Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 697 Second Update

The hotel will not be able to control the next attractions? ? This statement was a bit difficult for Miao Fangfei and others to accept.

But according to Werewolf Walker's sarcastic statement, "Hotel? Well, that also depends on who is in charge of the shift."

The person in charge is like the tentacles extending outwards from the hotel. Different from what middle- and low-level travelers think, except for those less difficult journeys that can only be supervised by the hotel rules, those extremely difficult journeys are like warm-ups. Large-scale trips such as competitions and year-end celebrations will basically be more flexibly managed by the person in charge.

The strength of management and control is also related to the strength of the person in charge. What Werewolf Walker secretly meant was that the current host of the hotel's rotation was relatively weak, and what had happened so far in this match was beyond his capabilities. That’s why we started selling insurance to strengthen the relationship between hotels and tourists.

The hotel attaches great importance to tourists, especially those with good talents and intelligence. It doesn't matter if you die during the journey, this can be regarded as survival of the fittest. Anyway, the power of various corpses can be recycled and reused. Luck is also a part of strength. Those who are truly qualified to stand at the top can still use resurrection even if they die. opportunity, just like Yu Hehui and Tong Hege.

However, if an extremely outstanding traveler dies "completely" or even escapes the hotel's control, it is a serious violation of the hotel's rules, and the person in charge of the rotating control will be severely punished by the hotel.

Therefore, it is crucial to get insurance immediately after discovering this sign to prevent this from happening. Also because this "insurance" is not voluntary within the rules of the hotel, but is created by half the hotel and half the principal, there is no such thing as compulsory purchase.

"But it's better to buy it."

Lisa said that she had neatly bought an insurance policy from Bingyi. Looking at what other people did, even the unruly werewolf Walker just mocked a few times and said nothing more, and simply bought the insurance.

"Don't think that the reduction in hotel control is an opportunity to escape from the hotel. This is a very scary thing."

Tang Xiang warned sternly and bought insurance: "On a journey with such risks, it is very likely that you will die unexpectedly before you encounter the so-called danger."

Most of the things they are discussing now will be muted or even blocked during the live broadcast. After all, the hotel has always strictly controlled these aspects. But they could explain it clearly to Miao Fangfei, who had already encountered this kind of thing. Listening to Tang Tuan's explanation, Miao Fangfei, who was originally filled with indescribable excitement, calmed down.

The journey and scenic spots can be said to be on the earth, but they are also equivalent to forbidden areas on the earth. Ordinary people cannot enter, but tourists and tour guides can enter because they have the brand of the hotel on them, and journeys are also different from journey to journey. Some places are hidden in reality and exist by themselves, like the "Wuluo Mountain" on the journey to western Hunan. No normal person will discover this place, and it is all under the control of the hotel.

Some places are based on reality, but are not in reality, such as the Eight-Armed Nezha City in the journey to the funeral palace in the suburbs of Beijing and the Ming Tombs where the dragon soul really exists. Ghosts, various obsessions and pollution make them like dead souls in reality, like the "ghost city" in folklore. It is built based on reality, hotels and aborigines, and relies on the normal world to exist, but it is beyond the reach of ordinary people. Arrived.

If you lose contact with the hotel in a place like Wuluo Mountain, there will be no big problem. At most, you will be excluded from Wuluo Mountain and randomly appear on any mountain in western Hunan, because Wuluo Mountain is a real place. But if he loses contact with the hotel in Ba Arm Nezha City, the consequences will be different.

If people are excluded from this kind of scenic spot between reality and illusion, they will most likely fall into the gap between reality and illusion. If they are lucky, they may become "aboriginals" and never be able to return to reality. If you are unlucky, you will die directly and cannot survive.

And large-scale journeys that are more dangerous and urgent, such as this warm-up match, which involves almost the entire five Nordic countries, are inherently more terrifying. It can be said that they are in the "mythical version" of Northern Europe built together by the inn, the aboriginal people, the power of the original abyss of the Jinlunga Gap, etc., or they are like a copy of the five Nordic countries built with the power of the inn.

The abyss is restless, and the Golden Lunga Gap is about to appear again. The terrifying and majestic power of the abyss has stimulated the Nordic gods and giants. The hotel has detected

This is involved, so the "dungeon" of the five Nordic countries with the theme of Ragnarok is based on reality. Travelers must solve the upcoming disaster in advance in the "dungeon" so that the disaster will not happen in reality - if If it cannot be solved, the consequences will be disastrous.

Of course, the hotel won't let that happen. The jury composed of the strongest brigades in the east and west areas and the rotating chiefs are the last line of defense. There are also peak passengers/guides in the competition, and it is not too supermodel to solve the dangers of this difficulty.

However, once the passenger loses contact with the hotel during this "dungeon" journey, there will only be one outcome, which is complete death and soul annihilation. Even top travelers will be "squeezed to death" between reality and the dungeon. And even if the good luck is not lost alive, the tourists who died in danger beyond the hotel's control will basically not be recycled by the hotel.

So if you don’t want to lose contact and die suddenly, you must buy insurance.

It turns out that the essence of the trip to Iceland is like this, Bingyi thought, and Tang Xiang's explanation solved many questions in his mind. Miao Fangfei and others also had expressions that showed their outlook on life had been reshaped, and they all bought insurance from Bingyi. What made Bingyi dumbfounded was that as a tour guide, he actually got a commission from selling insurance!

"The relationship between tour guides and hotels is very close, and almost only tourists are in danger of losing contact."

Tang Xiang and others understood that there was no danger of losing contact with the tour guides. Some tour guides had deep conflicts with tourists. In order to prevent them from deliberately not selling insurance to tourists and causing the passengers to be killed, hotels have always used coercion and inducement - tour guides must explain insurance to tourists. This matter cannot be concealed, this matter is mandatory. The incentive is that for every insurance sold, the tour guide will receive a corresponding commission.

Of course, this commission comes from the rotating principal. After all, if the principal is strong enough to control the attractions, there will be no insurance. There are few passengers alive in team B1. Only Wei Xun, Tang Xiang and Yin Qiaoqiao bought insurance. There are more people alive in team B1. The insurances sold include Miao Fangfei, Yao Jinghe, Lisa, Werewolf Walker, Maria and Dan Lin Liufen.

The commission was cashed out immediately after the insurance was sold. B1 got three strange Japanese paper figures, all of which were inhabited by powerful shikigami. Bingyi sold more, and in addition to the paper shikigami, he also got a deep red and almost black magatama.

It's just that the ship has arrived at the port and is about to set off. I don't have time to study it in depth. I just feel that this magatama contains extremely powerful and special energy, and it is a rare good thing. With a slight thought, Bingyi even joked about selling insurance to the tooth hunter on the way to the dock, and also used this to test whether the tooth hunter was a tourist or a tour guide.

However, the tooth hunter had no interest in buying insurance for himself and sneered at it. However, when the passengers were getting ready and heading to the dock, they took a few steps behind and fell behind Bingyi, wanting to buy insurance for Fenrir Wolf.

After all, Fenrir Wolf is bound to die in Ragnarok, and even with Bingyi watching over Guya Hunter, he is still extremely worried. It is said that if you buy insurance, the "hotel" will provide you with protection. There is never too much protection. The Tooth Hunter is even willing to put up one of his extraordinary abilities as collateral.

"Fenrir wolves can't buy insurance."

Bingyi regretted that Fenrir Wolf was neither a tourist nor a tour guide. It was not even a human being, so how could he buy insurance? The tooth hunter who returned disappointed cursed the "hotel" for being useless, and went to sail the boat with a gloomy face. This amphibious ship looks very special in appearance. There are two rows of rubber wheels under the hull, which can drive smoothly on the snow, just like a land ship.

Fortunately, it can travel on land. The windy winter caused the temperature to drop sharply, and the violent storms and snow brought severe cold. Only when the passengers arrived at the port did they find that the lake at the port had frozen!

The amphibious ship drove on the ice for about tens of meters before finally swaying into the water in the strong wind. However, there were large blocks of ice floes on the glacier lake at this moment. In addition, the wind and waves were huge, and the amphibious ship was not so smooth. smooth. The passengers all stayed in the cabin, and there was still about a quarter of an hour before the center of the lake to be visited in the scenic spot. This was their last opportunity to discuss arrangements.

Some of the top passengers inspected the ship, some explored the cabin, and some boarded the deck to alert the outside world. The division of labor was orderly and orderly. But Tang Xiang approached Wei Xun and whispered a few words to him.

"Selling insurance is not only about the front

Attractions may present hazards beyond the control of the hotel. "

Tang Xiang's voice was so low that only An Xuefeng, who was close at hand, could hear it in the strong wind.

"There is also a possibility that there have been passengers who have completely lost contact with the hotel during the journey, and we are trying to make up for it."

Has anyone lost contact with the hotel?

Last night, Di Feiyu's soul was completely polluted by the abyss, but Bingyi saved his soul back to his lost paradise. Everyone knew that the Abyss was outside the hotel's rules. If, if, is there a possibility that today's insurance was sold because Di Feiyu was considered to have completely lost contact with the hotel?

This possibility is extremely low. If it were true, we should have sold insurance early this morning and would not have delayed it to this second attraction. But it's not too late, even if the odds are low, some people can't help but think about it.

Although Di Feiyu is dead, his soul is still alive, so he is not considered dead!

If he really lost contact with the hotel and was outside the hotel's control, would that be considered getting rid of the hotel in another sense? ! Is it a miracle that Bingyi created when he had no memory? !

If, if this is true, even if there is only one chance in ten thousand, people can’t help but think about it and look forward to it...

Tang Xiang, who was always known for his steady breathing, was slightly short of breath. He stared at Wei Xun, hesitated several times, and finally just reminded: "This scenic spot is too polluted, and the tour guide will easily have a headache."

"You should spend more time with Director B."

No matter how small the possibility is, Bingyi must not suffer any loss. It is best not to let the hotel's eyes fall on him for too long. When exiting the cabin, several top passengers glanced at each other secretly. Regardless of whether they were in the East or West, everyone's goals were surprisingly the same at this moment.

To complete this attraction as soon as possible, and to cause trouble, the power of the Jinlunga Chasm to shake the original abyss must be overflowed to divert the attention of the outside world!

"Hey, Dan Lin, you must be hungry, I know!"

On the deck of the amphibious ship, Werewolf Walker's provocative but extremely fiery voice sounded, even overpowering the roar of the wind. He laughed and said, "I see there are fish in this glacier lake. Wait, I'll go down and catch some!"

After saying that, Wolfman Walker transformed into a giant wolf and jumped into the glacial lake without hesitation. The next second, there was a loud roar, like the earth was shattering, and the boat was almost overturned by the waves in the stormy sea. As Lisa roared and cursed, a giant black wolf emerged from the water filled with ice floes, and said in a somewhat exaggerated manner: "Hey, It was so powerful that it created a crack in the bottom of the glacier lake."

"It looks a bit like a crack in the abyss."

Soon enough, when the black wolf Walker jumped up and returned to the boat, the color of the small glacial lake near them quietly changed, thick, thick, thick, black-green and bubbling like an oil leak. It spreads, familiar yet strange.

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