Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 693: Icelandic Horror (216)

Bing ate ten fire crystals in a row to suppress his raging hunger. The long hair on the belly of the phantom cat was dug out by the young bird's claws, and a small charred bird lazily nestled in the warm cat fur with puffed feathers. , squeezing the beautiful and noble little golden-red phoenix next to her. Bingyi's eyes were slightly closed, and the originally black and rotten feathers were covered with a layer of red light that flowed like mercury, which was the power of the sun contained in the purest flame crystal.

It flapped its wings lightly, and saw that dozens of flaming red feathers were already visible at the base of one side's tattered wings. The power contained in the pure flame crystal was indeed extraordinary. He had eaten so much lizard meat and meat in the underground magma river before. Ordinary flame crystals can only grow one fiery red feather. Now the new feathers growing on both wings are dozens of times as many as before.


After admiring the feathers on its wings, the charred bird puffed up with pride and looked more like a ball of birds. Then it carefully selected and plucked out the most beautiful fiery red feather from its own wing without any concern, and confidently held it in its beak and handed it to it.


The little golden-red phoenix obviously liked this gift very much. Giving feathers has a special meaning among birds. The little phoenix happily let out a series of sweet and affectionate chirping sounds, and skillfully dodged the fluffy cat tail that swept towards it - the phantom cat did not wake up, maybe it was sensing something in its sleep, so for the two little birds, The huge cat tail that can be said to cover the sky would sweep over from time to time. Unfortunately, the blackened bird and the little phoenix bird were like two cunning fleas, which always made the cat tail return in vain, and it is still clinging to the phantom cat.

The charred little bird turned its head to see the little phoenix carefully hiding this fiery red feather on its wings, but couldn't help but show off by inserting it between its tail feathers behind its back, just like inserting grass leaves into its feathers from the outside. It looks like a female parrot building a nest in the middle. It tossed a feather back and forth, and finally hid it under its own wings. Then he took the flame crystal in his mouth, carefully inspected and combed it, and then fed it to the beak of the blackened bird.

But this time the blackened bird was not in a hurry to eat. It plucked out another bird feather and busily inserted the feather into the thick fur of the phantom cat.

The phantom cat indeed has the power of the sun.

Bingyi carefully sensed the energy feedback from the feathers and pondered in his mind. Most of the feathers on his body are still blackened and rotten, representing the power of the dying sun. The power of the new sun is not enough to compete with it, and Bingyi cannot control it for the time being. But after plucking the feathers and letting them escape from themselves, Bingyi was able to control some of the power of the sun above, and there was a more subtle connection between the sun and the sun.

On a whim, he gave the feather to the little phoenix bird. When the little phoenix bird inserted it into his own feathers, Bingyi vaguely felt the power of the sun in the little phoenix bird that was different from his own. It was equally hot and warm, but it didn't seem to be the same. The sun of Northern Europe. Because of this new discovery, he plucked another feather and inserted it into the phantom cat, sensing it carefully.

The phantom cat walked through the flame passage of the little lizard, and Bingyi always suspected that it might have some power from the Kingdom of Fire on it. Now I felt it with my own feathers, and sure enough I felt it.

However, the power of the sun coming from the phantom cat seems not only to belong to the Nordic sun, but also there seems to be more... However, this power feedback is more vague than that of the little phoenix bird, maybe because it is spiritual Because of his attitude, Bingyi will not miss any clues.

Could it be that my brother's power is related to the sun?

Thinking about this, Bingyi is bound to gain the power of the Nordic Sun. When you stand high enough, many secrets that were once unknown will naturally be revealed to you. When the little phoenix bird secretly squeezed over and fiddled with the feathers on the cat's hair with its wings, trying to take it for itself, the charred black bird stopped it, but lovingly swallowed the flame crystal it handed over again.

The feathers are useful when left on the phantom cat. It is not an ordinary feather, but more like the crystallization of the power of Bingyi's sun. To some extent, it is similar to the flame crystal, but it can be controlled by Bingyi. Although the phantom cat is his mental state, Bingyi does not have much control over it except for being able to forcefully summon it back to him.

He secretly asked B1, and B1's mental state was also like this. It seemed that this was a common feature of the mental state of tour guides, but Bingyi was worried. There are bird feathers on the phantom cat, he at least

I can sense more of the phantom cat's condition, as long as it doesn't pull out its hair - it's okay to pull it out. Anyway, it spends more time sleeping and less time waking up. Just plug it in while it's sleeping.

After stopping the little phoenix bird and leaving the feather on the phantom cat, the charred little bird let it feed a few more flame crystals. The crystals tasted very good. They were hard and moist in appearance, but melted in the mouth, like a pool of viscous water. Syrup, wrapped in the hot and pure power of the sun, slides into the belly. The taste is different from what Bingyi expected. It is like a mellow and warm wine, and the energy is so pure that it can make people intoxicated.

The charred little bird's stomach was like a bottomless pit, and he ate one piece after another. While eating, he opened the little phoenix's wings and admired the feather he gave away. The male bird sends out the most beautiful feathers as a courtship behavior. The little phoenix bird cherishes this feather so much that Bingyi is very satisfied. He looks at it like he looks at his wife, and An Xuefeng feeds it more and more enthusiastically. When the female bird is in the nest, the male bird flies out to hunt and then returns to the nest to feed his wife. What makes An Xuefeng even more excited is that Bingyi is so suspicious that he is so hungry that he refuses to eat the crystals. It is obvious that he is not allowed to eat the crystals. rest assured.

But when he processed the flame crystal and fed it to it, it ate it directly. It was already trusting him. This kind of trust especially made An Xuefeng heart-warming. Even though he could vaguely detect the familiar flame breath from the flame crystal, which was suspiciously like David's, he did not break the warm atmosphere.

The two birds were fed and ate with their own satisfactions. Only the phantom cat didn't look very happy. Even in its sleep, it flicked its tail from time to time, trying to drive the pair of birds away from its body. This has never happened before. Bingyi looked thoughtful when he saw this. He originally thought that he and his brother might have different perceptions of the smell of the abyss than ordinary people, but now it seemed that was not the case.

In order to verify this, he even deliberately released some abyssal breath to see the reaction of the phantom cat. He even tried to pounce on its face, but was stopped by the little phoenix bird.

"Be careful, it has no consciousness now and only instinct. You will be hurt."

An Xuefeng warned, using his wings to circle the blackened bird in his arms. He didn't mind that his golden-red feathers were stained black, and he shook the feathers at will to burn off the black powder: "In the old dream, the situation was a bit dangerous. It won't wake up"

"What happened in the old dream?"

Seeing that the feathers of the little phoenix were not stained by him and were kept clean at all times, the picky black bird was satisfied with nesting between its wings and pecked the feathers of the little phoenix with its beak and asked.

"I found no trace of Di Feiyu after I entered the old dream..."

An Xuefeng then talked about all the things he had seen in his old dreams. After he fell into the dream, he naturally appeared next to his mother. According to Di Feiyu's description last night, the two tour guides Di Feiyu and Hong Huang were already very deep in the crack where the power of the Kingdom of Fire and the Kingdom of Mist meet. They could even vaguely glimpse the Gate of the Abyss from the rising mist.

But after An Xuefeng fell into his dream this time, he found that the situation had changed drastically. Director Huang was actually running away with Director Hong. Behind them were large tracts of black-green parasitic bacteria that were spreading out of control. They were full of cracks and claws, and they were releasing Due to the highly contaminating deadly spores, even the red and yellow conductors suffered some distortions in their bodies. Mushrooms grew on their fingers and other places, their SAN values ​​dropped a lot, and they began to appear in an alienated state.

This is not the first time An Xuefeng has experienced an old dream, nor is it the first time he has seen his mother's alienated state in a dream. Several diamond-shaped golden bone plates sprouted from her smooth forehead, like a noble crown. The sharp and forked golden bones at the top grew out of her head like a crown of thorns. Huge and ferocious bone wings spread outward from her back. They were golden bones. The demon dragon is as powerful as the king of demons!

"Bone dragon? Cool~"

The charred little bird sighed, and then curiously asked about his mother's alienated state: "Is it a demon?"

"Not a devil"

However, Xiaofengniao shook his head: "It's the alienated state of the undead, a medium of the undead."

Director Hong's alienated state is that of an undead medium, and it is a terrifying medium that can affect the seven emotions. When she cries, all living things cry, and when she smiles, all living beings laugh. Even parasitic bacteria will be affected by her, which makes An Xuefeng... Breathtaking. It is said that the strength of the crying psychic medium of Grade B is comparable to that of Grade A, but the strength gap between each of the three guides of Grade A is like a chasm that is difficult to cross.

Red guide spirit

Her extremely powerful body makes her body relatively fragile. This is complemented by Huang Dao's alienated state, which also allows them to survive the tracking of massive parasites, pollution by insect chrysalises, the anger of the Nordic gods, the roar of the Ymir giant ancestor, the collapse of glaciers and snow mountains, and underground volcanoes. Explosions, the cold wind of Finbul's winter, and the invisible silver spiritual light knife cutting from nowhere - despite all the dangers, he still had the energy to escape.

"The brigade was completely dispersed. In the old dream, the red and yellow guides were running away. There were no new changes for the time being, so I woke up."

Seeing that the charred little bird felt guilty and remained silent, it shrank into his arms. It looked so cute that the little phoenix couldn't help but want to step on its back. But it finally held back and warned: "I saw a phantom cat in my dream, and it followed the red guide closely. The parasite was chasing so closely. I suspect that when we were not asleep before, the red guide yellow Did the guide take anything from the original abyss intersection?"

The phantom cat can really sleep. When they were traveling outside, the phantom cat was making trouble in their old dreams. The parasitic bacteria that pursued them made An Xuefeng realize that something was wrong. But the phantom cat can be unscrupulous, and An Xuefeng still remembers the important task of resurrecting his teammates: "Your guess is right. The rune character can bring back old dreams, and when I wear it, I can sense the same aura as Di Feiyu." , it should be his grandpa"

Di Feiyu's soul was in Bing Yi Lost Paradise, so he naturally did not enter the old dream of becoming a puffin. But his grandpa was still there in the dream, which meant that the rule of resurrecting through old dreams should still work.

During the conversation, the little phoenix bird fed all the pure flame crystals from an egg shell to the charred black bird, and then fell asleep and entered the old dream. Bingyi was full. He was pondering the message left by A Feng while trying to digest the excess power of the sun. He closed his eyes and rested. It took more than ten minutes for them to finish the meal. After another twenty minutes, Houya Hunter suddenly braked. , the snowmobile swayed and almost rolled over. The charred little bird, which was not wearing a seat belt, almost rolled away with a chirp. It flapped its wings to stabilize its body, and it took a while before the car finally came to a stop.

Although there was a violent snowstorm outside, the Tooth Hunter was driving so fast that there was no delay. At 12:37, they arrived at their destination, a parking lot near the Jökulsárlón glacier lagoon. From the parking lot Just a five-minute walk away is the cafe where you can exchange your ferry tickets.

However, at this moment, an unexpected thing happened. The destination had been arrived, but none of the passengers who were immersed in their old dreams woke up!

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