Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 699: Icelandic Horror (220)

Cat-faced seal? !

"Where's the seal?"

After being surprised, Tang Xiang immediately asked: "Is it a living creature or a soul?"

"Between a living creature and a soul, it dived into the lake the moment I found it, and I left a soul mark on it."

Yin Qiaoqiao said that she would not let go of anything suspicious because of her sophisticated behavior. I didn't catch it myself mainly because I was cautious, and I didn't want to use any soul-related means to hurt the seal. After all-

After being surprised, all the passengers' eyes fell on Director Bing. The seals on the black beach have "human faces." If this "human face" corresponds to each passenger, then the "cat face" obviously corresponds to Director C. Especially among the passengers who corresponded to the second set of runes representing disaster, Miranda and others all died, and only Director B, who turned into a cat in the dream, was left alive, which made people even more worried that his life and death crisis was approaching. .

That seal has bad intentions!

"Director B, have you been mentally asleep all this time?"

"He's still sleeping."

Bingyi has a sharp mind. As soon as Tang Xiang asked him this question, he figured out what the passengers were worried about. Among the travelers who corresponded to the set of runes representing misfortune, only the phantom cat died. He had also thought about this, especially because the phantom cat had to pass through the little lizard's flame channel to reach him for some reason.

The original meaning of the character it corresponds to is the sun, and what builds the passage to the Kingdom of Fire is the purest flame crystal containing the power of the sun. Has the power of the rune character been expressed in the phantom cat and begun to affect its thinking and behavior? ?

However, once something like mental state comes out, it cannot be forcibly taken back. Even if it can be forced back to him, the problem is that the phantom cat is by his side now, but it has just fallen into a deep sleep and entered the old dream.

The phantom cat has its own ideas and goes its own way. In reality, except for warning Bingyi to stop when things get too big, he has almost never actively communicated with Bingyi, and has never asked for cooperation and help. He is very proud of himself. Bingyi understands, after all, his brother has this kind of personality in his vague memory, and he is probably also in control of the Fire Country passage and the corresponding runes.

But the information gap between the old dream and reality is indeed a problem, such as this cat-faced seal. Does it correspond to the danger of phantom cats? Bingyi must be confirmed. Especially this time, the mission of the attraction is to hunt seals, skin them and extract their brains, which gives off a sense of horror, weirdness, and bloody danger.

"It may also be a reminder brought by the goddess Freya's messenger, and her messenger is a cat."

Bingyi said lightly and perfunctorily, and asked Yin Qiaoqiao in detail where the cat-faced seal was found. He wanted to capture this seal alive. This cat-faced seal was found in the glacial lagoon. It was less than 20 minutes before arriving at the black beach. Without being sure whether it would go to the beach, Bingyi decided to capture the cat alive during the trip to the glacial lagoon. Face seal.

And this matter is too important, and it hides a secret. At present, passengers all think that he has two identities in his old dreams. If there is something special about this cat-faced seal that really corresponds to the phantom cat, this may be at risk of being exposed. He doesn't trust other people when it comes to his brother, so he wants to capture the seals before these top travelers.

Bingyi held the lizard eggshell in his cloak, blocking the phantom cat in the eggshell. As his mind moved slightly, Bingyi's eyes met Wei Xun's, and they instantly understood each other.

The top travelers are discussing catching the cat-faced seal alive. In their opinion, this is obviously a clue about the human-faced seal on the Diamond Black Beach attraction, and everyone has something to worry about. The glacier lake is too big, and there is also the chaotic obstruction of the power of Windy Winter. The location of Yin Qiaoqiao's soul mark on the cat-faced seal is not clear. There is only a rough range. How many chances are there to capture it within this limited time? People must act separately.

If this cat-faced seal is really related to Bingyi, catching it alive might be like holding Bingyi’s lifeline in your hands! The few peak tourists present naturally have their own attitudes. Although Tang Xiang agreed to cooperate with Yin Qiaoqiao, he did not trust her. All the high-level passengers know about the Fengdu Evil Insect Master. Homecoming and Feihong are brother brigades, and Crimson and Sunset have a good relationship with each other.

Tang Xiang knew that several slices of the insect master were in Bingyi's hands, and even Wu Yun, the captain of Fengdu, joined the mutual aid alliance founded by Bingyi.

Under normal circumstances in the preliminaries, Yin Qiaoqiao would definitely help Bingyi, but if she could control Bingyi's lifeline, it would be hard to guess what she was thinking. Tour guides are too important to the connected brigade, and no one wants to let the nuclear weapons that can destroy their own brigade fall into the hands of others.

Furthermore, for a peak traveler as strong as Yin Qiaoqiao, the soul imprint left on the cat-faced seal can only be sensed by her. Isn't it really intentional?

Yin Qiaoqiao naturally knew about Tang Xiang's scrutiny. Although he didn't reveal any clues, everyone was from the East District and had gotten along with each other. No one knew what was going on in other people's hearts. However, Yin Qiaoqiao was not angry because she did A little careful.

But nothing has been said about this matter. It is still unclear what the Seal means to the corresponding people. The warm-up competition has only entered the fifth day. It is too early to say this now. Her first priority is to ensure Bingyi's safety, and she must not let the thing that restrains Bingyi fall into the hands of others, especially people from the West District. Even Lisa Yin Qiaoqiao, who was very protective of Bingyi, was worried.

There is something evil about the Occult Brigade. The unexplained relationship between Captain Astrologer and the Life-Haunter makes the Eastern District Brigade very wary of them, especially the entire Fengdu Brigade and Youdu Brigade. The group is very hostile to the East End Butchers Alliance, especially the Life-Haunters. Yin Qiaoqiao didn't know the specific reason, but Lisa was so enthusiastic about Bingyi during this trip that she was so enthusiastic that she felt that this person definitely had another agenda!

Lisa naturally knew that the East Enders were still not serious and trustworthy companions to their West Enders, but she didn't care. It was Huilu who had a good relationship with the occult, but not Feihong and Fengdu. He had no friendship to begin with, so he didn't care about other people's opinions. Moreover, Feihong has a close relationship with Guilu. The tour guide in Fengdu is said to be in the hands of Bingyi. It is impossible for both brigades to harm Bingyi. Lisa's sharp eyes fell on the werewolf Walker.

Werewolf mercenaries are notoriously greedy and stingy, and will not do things that are not beneficial, but Bingyi has revealed too many special characteristics so far, and will definitely attract the pursuit of greedy evil wolves. And if nothing else, just talking about Bingyi's Fenrir wolf is enough to make the werewolf Walker covet him.

There are many types of werewolves, and the werewolf travelers/tour guides who can stand on the highest peaks all have their own unique characteristics. For example, the blood wolf Rex lives up to his name. Drinking his blood can awaken the title of werewolf and be controlled by him in some aspects. The title of Werewolf Walker is also special - he likes to devour various wolf species with special bloodlines in mythology, and through devouring them, he plunders their power and integrates them.

Compared to a werewolf, he is more like a greedy giant wolf. It is said that the relationship between the werewolf mercenaries and the West Side Butcher Alliance is very bad. It seems that one of the reasons is that the werewolf Walker once coveted the wolf form of Silver Moon Killer.

"If you stare at me again, I'll pluck out your eyes."

The werewolf Walker showed his white fangs fiercely and breathed maliciously at Lisa. However, this woman had such a personality and was used to quarrels and fights. Werewolf Walker knew that she was just trying to protect her calf, so he was not angered. His vigilance was focused on Sister Maria. If the occult people who talked about gods and gods and kept saying "this is fate" kept the werewolves with brains full of muscles at arm's length, then the fanatical believer paladins of the Whitechapel family It can be said that travelers like this are the least likely to deal with werewolves.

Especially since Bingyi is still a little devil, he may be targeted by Maria. Werewolf Walker didn't want him to die. This little tour guide was too outrageous and a rare commodity. No mercenary would miss this kind of deal.

Sister Maria still had a cold face, not bothering to pay attention to anyone's eyes. A chain of suspicion and contempt has quietly formed among the top travelers. There is only one thing in which all top travelers have a unified attitude.

That's when Bingyi proposed to go into the water by himself.


The glacier lake is too dangerous and the water surface is complicated. How can Bingyi take the risk himself? Bingyi, who was unanimously opposed, took a step back from Shan Ruliu and appointed Wei Xun to take over for him.

"Wei Xun can transform into a killer whale, and he has a connection with me. If the cat-faced seal really corresponds to me, he will sense it."

"Okay, Wei Xun, come here, I'll take you."

Time is running out, and the amphibious ship has arrived at its destination. Yin Qiaoqiao concludes that the soul imprint of the cat-faced seal is in this area. Tang Xiang has the final word. In fact, Tang Xiang is still there.

But don't worry, the tooth hunter on the ship is like a time bomb, no one knows whether he will attack Bingyi. But the manpower is too tight. Currently, there are only two peak passengers in the East District, but there are three in the West District. The number of people is also disadvantageous for them.

There was no other way, so Tang Xiang had no choice but to tell Bingyi to call Yu Hehui and Tong Hege to protect him. They would come back as quickly as possible.

"It's so much cleaner."

A few peak passengers left the cabin, and the surroundings instantly became quiet. Their departure seemed to take away the sense of security, and the roar of the wind and waves outside the ship suddenly became terrifying. But there was also a breath of freedom in the terror. Miao Fangfei took a deep breath and her heartbeat was a little fast. She couldn't tell whether it was because of nervousness or relaxation.

That's right, relax and watch the top passengers decide the overall situation. When Director B's face became colder and colder, Miao Fangfei was extremely nervous at that time! Yes, the Peak Passengers are indeed very strong and experienced, but after all this time, who in the brigade can be the leader? The more "obedient" he was and the more he "settled for the second best", the more he made Miao Fangfei feel like a volcano on the verge of erupting, planning something big.

Especially when Director Bing exclaimed, "It's so much cleaner." Miao Fangfei was even more excited. For a moment, she felt that Director Bing was going to kill the person - after all, the dead are the purest.

"What do you mean, let's go."

It wasn't until the devil businessman teased that Miao Fangfei finally came to her senses from all the speculation.

"Don't pretend for me, you must want to get into the water yourself."

Seeing B1 raising his eyebrows and not saying anything, B1 started talking to him. How could he not know what kind of person B1 was? Damn it if you are really obedient, you must be trying to coax those passengers away before you get into the water!

However, this thing is really weird. Bingyi acted like he had changed his gender. He refused to let go no matter what anyone said. He even yawned lazily and said that he was sleepy and wanted to go to the lounge to squint his eyes first. He put a piece of The corn shoots stayed here, waiting for Tang Xiang and the others to come back before waking him up.

Director C is sleepy? Could it be that something happened in an old dream? Could it be that the cat-faced seal is really related to the cat in the old dream? The matter was so important that Miao Fangfei and the others did not dare to stop Director Bing from sleeping. They could only watch Yu and Hui Tianhu go away with Director Bing. When they arrived at the lounge, after Yu Hehui carefully inspected the Toothless Hunters around them, Bingyi breathed a sigh of relief, but his nerves were still tense.

He held up his tour guide's cloak like a blue tent, blocking the outside view. Under the cover of the cloak, he took out the lizard egg again and moved the hand that was blocking the egg.

A pair of round black eyes looked at it from the eggshell, with dotted eyebrows on the eyes. Although the expression in those eyes was as cold and stern as ever, it could not hide its overall naive and cute look.

The phantom cat nestled in the eggshell woke up from his old dream and turned into a seal pup!

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