Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 692 Second update


As soon as Bingyi said this, neither the little lizard nor the angel David spoke. David didn't dare to think about the expression of the astrologer in the live broadcast room. After finally sneaking in, he turned into George. Thinking about the astrologer's mean and dangerous smile. David's scalp became numb.

The little lizard was a little speechless. What Bingyi said was too childish, but just because of this childishness made the little lizard think too much. Is this Flame Angel George? It seems to be in line with the characteristics of the previous Georges - being obsessed with something and its persistence. Little George was obsessed with killer whales, Big George was obsessed with Icelandic horses, and George who died later was obsessed with faith. Now it’s normal for a guy to be obsessed with C-1, it’s simply too normal! He speculated that Black Widow would definitely take this step!

"Hiss..." "Oh, George, George, what a good name."

The little lizard hissed and took a deep look at the Flame Angel. Seeing tears of joy hanging from the corners of his eyes, his suspicions deepened. No, time is tight and cannot be spent fighting internal conflicts with Black Widow. Regardless of whether this angel is George or not, the relationship between it and Bingyi is too close. He must find a way to get rid of it and at the same time increase his own chips in Bingyi's heart.

"Hiss." "There is something strange happening in the Kingdom of Fire. Surtur has awakened."

The little lizard simply ignored the Flame Angel and talked about business with Bingyi simply and straightforwardly: "You also know the importance of the Fire Kingdom."

Bingyi just smiled and said nothing. The little lizard would definitely not be used to this temper if it were placed on others, but now he could only continue talking angrily.

Among the nine worlds of Norse mythology, two worlds are very special, namely Muspelheim, the land of fire, and Niflheim, the land of fog. They are the first two primitive worlds in the myth. The flames of the Land of Fire collided with the ice in the cold rivers of the Land of Mist. In the ice and fire, Ymir, the ancestor of the giants, and the cows that fed the giants were born. This is the first life. .

In Ragnarok, the Kingdom of Fire also plays a large role. In the myth, Loki led many giants of the Fire Country to the battlefield, and Surtur, the leader of the Fire Giants of the Fire Country, wielded the Demonic Sword of Fire to burn the world. The World Tree was devoured by its flames, and all The palace of God was also burned to the ground, and the entire world's sea, land, and sky sank into flames, until everything was engulfed in flames and returned to chaos*

In other words, although the Norse gods and giants each have their own ancient enemies, the destruction of the world depends on Surtur, whose fire burns the world, engulfs the earth, and completely shuffles everything.

Therefore, the flame giant Surtur is very important in Ragnarok. It can even be said that whoever can master him can occupy a place in Ragnarok and even get the greatest benefits. This is related to the destruction and regeneration of the world in Nordic mythology. How many top titles, how many treasures and opportunities will be extended to this, even the Lizard Duke attaches great importance to it. The passage to the core of the Fire Country is one of his trump cards.

Seeing that Bingyi's expression gradually became serious, the little lizard was quite satisfied and hissed softly: "Badr, the god of light, died, the winter of Finbul came, and the fire giant Surtur heard the wind. That was It is a sign of great changes in the world. He vowed not to miss this battle, and is now counting his troops in the Land of Fire to compete with the gods*"

In the past, Surtur was absent from the battle between the three Odin brothers and the ancestor of the giants, Ymir, which caused the gods to become the masters of the world, and the giants could only retreat into a corner. This time the fire giant is very ambitious and wants to compete with the gods.

"The passage you created will allow the Fire Giant to pass through?"

Bingyi finally took the initiative to ask, which gave the little lizard a sense of accomplishment, and he said reservedly: "Maybe."

Maybe it is possible. In mythology, the Fire Giant rides on the big ship of Hela, the god of death, when he participates in the battlefield. However, if there is a passage leading to the battlefield, the big ship is not absolutely necessary. Bingyi's control over the Fire Giant is weak. An ambitious person like him would definitely not let this happen, so the little lizard was confident that Bingyi would not miss this opportunity for cooperation.

"So, you really tampered with those flame crystals?"


Therefore, Bingyi is really annoying because he is so cunning. The little lizard couldn't bear to think about it. He is really long.

Eight hundred hearts and minds.

"I am indeed somewhat interested in the Fire Giant you mentioned."

Bingyi nodded and said: "But I don't think your flame channel can allow the fire giant leader Surtur to pass through."

"You'll know when the time comes."

The little lizard said slyly. After a round of testing, they finally reluctantly concluded a contract. The Fire Angel George serves as Bingyi's messenger, leading him and the little lizard on matters related to the cooperation with the Kingdom of Fire. It is mainly related to the resource extraction of flame crystals and the share of transporting flame hunters to the battlefield in the future. Bingyi and his subordinates have the right to use the flame channel when necessary.

The little lizard's request is that it is forbidden to cut the Fenrir wolf with a light knife, and the parasitic fungus juice obtained after Bingyi and other things full of abyss energy must be divided into parts of it to ensure the life safety of the Fenrir wolf.

During the negotiation, Bingyi took a closer look and found the magic rope Gleipnir. No matter whether the little lizard had a rope or not, he had to get it for him. The little lizard was ambitious and talked about the primitive abyss. He asked Bingyi to bring it with him when he entered the primitive abyss. However, these two items were rejected by the other side in the end. The initial contract was mainly based on testing. This contract can In fact, the only two things that are certain are flame crystals and abyss energy items.

In fact, there are not many guarantees whether it is Fenrir Wolf's life safety or the right to use the flame channel. Bingyi and Little Lizard are both people who know how to "flexibly". How things develop will depend on the situation at that time.

Even flame crystals and abyssal items imply gaming.

Dare you give the little flame crystal lizard, Bingyi, dare to eat anything that passes its hands? The same goes for abyssal items. But no matter what, the preliminary contract has been finalized. The little flame angel George was sent by Bingyi to mine in the Kingdom of Fire. The little lizard accompanying him would introduce him to various matters in the Kingdom of Fire. The little lizard also wanted to find out the background of this angel, although he did not get Bingyi into the Kingdom of Fire. It made him feel a little regretful, but he agreed happily.

After the firelight passed, Bingyi finally got rid of these two things. It was much quieter around him, and the only sounds left were the howling wind outside the car and the heavy snow hitting the car body. Bingyi stood up and briefly inspected the car.

Under the dim light of the snowmobile, the passengers crowded together like a nest of quails, sleeping very peacefully, completely unaffected by the terrible wind. Sitting in the driver's seat, Ya Hunter was engrossed in driving and rushing to meet the deadline. He didn't even pay much attention to what was happening on Bingyi's side. He cursed a few words from time to time and drove the snowmobile as if it was drifting on a drag race. Coupled with the violent wind and snow, the car was bumpy. It's amazing, just like a drum washing machine. If it weren't for old dreams, no one would be able to sleep at all.

B1 almost vomited. He was very good at watching eyes and took the initiative to sit in the back while Bingyi was negotiating terms with the little lizard. He was shivering and wanted to take a rest but couldn't stand the too bumpy snowmobile. He wanted to argue with the tooth hunter but It was too cold in the car, and he didn't want to get up and let go of the warmth he had finally gathered, so he simply lay in his jacket, wrapped in a thermal blanket and wearing headphones, listening to some undead rock, and then improving his strength.

Without disturbing B1, who was almost out of body from the cold, Bingyi returned to his seat. It is now 12 noon. They set off from the visitor center at 11:30 and are now almost halfway through the journey. If everything goes well, we can arrive at the Jökulsárlón Glacier Lagoon Cafe at 12:30. Even if it is a little delayed, we can still reach the cafe and have something to eat. The ticket time is two o'clock. If everything goes well, they will be able to visit the afternoon attractions at 3:30, and then take the bus directly to the snow-capped mountains they will climb tomorrow.


Bingyi pressed his stomach. Maybe he lost too much blood and sent out all the energy he got. He became hungry very quickly. The little thing I ate before was like a bubble, and it didn't work at all. Bingyi was not one who would treat his own people badly. He liked to eat and have fun, but the temperature in the car was so low that he was too lazy to get any dried wild boar meat from his backpack. Even cold-blooded people don't like the cold.

Fortunately, he could eat more than just normal food. Bingyi lowered his eyes and looked at the flame crystals in the eggshells. He felt like they were warm jelly candies. He could almost smell the sweet aroma of energy, which made him even more hungry. Get hungry. Before "George" left, he dutifully burned all these crystals with flames, saying that he was getting rid of the bad things left by the little lizard. But whether it was the crystal that the little lizard touched or the crystal that the flame angel touched, Bingyi didn't believe it and didn't intend to put it into his mouth directly.

Just like the black water that was full of the power of the Kingdom of Mist, he did not absorb the power directly, but transferred it. It stands to reason that the energy in this flame crystal should also be purified.

It's just that the useful Dieda is still in the chrysalis, and the people on Yiwu's side are involved, so Bingyi can't rest assured. There are too many people and things that he is worried about, and very few that he is worried about. Bingyi doesn't feel tired, he has long been used to it. He just occasionally felt a little troublesome. He glanced at Wei Xun beside him. He was still sleeping. The phantom cat in the egg was also sleeping soundly. The cat's fur was fluffy and it didn't wake up no matter how much Bingyi rubbed it.


After making enough food and clothing by himself, Bingyi sighed. Such a big man suddenly disappeared, and a little bird with burnt feathers fluttered its wings and fell into the egg shell. It was like rolling through cinders. When it landed on the cat, a small piece of black mist rose up, and the clean cat fur was instantly stained by it. The little bird rubbed its mouth on the invisible cat fur, and then carefully picked up a flame crystal.

It smells so good. After turning into a sun bird, it can feel the power of the sun contained in this pure flame crystal even more. The little bird narrowed his eyes slightly and really wanted to eat, but he couldn't. Putting the crystal on the cat's body, Bingyi pondered for a long time, and finally made up his mind. The power of black pollution surged on the feathers. As if sensing the stench of pollution, the phantom cat frowned and suddenly fell asleep less peacefully, but Bingyi didn't notice. He plans to use his own power to contaminate a circle of crystals. No matter who is left behind, they will not be able to withstand the contamination. It can be regarded as a different kind of purification.

It's just that this clean crystal is bound to carry the smell of pollution. Although it smells delicious, Bingyi still has to do some mental preparation before eating it. However, just when he was finishing construction and preparing to contaminate the crystal, his body was suddenly slightly knocked down.


The familiar and soft chirping of birds sounded. Bingyi turned his head and looked in surprise, and saw the flame crystal in front of him being picked up by a golden beak. The golden-red phoenix bird unexpectedly crowded around him at some point. Wei Xun unexpectedly Wake up from the old dream!

"Ah?" "Are you awake?"

What happened in the old dream? Why did Wei Xun wake up now? Bingyi's brain immediately started working rapidly, but the next moment he heard a few soft chirps, which seemed to be mumbling with sleepiness and laughter.

"Chirp" "Of course I'm awake, you're so hungry"

Xiao Fengniao's tone was very matter-of-fact, as if this was his duty. While chirping, it carefully licked the flame crystal with its beak, tasted it up and down before holding it in front of Bingyi: "This piece is fine, eat it."

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