Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 689: Icelandic Horror (213)

‘Officer? ’

Bing Yiyi was startled, but then he sensed Tong Hege's emotions, his eyes became evil, and the smile on his lips sent shivers down his spine. Tong Hege shuddered, quickly pulled back his deviated thoughts, and said with a laugh: "Sir, it means that you have immersed yourself in pollution for too long. This is too risky... Do you think your body Is there something in it? ’

Returning to the serious topic, Tong Hege frowned and felt Bingyi's pulse carefully. Bingyi first talked about Betty and then himself. Could it be that he suspected that there were parasite eggs in his body? but--

'I'll take a look'

Tong Hege felt the pulse with Bingyi's left hand and then switched to his right hand. After feeling it carefully, he didn't say anything. He just took out a silver-white ginseng whisker that was thinner than hair and wrapped it around Bingyi's wrist with a movement of his fingertips. , like the hanging silk pulse diagnosis in the TV series, press the fingertips on the silver wire to feel carefully, and even let the ginseng wire pierce a little bit of Bingyi's skin to feel it.

Tong Hege's expression was sometimes hesitant, sometimes solemn, and even Bingyi was rarely nervous. When you go to see a doctor, you are not afraid of the doctor saying too much. What you are most afraid of is that the doctor has a sullen face but says nothing. Bingyi thought a lot for a moment, and his thoughts were very divergent. When Tong Hege took away the ginseng silver thread and took a long breath, Bingyi strangely calmed down.

He had long expected that there might be something wrong with his body, and he used mental communication when talking about this topic with Tong Hege. No matter how bad it is, it's just like that. If you really can't stand it, you might as well make a puppet like Ah Feng. In short, there are always more solutions than difficulties.

‘Say it’

Bingyi said calmly: "What's going on?"

‘The vitality in your body is too strong’

Tong Hege also came to the point directly and emphasized: ‘It’s too exuberant’

It was so exuberant that it even made his hair stand on end.

‘Your skin, bones and flesh are very special and completely cover up the changes in your body. Ordinary people can’t feel it at all’

Tong Hege said that the silver ginseng whisker was a part of his body, just like the meridians. He used his own meridians to diagnose his pulse, and then he could see the boiling and active vitality in his body, as if the frozen pupa was coming back to life and was about to emerge from the cocoon.

‘Pollution is a force that exhibits extraordinary energy fluctuations’

When Tong Hege talked about Betty being pregnant with insect chrysalises, he could feel something was wrong with her pulse as soon as he put his fingers on Betty's wrist. As long as the pregnant woman is not pregnant with a ghost fetus, her own vitality will increase. But Betty's vitality was too high, and it was obvious that she was not carrying a fetus, but a different species. To make a crude conversion, an insect chrysalis contains hundreds of times the vitality of a baby.

What's even more terrifying inside Bingyi's body is that just in the tiny spot that Tong Hege carefully detects, the vitality contained in his blood is a thousand times that of an insect chrysalis! If calculated in terms of children, Bingyi would have to carry hundreds of thousands of children in her belly to be able to cope with such a strong vitality.

‘...I’m just making a metaphor, don’t think about the children’

Bingyi was rarely a little annoyed, mainly because his initial idea was too stupid. This is not a matter of insect eggs in the blood. According to Tong Hege, his current blood is like an extremely pure and high-concentration liquid that can be called contaminated, and it has also been activated from its original calm state, just like after being caught in the rain. The seedlings that burst out of the ground are like volcanoes that are about to erupt.

'But the good news is I don't think you have eggs in your blood'

Tong Hege reassured that the orange title he held was no longer a doctor who could explain scientifically. If Bingyi was really pregnant with something, whether it was a baby, chrysalis, egg, ghost fetus, he would be able to diagnose the slippery pulse. However, Tong Hege did not diagnose Hua Mai, and he believed that the energy contained in Bingyi's blood was pure and powerful but also very uniform, with no small lumps like insect eggs of varying strengths.

Not in the body, not in the blood.

‘I didn’t have this problem before’

Bingyi breathed a sigh of relief, but still frowned. If he was soaked in high-concentration pollution, then he had fallen through the blood river before and walked into the cracks of the primitive abyss. There was no such problem then. But now, just after soaking in the concentrated juice of the parasitic bacteria, the reaction was so violent that Bingyi suspected that there was something wrong with the parasitic bacteria.

The parasitic fungus sap is most likely the food of butterflies in the primitive abyss. Just like the butterfly that has been silent but immediately wants to emerge from the pupa after sensing the parasitic fungus juice, Bingyi guesses that the parasitic fungus sap may be harmful to insects. It was said that the extremely high nutritional value catalyzed their growth, and coupled with the changes that occurred after his blood fell into the juice of the parasitic bacteria, Bingyi couldn't help but wonder if there were any dormant eggs in his blood, which were A large amount of parasitic fungus juice begins to show up after being stimulated.

‘Maybe the butterfly fragments in your body have become active’

Tong Hege pondered. When he felt his pulse, he suspected that the high concentration of energy in Bingyi was caused by the contamination of butterfly fragments stimulated by the juice of parasitic bacteria. However, this manifestation made Tong Hege slightly worried, feeling that it was not just a matter of contamination. . He really wanted to take a few drops of Bingyi's blood and study it, but he didn't want those watching the live broadcast of the match to realize the problem, so he didn't introduce it in this direction. Instead, he said: "There are insects in the wind, and insects are born with the wind." Ice cave exploration is just in time for the arrival of the death wind winter of Baldr, the God of Light. There is a lot of wind between the ice layers in the ice cave.

'And wind is a special medium. No matter how pure the energy is, it is just energy. But if it is driven by external forces, it may give birth to life.'

This point of view is quite novel, Bingyi thought thoughtfully. A large amount of parasitic bacteria juice activated the energy in his blood. The blood dripping in the parasite pollution was equivalent to being surrounded by nutrient solution and the energy was stimulated more. At this time, the wind acted as a medium... Maybe it was because today was the goddess Fu. In Leya's day, Freya was in charge of fertility, and coupled with the activity of the butterfly fragments, it was under multiple influences that his blood dripping in the parasitic fungus juice was transformed into something resembling life.

The insect eggs were not originally in his blood, but were born due to the influence of various media after the blood dropped to the outside world. After Tong Hege confirmed that there were no foreign objects or living things in his blood, Bingyi finally felt more at ease, but he couldn't feel completely at ease. It would be nice if Xiaocui was not seriously injured and fell asleep. Bing thought that with her expertise, she should be able to tell whether there were insects in his blood. Little Rose is not within the scope of Bingyi's consideration. She is not as strong as Xiao Cui, and she cannot gain all his trust.

‘How to restore the restless blood to normal and keep the energy dormant again? ’

Bingyi didn't want to be in danger, and Tong Hege knew that. He took out a golden needle and pricked Bingyi once, suppressing the anger in his blood. But the energy that has been activated cannot disappear out of thin air, just like a volcano must erupt before it can release the accumulated energy. Tong Hege suggested a two-pronged approach, pricking the acupuncture points with gold needles to suppress them, and letting Bingyi vent on his own. The problem was related to the absorbed juice of the parasitic bacteria. Excessive energy could be used to calm the blood.

"There are only forty minutes left before departure. Forty minutes is not enough if you want to vent."

After letting Tong Hege prick the acupuncture points with gold needles, Bingyi obviously felt that his body was much heavier, as if the boiling and active power had been forcibly suppressed. However, this heaviness made Bingyi feel at ease, as if his body was back under control. It seemed that Tong Hege's judgment was good, and the treatment direction was indeed effective, so he was willing to tease and make some jokes, like complaining about Tong Hege's previous excessive shock.

It's one thing to suspect that there are insect eggs in the blood, but Tong Hege was obviously suspicious of who he was sleeping with, having a child with, and "doing things" - Bingyi really wanted to see how tall Tong Hege's brain was, but he was really good at it. Just thinking! He Bing has been sick since birth. Even when he was in the best condition when he was young, he paid great attention to maintaining his health when he went on adventures around the world. One drop of sperm and ten drops of blood. How could he let his yang energy leak out due to the cold body he was born with? Tong Hegezhen thought about having a child without even having sex in bed. It really made Bingyi feel slightly uncomfortable, and he secretly regained some male self-esteem in his words.

"Ah, yes, yes."

Tong Hege is perfunctory, never brag to your family doctor about how brave you are. "Forty minutes is not enough if you want to vent," Bingyi is really good at thinking!

Why many tour guides start all kinds of mischief after entering the hotel is unbelievable. First, most tourists of the same level are at a disadvantage when facing tour guides and it is easy to get started. Second, in reality, this is not possible due to long-term serious illness, and that is not possible. No, after entering the hotel, I finally returned to some normalcy. Some tour guides are obsessed with that, regaining their male and female style every day, opening up their harem, and making the trip look like a restricted-rated movie, just like Bing Jiu before. It should be said that Bing is quite addicted to the connection, otherwise he would not have developed so fast with Team An.

"Forty minutes are not short. Why don't you find Wei Xun and it will be over?"

While Tong Hege was thinking about the stimulation of Bingyi by the parasitic fungus juice, he casually suggested that Bingyi could certainly use this energy to expel some insect eggs, but these are not the most critical at the moment.

The quality of the clay puppets made by Zhang Xingzang is guaranteed. It can withstand injuries and death, and of course it can also withstand excess energy and pollution from the original body. Besides, after all, the clay figurine is not as good as a real person. Even if An Xuefeng is controlling it, the strength that the clay figurine body can exert so far is far less than Bingyi, and it may be dangerous in the next attractions.

If Bing pours the boiling energy in his blood into the clay figurine, it will definitely make a leap in its strength, enough to cope with the next attractions! The quality of the mud may change, and Zhang Xingzang will have to adjust it after going out.

What he said was casual and did not contain any crooked thoughts. However, there were many people with incorrect thoughts, and Bingyi was one of them. On the way back to the parking lot, he was rarely silent, and his expression was a little subtle. Even b1 kept wanting to tell him about ice cave adventures on the way back, and Bingyi was a little fuzzy, until he entered the parking lot and saw the snowmobile. A slight cough in his heart brought Tong Hege out of his concentrated study.

‘You checked Wei Xun’s pulse? ’

‘Not so good’

Tong Hege hasn't fully recovered yet. Isn't Wei Xun Bingyi? Didn't he just do this? But to Bingyi's ears, this meant something different. On the way back, Bingyi's thoughts kept thinking, 'Wei Xun can only last forty minutes' and 'He is a puppet after all, and this Ah Feng can't only last that long!' 'Wandering back and forth between the two.

And these forty minutes still include all kinds of pre-preparation and post-processing, so the real thing is only about ten minutes.

About ten minutes!

Bingyi couldn't express his feelings, he was a little disillusioned and relieved at the same time. He had read a lot of novels and was very curious about what it would feel like. Although I know that reality cannot be like the novel, this person has extraordinary powers, so he shouldn't be like ordinary people! But according to Tong Hege, he really gave Bing a pulse, maybe...

"came back!"

Miao Fangfei and others on the snowmobile warmly welcomed the tour guides back. It was very reassuring to have Guide Bing around. An Xuefeng immediately looked at the car door with concern. Wei Xun was not in good spirits. His sanity level had dropped very low due to the pollution in the ice cave, so it would be safer to freshen up.

However, An Xuefeng's eyes narrowed slightly as soon as he glanced over. Something was wrong. Xun'er looked at him with something wrong. It feels a bit itchy and needs to be cleaned up.

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