Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 696: Icelandic Horror (218)

"We will take an amphibious boat to cruise the glacier lagoon, and tickets are being issued now."

After all the passengers woke up from their old dreams, everyone's position was moved from the snowmobile to the cafe next to the glacier lagoon, where they would wait for the ship to arrive. After their names were called, Bingyi handed out the boat tickets to everyone. The explanation before the attractions was still provided by b1. He was already very skilled in this business and sounded like a senior tour guide.

"During the one-hour boat tour, the Yaman crew will explain the knowledge about the glacier lake area in detail. You will also have the opportunity to taste the thousands of years of blue ice in the glacier lake."

Thousands of years of blue ice... Miao Fangfei's face changed slightly. The attraction of the ice cave left a big psychological shadow on her. When she heard the word "blue ice", she immediately wondered if this could be another ancestor of the Nordic gods and giants. The game between Ymir. But the expressions of the top passengers were either calm or cold, and they had obviously expected this.

"The Tooth Hunter did not leave and continued to intervene in the journey as a crew member, which shows that this matter is far from over."

Tang Xiang whispered that before setting off, he allowed Miao Fangfei to implant a spiritual heart Gu into his body to facilitate communication between the two.

"In other words, Odin is the God of Wisdom and will not allow the power of wisdom to fall into the hands of Director C. We who are still alive are like walking runes, and the Lizard Duke is like a vulture, staring at you and me. The corpses of the travelers will take away the characters when they emerge, so that the wisdom and authority will not be lost outside."

And when they actually arrived at the glacial lagoon, should they wait for them to die naturally due to the dangerous attractions and get the rune characters, or should they actively murder the tourists and loot the characters. I am afraid that with the character of the Lizard Duke, the latter is more likely. That's why Tang Xiang asked for a Spiritual Heart Gu. Among the two brigades, Yao Jinghe and Miao Fangfei were the easiest targets. He did this for protection. Miao Fangfei also knew it and was very grateful. She secretly said:

"I heard from the Devil Merchant that Cui Dao and Lizard Duke were alone just now and went to the coffee shop to redeem their tickets. On the way back, it seemed that the tooth hunter was carrying Cui Dao on his back. I hope Cui Dao has persuaded the tooth hunter to favor our side. ”

"Look again, don't let your guard down."

Tang Xiang said steadily, looking deeply: "Even if the Lizard Duke forms an alliance with Cui Dao, it does not mean that he will completely betray the camp of the Nordic gods."

The cunning rabbit's three caves are the cunning side of Director S2. Furthermore, there are more than just fanged hunters on this journey. The little lizard hatched from Director B's lizard egg also made Tang Xiang hesitant and had to guard against it.

"Everyone remember to bring your camera. If you are lucky, we may see cute seals while swimming in the glacier lagoon. We may even capture the warm scene of seals lying on the ice and basking in the sun. Seals have special meaning to Icelanders. , it is said that Icelanders in the past hunted seals. The skin, meat and fat of seals were necessary food for ancient Icelanders to survive the long winter, but the most important thing was the brains of seals, which were used by great witches in ancient Iceland. It is used to mix mineral powder and grass juice to make pigments, an important raw material for drawing mysterious rune characters and performing sacrifices."

This is talking about drama! The passengers all paid attention and did not miss a word. And every word of the devil merchant's next words faintly revealed the smell of blood.

"This visit to the glacial lagoon and black sand beach may give us the opportunity to experience this ancient craft and hunt seals to draw runes ourselves!"

"Ancient craft..."

Miao Fangfei murmured in her heart, and couldn't help but think of the so-called "intangible cultural heritage experience ticket - making corpses by hand" during the trip to western Hunan when she and Director B first met. Thinking back to that time, she took the seal skin from Director B When wearing a waterproof backpack, I actually felt a little friendly. They lost a lot of backpacks during this journey. The new backpacks distributed to everyone at this attraction solved the urgent need, but this thing looked a little evil.

It's not so much a backpack as it is a larger drawstring bag, as if the entire sealskin has been completely peeled off, and the seal is tied with a leather rope. The entire backpack exudes a fishy smell that is hard to ignore, and it is yellow. I don’t know how many years ago the leather is. It is even as old as the backpacks that the devil merchants said the ancient Icelanders carried when hunting.

They believe that the skin of the prey contains the soul of the prey. The sealskin bag will cover the human breath and deceive the living seals into thinking that the hunter is the same kind.

The soul is the most evil thing, especially when Miao Fangfei puts her hand into the seal skin bag to get something, she always feels that the inside is not dry, but sticky and slippery, as if she has touched the seal's abdominal cavity. Seeing the rotten fat and flesh mixed together, especially a cold force that was hard to detect was quietly running along her fingertips and running into her arm like a needle.

"There's something wrong with my luggage!"

Miao Fangfei's pupils shrank suddenly and she retracted her hand suddenly. She gasped violently, and a lot of cold sweat broke out on her back. Everyone's eyes were on her, but Miao Fangfei was staring at her fingers. No, her fingers were clean as usual, with no flesh and blood, and no scars. It was as if the encounter just now was just an illusion.

Is it an illusion? No, Miao Fangfei's orange title "Witch" was warning her. She did not hesitate to take out a small puppet from her arms. This was an extremely rare stand-in puppet. Even Miao Fangfei used golden silkworm powder and The sky fox hair could only be made with difficulty. The puppet is connected to her by blood, and although it is not yet at the highest level of death substitution, it can still bear some mental and physical damage such as curses or knife wounds for Miao Fangfei.

But now this puppet is very different from when it was intact. Even Miao Fangfei took a breath of air-conditioning, and saw that the originally human-shaped puppet became weird and terrifying. The human arms and legs were fused with the body, and the head seemed to melt. It blends with the shoulders and neck like wax, and is as gray as a dirty old cobweb. It is also covered with large or small black mold spots. Overall, it looks like...


Miao Fangfei murmured that her stand-in doll was deformed and looked like a seal!

"No problem, everything provided by the hotel is the best."

B1, who was interrupted, retorted unhappily, glanced at the stand-in in Miao Fangfei's hand, and said unhappily: "What's all the fuss about? There's a seal soul in this backpack, there's nothing missing. "

The sealskin backpack actually contains the soul of a seal! These words made Miao Fangfei feel cold from head to toe, making her hair stand on end. She couldn't help but think of the words on the itinerary describing today's attractions, "Why does the seal basking on the diamond black beach have your face?"

Did the seals have human faces, or did they turn into seals, leaving only a human face? Miao Fangfei and Yao Jinghe looked at each other, both worried. But fortunately, the peak passengers were still calm. The calm aura of everyone suppressed the panic, making people unable to help but feel calm.

"The soul is in good condition."

Yin Qiaoqiao commented that after discovering that the seal soul was hidden in the backpack and could invade the human body, the top travelers still reached into the backpack to retrieve things as usual, allowing the resentful soul of the seal to invade. Even the werewolf Walker only complained about the smell, but did not directly destroy the backpack or kill the soul inside as Miao Fangfei imagined.

"This is the journey, there is no room for bargaining before the attraction actually begins."

Tang Xiang taught: "Whether it is a backpack, a camera, a boat ticket, a seal soul, etc., we must carry it with us."

While he was talking, he took out two things from his backpack, which was a stone pointed awl used to dig through the skull of a seal, and a very ancient-looking bone spoon used to dig out the brain of a seal.

In addition, everyone was assigned a blood-stained wooden spear.

"Our attraction this time is to experience the ancient Icelanders hunting seals in the cold winter. All modern items cannot be used."

Bing Yiyi: "The natural environment is getting worse and worse. We must pay attention to environmental protection."

Taste blue ice, hunt "seals", and dig out the brains of "seals" to draw runes. This is the mission of this attraction! If all this was within the expectations of the top travelers, Bingyi's next reminder made everyone's expressions become truly serious.

That turned out to be a disclaimer!

"The hotel is not responsible for any accidents, illnesses, personal casualties, property and mental losses that occur during the itinerary. Due to weather, natural disasters, volcanic eruptions, snowstorms and other force majeure reasons, individuals may delay their itinerary and fail to complete the scenic spots in accordance with the itinerary. The tour guide has the right to make changes in case of extreme weather, road conditions and other necessary conditions.

Change route

"The hotel recommends that all tourists purchase a comprehensive travel insurance before departure to reduce losses caused by unforeseen external forces during the trip. Of course, purchasing insurance is voluntary and the hotel only recommends it."

"buy insurance?"

Miao Fangfei's expression was a little confused. This involved a blind spot in her knowledge. Even Dan Lin frowned in surprise, as if he was not expecting it. For serious real-life journeys, tourists usually buy some insurance just in case. But hotels have never sold insurance. The journey is a test for travelers, so there is no room for bargaining. Moreover, hotels are almost omnipotent, so how can they say something like "not responsible"?

Selling insurance was beyond the imagination of Miao Fangfei and others, and the price required to buy insurance made them even more unbelievable. The hotel did not ask for a sky-high price, but only wanted one thing - the passenger's original name was temporarily mortgaged to the hotel and returned after the trip.

"You just want the original title?"

Dan Lin asked cautiously, frowning even more after the devil merchant nodded. They have been working hard all the way until now, and everyone's original title, regardless of their initial level, has now been upgraded to an orange title. The original buffs were basically of no use. The titles that each person could carry at the same time were limited, and few people really used the original titles.

What's more, the hotel only needs to be mortgaged, not plundered, and will be returned after the trip is over, which is even more incredible.

What's the picture of the hotel?

Could it be that the upcoming trip is too dangerous, almost impossible to survive, and the hotel is protecting it in order to give the talents more opportunities?

But there are still old dreams, and when a person dies in reality, it is not a serious death, so it shouldn’t be like this, right?

"Insurance... I didn't expect that the hotel would sell insurance before it reached the final stage."

Miao Fangfei and the others didn't know much about it, but the Peak Passengers were all knowledgeable people, but the expressions on their faces were a little weird.

"Securing the original title is to once again strengthen the connection between the hotel and tourists."

Tang Xiang, Miao Fangfei and others explained in a low voice: "Usually when the 30th North Latitude is opened, the hotel will sign an insurance agreement with the tourists."

Passengers are controlled by the hotel both body and soul. Even if they die outside, the hotel will recycle them. They cannot be wasted anyway. Hotels use "insurance" to protect tourists and strengthen their connections with tourists. This only means one thing.

During this trip and subsequent attractions, travelers will encounter dangers beyond the hotel's original control! Passengers who die in this scenic spot will most likely not be included in the hotel's rules and will be completely dead!

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