Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 687 Second Update

The snowmobile stopped at the entrance of the secret ice cave for five minutes. Yin Qiaoqiao and Maria got off the car to check, and soon brought back the remnant souls of Roger and Betty. As everyone expected, the souls of Shao Yuan, Yin Guangyuan and Miranda were not found in the ice cave. Even taking photos in the ice cave could not take away their souls from their old dreams.

The next journey was relatively smooth. The snowmobile swayed down the glacier in the terrible cold wind, and carried the passengers back to the Skaftafell Visitor Center. Miao Fangfei and others couldn't help but couldn't help it when they got off. Looking back, I saw that the glacier that had buried my companions was left behind. The violent storm and snow covered the sky and the earth in a vast whiteness, making it difficult to see the glacier.

Lisa and others did not look back, as if they had long been used to seeing their teammates leave, their expressions were cold and calm due to the cold wind, frost and snow. They went into the visitor center for a while, but soon came out again, carrying luggage that they couldn't bring to the glacier, so everyone left it here.

"There was no hot water, and there wasn't any food. The native Icelanders were fighting with each other."

There was a hint of malice in Werewolf Walker's tone, and he said in a rough voice: "Boy, if you know what's going on, stay in the car."

The effects of the Fimbul Winter began to show, as food scarcity rules broke down and humans turned against each other.

Although Walker's tone was uncomfortable, it was a reminder. Dan Lin thanked Walker for the reminder, and Miao Fangfei and Yao Jinghe did not get out of the car. Compared with the frozen and chaotic visitor center, the snowmobiles parked in the underground parking lot were relatively safe. Passengers took out thermal blankets and stoves from their luggage and huddled together to warm themselves up by the fire. The flickering flames reflected the slightly tired look on everyone's face.

It is now 10:30 in the morning, and the tour guides and coaches are not on the bus. They go to the visitor center to go through the formalities and buy tickets for the next trip. Although they finally came down from Vatnajökull, the attractions in Vatnajökull National Park are not over yet. After an hour, they will drive to Jökulsárlón Glacier Lagoon. After lunch, they will take an amphibious boat to tour the glacier lagoon, and then Head to Diamond Beach on the other side of the lake to see seals.

Because the glacier hiking attraction was postponed for too long yesterday, the ice cave exploration was moved to today. Today's schedule is particularly tight and there is no time for rest. After fighting in the ice cave in the morning, we went to Glacier Lagoon at noon. According to the itinerary, we were going to see some seals with human faces. It sounded like it was not a fun thing to do, and even people who had to go back and forth like this couldn't bear it.

Therefore, experienced travelers have long developed the ability to rest and sleep anytime and anywhere, and get up as soon as there is any disturbance. Replenishing your energy with short and high-quality sleep is something experienced travelers know how to do. Even if you have slept for ten minutes, you will be able to sleep. As now we have to wait an hour before departure again, peak travelers can take advantage of this opportunity to sleep for six hours.

But now no one closed their eyes, and the snowmobile was silent. After a while, someone finally spoke. The voice seemed a bit abrupt and distorted in the parking lot that echoed with the sound of wind: "I think everyone can see that there are more attractions next." careful."

"You don't have to say that."

Werewolf Walker sneered. His wolf eyes looked very fierce. He smiled and said, "This is exciting enough and can be called a competition."

"Those attractions before were so simple that they didn't even tickle me."

"Really? I don't know who was so scared that he kept turning into a wolf."

Lisa sarcastically said that she had never been able to deal with the werewolf Walker. The provocation between the two people back and forth made it a bit more lively. The loud one seemed to be fighting to the death, but it only caused Maria and others to raise their eyelids. Everyone is under pressure, and Peak Travelers are no exception. There must be a way to vent, and no one is stupid enough to actually start a fight, so don't worry about it.

Miao Fangfei and others felt extremely uncomfortable under the overwhelming momentum of the peak passengers. They did not dare to say anything, so they could only smile bitterly and lean against each other. Fortunately, after a while, a calm young man placed a turtle shell in front of them, blocking the pressure.

"Thank you Tang Tuan."

Miao Fangfei lowered her voice and thanked her, and Yao Jinghe followed suit. Tang Xiang waved his hand casually and said yes. The Phenom Brigade and the Homecoming Brigade have a good relationship, and they have a good relationship with the Crimson Brigade and the Sunset Brigade. Taking care of the young people a little is nothing. Being able to survive to this day is all a matter of luck and talent. Being in danger and being tested in the scenic spots is. One thing, now is their rest time, so they don't have to bear the pressure of top travelers for nothing.

"Have you figured it out?"

Tang Xiang didn't have the airs of a group leader, and laughed softly while watching the excitement between Lisa and Walker. What they said before had no beginning or end, but Miao Fangfei and Yao Jinghe didn't show any doubts. They obviously knew something about it. Smart young people are always popular, so it doesn't hurt to take them with you.

"Some ideas."

Miao Fangfei whispered, taking a sip of water nervously. The ice water sliding down her throat made her tremble, but her thinking became much clearer: "I don't think what killed Miranda and the others was necessarily the danger in the ice leak."


Tang Xiang neither confirmed nor denied, but encouraged Miao Fangfei to continue talking on her own. She clarified her thoughts and said succinctly: "First of all, the dangers in ice caves can be mainly divided into these points, the rule that you will die if you fall into the ice after the safety helmet is broken, the things growing in our brains, the extreme low temperature, and The power of the Norse gods."

"When we enter the ice leak, it is equivalent to rejecting the camp of the Nordic gods. The danger in the ice leak mainly comes from the tests of the Nordic gods and Ymir's ancestor giants, but the tests of the giants have always been relatively simple and crude. I asked Yao Jinghe , Wei Xun and Dan Lin, although the dangers we encountered were not the same, they were generally extremely cold, avoiding danger, and hunting were indeed possible, but Miranda was still well-dressed and only the skin was peeled. If it falls, it doesn’t look like a giant’s method.”

Speaking of this, Miao Fangfei paused and looked at Yao Jinghe with an encouraging look in her eyes. The opportunity to get advice from the leader was very precious. This was originally the advice given by the crimson leader to the members of the Sunset Brigade. Yao Jinghe originally only planned to listen, but she did not expect that Miao Fangfei would take her with him. Carefully looking at Tang Tuan and seeing that he was smiling and not objecting, Yao Jinghe winked at Miao Fangfei gratefully. Without hesitation, she said: "Miranda's body was severely frozen, which meets the test of 'extreme cold'. She was exposed to ice leaks." The quilt is very cold, but the high-quality blue ice is deeper. With Miranda’s character, she will definitely try her best to pursue better, and she just has something that is very suitable for cold protection and waterproofing.”

Polar Bear King Skin.

Miranda became the Polar Bear King on the night of the horse race. Although the specific information was unknown to East Side Travelers, they also knew that she had a polar bear skin. This was learned while hiking on the glacier at that time. In order to dive deeper into the ice leak and protect herself from the cold and water, Miranda probably wore the polar bear skin.

"Although no Icelandic horses have been tested since the third day, this rule was originally intended to last throughout the warm-up competition."

Polar bears are not allowed ashore and will be shot by hunters if found.

"Besides, Yin Guangyuan's death was unusual. According to Director Bing, he was covered in vaginal discharge when he was first discovered, with his clothes on the other side. I speculate that he most likely turned into a tiger."

Miao Fangfei took up the conversation and said in an orderly manner: "Although the tiger's fur is considered waterproof, it will still lose temperature quickly in ice water. Director Bing said that the place where Yin Guangyuan was found in the ice leak was not very low, so Yin Guangyuan’s strength won’t turn into a tiger here.”

"So I think Yin Guangyuan encountered a sneak attack, and then used his strongest title to fight back."

"You mean the ice pick?"

Tang Xiang asked with a smile, but Miao Fangfei was not misled by him and shook her head firmly: "It's not an ice pick. Although the injury on Yin Guangyuan's chest looks like an ice pick penetration, there is something wrong."

Speaking of this, Miao Fangfei looked at Wei Xun. It was Wei Xun who examined Yin Guangyuan's injury, and it was he who told them the news secretly. An Xuefeng, who was communicating mentally with Bingyi and pretending to be recuperating and not planning to speak, felt Miao Fangfei's gaze and said simply:

"The wounds inside him have been burned and can't be seen from the outside."

On the fifth day, 'Wei Xun''s strength had been demonstrated a lot. An Xuefeng did not analyze it like Miao Fangfei and others did, but directly ended the topic: "The person who killed them was a tooth hunter, he was a member of the Nordic tribe. God hides the killer in the team.”

The size of the wound was almost as thick as the tip of the lizard's tail. In the extremely cold ice water, only the volcanic lava lizard could roast all the flesh and blood inside when it killed Yin Guangyuan.

It is impossible for the hunter to just be a coach to guide them. Everything in the competition is to brutally train the tourists. There are only two possibilities for a hunter to be assigned to the brigade. Either the difficulty of the scenic spot is extremely high, and the passengers are easily wiped out and there is no room for training. Then the hunter is here to balance the difficulty. However, there are top travelers in their team, and the hotel will never send another 'thug' here.

There is only one possibility. The hotel believes that the attractions are too simple compared to their average strength and it is difficult to stimulate their potential. The hunter was also a thug, but he just beat them. The pursuit of the Lizard Duke in S2 would give even An Xuefeng a headache. The performance of the Sun Ya Hunter at these times makes it difficult for people to be wary. After all, he only rushes for time and plays wolf. He has never shown any problems, which makes people take it lightly.

It's easy to let the fang hunter take action against them. The hunter was originally a hero selected into the Hall of Valor. Now Miao Fangfei and the others have all gone to the giant camp. It is normal operation to nip the danger in the bud. They were attacked and killed one after another. Yin Guangyuan, Shao Yuan and Miranda were found first, probably for their own reasons.

Miranda was exposed as a polar bear and was killed. Shao Yuan is currently unclear whether it was the god of light who died, as his corresponding light will definitely die, or because his light also has the meaning of wisdom, but Odin will not let him survive in any case. Just like the three of them who died did not leave any runes behind, they would no longer leave their wisdom and authority to Bingyi.

Yin Guangyuan's death may be related to his rune character, or it may be because he is currently the weakest in the brigade in terms of strength. Everyone is dead. It's hard to say. It's impossible for them to really break up with the fang hunter - —The tour guide will not die in this competition! Is there anything more terrifying than the immortal lizard duke? Even the arrogant werewolf Walker waited until the fang hunter left the snowmobile before speaking.

Seeing that Tang Xiang nodded in agreement with their views, Miao Fangfei was even more happy and felt even heavier. Anyone who was chased by the Lizard Duke would never be able to calm down. Is there any way... Suddenly Miao Fangfei asked:

"Tang Tuan, do you think the Tooth Hunter was conscious when he killed them, or was he being manipulated?"

"Why, are you wondering if you can instigate him?"

You know the elegant meaning when you hear the string song, and you don't need to say much about Tang Xiang to understand what Miao Fangfei has yet to say. He shook his head: "It's difficult, and this actually has nothing to do with us."

Whether the tooth hunter was aware or manipulated, he was now part of the attraction's test. It's almost impossible to turn him against you, of course, just almost.


* *

"Did you see it? The Nordic gods did it."

On the other side, after Bingyi sent b1 to get the ticket, he called the fang hunter to the corner. Without saying anything, he directly summoned the Fenrir wolf who was seriously injured and dying and sleeping. In an instant, the strong smell of blood hit his face. Coming, it was so smokey that Bingyi couldn't help but take a step back. But the fang hunter did not retreat but moved forward, staring at the seriously injured Fenrir wolf who was on the verge of death. His body was trembling slightly. His eyes were sometimes full of murderous intent, sometimes frightened, angry and pitiful. His expressions were unpredictable, and he was knocked over. The color palette is equally beautiful.

But Bingyi wasted no time, he showed the fang hunter for two seconds before shrinking the Fenrir wolf and hiding it back in his cloak. When he noticed that the tooth hunter's expression was not good, and his eyes were sometimes normal and sometimes confused, as if he was struggling for control of himself, Bingyi did not beat around the bush and simply said in the simplest, most exciting and straightforward language: "You also saw that our family They all have a vengeance with the Nordic gods. If you side with the Nordic gods, I can't give it to you. Anyway, at Ragnarok, according to mythology, it will die together with the Nordic gods - "

"Give it to me?!"

The fang hunter suddenly heard these words while his head was filled with shock, anger, and blood. His heart jumped suddenly, and his somewhat chaotic brain suddenly became clear. He stared at Bingyi and said anxiously: "Have you ever thought about handing it over? Gave it to me?”

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