Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 701 The Horror of Iceland (222)

Thanks to Wei Xun?

Bing raised his eyebrows and looked at Wei Xun, and saw a wet and pitiful ferret nestled next to the turtle shell. The water-soaked fur on its body was frozen and stiff, like a fried cockscomb. It looked funny and pitiful. Feeling the gaze, it barked twice at Bingyi, its voice hoarse and trembling, obviously from the cold.

"Yu Hehui."

However, Bingyi did not reach out to hug it, and just let Yu Hehui, who had turned into a sky fox, warm the ferret. An Xuefeng, who was pretending to be frozen, knew that Wei Xun was a little angry when he heard his tone. With his character, he would never want the cat-faced seal to be caught and exposed to all the travelers with ulterior motives. He would also like An Xuefeng and Corn Shoots to cooperate in secretly arresting the cat-faced seal and hiding it somewhere no one can find it. They Research it in private.

After hearing Tang Xiangyi say, "Thanks to Wei Xun for catching seals," it's no wonder that Bingyi was in a bad mood. However, An Xuefeng was not really to blame for this matter. He was not in a hurry and communicated with Bingyi to explain a few words. Bingyi's face brightened a little, and Tang Xiang and others also talked about the thrill of going into the water this time.

Yin Qiaoqiao locked the cat-faced seal's activity range, and the top passengers separated after entering the water. However, everyone seemed to be telepathic. It seemed that they were moving away separately. In fact, no one was too far away from the ship - Bingyi He was too talkative just now, which was completely inconsistent with his character. He was afraid that he would secretly do it once they left!

Peak travelers are worried about this. The glacier lake is too dangerous. The bottom of the lake that was torn apart by the werewolf Walker is still leaking black and green contaminated bacterial juice. The large-scale pollution has caused a dirty mist to fill the air, which makes people hallucinate. Visual and auditory hallucinations, mental disorder. Coupled with the fact that some giant ice containing the power of the ancestor giants or Odin had slipped through the net and collided on the glacier lake, the sound of the ice breaking was like countless murmurings. Even the top travelers had a splitting headache, let alone A tour guide with a sensitive spirit.

It's okay in the cabin, but once Guide C and the others come out, the SAN value will drop to an extremely low level or even return to zero. Director Bing has a close connection with the abyss. If he really resets here and causes the cracks in the primitive abyss, or worse, causes him to fall into the primitive abyss, then the peak passengers will be paralyzed.

Except for An Xuefeng, the strongest passenger on the trip to the 30th North Latitude, no one can guarantee that they can protect the passengers in the abyss, and no one wants this to happen. Although the cat-faced seal is important, Director C’s own safety is more important! So these top travelers were wandering around looking for seals less than a hundred meters away from the amphibious ship, and surrounded the ship in a circle, like a fence for a baby's bed.

Taking advantage of Bingyi to contain all the passengers, An Xuefeng turned into a killer whale and found an opportunity to leave Tang Xiang behind and look for the cat-faced seal. According to his original plan, of course it was the same as Bingyi imagined. The problem was that the cat-faced seal did not correspond to Bingyi himself, but to the phantom cat! Other peak travelers don't know what An Xuefeng knows. He has a deep connection with Bingyi, but he has nothing to do with the phantom cat. Not to mention that he found this guy, he was probably hiding away from him on purpose.

So for a while, An Xuefeng, the killer whale, had no results, but there was progress on the Peak Passenger side. The less movement there was on the amphibious ship, the more suspicious the peak passengers became, wondering whether Bingyi had used some hidden method to hide the water from the sea. Yin Qiaoqiao even used out-of-body sensing to detect the situation on Director Bing's side. As a result, her soul After my out-of-body mental perception became more acute, I immediately realized something was wrong. The soul imprint of the cat-faced seal was not in the distance, but right under the amphibious ship!

Even though the undead couldn't sweat, Yin Qiaoqiao was so frightened that his soul changed color. He was afraid that the cat-faced seal would be harmful to Bingyi, so he immediately threw out a large soul rope net to catch it, but the catch was almost a spoiler.

The moment it was touched by Yin Qiaoqiao, the body of the cat-faced seal melted, just like the snow that had been burned by fire and was about to disappear in an instant!

"Fortunately, Wei Xun came back in time to keep it intact."

Yin Qiaoqiao rejoiced, saying that it was so late and so fast that before she could react urgently, the guard killer whale rushed over and opened its bloody mouth and bit the cat-faced seal. She didn't know how it did it. It was about to melt. The lost cat-faced seal quickly returned to its original state. Yin Qiaoqiao suspected that maybe the cat-faced seal could only be touched by the corresponding person. Wei Xun was a passenger connected with Bingyi, so it returned to normal.

At this time, Tang Xiang also arrived. He used a turtle shell to hold the cat-faced seal, and no one touched it with his hands. Waiting for Werewolf Wo

By the time they arrived, everything was a done deal. It turns out that what Tang Xiang said before, "The cat-faced seal was caught intact, thanks to Wei Xun this time!" It was thanks to Wei Xun that it was intact, not Wei Xun who helped catch the seal.

"I put your feathers on."

An Ferret nestled comfortably in Bingyi's arms and explained. Bingyi, who understood that he had misunderstood him, immediately apologized to him and took the ferret from Yu Hehui's hands. An Xuefeng was not happy that his lover was separated from him. Besides, he didn't find the cat-faced seal first, so leaving it as it was was just a way to make up for it, and he didn't do his best in the first place.

The two of them each took a step back, and the atmosphere became more harmonious. Bingyi came forward with the ferret in his arms, looked at the cat-faced seal in the turtle shell, and raised his hand to touch its cheek. There was a dark red and black mark there, which looked like a mark on a cat's fur and looked like blood, but it was actually a mark left by the red feathers of a burnt bird. When he raised his hand, Miao Fangfei and the others held their breath, and they were all relieved when they saw the cat-faced seal roaring fiercely and dodging, but not disappearing due to the touch.

"It seems like this. The seal corresponding to each person can only be hunted and captured by the person concerned. If the seal falls into the hands of others, it will melt."

Lisa was amazed and took several photos of cat-faced seals. She thought the astrologer would like such weird things.

Yin Qiaoqiao and Tang Xiang looked at each other. When the seal was half melted, its bones were exposed. She saw the golden light flashing on the seal's skull, which was the rune. Although she could only see half of it before it was completely dissolved, she could tell from the glyph shape that it was the rune character corresponding to S, which meant that the last rune of the disaster group had finally been found.

It seems that the appearance of this strange seal is indeed related to the runes. I am afraid that there is a rune seal altar drawn with seal brain mixed with pigment hidden on the diamond black beach. Yin Qiaoqiao also quickly figured out the clues that Bingyi deduced. The power of runes was out of control and overflowed, causing seals to appear.

There is no need to hesitate about the position, they are now in the Iron Giant camp (except Maria and Danlin). Hunting seals to obtain brains and then drawing runes is probably taking the path of maintaining the altar and leaning towards the Nordic gods. Capturing the seal but not killing it prevented the wandering rune power from returning. Taking the opportunity to destroy the altar and release the ice seal of the ancestor giant was the core goal of their attraction mission.

The ship has docked, making a deafening whistle in the roaring wind. The docking port of Diamond Black Beach is different from other ship ports. There is a gentle slope made of cement like a dam when the ships dock, allowing amphibious ships to drive directly to the shore from the glacial lagoon and convert the ship into a vehicle. Passengers don't have to rush to land and can rest in the boat.

"These Ymir giant minced meats are all given to Director B."

The top passengers quickly sorted out their clothes that were frozen into iron plates and covered with broken ice, and talked about the ownership of the giant ice fished out of the glacial lake. But you can't leave them on the boat. If you're not careful, they might be killed by a tooth hunter. Every peak traveler (except Maria) has a share in fishing for giant ice. The most useful thing is to gather these ancestral giant minced meat together.

There is a rare commodity to live in. The werewolf Walker discussed a deal with Tang Xiang, and the penny and the penny must be compared. In fact, his vision is not that short-sighted. It is very cost-effective to invest in Director C with some benefits. There is no problem in giving away the giant ice he caught for free. However, this should not be overdone, otherwise the smart travelers outside will soon discover this unhealthy trend in their brigade and pay attention to the special importance of Bingyi.

Werewolf Walker didn't want others to rob him. Even if Bingyi really had a way to get his soul out of the hotel, there would definitely be a limit. The three difficulties of resurrecting a resurrected person will be hundreds or thousands of times, and there are more than hundreds or thousands of strong people who want to escape from the hotel? There are really more wolves than meat.

"Then these giant ices containing Odin's power..."

Tang Xiang also knew that Walker was acting. After negotiating a deal with him neatly, he talked about the giant ice containing the power of Odin, and he looked at Bingyi indicatively. At this time, Director B had the air of a great tour guide and said concisely and concisely: "I want them all."

The power of Odin in the ice can be absorbed by the rune stone, which was confirmed by Bingyi in the ice cave. The more things you can do to steal and weaken Odin's power, the better. Whether it's Ymir's Minced Flesh Ice, Odin's Power Ice or a Cat-faced Seal, Bingyi will get it all. Only the leftover scraps left during the cutting of the giant ice were shared among the passengers, which was barely enough to count as "tasting the thousand-year-old ice in the glacier lagoon."

B1 was dumbfounded by his behavior. Seeing that Tang Xiang and others had no objections and were as docile as little sheep, the fear he originally had in his heart due to the soaring strength of these people was reduced, and his actions became more natural. Seeing the passengers lining up to disembark under the leadership of the tooth hunter, B1 approached Bingyi and looked at the seal rolling in the turtle shell: "What are you going to do with this cat-faced seal? Carry it with you? It looks very heavy." "


The cat-faced seal had a very bad temper and didn't like the scrutiny of others, so he flicked his tail fin and made B1 look angry.

B1 said "Hey" and moved his face back out of the water-splashing attack range. He raised his hand and wanted to continue pointing at the cat-faced seal, but B1 caught his hand in time: "You saw it too, with his temper, he will never Plus, it melts when someone touches it, so it’s too dangerous to carry it.”

Bingyi sighed: "It seems I have to stay on the boat and watch it."

"Is that so? It's such a pity."

B1 knows that Bingyi likes to take risks and feels sorry for him sincerely. "I'll accompany you on the boat. Passengers are very capable of self-management anyway." Before he could say it, he was blocked by Bingyi: "This time the scenic spot depends on you. If nothing happens, no matter whether the passengers live or die, After passing the Diamond Black Beach attraction, the runes of existing passengers will appear."

"The original giant minced meat in these giant ices is still in a sealed state and cannot be fused with other minced meat. To destroy the altar, I need all the runes. Those travelers are too wild-minded, so I don't trust them."

When Bingyi held B1's hand, his low voice seemed to be telling a secret that only belonged to the two of them. His focused gaze made B1 unable to refuse.

"You will help me, right? As long as it doesn't put your life in any danger."

"Friend, if you still think of me as a friend, you shouldn't talk like this."

B1 said unhappily and shrugged: "So what if there is danger, I am an undead."

They were the only two tour guides in these two brigades. If he didn't help Bingyi, who else could help him. Thinking of B1's serious promise to do his best, Bingyi was also a little moved. He handed a piece of emerald green insect wing to B1, which was Xiaocui's wing. The wings of Hella, the God of Death who controls the Kingdom of the Underworld, are of great benefit to B1, whose supernatural power is mainly in the undead. Moreover, when B1 is about to die, he can also instantly transfer to Xiao Cui's small Kingdom of the Underworld.

At present, only two pieces of this insect-wing Xiaocui can be shed, which is extremely precious, but B1 is worth it.

After getting the insect wings, B1 rushed away happily. An ferret slowly poked his head out of Bingyi's cloak. The ferret that B1 thought was the private space between them just now actually had ferret there all the time. It licked Bingyi's hand. The Devil Merchant is a much better friend than the insect master psychic. Although he looks smart, he is essentially the same as the Dream Chaser and the Yin-Yang Butterfly. He is in Bingyi's favorite circle of friends. Inside.

Besides, they are just two tour guides. If anything happens, he is naturally generous, haha.

Soon, An Ferret and Bingyi were jealous and acted like rogues and got two more feathers for themselves, and then they reluctantly calmed down. Before leaving, they nuzzled the corners of Bingyi's lips and then quickly jumped out to supervise the work. There won't be any big problem if top travelers take action on this attraction, but since Bingyi wants all the runes, he must get them.

After sending A Feng Diao away, the cabin suddenly became quieter, leaving only the cat-faced seal spinning around in the big turtle shell out of boredom. The defensive power of this giant turtle shell was so amazing that Tang Xiang left it specially to protect Director Bing. Calling Yu Hehui, Tong Hege and corn shoots to defend the surrounding area, Bingyi sat down leaning on the turtle shell, set up the tour guide's cloak like a tent, and took out the salamander egg shell under the cover of the tour guide's cloak.

The round eyes of the phantom seal were staring at him critically, especially at the few mink hairs stuck to his cheeks. Bingyi didn't care and smiled at it, feeling very good.

He did not disembark from the ship and personally led the journey. One reason is that the cat-faced seal is difficult to carry. There are speculations about the difficulties that will arise in the scenic spots on the diamond black sand beach. The second reason is that there is not much freshness and excitement. Another thing is that it is the Flame Angel." "George" came good news over there. In such a short period of time, he actually successfully opened up a secret passage to the Kingdom of the Underworld, and the little lizard hasn't discovered it yet!

After being keenly aware that there was a vague aura of power from the Nordic gods at the passage to the underworld, George immediately actively gave him

Passing the message, Bingyi was going to deal with this matter.

"'George' is really easy to use. "

Bingyi sighed, saying that there is also appreciation in being careful. With George here, many problems can be solved. But judging from his ability to hide it from the little lizard, "George", "Tooth Hunter" and "Dragon Hunter" are probably strong men of the same level of strength.

Plus A Feng and his brother... maybe they know each other?

"Frances, do you know him?"

Leng Buding heard this surname from Bing's mouth. The phantom seal, which had originally closed its eyes and planned to continue digesting the flame crystals, suddenly widened its eyes!

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