Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 695 Second update

"We slept until now?!"

On the snowmobile, Miao Fangfei and others, who had just woken up from their old dream, said in shock as they brought back the food that Director C had brought back, which had been heated up by the extreme cold. They incarnate death in their old dreams, and falling into them is like dreamless sleep. They can see nothing but darkness. They wake up from the dream as soon as they close and open their eyes, and they have no idea how long they spent. time.

But judging from the past few experiences of entering the old dream, everyone still has a good idea. The hotel has always been a serious journey, and they should wake up at most when they sleep in the parking lot.

Who would have thought that according to the words of Director B and the devil businessman, they have been sleeping until now, and they did not really wake up until Director B returned with the ticket!

"I'm afraid it's the impact of Miranda's group's destruction."

Tang Xiang said in a deep voice that Miranda and his group were the only ones who had survived the incarnations in their old dreams. Usually after falling into a dream, they could follow the movements of their relatives in the dream from the perspective of the avatar and know the situation in the old dream, but now Milan Their group was almost wiped out, and the passengers who were still alive in reality had no way of knowing what happened in their old dreams, just like they were blind.

No, their team was not completely destroyed.

"Director Bing didn't enter the old dream this time?"

Lisa asked solemnly, the only person in Miranda's group who is still alive in reality is Director B who turned into a cat in the old dream! However, this time, Director B got off the bus and exchanged tickets. The whole process was clear. He did not fall into the old dream. This made the top passengers ponder and have their own thoughts.

"I didn't enter into the old dream this time."

Bingyi said calmly: "If I go in, the situation will probably be even worse."

"Hey, you're right."

Werewolf Walker laughed rudely. He was so hungry that he didn't bother to wait. He chewed the sandwich that was as hard as a stone and made a clicking sound. It sounded like biting human bones. His wolf eyes were fierce. The light made people dare not look at him: "If you go in, your old dream might be destroyed!"

Bingyi is closely related to the abyss. This became the consciousness of the top travelers after he rescued Di Feiyu's soul. What's more, he got so many abyssal parasites in the ice cave attraction, which is even more confusing. fear. Now the primordial abyss has appeared in the old dream, and if Bingyi goes in, the consequences will be unimaginable!

He is really too dangerous, so it's better to stay in reality. As for why he didn't enter the old dream - Bingyi and Dream Chaser have a very good relationship. Even amnesia can't stop the two from establishing a relationship. Who knows what Dream Chaser gave him? The entire hotel belongs to Dream Chaser. Playing is the most clear-cut, and there is no problem in not falling into old dreams.

But...did Bingyi really not fall into the old dream?

"Your mental state has been sleeping, which is a bit abnormal."

Yin Qiaoqiao reminded: "Be careful."

According to Miranda and the others, the cat incarnated by Director B of their team in the old dream was very similar to his mental state. In the old dream, there were Director B's parents, and he was in both groups at the same time. This situation was a bit bizarre and touching. It touched a certain nerve among the top travelers, but even though everyone had their own guesses, they didn’t think Bing would encounter such a thing so soon——

"You're not schizophrenic, are you?"

Werewolf Walker bared his white teeth and mocked maliciously. His tone made Miao Fangfei and others frown, and they mentally scolded Werewolf Walker for being pleasing to the eye even when he had lost his memory. The difference in strength was too big and they couldn't say it directly. They could only look towards Tang Xiang and the others with implicit expectations, hoping that the top boss in the East District could regain some ground.

However, what disappointed Miao Fangfei and others was that Tang Xiang and Yin Qiaoqiao did not refute Walker, but followed his words and looked at Bingyi. The thoughtfulness in their eyes frightened Miao Fangfei.

They don't really suspect that Director B is schizophrenic, right?

No, the top passengers were all so suspicious. Did they really see something from Director B? Is Director B really schizophrenic? !

"I'm not schizophrenic."

Bingyi took in everyone's gaze and nodded slightly to Werewolf Walker: "Thanks for the reminder."

Yes, although Werewolf Walker's words were unpleasant, he was indeed reminding him secretly, so Tang Xiang and Yin Qiaoqiao

They didn't object because this was what they were worried about.

They were worried that Bingyi would start showing signs of slicing!

The owner of the slice involves the secrets and rules of the hotel. The information related to it has powerful power in itself. God knows and the earth knows and the hotel knows. Weak tourists or tour guides who know too specific inside information in advance may cause mental confusion and be detrimental to themselves. Therefore, before they actually receive the rule-based task and come into contact with this matter, the top tourists who understand these can only make insinuations. Will explain in details.

But Bingyi has two incarnations in old dreams. It is really uneasy that his mental state has been sleeping. Amnesia, two incarnations, all kinds of things. When all memories are restored at the end of the warm-up competition, Bingyi's spirit will definitely suffer. If there is a violent impact, it is very likely that splitting will occur! All the top travelers even secretly wondered whether it was because the assassin was about to come out and the hotel had to take action to restrain Bingyi first, so it secretly planned the competition? Tang Xiang even looked at Wei Xun. If Bingyi had any mental problems, his connection to the passengers would be the most obvious.


An Xuefeng and Bingyi looked at each other and said seriously, the nine light knives were too shocking. The werewolf Walker and the nun Maria were enemies rather than friends, and it was not easy to reveal it to the team for the time being. Just a "no" was not enough to reassure the top travelers, but An Xuefeng's next words made them turn all their attention to him!

"Bingyi didn't fall into a dream this time. I don't know what happened in the old dream, but I know."

"Because my incarnation was resurrected in an old dream."


When he said this, everyone was shocked, but An Xuefeng was very calm. He had already thought of this excuse. There must be a messenger between old dreams and reality. It is too dangerous for Bingyi to dream now. This messenger It can only be done by him. The fact that there were multiple incarnations in the old dream cannot be exposed, and the "resurrection" of the incarnation is the best excuse.

How to "resurrection" the incarnation in the old dream has always been a key goal of the tourists, especially the delay in waking up this time, which makes them worry that there are changes in the old dream. If they want to participate as soon as possible, they must resurrect the dream. Just incarnate. An Xuefeng's words caused everyone's attention to shift from Bingyi to him, but soon the look of anticipation turned to disappointment, because Wei Xun also "didn't know" how he survived!

He just said that he was asleep without knowing anything at first, and then suddenly woke up in the middle of his sleep. He saw that all the passengers in the car were sleeping, but he was the only one awake. After talking for a few words with Director B, he fell asleep again. At this time, he was shocked to find My dream incarnation came to life, and I could see the scenes in my old dreams again. Director Huang was leading him to run for his life, and everywhere was the rotting juice of the abyssal parasite. Director Huang and Director Hong seemed to have obtained something from the abyss - but this could not be said, and he did not know it.

Di Feiyu's death is a lesson learned from the past, and no one would seek death to inquire further. It's just that Wei Xun's words were as if he hadn't, and he didn't know how he was resurrected. The confusion caused the werewolf Walker to laugh again.

"The resurrection itself is the clue."

This time Tang Xiang said coldly, with a bad tone, overpowering the werewolf Walker's momentum: "Now Wei Xun is the only one who can bring information from the old dream. This is also our opportunity."

"The attractions are still on the itinerary today. If we look at them tomorrow, the situation will definitely be worse."

Lisa also frowned and said that for the scenic spots listed on the itinerary, the hotel will definitely give priority to ensuring that the scenic spots are completed. But after today's diamond black sand beach, the only attraction on the itinerary is "Why is there a passage to the center of the earth deep in the Snæfellsnes Volcano?" However, in the next two days of climbing the volcano, we will not be climbing Snæfellsjökull!

This is because attractions that are not on the itinerary usually give travelers more freedom and extra rewards, but they also usually have more dangers. Without the protection of the basic journey, attractions that are not on the itinerary are prone to all kinds of disasters. may happen. The almost immediate problem now is the old dream.

Today they woke up from their old dream before the attraction started, but if they entered the old dream again tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, and faced attractions that were not on the itinerary, would the hotel still let them wake up? Death incarnates in their old dreams. They can't even do anything in their old dreams. They will lose control together and can only hope.

Hope that others can resurrect their incarnations in old dreams.

But those who have entered the old dream each have their own positions. Will they really find a way to resurrect their incarnations? Peak travelers don't like to leave life and death to people other than their teammates. The problem of resurrection and incarnation is best solved before tomorrow!

"I will pass today's attractions as quickly as possible."

Maria, who had been silent all this time, spoke coldly and looked around. The other peak travelers were silent, but they also acquiesced.

"If the attraction is not over, people in reality will not be able to enter the old dream."

Tang Xiang explained in a low voice to Miao Fangfei and Yao Jinghe that they were the only two weak travelers in the East District who were still alive. Only by quickly clearing today's attractions can Wei Xun enter the old dream more before tomorrow to find out what is the key to the resurrection incarnation. It is best to contact other people in the old dream to brainstorm.

"Quickness is one aspect. It must be done to achieve the highest completion level of scenic spots."

Yin Qiaoqiao said coldly, her ghostly white to almost transparent hand blocking Wei Xun's body. A faint burnt smell hit her, and her hand blocked a ray of holy light. Peak travelers have their own methods of quickly passing attractions, but these are at the expense of giving up digging into the attractions and giving up the degree of completion. Wei Xun and Bingyi were both from the Eastern District, which gave them the initiative. The incarnation of the old dream needs to be saved, and the completion of the attraction cannot be discarded.

You must know that the final Snæfellsjökull expedition is probably closely related to the performance of the passengers from the east and west zones in the first stage of the warm-up competition. I don’t know how the brigades from other countries are doing. To be on the safe side, Team C must have the highest degree of completion of the scenic spots to be stable. The problem is that Tang Xiang and Yin Qiaoqiao are both members of the B1 team, but there are three peak Western District travelers in the C team. Be careful of them causing trouble (especially the werewolf Walker). This is determined in advance, and the specific situation will be detailed. analyze.

"What's the attraction mission today?"

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