Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 688 The Horror of Iceland (212)

Even though I have known for a long time that the Tooth Hunter attaches extraordinary importance to Fenrir Wolf, but seeing that he is so good at focusing on the key points, after he said such a long series of words, what does this person only pay attention to? Have you ever thought about it? Leave it to me! ’ The truth of this matter still made Bingyi speechless. He twitched the corners of his eyes and his mood relaxed a bit.

In any case, it is better to use a person with a weakness than a person without a weakness to reassure him.

"Leave it to you? Let's take a look."

Without saying anything more to the tooth hunter, Bing sent him away with a few words, using the excuse of being alone with a stern expression. Tong Hege turned into a human form and told him about the dangers of the tourists in the ice cave along the way, which gave Bingyi a more detailed understanding of the ice cave attractions. It's a pity that Tong Hege followed Wei Xun when skating down the ice, instead of Miranda and the others, and did not witness how they died.

"It's not a pity."

Bingyi said calmly: "As long as you're safe."

Even if Tong Hege was with Miranda and the others at the time, he might not be able to protect them, and might even implicate himself. Even Yu Hehui, who is more powerful in combat, is not confident that he can deal with the tooth hunter, let alone Tong Hege. Now that the journey is becoming more and more dangerous, the doctor Tong Hege becomes more and more important. He and Yu Hehui, one overtly and the other secretly, are Bingyi's important right-hand men. Besides, they are dominated by Bingyi. If the dominator dies, it is unknown whether it will have any impact on the dominator itself. Bingyi does not want to take this risk.

"Hey, you can't let the captain hear this."

Tong Hege said with a smile, but in his heart he felt that Bingyi's words were so fitting, and got down to business again: "The corn shoots are back."

"came back."

Bing nodded: "Look."

The place they were in was a utility room in the visitor center. It was filled with all kinds of sundries, but there was no one there. Even if the ground cracks open and a worm like an interstellar monster emerges from the ground, no one will know. The flexible tentacles of the corn shoots secreted a large amount of mucus, which stuck to many debris that slid and fell due to cracks in the ground, without making any sound. It cooed affectionately to Bingyi twice, then loosened its tentacles that were wrapped like chrysanthemums, and half a bloody corpse, frozen in ice and snow, rolled out.

This is Shao Yuan's remains buried under the glacier. Before getting on the snowmobile, Bing Yi secretly left a corn shoot on the glacier to see if Shao Yuan's body could be found. The corn shoots lived up to expectations. Although Shaoyuan's body was completely unrecognizable due to the crushing and squeezing of the glacier, and was generally turned into a pulp of stumps, half of it was still intact, and the head was even more complete.

Bingyi looked over Shao Yuan's bloody head with gloves on, and found puncture holes in his temples. Although all passengers had holes in their temples, the parasitic bacteria in their brains grew out of the holes. But the hole in Shaoyuan's place was different - it was roasted into cooked meat, just like the wounds on Yin Guangyuan's body.

"It's indeed him."

After the inspection, Bingyi handed Shao Yuan's head to Corn Bamboo Shoots and asked it to be well preserved like the bodies of Miranda and Yin Guangyuan. With the traces on Shaoyuan's body and his reaction when he tested the fang hunter just now, Bingyi can be more sure of his speculation.

It was probably the Tooth Hunter who killed the Miranda people in the ice leak. He is from the Nordic Gods. The runes that this man extracted when he was dying were probably taken away by the Tooth Hunter and were about to be handed over to Odin. Ensure that wisdom and authority do not really fall into his hands.

But there is no telling how loyal the tusker hunter is and whether he is sincere. Bingyi also thought that the fang hunter was special to the Fenrir wolf and repeatedly expressed his desire to take the wolf away. Is it because he was Odin's man and wanted to reenact the myth and imprison the Fenrir wolf, or did he want to strike first? Kill it, just now deliberately showed him seriously injured and dying.

Although myths have their own rules for reenactment, as Ragnarok approaches, the Fenrir wolves almost died in the ice cave before. Bingyi believes that the Nordic gods can really kill them if they want to, but Now the Nordic gods are involved in the battle with the human world, involved in the Snaefell volcano, and they are temporarily unable to escape.

The Tooth Hunter is really a pure Odin party. Bingyi was alone with him just now. He shouldn't miss this great opportunity. But the fang hunter's performance was beyond Bingyi's expectations, but also within reason.

Putting aside the possibility of the tooth hunter acting for the time being, perhaps as a hunter, he is not as free as their tourist guides and needs to be subject to some control... Just like G in the game, he is normal on weekdays and listens to the Nordic gods at critical moments. arrange. This reminds Bingyi of dragon hunters. There are dragon hunters in Norway who control the situation. Why is Balder, the God of Light, still dead?

Everyone has a camp, so the two hunter teams have already been divided into camps. The dragon hunters are considered to be on the giant side, while the tooth hunters belong to the camp of the Nordic gods, so it is the tooth hunters who are divided into their brigade. The team became the coach, because their team has Loki and Fenrir wolf Jörmungandr, all five poisons?

The other brigades must have their own biases, and the hunter coaches assigned to their brigades all have the opposite camp. Is it a game between the Nordic gods and giants?

Bingyi gradually thought deeply and realized that he was jolted back to reality by Tong Hege's sneeze.

"It's so cold today. It's so cold that I'm shivering."

Tong Hege's sneeze was so loud that it shocked Bingyi and said. Although the visitor center is protected from wind and snow, it is not warm at all and is no different from an ice cellar. This was a polluted cold that even Tong Hege couldn't bear. Seeing Bingyi was lost in thought, he wanted to persuade him to light a fire and think about it again but didn't want to disturb him. Tong Hege immediately suggested it when he regained consciousness.

But Bingyi did not summon a flame to keep warm. Instead, he took out the salamander egg, dug out the phantom cat that had fallen asleep on it, and put it around his neck like a mink scarf. The phantom cat stretched its body in its sleep and grunted dissatisfiedly, but did not wake up. Bingyi smoothed its fur, then looked into the eggshell, and then his expression was a little subtle.

"What's wrong?"

Tong Hege stretched his neck and took a look, and saw that the salamander egg contained a pile of flame crystals from the Kingdom of Fire, glowing warmly. No wonder the phantom cat didn't want to leave the eggshell. Having such a warm thing in the ice and snow really makes people feel happy. Tong Hege couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, but felt that Bingyi's mood was a little fluctuating.


Bingyi stirred the flame crystals with his fingers. When the crystals collided, small bright sparks arose, as bright as the sun. The quality was obviously much better than the flame crystals previously salvaged from the underground magma. But he did not find the little lizard in these crystals.

Did it run away? Why? Previously, he sensed the light blade rubbing against the wolf's tail, and was afraid that he would actually cut off the wolf's tail, so he hurried over. Now that Fenrir Wolf was seriously injured, why did he run away again? Still have such half-eggshell flame crystals left?

"You mean that little lizard came back before and ran away again?"

After hearing this, Tong Hege suddenly thought of something, and his Adam's apple couldn't help but move. He stopped talking and communicated mentally with Bingyi, and then confirmed the timing of the little lizard returning to the eggshell and leaving.

'It's a pity that I didn't check the tooth hunter's pulse'

Tong Hege muttered, and then asked Bingyi if he felt hurt when he met the fang hunter just now.


Bingyi seemed to have thought of something and replied cautiously: "I didn't smell blood, nor did I feel his breath weakening."

Not injured? This is impossible. Tong Hege murmured in his heart, Fenrir Wolf was so seriously injured that he was almost dead, how could the Lizard Duke not react at all? Although the tour guide will not die when the passenger dies, but the tour guide will always react if the passenger is seriously injured. Is it because there is no deep connection between them? Or is it because the Fenrir wolf here is not a complete Silvermoon killer? Or maybe it actually has nothing to do with Silver Moon Killer, but the Lizard Duke is deceiving them?

The last point is the least likely. The identity of 'Fenrir Wolf' is not like the Vulcan Sun God. There are Vulcan Sun Gods in every pantheon. This type of title is not unique. But there is no Fenrir Wolf in other pantheons. This is unique to the Nordic pantheon, and the title should be unique. If this wolf was not a complete Fenrir wolf before, it was the evolution of the remnant soul of the croupier's brother, but now along the way, Tong Hege and Yu Hehui have forebodings in their hearts.

The hotel did not intervene, which means that Silver Moon Killer definitely did not violate the rules and entered the hotel.

Is it possible that the dealer's brother and Silver Moon Killer are the same person?

...It's possible that the dealer's brother's remnant soul can remain on the battlefield for so long, which is inherently problematic. There is indeed a blood connection between the dealer and him, but they are just siblings after all. There must be an opportunity to keep the remnant soul alive for so long.

I'm afraid the Lizard Duke was the opportunity. Otherwise, after my brother's remnant soul took form, why would it happen to be a white wolf? He couldn't tell what happened in the past, and Tong Hege died long ago without personally experiencing it. He suspected that the dealer's brother might have used some special method to slice the slices and hid it from the hotel. That’s what led to this result now——

If Tong Hege didn't think about this before, because how could there be someone in the world who was not the person in charge of slices? But just now after hearing Bingyi's experience, his heart went from unbearable to numb. In a matter of minutes, things like nine knives, the cutting of Roger Betty, and the light path appearing but no one is in charge can happen. Then nothing is impossible in the world.

Because this Fenrir wolf has a closer relationship with the dealer, so the injury is reflected on the dealer? That’s not right, the dealer is not a tour guide and cannot connect with tourists. But if the tooth hunter really didn't suffer any counter-injury, then why did the little lizard disappear at this juncture?

Suddenly, Tong Hege had a flash of inspiration. He looked at Bingyi and saw Bingyi looking at him. The two of them exchanged ideas and found that they had exactly the same idea.

'I suspect there is a contamination connection between the little lizards and the Fenrir wolves. ’

Bingyi pondered: 'Since pollution can be transmitted to Fenrir Wolf, is it possible that Fenrir Wolf's injury and mental pollution will affect the little lizard? ’

Yes, that's it. Tong Hege thought to himself that the Fenrir Wolf in this match was considered the dealer's younger brother, not the Silver Moon Killer. Even though his souls came from the same source, he and the Lizard Duke had never been mentally relieved, so the spiritual connection was implicit. It will only have some manifestations in the soul, such as the soul state of the little wolf, and Fenrir's injury will not be fed back to the fang hunter.

But the little lizard is somehow connected to it through pollution, so that's different. As long as there is a connection, no matter how deep the hidden spiritual connection is, it will be gradually activated. This time Fenrir Wolf was seriously injured and was on the verge of death, and I am afraid that the little lizard will not be able to catch it. It left so many flame crystals to escape. On the surface, it seemed that it wanted to mislead Bingyi and make him think about the flame channel. Who knew that Bingyi was suspected of being seriously ill, and the fang hunter behaved too much towards Fenrir Wolf? Taking it seriously, he directly asked him to connect the departure of the little lizard and the serious injury of Fenrir Wolf.

'It runs really fast'

Bing Yiyi felt a little regretful, as if he was full of bad things and couldn't spill them: 'I originally wanted to...'

He originally wanted to take this opportunity to test the little lizard to see if it had that thing in its hand - the little lizard came back too quickly before and did not hide its respect for the Fenrir wolf at all, making Bingyi suspicious of its confidence. He himself can be called the soul parent of Fenrir Wolf. Why is this little lizard so confident and not afraid of being manipulated by him?

This reminds Bingyi of Nordic mythology. Fenrir wolf is not invincible. In the myth, it was bound by the cursed magic chain Gleipnir, and it was not until Ragnarok that it was finally freed. If this little lizard had a magic chain in its hand, then it might indeed be able to tie up the Fenrir wolf. Bingyi radically injured Fenrir Wolf in the ice cave and was about to die. He also wanted to take this opportunity to replace the restraint and torture Fenrir Wolf suffered in mythology and reduce the impact of the magic chain on it.

Of course, Bingyi also thought about trying to make a magic chain by himself, threatening to nip it in the bud in advance. Thinking of this, he pinched the paw pads of the phantom cat. This magic chain was forged from six rare things: cat's footsteps, woman's beard, stone roots, fish's breath, bear's tendons and bird's saliva. *

The footsteps of the phantom cat, Miao Fangfei should be able to grow beards with Gu, Loki's deceitful god's flame is in the fish form, the polar bear of the West End Traveler has the tendons of a bear, not to mention the saliva of a bird, A Feng is able to transform Adult birds are not stingy with a little saliva, the only thing missing is the root of the stone. But there are a lot of basalts here, so it's not impossible to find stone roots.

But now that the little lizard has a high probability of being seriously injured and escaping, there is no need to be too hasty about this matter and it can be discussed in the long run. Thinking of this, Bingyi decided to put this matter off until later and worry about his own affairs first. He handed his wrist to Tong Hege and asked Tong Hege to take his pulse. After a while, after listening to Tong Hege's murmuring remarks about qi deficiency and physical weakness, Bingyi couldn't help but politely said: "When you took Betty's pulse, did you feel the slippery pulse?"

Slippery pulse means that the pulse is as smooth as beads rolling on a jade plate. If a woman has no other diseases and is diagnosed with slippery pulse, she is most likely pregnant. Although Betty was pregnant with chrysalis, she was obviously diagnosed by Tong Hege. Seeing him nodding, Bingyi pondered for a moment, his face became more and more serious, making Tong Hege feel nervous.

After a long while, Bingyi finally asked, rarely hesitating: "Didn't you feel your slippery pulse when you were here?" Take your pulse again’

The fact that his blood was drained of contaminated bacterial juice and turned into insect eggs in the ice cave really damaged Bing Yi's diaphragm, and he had to get some definite news. Tong Hege can diagnose insect pupae, so maybe he can also diagnose whether there are insect eggs in his blood. This is really scary.

‘Hua Mai? How can it be? ? This - you, have you done something? ! ’

Tong Hege's pupils trembled when he heard this. He clasped Bingyi's wrist and took his pulse carefully. He seemed to see a green light in a trance.

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