Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 703: Icelandic Horror (224)

"Your brother?"

Although he did not expect Bingyi to suddenly ask such a question, David, as the deputy team member of the occult team, reacted very quickly. He said piously: "In the heart of Frances, God is the greatest!"

This statement is very implicit and can be interpreted in many ways. It can be "God is the greatest in his heart, so God's brother must be equally great", or "God is the greatest, even God's brother cannot compare with him", which eliminates the need for a direct answer. The danger and embarrassment - commenting on his brother in front of Bingyi is a big deal! And it also expressed loyalty.

"Oh? Is that so?"

Even though Bingyi seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and was noncommittal about his comments, and it was unclear whether he was satisfied or dissatisfied, the little flame angel David just smiled piously and had no intention of changing his words.

Just kidding, personal grudges aside, David would definitely not lick someone with the captain's surname. Furthermore, he is now Director C's "Angel of Fire". Instead of guessing his preferences, it is better to show a smooth but sincere side. The amnesiac Yin Yang Butterfly is the best imitation object!

To put it bluntly, even if Director Bing really valued his brother, he would not want a licking dog who licks his brother as his subordinate. David intuitively thought that if he answered "Great, God's brother is as great as God", I'm afraid he would be sent by Director Bing and Yan Yuese to open up a new passage in the primitive abyss, so that he could see the greatness of the life-seeking man. .

David was having sex in full swing in the Land of Fire, and he didn't want to be sent to a place like that. In the Kingdom of Fire, there are also little lizards who are tit for tat with him. When Director B sees the fang hunter or the lizard eggs, he will be reminded of him, David. If he were sent to some abyss, crack, or primitive abyss now, he would be a great injustice.

Sure enough, just as David expected, Bingyi did not talk about him again. After briefly strolling around the palace of Death God Hela, Bing repeatedly took out the Xiao Cui insect wings and used the power of Death God Hela to move most of the palace into Xiao Cui's Little Hades Kingdom. Then he whistled, recalled Wangcai, and prepared to return.

"Woof woof!"

A black dog as huge as a dark cloud rushed towards him with a bloody and deadly aura. When it came to Bingyi, it automatically shrank to the size of a lion. Bingyi was so excited that he kept wagging his tail and holding something in his mouth to claim credit from him. The smell of blood was terrible. As it stood in front of Bingyi, golden divine blood dripped from between its snow-white fangs, which was the source of the bloody smell. Bingyi looked at it and couldn't help but be surprised. Wangcai actually had a severed arm in his mouth!

"This is Hermod's broken arm!"

David looked at Wangcai in surprise and re-evaluated the dog's fighting ability in his mind. Bingyi was also surprised. He asked Wangcai to stop Hermod in front of the Gate of Hela. Unexpectedly, it actually completed the task beyond normal and even bit off Hermod's arm!

Is this really the hand of God? Bingyi took the severed arm from Wangcai's mouth with interest and a bit of disgust. It was also connected to a torn and deformed golden armor. The severed arm was held all the way by Wangcai, and the blood was almost drained. . Bingyi simply stayed here for a while and collected the remaining divine blood. The little flame angel was temporarily appointed as a part-time butcher to process the divine bones, divine flesh and broken armor respectively.

But in some major mythological systems, the divine bones, divine blood and divine flesh are absolutely unbreakable good things. They can be used to refine weapons, upgrade titles, cultivate various precious plants, make potions, draw talismans, and so on. Even if it is only roughly processed and used in the most wasteful way - drinking it directly, it can greatly improve the strength of tourists or tour guides.

For example, Hermod is the fastest among the Nordic gods. He is called "Agile Herder". It can be inferred that his divine blood, divine flesh and divine bones definitely have the ability to increase speed. Extremely amazing effect.

Just like Wangcai, it must have drank the dripping blood on the way back with the broken arm in its mouth. Now it is obviously much faster and its movements are particularly agile. While David was decomposing his arm, Wangcai was squatting next to him, salivating. His saliva couldn't stop flowing. There weren't many things that could make Wangcai so greedy. By now, Bingyi had basically determined that this broken arm was really impressive. Ermode's hand.

"Prosperous wealth, well done."

Bingyi praised them generously, saying that both Wangcai and corn shoots were greedy, Wangcai was even more gluttonous, but they both didn’t eat them secretly.

of good character. Otherwise, even if Wangcai secretly eats Hermod's arm, Bingyi may not be discovered. After all, it already has the strength to defeat God - Hermod, despite his poor reputation, is the son of Odin and is the light. Brother of the god Baldr!

Not only is he the fastest, but he is also the most defensive, because Hermod has a helmet and armor given by Odin himself.

In the Poetic Edda it is written: "We seek the favor of the High Father, who is pleased to give gold to his followers, and to Hermod he gives helmets and armor."

Wangcai can bite off Hermod's arm and shatter his armor. In a sense, it can be said that it has a speed that exceeds Hermod's and a bite force that surpasses Odin's armor. This allowed Bingyi to have a more concrete judgment on its strength.

Perhaps it would be a waste to have Wangcai stay in Xiaoming Country to assist Xiaocui in his construction.

Bingyi thought that Wangcai had a bright future. For example, in the depths of the glacial lake, there was a deep crack torn by the werewolf Walker, and a lot of parasitic fungus juice was overflowing from it. In order to collect giant ice and find cat-faced seals, they had no time and energy to explore the crack. After the Diamond Black Sand Beach attraction, they had to drive to the camping site tonight. Time was tight, and they probably had no time to explore the crack.

This was a pity. Bingyi had some ideas, but he had to keep an eye on the cat-faced seal, so he couldn't go in person. It was not reassuring to send only Yumiba, and he actually thought about sending the flame angel Francis out again.

Francis had just told him secretly that there was something wrong with the light god Balder. When Bingyi told Afeng about Balder's appearance in his mind, Afeng concluded that Balder's soul was most likely replaced by George.

Today's George has actually appeared, and he has replaced the soul of the light god? Bingyi was very interested, and this gave him more choices. Bingyi kept the little flame angel here mainly to let him and the little lizard restrain each other. But now we have the George version of Balder, who can be used to contain the little lizard.

However, plans can never keep up with changes. Now we have Wangcai, who is extremely powerful and loyal and reliable. Bingyi trusts him more than the little angel of fire. In addition, this little angel can cut the remains of God and has learned to open up channels. The most important thing is that Bingyi is curious about the true relationship between Francis and his brother. Under the influence of various factors, the balance in Bingyi's heart has tilted.

So while he was waiting for Francis to decompose Hermod's arm, he arranged for Wangcai and Corn Shoots to go back and dive into the Glacial Lake to explore the abyss cracks. Everything should be done according to their ability. At the very least, they can bring back more parasitic fungus juice to replenish the supply. David was very relieved when he heard it. Bingyi was really going to send someone to the abyss crack! David seriously suspected that this matter almost fell on him!

David was stimulated to work harder to disassemble the arm. He soon cut Hermod's divine arm into different categories and put it into different containers. While he was at it, Bingyi collected more than a dozen iron trees from the Iron Tree Forest in the underworld and brought them to Xiaocui's small underworld. He finally returned with a full load after plundering like a locust passing through.

When he left the underworld and regained his spirit, he lifted his cloak and showed his head. The scene in front of him startled Bingyi. He saw a strange tabby cat squatting next to the old turtle shell, staring at the cat-faced seal in the turtle shell with full concentration. When he saw Bingyi wake up, it didn't feel guilty about breaking into someone's amphibious ship. It greeted Bingyi very reservedly and complained about why he fell asleep. It had been waiting for a long time and almost fell asleep with him.

Then the cat revealed its identity. It was the messenger cat of the goddess Freya! It brought Bingyi the latest news from the Norwegian battlefield -

After the death of Balder, the god of light, Odin, the king of the gods, lost his beloved son again - Balder's brother, the agile Hermod, died!

Listening to the cat's chattering about the cause and effect, such as the death of Balder, the gods held a funeral for him in the flames, and Hermod was ordered to go to the underworld to bring Balder back, etc., Bingyi's face was calm and he was relieved. Fortunately, they didn't bring Hermod's entire arm back directly, otherwise it would be hard to explain.

Although they didn't make any sense.

"Hermod died in the underworld?"

Bingyi pretended to be concerned and said, "This is really unfortunate. Xiao Cui is still sleeping. If she is awake..."

He was saying something else.

The god of death Xiao Cui has not woken up yet. This is not their fault. However, although he looked very dignified, Bingyi couldn't help but be suspicious in his heart. Could it be that Wangcai was so bold that he killed the whole Hermod and ate most of it, and only spared him one arm?

Fortunately, the next word of the messenger cat clarified for the innocent dog: "Meow." "No, the situation is even worse than this." The messenger cat meowed, furious: "Meow meow meow!" "Hermod has those damn bird feathers on him. It was the invaded enemies from the outer gods who assassinated him! Poor Hermod, the damn invaders even took away his arm, making his body incomplete!" "Angel feathers?" Bingyi coughed lightly, ignoring the fact that his arm was taken away, and raised his eyebrows. After sorting out his thoughts, Hermod went to the underworld to pick up Balder, the god of light Balder had been replaced by George, and Hermod was assassinated by an angel on his way back in a hurry... It seems that there is a big plan behind this series of events. The messenger cat kept meowing, talking about the goddess Freya's speculation, she thought that the real purpose of the angel who attacked Hermod might be Balder's soul! If Balder's soul is taken away, then after Ragnarok, the second generation of Norse gods will rebuild the world. Without Balder's return, the world will not be able to return to light, which will slow down the reconstruction of the entire pantheon and even cause many humans to lose faith.

Bingyi thought about it. If he didn't bring back Balder's soul, Hermod would probably be killed by the angel when he brought Balder's soul back, and George's Balder's soul would be taken away by the angel.

Now that George's Balder is in his hands, will the angel target him? Where did this angel come from? No angel has come since the last judgment. Is there someone secretly doing this?

While Bingyi was thinking, the messenger cat finally got the point. It came to Bingyi not only to tell him the latest information, but also to ask him whether Balder's soul in the underworld is still safe. Now that the angel is targeting him, can his soul return to the kingdom of God and be under the protection of the Norse gods?

He also asked him about the current situation of Maria and Dan Lin. The gods were also looking for how the angel got in. They suspected whether it was related to the relationship between these two people from the outer gods.

the most important is……

"Meow meow meow?" "I heard you have a perfect male cat? How perfect is it?"

The civet cat asked curiously. Ever since the black cat sisters repeatedly talked about the perfect male cat with regret when they came back, it took it seriously and became more and more curious. As a cat, it doesn't care about gods, death or life. After completing its job, it finally couldn't help but ask, concerned and worried: "Meow, meow, meow, meow?" "It's just like what you said. , isn’t it a perfect male cat?”

It’s broken, Bing Yiyi is excited, the Phantom Leopard is awake now!

"Nonsense, I never said anything like that!"

Feeling the seal egg move in his arms, Bingyi immediately spoke righteously.

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