Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 690 The Horror of Iceland (214)

"Wei Xun, come here."

Seeing that Director B did not go inside after getting on the bus, he went around and called Wei Xun's name and asked him to get off. Wei Xun raised his eyebrows and got off the bus without saying anything. The passengers on the bus had different expressions. Miao Fangfei and the others were a little regretful. They didn't care when passing the scenic spots. When there were gaps between scenic spots, Director B had always actively participated in the discussions between passengers. Miao Fangfei had been pondering over the analysis before and wanted to work hard to show off during the discussion. Director B Keeping his eyes on her for a while would cheer her up enough to eat a few more bowls of rice at noon.

Now I feel a little melancholy like a student who has prepared his answer but the teacher doesn't call him.

Tang Xiang and the others looked as usual. After so many years of traveling, no tour guide had ever participated in discussions with tourists, so they were all used to it. Especially now that I have recovered my memory, I am naturally wary of tour guides. Although Bingyi is very good, it is all a conditioned reflex. The tour guide is next to him like a tiger and wolf waiting around, and his nerves are subconsciously tense.

Director B did not come up, but asked people to get down. This was similar to the previous journeys, but it made people relaxed. Only Werewolf Walker snorted and muttered as if complaining: "Oh, I smell the stink of the Joint Guide Brigade again. It's really unbearable."

"Who cares if you can bear it or not? I'm not your tour guide."

Lisa choked, "Guide-brigade connections are rare in the Eastern District, and actually rare in the Western District." Although most of the tour guides in the Western District are employed by the alliance, except for the butchers, there are not many who deliberately lead the group to kill, so that the relationship between the guides and tour guides is not so tense. But with the employment situation, the True Guide Brigade has fewer contacts. After all, if the tour guide dies and the whole brigade is wiped out after the connection, no one wants to take this risk. Hiring a tour guide can almost meet the needs of the journey.

On the other hand, there are tour guides who seek stimulation and deliberately connect with tourists, taking full control of their spirits. They act as sugar daddies and sugar mommies, which is similar to being a nanny. There are also tourists who seek protection on their own initiative and dominate under the tour guide's lewd power, making some Visitors to the West Side are shameless and even talk in private. Werewolf Walker is particularly annoyed by this, mainly because their werewolf mercenaries have an alliance with the Werewolf Alliance, a famous butcher alliance in the West Side. Both of these forces are dominated by werewolves, so there are natural clusters. Instinctively, the relationship is better than that between other brigades and the tour guide alliance.

But being too close is also scary. There were many rumors before that the werewolf mercenaries were wolf cubs raised by the werewolf alliance guides. They all accepted the werewolf guides as sugar daddies and sugar mommies when they met the guides. His tail was raised, and he even said more vulgar and disgusting words. Werewolf Walker and Blood Wolf Rex teamed up to destroy several brigade alliances and suppressed these small talk. Although they knew that someone behind the scenes did not want to see their two forces join forces, Werewolf Walker has since then been interested in all kinds of things. The joint guides were very disgusted and rarely went to drink with Blood Wolf Rex.

Now that I see Wei Xun, a pretty good young passenger, getting off the car docilely when Bing Yi calls me, and remembering that before I regained my memory, I secretly wanted to exclude Wei Xun and compete with him for favor, Werewolf Walker is so disgusted with the cold that he can't bear it. Keep jabbing a few words. Hearing Lisa criticize him, he also sneered a few words, but neither of them had any intention of taking action. Although they were quarreling with each other, their bodies remained honest in their seats.

One is because the devil businessman was thrown into the car. Bingyi and Wei Xun who got out of the car were obviously going to travel around the world. Mental relief was a very private matter and there was no room for other tour guides. Werewolf Walker is a big tourist with a good face and doesn't want to argue and make jokes to the tour guide. The second reason is that the rest time is short, and mental pollution cannot be relieved by sleeping. Anyone who does not cherish it is an idiot.

Oh, except for travelers connected by tour guides. They have to use various precious props and repeated rest to solve the mental pollution. I'm afraid it won't take a few minutes for Bingyi to dust off Wei Xun's spirit. Werewolf Walker felt a little sour and fell asleep after noisy. However, in fact, the development outside the snowmobile was completely different from what Werewolf Walker thought.

Instead of calming Wei Xun's mind, Na Bingyi lost all his own pollution - mainly the restless and vigorous excess energy in his blood. Although Tong Hege suggested that Bingyi find Wei Xun, the fast shooter, to vent, Bingyi did not intend to do so. He was not interested in puppets. The parking lot was ice and snowy and had no style. The most important thing was that the time gate was too short and he did not want to rush Come on.

If you can't vent in this way, then find another one. When Wei Xun got off the bus with him, Bingyi kept communicating with him mentally, directly mentioning his recent slow improvement in strength, but not about the puppets. An Xuefeng must be wary of the hotel when he used a puppet to come in. Bingyi never said this on the surface, and rarely said it during spiritual connection. After all, the 'higher ups' can reward him with a willow leaf light knife that can cut the spirit. Who knows if they can eavesdrop on spiritual conversations.

Although he didn't say it clearly, An Xuefeng was very wise. He knew it as soon as he saw the golden needle that Tong Hege inserted into him. After a few brief conversations between the two, An Xuefeng grabbed Bingyi's hand and held it for him. He cut his fingertips with a murder knife behind his sleeves and sucked the blood from his fingertips. In fact, heart blood does not mean the blood in the heart. As the old saying goes, ten fingers are connected to the heart. Fingertip blood is also regarded as a type of heart blood. In many mythical legends, fingertip blood has the most yang energy, which is why it is said.

Bingyi narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling that the hot and unventilable fire in his body gradually calmed down with the flow of blood, just like eating a piece of iced watermelon on a hot summer day, it was so comfortable that people wanted to sigh and groan. He lowered his eyes and looked at Wei Xun. When they first entered the journey, they were almost the same height. However, Wei Xun always looked taller than others with his shoulders and back straight, standing like a green pine, with excellent posture and full momentum.

But later, after Bingyi awakened to the supernatural power of the devil, it was like he had a second development. At least he was very tall when he was in the devil state. Although he has not turned into a devil now, there is too much energy boiling and surging in his blood, which makes him From time to time there are some auditory and visual hallucinations. When Bingyi is in a bad mood, his body will naturally start to show some demonic characteristics, so he is much taller now, and he can be regarded as overlooking Wei Xun when he looks at him.

The time gate is shorter and he is shorter than him.

As soon as Bing thought about it, no matter how many shortcomings he had, Ah Feng didn't ask anything or say anything, and just helped him share the excess blood energy seriously. He didn't hesitate whether drinking the blood would affect him, or let him. Bingyi felt comforted. Although he rationally thought that Wei Xun was just a puppet, maybe no matter what happened it would not be fed back to An Xuefeng, that's why he was so decisive. But rationally, I thought that this was not just a puppet. He was able to hide himself from the hotel and become a tourist. There was definitely something special about him. I was afraid that he was really closely related to Ah Feng.

It really didn't look like a human being. A human's mouth should be very warm, but Bingyi felt as if his fingers being held in his mouth were stuck in a snow nest. They were ice cold and had no body temperature, just like him. But it also looked like a living person. Feeling the slight movement in his hand, Ah Feng raised his eyes to look at him as if indicating. His eyes looked up at him. There was a little bit of his blood on the corners of his lips, and his lips were dyed with light color. The blood was so red that it almost made Bingyi's blood, which had just calmed down, become hot again.

"I'll cut him in the heart."

Bingyi calmly changed his stance, and couldn't help but suggest that the blood will come out faster like this, how long will it take to suck blood so slowly? Although the tour guide's cloak is very loose, Bingyi is such a good-looking person and doesn't want to make a fool of himself at all. .

'Don't move, it will be fine in a while'

It was inconvenient to speak with his fingers in his mouth, so An Xuefeng directly scolded him mentally: "Don't keep thinking about pricking your heart, the more you do this, the more active you will be."

Feeling Bingyi's mood swings, he raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: 'What, are you committing a mysophobia? I brought a bottle of mineral water down and will rinse your hands later.'

If this was his real body, he would have bitten his upper teeth. An Xuefeng thought regretfully in his heart. God knows how difficult it would be for him to keep his teeth and tongue in place according to the rules and not touch Wei Xun at all except sucking blood. Wei Xun's blood was filled with pure energy that was so powerful that it could be called pollution. It not only impacted and transformed his body, but also impacted his spirit. Now it is An Xuefeng's spirit controlling the clay puppet, so it is naturally his spirit that is affected by the pollution, which is tantamount to relieving the tour guide's spirit.

Although this puppet's body is as impulsive as the one in the past, its spirit is unrestricted. Normal tour guides and tourists must be pure when they are mentally relieved, but An Xuefeng, who has eaten meat, can't help but want to pull people's spirits and bodies to his side. Obviously he has been here for decades, and his mental state that has been on the verge of collapse for many years after being sliced ​​has made him never need this. Who would have thought that now he looks like an angry young man in adolescence, especially after hearing Wei Xun say An Xuefeng felt a twisted sense of urgency in his heart when he thought about his return to zero and his various secret relationships with Butterfly.

It was as if a wild beast was imprisoned in his heart. He wished he could seize every minute and every second before going to the battlefield to confine his partner by his side and vent his madness. Maybe he was already crazy when he sliced ​​himself into pieces, but An Xuefeng knew very well how suspicious and cautious the amnesiac Bingyi was, so he was careful not to reveal any of his dark and intense emotions and changed the subject.

But Bingyi obviously didn't think about mysophobia. What was he talking about with a puppet? After pondering for a moment, the impatience of blood boiling gradually disappeared, and the comfortable and comfortable feeling of relaxation relaxed Bingyi's tense spirit. Finally, he couldn't help but asked curiously: "How tall are you?"

'As tall as you'

Just like me... Bingyi thought about his height when he turned into a demon, and finally felt a little satisfied. An Xuefeng should be at least this tall. He couldn't help but jokingly asked: "How old are you?"

‘Not very big, just as young as your brother’

An Xuefeng avoided the important point and said it lightly, but he didn't expect an uncontrollable chuckle from the tour guide's cloak. Bingyi looked very happy. Sure enough, no matter what happened to his brother, it would be no big deal. An Xuefeng thought easily and couldn't help but smile when he saw how happy he was.

So honest, he answered such flirtatious words so seriously, Ah Feng must be a virgin. Bingyi couldn't help but laugh and thought with satisfaction, as if his mysophobia had been satisfied, he felt more tolerant of Ah Feng. It was normal for a virgin to be short, and he could always exercise in the future. In terms of age... Although he doesn't remember much about his brother, Bingyi vaguely remembers that there is a big age difference between him and his brother. So Ah Feng must be in his thirties?

Still a virgin in his thirties... Bingyi's expression was a little subtle. He had doubted his brother at the time, and now he couldn't help but feel a little worried, but this could be verified later. As long as they can leave Iceland alive, there will always be a lot of time to spend together.


An Xuefeng relaxed and took out a bottle of mineral water for Bingyi to wash his hands. The joint guide Rijamamon's mental relief is always very fast. He has cleaned up all the pollution in Bingyi's mind and absorbed all the pollution in his blood. An Xuefeng clearly felt the surge in 'strength'. The puppet transformed after possessing a large amount of B-1 blood. The connection between the two became closer, but it also became more hidden and difficult for others to detect.

An Xuefeng can even vaguely feel that Wei Xun has the title and the power of awakening in the body. This puppet also possesses almost all of them. It can be said to be an increasingly perfect half body. If the puppet's wrist is opened at this moment, it can even flow out with Wei Xun. Nearly identical blood. The specific changes will have to be carefully checked by Zhang Xingzang after he returns. Now An Xuefeng estimates that the improvement in Wei Xun's strength will also lead to an improvement in the puppet's strength, which will be enough to deal with the entire warm-up match.

"Thank you."

Bingyi felt the calming blood and felt satisfied in his heart. He whispered to Wei Xun about the tooth hunter. Although Bingyi and B1 went to pick up the tickets, the tooth hunter was always there to lead the way, but after picking up the tickets, the tooth hunter was called away by a local Icelander. It was Bingyi who kept him for a while after talking about Fenrir Wolf, but after saying that, Houya Hunter left again, obviously something was wrong.

"Do you suspect that the rune tablets are all on him and he wants to pass them on to others?"

An Xuefeng and Bingyi have the same mind and know what he is thinking.

"That depends on how much he listens to what I said."

Bingyi smiled. Of course, he suspected that the rune tablets of the three Mirandas were in the hands of the fang hunter. It was precisely because of this that he got out of the car and used the Fenrir wolf to lure the fang hunter before he acted alone. The Rune Tablets were important to him, not only because they related to wisdom authority, but Bingyi also had no idea of ​​stalking the Tooth Hunters.

If the fang hunter really wanted to deal with Odin and other gods, wouldn't he follow the sheep into the tiger's mouth rashly? It's better to bet on the importance of Fenrir wolves to fang hunters, and it doesn't matter even if the bet fails. Most of the slates are currently in Bingyi's hands. Based on his understanding of Odin, this cunning god will most likely choose to use those three slates as bait to fish instead of taking them away directly - doesn't this prove that He was worried about Loki and extremely afraid of Loki.

The King of Gods will definitely defend his dignity, and this is Heiichi's chance.


The cold wind was biting, and the underground garage seemed to be ventilated from all sides. It blew away any heat in people's clothes, and they felt like they were frozen into ice sculptures. However, even the cold wind would not have thought that the two people talking in the underground garage were not afraid of the cold. Their body temperatures were close to zero. There was not much difference between the cold wind and the ordinary wind. They just said After the conversation, Bingyi still urged Wei Xun to get in the car.

"There has been no movement since just now. They must have all fallen asleep."

All the people in the car fell asleep, obviously in a dream. The ice cave attraction is so thrilling that it must be reflected in old dreams. The journey is full of twists and turns. When passing the scenic spots, the passengers are all in high spirits. Only when they take a break between the scenic spots will they all be drawn into the dreamland of the past.

"You're not going?"

"Not going for now."

Bing Yi shook his head. Dreams are different from reality. The Jin Lunga Gap in the old dream actually exists, and the door deep into the abyss also exists. The butterfly fragments in his body were agitated by the parasitic fungus juice, and the blood energy overflowed. Until this problem was completely solved, he stayed away from the primitive abyss for the time being.

After Ah Feng drank so much of his blood, he should actually be more cautious. But seeing that Ah Feng was calm and composed, it was obvious that he was somewhat confident. After a few reminders, Bingyi said nothing more and just took out a deer antler amulet and gave it to him: "Bring this with you."

An Xuefeng took a look and saw that what Bingyi gave him was the rune symbol corresponding to Di Feiyu.

After getting Betty's rune character, several stone slabs in Bingyi's hand corresponding to the first group of Etes were fused into a rectangular stone slab, but the two corners of Miranda and Phantom Cat were missing. Once completed, Bingyi would be able to completely control All obstacles and difficult powers in rune characters. But the rectangular stone slab was too big to carry. The key was that once it was snatched away, it would be equivalent to losing all six runes. Later, Bingyi found a way to dismantle them and restore them into pieces.

"I haven't found an opportunity for resurrection yet. I suspect that the opportunity may lie in the rune characters."

Bingyi, so many people died in the brigade, which made him pay more attention to this issue. Whether these people can be resurrected after the old dream ends depends entirely on whether the incarnations and relatives in the old dream can hold on. Although he has not entered the old dream during this period, he also knows that so far, the progress of the resurrection of the characters in the dream is still zero.

So far, so many people have not found the direction. Even powerful people like Bai Lian and Yu Xiangyang have not found any clues. This is obviously abnormal. Bingyi thinks that it may be because various events in reality have caused frequent disasters in old dreams, and everyone is too busy running to think about it. Another possibility is that the clues to resurrection are not in old dreams.

Each person in the team corresponds to a rune character. The rune character tablets separated after each person's death will appear in reality instead of being brought into the dream. After Bingyi understands the corresponding wisdom, authority and power from each stone tablet, , the character slates have not disappeared, which shows that they may carry other meanings.

After everyone dies, stone slabs are precipitated. Does that mean that the stone slabs are related to their lives and their resurrection?

So Bingyi asked Ah Feng to bring Di Feiyu's slate inside. Regarding travelers from the East Area, half of White Lotus' soul is in his old dreams, and half of his soul is in the Hall of Valor. Taking his stone tablet may attract Odin's attention. Yu Xiangyang himself is a zombie full of lifeless energy, and his relatives are also powerful and not dead yet. It is more important for him to stay in the old dream and take charge of the overall situation.

Generally speaking, Di Feiyu is the most suitable. In his dream, his relatives died, and his soul is in his lost paradise. If there are any changes, he will be the first to know, and he will not be affected by others.


An Xue sharply responded and accepted the antlers amulet. He had also thought of this before. From the old dream that the three groups corresponded to the three groups of runes, An Xuefeng had some vague ideas. So far, all the passengers have chosen the C guide camp, but there is no control from the hotel. This is abnormal in the first place. It shows that the hotel has a secret plan, and it makes An Xuefeng confirm his inference.

It's too boring to divide them simply by things, and it's boring to divide them by brigade. It's better to sort them by more exciting ones. The battle for the wisdom and authority of the King of Gods is absolutely engraved with blood and fire, and every rune symbol represents a person's life. The person corresponding to the character in Bingyi's hand naturally belongs to his camp, and if the character is taken away by Odin, the corresponding traveler will probably belong to the camp of the gods.

With Ragnarok coming to an end, and with the competition for power between the gods and kings, they were divided into groups. This was in line with the difficulty of the competition. An Xuefeng felt dark when he thought of this. God King Odin is considered to be the ceiling of status in Nordic mythology, and he is extremely powerful. I am afraid the hotel could not have imagined that this God King would be at a disadvantage in the struggle for power. He even used a fang hunter to snatch away three rune stone tablets. .

The most exciting moment has not yet been reached. It is too early to send out the tooth hunters now, which is not in line with the hotel's usual style.

But even the Tooth Hunter is not safe. He is a dangerous double-edged sword. It depends on whether the hilt is held in the traveler's hand or--

Bingyi's hand.

An Xuefeng took the stone board and sat down in the car, then fell asleep and fell into an old dream. Bingyi also got in the car, but did not fall into the old dream. The dragon scales in his hands flashed, and the dragon hunter became more powerful, freeing him from the nightmare. The large amount of blood loss made Bingyi's skin white and transparent, and he was a little hungry.

He ate some honey-smeared bread and dried wild boar meat. After a while, b1 also woke up, and immediately after, Ya Hunter got into the car, made eye contact with Bingyi, and sat in the driver's seat. The modified snowmobile started up and drove out of the underground parking lot of the visitor center with a buzzing sound. It was already completely white outside, and the snow was so high that it could reach people's knees. The terrible wind roars, the snow falls, and the windy winter begins to show its power. Even high-mounted off-road vehicles will get stuck in the snow, and buses can be easily overturned by the strong wind.

Only this kind of specially modified snowmobile can still speed through the violent snowstorm. It is pitch black outside like the middle of the night. The light in front of the snowmobile is the only light. It illuminates the terrifying snow tornadoes that reach the sky and the earth. They are like Huge ice and snow giants were roaring at the gate of the world, and the sound of the wind and snow was as loud as thunder.

However, the passengers in the car were still asleep and showed no signs of waking up. They may be sleeping in old dreams until the snowmobile reaches its final destination - the café at Jökulsárlón Glacier Lagoon. They will stay there, fill their stomachs briefly, and exchange tickets for a boat trip to the glacial lagoon to the Diamond Beach opposite the glacial lagoon.

The journey takes an hour, and there may be delays in such bad weather. No wonder the tooth hunter is so grumpy. The temperature inside the car was extremely low, even B1 was shivering from the cold. The cold that almost froze his soul made him couldn't help but move closer to Bingyi.

Bingyi was like a big stove in the car. He was holding a volcanic lava lizard egg, which was filled with flame crystals that radiated heat. It was really warm. Bing put his hands through the thick cat fur on both sides of the phantom cat's belly, as if he were putting it into a cat fur sleeve, and played with the flame crystals with his fingers, making no secret of his love for them.

These flame crystals are extremely pure. Bingyi has almost reached the extreme in terms of flames, but these flame crystals are of great significance to him. According to Nordic legends, Odin took the brightest flames from the Land of Fire and turned them into the sun and moon. These purest flame crystals do not correspond to flames, but to the power of the sun. Absorbing them will help Bing get rid of the charred bird state as soon as possible. Very helpful.

But Bingyi will not absorb them easily, because they are the crystals left by the little lizard, and he is worried.

It was a long road, and he had already thought about what he wanted to do. With a flip of his hand, Bingyi summoned a small ball of flame, and in a flash, it turned into a little flame angel. It was the little flame angel who called himself Francis and made a prophecy of the coming darkness for him - he appeared. The time gate was too coincidental. Bingyi would not believe him easily and imprisoned him in the flames. He has not taken it out until now, but he is still worried.

"God, I finally returned to you——"

God is finally out! David, who had been choked up, was very happy. He was about to blow a wave, but Bingyi stuffed a flame crystal into his head.

"You are a newborn elf, you have to grow up quickly to be able to help me."

Bingyi smiled and nodded the flame crystal casually: "Eat it."

But the little flame man froze and didn't move, as if he was caught in a tangle. This, this, David's scalp was numb, and he carefully felt the power retained on the flame crystal. He saw with his own eyes the crystal that Bingyi took out from the lizard egg. Can the Lizard Duke eat this? ?


At this moment, Bingyi heard the sound of a lizard spitting a message in his ears. He glanced around and found, as expected, that the little lizard that had disappeared without a trace had reappeared again, climbed onto the back of the chair in front of him, and stared at him dissatisfied with a pair of vertical pupils, as if to reprimand him for actually leaving it behind. Such pure flame crystals can be fed to this little flame goblin at will.

Is it worthy of eating such a good thing? Such a waste!

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