Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 698: Icelandic Horror (Chapter 2, 19)

This viscous lake that turns black and green is particularly conspicuous against the giant ice floating on the lake. The Jökulsárlón Glacier Lagoon is located at the mouth of the southeastern edge of Vatnajökull Glacier. The giant ice on Vatnajökull collapsed, and as the water flowed into the Jökulsárlón glacier lagoon, it created the strange beauty of many giant ice floating on the lake.

The ocean currents from the Atlantic Ocean wash these ice blocks from the glacial lagoon to the black sand beach opposite the glacial lagoon, so that milky white translucent giant ice can be seen everywhere on this black beach, which looks like a star against the black sand beach and sea water. A brilliant diamond, this is the origin of the name Diamond Black Beach.

The point of introducing these is to explain that whether it is the giant ice floating on the glacial lagoon or the solid ice stranded on the black beach, they all come from Vatnajökull, which sealed the Frost Giant tribe and secretly sealed countless Ymir giants. The glacier where the ancestors shredded their flesh. Just like the ice cave they just explored, there is a crack under the ice cave leading to the original abyss of the Jinlunga Gap. This abyss is the place where the giant Ymir was born. The special terrain may be why Odin sealed the many pieces of meat. The reason for this.

And now there are abyssal cracks under the glacier lagoon that are just like the ice caves (still occupied by parasitic bacteria). The lake is full of giant ice from Vatnajökull. One of the tourist attractions tasks on the glacier lagoon is Tasting ice cubes that are thousands of years old - this task is essentially not much different from that of an ice cave!

"There are pieces of flesh from the ancestor giants in these ice floes."

Tang Xiang was certain that the ice leak in the deepest part of the ice cave was connected to the cold underground water, and the water flowing far away was probably leading to the glacier lake. A large amount of the ancestral giant's minced meat turned into solid ice and was embedded in the ice leak like gems in the mine. Over the years, it was washed away by the water flow. I am afraid that some of the banned minced meat was washed into the glacier lake along with the water flow.

There is no specific description of the Glacier Lake attractions on the itinerary, indicating that this is an additional hidden task, requiring travelers to spontaneously analyze and draw conclusions based on the previous attraction. If they can find all the missing minced meat of the ancestor giants from the many giant ices floating in the glacial lake, the two brigades will definitely complete the attractions this time!

"We take turns entering the water."

The Peak travelers agreed in a few words and divided into two groups, Tang Xiang and Werewolf Walker, and Yin Qiaoqiao and Lisa. While one group was launching into the water, the other was on guard on the boat. Sister Maria was not assigned any tasks. After all, she was not part of the giants or the Nordic gods, but belonged to a third party, the invasion camp of the outer gods. It’s something everyone needs to be on guard against.

"You just stay in the cabin, the glacial lagoon is too dangerous now."

Tang Xiang warned that Miao Fangfei and the others were not assigned the task of entering the water. Although these young people have gained considerable strength and made rapid progress through experience, they now have to rush for time, complete tasks at a high level, and the three toothed hunters are eyeing them. They are a drag when they enter the water. Moreover, Miao Fangfei and Yao Jinghe are both in the third guide team. If they want to achieve a high degree of completion, the fewer passengers in his team will die, the better.

Wei Xun and Dan Lin are stronger, especially Wei Xun, who can turn into a killer whale, which is perfect for underwater salvage. But he was Bingyi's connecting passenger, and Danlin was a third-party hostile camp like Maria, so the two simply stayed on the ship.

"Tang Tuan, but if this happens, will the completion level be reversed..."

Miao Fangfei and others felt reassured and a little uneasy as Tang Tuan and the others took over the command vigorously and resolutely. Normally, peak tourists would reduce the dimensionality and suppress the completion of scenic spots, but if these tourists who need experience can just sit back and enjoy the results, no matter how well the scenic spots are completed, the hotel will give them The evaluation won't be too high, it's just like cheating. The basic experience attractions have not played their original role, and the hotel will even give some penalties.

But in the face of Miao Fangfei's uneasy inquiry, Tang Xiang just smiled cheerfully: "Special circumstances, special measures, it'll be fine."

They have already sold insurance. If they can bring tourists back to the hotel, it will be considered a success, regardless of whether it is the top or not. Furthermore, the journey involving selling insurance is inherently extremely dangerous. Even top travelers are in danger of life and death, so how can it be considered a dimensionality reduction attack?

After making the decision, the Peak Passengers moved quickly, with Tang Xiang and Werewolf Walker taking the first wave into the water. It was extremely windy and snowy outside, the wind was biting, and the jackets were barely able to withstand the terrifying cold. The wind was so strong that it was difficult to walk on the deck. The thinner tour guides like Guide C and B1 were afraid of being blown away by the wind when they got on the deck.

But the scorching weather did not cause too many difficulties for the peak travelers. The huge and hard turtle shell blocked the wind and snow like a shield. The giant wolf transformed by Hunter Walker roared wantonly in the cold wind, and they jumped into the vast glacial lagoon. Instead of jumping into the bitterly cold lake water, he jumped onto two huge pieces of ice not far from the ship.

The parasitic bacteria will have additional reactions to the giant ice containing the power of Odin or the minced meat of the ancestor of the giants. The werewolf Walker tore up the bottom of the glacier lake and leaked a thick black-green juice that could detect the giant ice on the lake. The two of them acted separately, jumping between the giant ice on the lake, digging out pieces of large or small blue ice from the core of the giant ice like a competition. This series of movements was pleasing to the eye, and they were as small as ants compared with the world. But his body possesses the tenacity to withstand nature, showing a different kind of charm in the violent storm. The audience in the live broadcast room was convinced and cheered.

It's a pity that large tracts of snow cover the world like a thick white fog, making visibility on the lake extremely low. Viewers in the live broadcast room can also vaguely see the actions of Tang Xiang and Werewolf Walker by following their personal preferences in the live broadcast, but the people who stay on the ship cannot see clearly. In fact, when Werewolf Walker and Tang Xiang are ten meters away from the ship After that, their figures completely disappeared into the white snow.

"There's something in the snow."

Bingyi whispered to b1, talking about the strange black figures he saw in the fog-like snow when he and the fang hunter were heading to the coffee shop in the snow.

"After the winter of wind comes the winter of swords and the winter of wolves. Those black shadows are probably the monsters that will appear in the next two winters."

Yin Qiaoqiao has a cold voice and looks like a ghost who is difficult to approach, but she treats Bingyi in a different light, and even jokes with him: "It's a warning in advance, just be careful to avoid it."

"Don't think about touching those things in advance, it will be very dangerous."

Lisa warned: "Even Werewolf Walker wouldn't take such a fool's risk."

Every day is a danger, and every day's danger has its own solution. Like today's terrible windy winter, the biting cold wind can not only rob the human body of heat, but also scrape the naked and exposed skin until it is dripping with blood. But top travelers dig out the slimy stuff from their sealskin backpacks, which is seal grease mixed with blood. This oil has a rancid smell, but when applied to the skin it protects the body from the cold wind.

Of course, in addition to seal oil, the flame crystals from the Fire Country are also a good thing to protect against the cold. The reason why Bingyi stayed on the boat obediently and did not go into the water this time was mainly because the Flame Angel George "lived up to expectations" and brought back the first pile of flame crystals from the Kingdom of Fire! The little lizard is quite impressive in this regard. There are more than a dozen top-quality flame crystals that purely contain the power of the sun, and even more inferior flame crystals. Just one piece can fill a cabin with warmth.

Bingyi returned the courtesy and directed George to fly outside, scoop up a bottle of lake water containing parasitic fungus juice from local materials, and send it to the little lizard as an abyss item. There were more crystals waiting to be transported in the Kingdom of Fire. George hurriedly It came and left in a hurry, but several top travelers present paid great attention to it!

The new George appeared again, and he also appeared next to Director C, in the form of a flame angel! Yin Qiaoqiao and Maria had different concerns, but they were both vigilant. Only Lisa felt a little subtle. When the flame angel George flew past her, some sparks fell, making her vaguely aware of some familiar aura.

It's like... David's deputy? !

Could it be that the captain successfully sent the deputy team into the competition? ! But why does he call himself George? What kind of transshipment substitute or something? The astrologers calculated that George would be resurrected by C, so they wanted to transfer this good fate to their mysticism?

Black Widow is crazy?

She was excited and had countless questions in her heart, but Lisa was calm on the surface and agreed that she was not in a hurry, and even needed to be more steady and cautious. But she couldn't help but look at Bingyi a few more times, became even more kind to him, and talked more to him. She said that one thing will bring down another thing. Tomorrow's Sword Winter and the Wolf Winter the day after tomorrow will definitely have corresponding items in the attractions that can resist it. But if they are provoked in advance today, these things will not be at the bottom, and the tourists will probably pay a heavy price. price.

"Of course, if you can get through it, you will get a lot of benefits. It's like leapfrogging

Fight monsters. "

Lisa smiled and said: "You guys... we have the strongest brigade captain, who is good at taking risks."

As expected, the hotel's supervision over this area has been relaxed a lot, Lisa thought to herself, and almost said the words "your way back". In the past, for the amnesiac tour guide Bingyi, this must have been considered forbidden.

But even if Lisa swallowed her words back, the words "Captain of the Strongest Brigade" made Bingyi's mind move, and he said unintentionally: "A Feng is indeed good at taking risks."

Miao Fangfei and Yao Jinghe were shocked when he said this. They were sure that they had never mentioned Team An to Director B! And shouldn’t this be a forbidden word? No one can mention it! Could it be that this is the bond between the tour guide and the brigade captain? It's only been a few days and Bingyi already calls him "A Feng", Ah Feng!

Or is it that Wei Xun has been hinting these days and has initially achieved results? Miao Fangfei's eyes fell on Wei Xun, who was silent. Then she looked at Director B, who was obviously more interested when he mentioned "A Feng". Her heart was filled with mixed feelings. These days, they all see Wei Xun's meticulous attention and care for Director Bing, and are even willing to give up adventure for him and choose a safer path. They are somewhat unlike the old Zangbei who ignored life and death and was keen on killing the knife. The most powerful newcomer traveling around.

Maybe connection makes people mature, and preference makes people change. Captain An has also changed a lot. Who would have thought that Captain An, who has always been admired and admired by everyone, would treat feelings like this?

However, after secretly sighing, Miao Fangfei put aside her distracting thoughts. Compared with Team An and Wei Xun, she only recognized Director B. Director Bing from Xiangxi saved her life in the past, which also made Miao Fangfei determined to follow Director Bing. No matter how many wildflowers and weeds are blooming outside, Director B will choose whomever he likes. No matter which one Director B chooses, it will definitely be the right one!

A quick ten minutes later, Tang Xiang and Werewolf Walker returned with a dozen pieces of blue ice, leaving Lisa and Yin Qiaoqiao to go into the water to fish for ice. The people in the cabin also had work to do. They split the blue ice into smaller pieces, leaving only the core containing energy, and then distinguished the blue ice containing Odin's power from the blue ice made from the minced flesh of the ancestor of the giants. ice and divide it into two piles.

The boat trip lasted only one hour, and time was running out. The two groups of top travelers kept stopping and brought back dozens of pieces of blue ice. However, when each group of travelers took two turns, about forty minutes later, Yin Qiaoqiao When Lisa and I returned to the ship, they brought bad news.

"I found a seal on the giant ice in the lake."

Yin Qiaoqiao said solemnly, the ship drove on the glacier lagoon for more than forty minutes and was about to head to the black beach. A seal finally appeared in the lake.

But the back of this seal lying on the giant ice looked extremely normal. However, when it turned around, its face was extremely weird. Yin Qiaoqiao's words sent chills down the spines of everyone present.

"It has a cat face!"

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