Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 694: Icelandic Horror (217)

"No, they are all still in their old dreams."

In the parking lot not far outside the Jökulsárlón Glacier Lagoon Cafe, b1 got up from Yin Qiaoqiao's seat on the snowmobile and shook his head solemnly. Five minutes had passed since the snowmobile arrived at the parking lot, but the passengers were all asleep and could not be awakened by any means.

Yin Qiaoqiao's soul often leaves her body. She has a heavier yin energy and is almost a semi-spirit. Just now b1 tried to directly contact her soul and awaken her soul, but it also ended in failure. Even the results of the investigation were terrifying - he did not sense the existence of any soul in Yin Qiaoqiao's body.

The body cannot be awakened, does not respond to external stimuli, and the soul disappears. If b1 and Bingyi, as tour guides, did not sense the destruction of the brigade, these passengers would simply be dead.

"If you can't sense souls, it means they are still in their old dreams. Don't worry."

Bingyi said calmly, he changed from a bird back to a human and put on his clothes again: "Maybe he encountered something in his old dream."

Just now, when b1 tried various methods to wake up the passengers, Bingyi also made many attempts secretly. Compared with b1 who is just a tour guide, he has deeper control over his passengers, whether it is the spiritual connection with Wei Xun, the close relationship between the tour guide and the mental state of the phantom cat, or even the golden silkworm that Xiao Cui gave birth to The sons of Gu are like the kite string in Bingyi's hand.

It is true that he cannot contact the passengers in the old dream through these connections now, just like the huge storm cannot take back the kite in the storm, but the tight string is still there, telling him that the kite was not destroyed in the storm. The passengers trapped in old dreams are still alive. There are no runes on these people, and they are not at the critical moment of life or death.

There is no need to worry as long as you are alive, Bingyi believes in the strength of them and the relatives in the dream.

"It's been so long and you're still sleeping so much. The time to redeem your ticket has been delayed again!"

The tooth hunter said impatiently. He just picked up Walker's collar and slapped him hard twice, but he couldn't wake him up. Looking at the passengers in the car who were sleeping so darkly, he became more and more irritable. Bingyi is not sure what "old dreams" means to hunters. The fang hunters' thoughts are affected by invisible forces, and they may know and feel differently from them.

But there is a point in what the fang hunter said.

"Go and exchange your boat ticket."

Bingyi said decisively: "The scenic spots in the itinerary cannot be delayed, and the journey will not be delayed."

"Passengers will naturally wake up when it's time to set off for Glacier Lagoon."

"you're right."

b1 also calmed down and responded, but his heart was filled with worries. Is this really the case? It is true that the old dream has not affected the scenic spots before, but if this is the case, the tourists should wake up when they reach the parking lot. It has never been like this before, something must have gone wrong in the old dream.

But at present, no one except the dreamer knows what happened in the old dream, so they can only treat it as a living horse for the time being. After a brief discussion, Bingyi and Ya Hunter got off the bus to redeem their tickets, while b1 stayed behind on the snowmobile. In order to keep the two parties in contact at any time (and to prevent accidents), Bing called Yu Hehui, who was supervising the lost paradise, back and asked him to stay in the car with Xiaocui, who was recovering from a serious injury.


As soon as they got out of the parking lot, the howling and raging wind almost knocked Bingyi off his feet. It was completely white outside, with heavy snow covering the sky and the earth. It was as if he were walking in the middle of nowhere, with almost no traces of human civilization left behind. There was snow everywhere. But when Bingyi stepped into the snow, he found that the snow was not as thick as he imagined. The wind was really strong, rolling up layers of snow, except for the top trees and buildings, which were swept into the air again.

The world seemed to be shrouded in a vast white fog, and visibility was extremely low. I'm afraid even the Nordic gods looking down on the human world from the sky wouldn't notice anything. This is the horror of the Winter of Winds. The eyes of the gods are blinded, and they cannot see that the world has fallen into a disaster of killing each other. Only Bingyi, as a tour guide, can "know" which direction the cafe is even if his sight is blocked by the strong wind and heavy snow. .

Without seeing the fang hunter, Bing was almost blown down just now by the fang hunter's arm that subconsciously held him up.

As soon as he didn't let him stop, he hit the snake and climbed on his back with the stick.

"I've never seen you throw yourself into a trap like this. I'll take care of you, Loki, and take him back to the divine realm."

The fang hunter sneered, his tone was unkind, but he held Bingyi's legs back with his hands to hold him back more steadily.

"Going to the cafe on business?"

Bingyi teased: "Let's go quickly, we'll be late again soon."

The fang hunter has never failed to use the fact that he is late to urge him, and Bingyi was indeed seriously injured in the ice cave. Even Tong Hege couldn't make him recover immediately, and his body was very weak. As if he was really worried that he would drag him down and delay the time, the tooth hunter did not throw him down except for a few threatening threats, and walked towards the cafe in the direction of the coffee shop in the violent snowstorm under Bingyi's direction.

The wind was so strong that it took them nearly a quarter of an hour to finally reach the coffee shop, which originally only took five minutes. Along the way, in addition to the sound of violent wind and snow, they also heard many dangerous and strange noises, such as The crackling sound of trees being broken by strong winds is also like the rumble of houses being destroyed by strong winds. There are many faint shadows in the white sound of wind and snow.

These shadows were not human beings. They were either as big as elephants or as thin and tall as ghosts. They took many detours to avoid these monster tusked hunters and wasted some time. Bingyi remained silent along the way, unable to speak due to the strong wind. However, his eyes kept silently observing the surroundings until he arrived at the coffee shop.

The tooth hunter struggled to open and close the door in the strong wind. After isolating the strong wind from the outside, he finally breathed a sigh of relief and threw Bingyi off his back. As soon as Bing arrived, he saw that the Icelandic-style cafe was empty, with only some automatic exchange machines still running. He went to redeem a boat ticket for a while, but the tooth hunter had already found the kitchen by familiar means, took some quick meals such as sandwiches and ham from the refrigerator, heated them briefly and then brought them to the front to devour.

Driving in the strong wind this way is very tiring for a hunter. Even a hunter has to eat. However, some "flies" kept buzzing in his ears, making it difficult for him to even eat.

"Tooth Hunter, do you think this journey is realistic?"

"Are the five Nordic countries in reality also experiencing a catastrophe like the Wind Winter?"


After eating a sandwich in two bites, the tooth hunter said disdainfully: "Does reality have any meaning? You can only discuss reality as long as you live."


Bing Yi was noncommittal. The Icelandic aborigines he met along the way were very abnormal. They looked less like real people and more like n. Nor do these gods, giants, abyss, and monsters resemble reality. At first, when Bingyi woke up at the airport, he only thought that there was extraordinary power in the world that ordinary people didn't know about. But now after secretly exploring the towns and villages along the way, Bingyi found that he couldn't find anyone who could get information from the outside world and communicate with him. External communication stuff.

Whether it is television, computers, mobile phones, radio, newspapers, etc., some are just news from the past. There was no news at all about the changes their journey had caused to Iceland, such as glacier collapse, volcanic eruptions, snowfield collapses, etc. There was no new news at all. Just like the current winter of violent snowstorms and winds, if this is really a reality, all kinds of news should rush to report it, and the major local media in Iceland should also broadcast disasters on a rolling basis to let residents prepare in advance.

But no, the eye-catching big red scroll bar on the coffee shop's exchange machine still warned of "Snaefellssan Eruption", reminding residents to be careful about this, and it didn't warn of anything else at all.

It was as if from the moment they entered Iceland and started their journey, the continent fell into a strange realm, reality stopped, and their brigade had to solve the disaster that was about to happen in Iceland. When the journey is over, everything will truly return to normal. The numerous geological changes that occurred during the journey may affect reality, but traces of giants, Norse gods, and even abyssal creatures, etc., will not be lost. Ordinary people learn.

"To protect nature, don't destroy every plant or tree."

Bingyi said meaningfully, this is the rule of the journey, and it is also what all tourists and tour guides must abide by. However, until now, various natural disasters have occurred frequently, glaciers have collapsed, ice sheets have cracked, and the Jinlunga gap is about to reappear.

Irreparable scars have been left on this land, and a lot of "nature" has been destroyed, but the hotel did not impose any punishment, and there was no warning on the way.

Does this mean their trip to Iceland is extremely difficult? Are there many other journeys in the world besides this?

Can the mastermind behind the journey be able to resurrect travelers and immortalize tour guides, but cannot restore nature?

What exactly is a hotel? Earth’s “antivirus software”?

But as the tooth hunter said, if you want to know more, you must first clear this journey. Maybe after they clear the level, they will see a "main god" that looks like a big glowing egg to settle various mission rewards.

While Bingyi was chatting with the tooth hunter about how many journeys he had taken, he swiped the electronic ticket purchase QR code on his mobile phone through the redemption machine and exchanged it for a stack of paper tickets. There are two types of boats for visiting glacier lagoons, one is an amphibious boat and the other is a speedboat, each with its own pros and cons. The amphibious boat is stable, while the speedboat is flexible and fast, and can get closer to the ice floes. However, only tourists over ten years old can ride the speedboat.

Perhaps because there was a pseudo-baby named Holy Son Danlin in Team C, their team could only exchange tickets for the amphibious ship. Team b1 does not have this restriction and can choose a speedboat that is more dangerous and more profitable. But now the passengers have not woken up from their old dreams, which is an extraneous matter. Both teams chose the amphibious boat tickets, and the boat departure time was the nearest 13:40 boat.

It's already one o'clock, and there are still forty minutes before the boat leaves. Bingyi commanded the fang hunter to pack a lot of cooked food and take it back together. When they returned to the parking lot and boarded the snowmobile, it was already a quarter past one, and there were still twenty-five minutes left before the ship departed. Before boarding the snowmobile, Bingyi was worried about whether the passengers would be able to wake up. But after getting in the car and seeing b1's relieved smile, Bingyi's tense nerves finally relaxed a little.

"Good news! Everyone is awake!!"

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