved, he'll be embarrassed.

Especially when the astrologer thought about the plan he and David had made before, and how hard David would lick Bingyi to win his trust... and was witnessed by the phantom cat, he felt like he was suffocating, and he was desperate for his life. What would people think of him - the astrologer was so suffocated that he couldn't help but crush the crystal ball in his hand.

"Don't worry, captain, the deputy will be fine."

Upon seeing this, the team members comforted them by saying that David was renamed George by the explorer himself, which was tantamount to becoming a target for the Black Widow's anger and would suffer her most intense hostility and hatred. But if they can contain the Black Widow, this can be regarded as their goal being achieved.

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