Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 691 The Horror of Iceland (215)

"What, you also think there is something wrong with this crystal?"

Bingyi ignored the arrogant and dissatisfied hiss of the little lizard, and his eyes fell on the little flame angel who was still hesitant to eat the crystal. His smiling tone sounded gentle, but it made David's heart tremble. No, Bingyi is asking a question!

Appearing as a little flame angel, one of them is that their previous connection was mainly on the flame side, and it is easy to take advantage of the hotel's loopholes to send him in with a higher success rate. The two are David's main titles related to flames. This form is not It would put too many restrictions on his strength. But the most important thing is that Bingyi has the orange title of fire and is the fire god Loki. He has strong control over flames.

Astrologers know very well that Bing-1 is suspicious, especially after amnesia. Only people or things that are completely under his control can gain some Bing-1 trust. The little flame angel is born from the flame and is completely under Bingyi's control. If Bingyi wants to, he can even kill it. Only in this way can David get close to Bingyi as quickly as possible, do things for him, and participate in the competition.

The course of action they set before setting off was just a few simple words - follow orders and do whatever B is told to do. The first impression is the most important.

However, now David was helpless and cursed secretly, feeling that it was really difficult for him to be qualified for this position. From Bingyi cutting Betty Roger (he actually succeeded!) to the appearance of the light path, to being caught in the flames and anxious not knowing what happened next, to being fed to the Lizard Duke's egg by Bingyi as soon as he was released. Without thinking, I saw the swaggering red lizard next to Bingyi. This series of ups and downs was so thrilling that it was like going back to the time when I started the journey to the 30th North Latitude, and it was even more frightening than that time!

With just this moment of hesitation, David understood that the original plan would hardly work with Bingyi, and not everyone could be the Yin-Yang Butterfly. But if this plan doesn't work, then try another one. As soon as Bingyi said this, David understood. The word "ye" showed that he didn't believe in the little lizard or the flame crystal it sent. He wanted to use David to test the little lizard. lizard.

In this case, David knew what to say.

"Oh God, the energy in this crystal is pure and abundant, sacred and fiery. It is a very good tribute."

The little flame angel said respectfully, and beat the little lizard with a pole until it was offered to the god. After suppressing its arrogance with his words, he changed his voice and said with righteous indignation: "But it not only has the power of flames, but also a trace of the divine cat. The aura... these crystals may be God's items, but they have been stolen!"

As soon as it said this, it not only said that the flame crystal was Bingyi's property, but also labeled the little lizard as a tribute stealer. In a few words, it handed Bingyi countless ladders, not only letting the little lizard see its His eyes became malicious, and Bingyi also raised his eyebrows.

This little angel is really good at talking nonsense. Even the little lizard was not very wary of its nonsense. He only thought it was Bingyi's mouthpiece to test the bottom line. Because what it said was so outrageous, the Lizard Duke didn't even get angry and disdained to hiss when he heard it. , the voice rang in Bingyi’s mind, and he said jokingly:

"Cat's breath? Your cat has used this egg shell as a nest. I'm afraid there is not only some cat smell on this flame crystal, but also cat hair."

"Phantom cats are very clean, don't shed hair and have no smell"

Bingyi first defended the phantom cat, and then said meaningfully: "This breath may not be left now. Maybe the breath may have been left on these flame crystals in the ice cave."

As soon as he said this, the little lizard wagged its tail and frowned inwardly, feeling that something was wrong. The little angel seemed to be talking nonsense, but who would have thought that he actually had a hidden meaning behind his words. Bingyi clearly suspected that these flame crystals were related to the construction of the Fire Country Passage! The phantom cat and it crossed the crack through the flame channel to reach Bingyi. Bingyi used this to secretly question it, whether the flame crystals left by the design also have the power of space. After Bingyi takes the crystal, he will be transferred to the fire In the country, let it slaughter you!

Of course not. How could the Lizard Duke put Bingyi into the Land of Fire? This person is very evil. Others who get to the Fire Country are slaughtered by him. Getting Bingyi to the Fire Country may be like letting rats into the granary. By then, the Fire Country that he worked so hard to control may have to change their surnames. C!

But let's be honest...hey, how could the little lizard not be here?

It didn't want to send Bingyi to the Kingdom of Fire, but it didn't say it didn't want to send Fenrir Wolf to the Kingdom of Fire. The warm-up competition ends in a few days, and Lizard Duke is already planning for the finish line. The relationship between Fenrir Wolf and Bingyi is so close that it even involves the soul level. It is not easy to break it without hurting Fenrir Wolf. However, we have to think about it in the long term, even if the Lizard Duke has the ability to restrain Fenrir Wolf. I am not completely sure of the magic rope Gleipnir.

"If you don't believe me, then there's nothing I can do."

Thinking of this, the little lizard didn't refute anything. He just put on a rogue face and said hypocritically: "I have never hurt your heart. I will even protect you for Fenrir Wolf. But I also know that you don't believe me. , This is something that can’t be helped. Whoever doubts it should provide evidence. If you really don’t believe it, just speak according to the evidence. Don’t make random guesses and detract from my good intentions.”

When it said this, it shook its tail intentionally or unintentionally, revealing the horrific wound under the tail that had not yet healed and exposed all the flesh and blood. The reason why Fenrir Wolf could persist in the ice cave for so long before being seriously injured and on the verge of death is because part of the injury was transferred to his little lizard, and it was the one who was truly on the verge of death! If it hadn't been too seriously injured, why would it have temporarily retreated from the lizard egg? It probably came back after the wound was cured in the Fire Country.

The scales on the little lizard's body have almost been changed. It's a very new rose red color, a little light and pinkish. It looks like a strawberry color. It's clean and fresh, and it complements the deep red color under its tail. The flesh and blood is shocking.

It is showing weakness to the enemy, directly showing its importance to Fenrir Wolf. It has the same idea as the astrologer - Bingyi is too suspicious and cannot pretend to be a fool to make him believe it completely, so he must expose his own weaknesses. Only by handing the handle to this person can he be reassured. The Lizard Duke is flexible and flexible, and his temporary forbearance is for the greater benefit. The competition has become intense, and Ragnarok is bound to come. He has to be by Bingyi's side to keep an eye on Fenrir Wolf and Black Widow, and prevent the Wolf and Latitude Three Ten journeys out of control.

The Kingdom of Fire occupies an important position in Ragnarok and even the entire Nordic mythology. Mastering the way to the Kingdom of Fire, coupled with the "weakness" of Fenrir Wolf, coupled with the understanding of the abyss, the little lizard believes that C There is no reason not to take the bait.

However, Bingyi just didn’t take the bait!

"It says whoever doubts must provide evidence. I will leave this task to you."

Under the incredible gaze of the little lizard, Bingyi chuckled and whispered to the little flame angel. It was not a joke, but he actually gave it the task of exploring the flame crystal and the secrets of the Kingdom of Fire! Who is this little flame angel? Why does Bingyi attach so much importance to it? For the first time, the little lizard's scrutinizing eyes really fell on the little flame angel.

David felt the snake-like cold gaze but did not look at it. Instead, he acted as if he was about to faint with excitement, praising Bingyi with all his strength and vowing that he would never let down God's expectations! David knew in his heart that Bingyi didn't believe anyone, so he simply sent him to fight with the Lizard Duke. No matter what evil intentions the two of them had in their hearts, they would gradually be exposed in the fight, and Bingyi could just sit firmly on the Diaoyutai.

In an instant, countless thoughts flashed through David's mind, and he immediately passed on the fact that he was no match for the lizard. Bingyi was not sure how to deal with the lizard, so he wanted to push him to fight against the little lizard. He had to stand out and be an excellent chess piece. It didn't matter even if the Lizard Duke noticed something strange.

So the little flame angel David stared at the little lizard's unkind eyes, held a flame crystal, rolled his wings in flames, wrapped the flame crystal and burned it carefully. It was not until the little lizard's expression changed slightly that he gasped and said this respectfully. The crystals have been processed. And after asking Bingyi for instructions, he began to absorb the energy in this pure flame crystal without hesitation, and demonstrated that the crystal had been cleaned.

Bingyi smiled, but did not use this to hit the little lizard again. Instead, he spoke in a gentle tone, saying that his little flame angel was very delicate when he was born, not so docile, and would shed tears when he was angry. He despised this little one the most. The thing looks like it's crying, so he won't directly reject its fanciful ideas, so that the little lizard doesn't have the same knowledge as him.

Crying and squeamish... Since Bingyi said so, David was naturally moved to tears, and water-red flames swirled around his eye sockets like teardrops, looking like he was moved. The little lizard looked disgusted, but accepted it

He was overjoyed while wondering who this little flame angel was outside.

The person who sneaked in was yelling shit... What a useless person in charge, this match has been sieved!

That's right, this little flame angel is by no means some Bing-yi flame that gave birth to consciousness, it must have been someone from outside who sneaked in. Otherwise, how could we directly discover the handwriting he left on the flame crystal, and it was really burned by a fire! This shows that this person's strength is not much lower than that of the Lizard Duke, and Bingyi does not have this strength for the time being.

"Hiss..." "Oh, it's such a sweetheart."

The little lizard said perfunctorily, his brain spinning rapidly, "Fire Angel, loves to cry, has similar strength to him, who could it be?" Life-seeking people, devourers, some peak travelers, or rather - the little lizard lowered his head, the color of his pair of vertical pupils suddenly became gilded, like the eyes of a dragon, and the voice of an order that could not be disobeyed suddenly sounded like a bell in the flames. In the mind of the little angel.


During the questioning, its eyes were fixed on the little angel, not letting go of any clues. Seeing that it was so frightened that tears flowed down, but there was nothing unusual, it murmured in its heart, isn't it? But except for those abnormal Georges, who can be so embarrassed that they can just cry like that.

"God! God! A voice suddenly sounded in my heart!"

This little angel not only cries whenever he wants, but he is also shameless and knows how to complain. He shamelessly hugged Bingyi’s fingers and sobbed. As soon as he said the word "George", Bingyi's face suddenly changed slightly. Even the little lizard I am also irritated, thinking about how to sell the Black Widow while wanting to crush you to death with this gadget. But Bingyi’s words at the next moment surprised everyone.

"You said that voice suddenly sounded in your heart?"

"Is it a sound I've never heard before?"

What's wrong? This is not the right foreshadowing? Isn't Bingyi using this to dig into the agreement between the Lizard Duke and the Black Widow? David pondered Bingyi's thoughts in his mind, and on the surface he respectfully answered yes. Then he saw the corners of Bingyi's lips raised, and he smiled happily:

"This is the divine voice. It seems that this is the divine name you should have."

"Let the past go and you will be called George from now on."

Today's George hasn't appeared yet. The little angel and the lizard have their own plans, but Bingyi doesn't care whether there is some game between the hotels behind the little angel, the salamander, and many other Georges. Since they are by his side, they must be used by him. Completely muddy the waters! The water is muddy enough to lure out big fish from the depths.

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