Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 686 The Horror of Iceland (211)

Miranda's face was green and pale, and she was lying upright in Wei Xun's arms. Her body was covered with frost, and she was so frozen that she seemed to have been frozen into an ice sculpture, without the slightest breath of life.

"Climbing out of the ice channel may have taken the last of her strength."

Even Tong Hege shook her head helplessly after seeing it. The extreme cold completely destroyed her body. The conflict between the power of the Nordic gods and the resurgence of Ymir's minced meat shattered her spirit. It can be said that although Miranda has not yet He was dead, but he was already considered a vegetative state. Just because of the passengers' tenacious vitality, Miranda's strength improved rapidly along the way and she was able to last longer.

"Her soul has left her body, not a single trace is left."

b1 stood next to Miranda with a gloomy tone. Not counting Miranda, there were only three living people left in his team, Wei Xun, Yin Qiaoqiao and Tang Xiang. Even though Miranda and the others had attacked him at the airport, But when all five people died, b1 also felt a dull feeling in his heart, like a rabbit dying and a fox dying.

In fact, the tour guide and the tourists are not traveling together and should be separated from the brigade. How can someone who is seriously ill and on the verge of death travel the same road as someone who is healthy and full of vitality? When he first viewed this journey as a dream before his death, b1 had always been detached, as if he were looking down at the world from a third-party perspective, like a reader reading a book, with the joys and sorrows in the book and He is not relevant.

After all, he is about to die. Is it his extraordinary power to turn into a dead soul, or does it represent his death? There are many scenic spot tests during the journey. These scenic spot tests are aimed at tourists and promote their progress through training. Tour guides do not have this treatment. Although it is safe, it also makes people uncomfortable - don't they, the dying people, need no test and have no future?

People who are seriously ill are less peaceful and more blaming, especially in comparison. If Wei Xun hadn't saved him at the airport, and if he hadn't met Bingyi later, maybe b1 would have been full of malice towards the passengers, and looked forward to their training. Death, only in death are they the same. But Bingyi quietly influenced b1. He took the initiative to participate in the attractions again and again, and even provoked more difficult tests and life-and-death competitions, which made b1 suddenly feel that he was still alive.

From wanting to die together to wanting everyone to survive together, maybe there is only one difference. But this time at the ice cave attraction, Bingyi was behind, and b1 led two teams. He was secretly thinking about bringing out all the tourists alive, just like Bingyi was trying to do.

However, too many people died in the ice cave attraction this time, which made him feel sad after a long absence. After failing to summon Miranda's soul, b1 did not even dare to raise his eyes to look at Bingyi's expression, worried that he would be disappointed.

"Yin Guangyuan's soul also disappeared."

Bing Yi didn't think as much as B1 thought. He looked at A Feng thoughtfully and saw that A Feng didn't look up at him but seemed to feel what he was thinking and shook his head slightly.

"Miranda's photo is gone."

An Xuefeng said that the ice cave photos entrust a trace of a person's spiritual fluctuations, so they can transfer the soul to the person when he dies. But Miranda didn't have any mental fluctuations, and Yin Qiaoqiao also looked at it and confirmed that the photo was not there.

It is unknown whether the photo was lost or destroyed by Todoroki, but Miranda's soul probably did not go to the safe ice cave, but returned directly to the old dream.

Not only is there no soul, there are no rune characters either.

Bingyi thought to himself that he did not sense the power fluctuation of the rune characters. It can be said that Yin Guangyuan, Shao Yuan and Miranda died in the ice leak, and their runes all disappeared. Could it be because Miranda is not completely dead yet? But Bingyi didn't think that was the case, he had his own guess.

Although An Xuefeng and Yin Qiaoqiao's examination did not cause any damage to Miranda's body, they only sensed it through the air, but she was seriously injured, and Miranda died completely after half a minute.

However, the brigade did not leave despite the tooth hunter's urging, and the passengers still had to perform final inspections on the bodies of Miranda and Yin Guangyuan.

"I'm here to help."

Miao Fangfei said with mixed emotions. She and Miranda were evenly matched before, but now Miranda is basically dead. It has only been five days. Miranda was the last surviving member of the avatar survival group in the old dream. After her death, the passengers in the second group corresponding to the rune characters were completely extinct. So far, the only remaining passenger in the Devil Merchant Team is Wei Xun. Tang Xiang and Yin Qiaoqiao, the weak travelers in the Western District, are already dead. Thinking of this, Miao Fangfei felt sad and palpitated.

She felt that the shadow of death had loomed over her head. Miranda's strength was similar to hers. Miranda died this time. She, Miao Fangfei, was somewhat lucky to survive. Will she be able to continue to live like this time next time? ? But her thoughts only dispersed for a moment, and then Miao Fangfei's expression became firm. The worst thing to do during the journey is to have random thoughts. Whether you can survive depends on you.

As long as you try your best and work hard, that's enough. After suppressing the sadness of the deaths of Shao Yuan and Yin Guangyuan, she rushed to Miranda's side and worked with Yin Qiaoqiao to conduct her final end-of-life examination. If you want to pass the journey, you can't let go of any clues. A death check is very necessary, although Miranda looks very much like she was exhausted trying to climb out of the ice leak, suffered severe frostbite, and then was unlucky to be killed by the power of the ancestor of the Nordic gods and giants. Spread, the spirit was destroyed.

If the spirit is destroyed and the title cannot be used, it will naturally not be able to last longer, but this is just a symptom, there may be other factors, and it must not be taken for granted. The two brigades do not distinguish between you and me, and the living woman makes a final check for Miranda. Yao Jinghe and Maria both practice Buddhism and have too much holy light, which may destroy the clues. Yin Qiaoqiao is also full of ghosts, and a personal inspection can easily accelerate Miranda's physical 'death'. Miao Fangfei should do this inspection, and Yin Qiaoqiao's guidance is the most suitable.

So the passengers temporarily dug snow caves to avoid the strong wind, and examined the bodies of Miranda and Yin Guangyuan on the spot in two waves. Miranda had just died, and everyone paid special attention to her examination. Under Yin Qiaoqiao's guidance, Miao Fangfei carefully peeled off Miranda's frozen jacket, removed her outer clothes one by one, arranged them in order, and began to examine her body.

Someone jokingly summarized it on the forum before, saying that a brigade must have at least one captain and one forensic doctor, so that it can basically deal with various dangers during the journey. Of course, the so-called end-of-life examination is most secure if it is done by passengers with forensic titles. They usually also have eye titles and can observe more details. For example, compared with Bai Xiaosheng who was returning from the first brigade, Miao Fangfei and the others were complete laymen.

But some superficial clues can be found without any special eyes. The corpse examinations on both sides were carried out very quickly, and the passengers gathered together again in less than ten minutes. This is a habit developed during journeys. The tight journeys usually don't give them much time, but Miao Fangfei's face was very ugly when they got together again.

"Miranda's skin is gone."

She took a deep breath: "From the collarbone down, all the skin was peeled off. Only the part exposed outside the jacket still had skin."

Without taking off all her clothes and inspecting them carefully, it would be impossible to discover the problem inside. The passengers were horrified when she said this. Although her mental consciousness was destroyed, Miranda's body was not dead ten minutes ago. She was skinned alive!

"In addition to this we found this in her right hand."

Miao Fangfei wore gloves and showed the thing. It was a blood-red, nearly cube-shaped ice cube. It was smeared with Miranda's blood and looked blood red, square like a sugar cube or a die without engraved numbers.

"We didn't find runes on her body. Maybe her death was related to runes."

After Director C said the character corresponding to Betty, there were only two characters left in the second group of characters. It was easy to guess which character Miranda corresponded to. There is a high probability that it is not the s that represents the sun, but it is nauthiz, which corresponds to the English letter n. The original meaning is oppression, disappointment and misfortune, and it also means 'now is not the time to gamble'.

Miranda may have made some kind of gamble, but she lost in the end. Maybe this ice-blood cube was a dice with the numbers erased, and Miranda was holding it tightly in her hand as a hint to warn other passengers? The passengers were brainstorming. When Bing Yi came, he looked carefully at the dice and suddenly rubbed the blood-stained side with his fingertips.

There was a bloody hair stuck to it. The blood stains were uneven and the hair was not completely dyed red, and there was still a small section of white.

Bing glanced at Wei Xun. He and Wei Xun were the only ones in the brigade with white hair. But judging from the length of this white hair, it doesn't look like white hair, but more like animal hair, such as ferrets, snow leopards and the like. Wei Xun felt his gaze keenly, glanced at Bingyi, took Xue Bing and took a look, his face was expressionless but his eyebrows moved slightly.

He also noticed something was wrong, but Wei Xun did not say anything. He only mentioned Yin Guangyuan's body after the passengers discussed the clues on Miranda's body. A blood hole as big as a thumb penetrated his heart, which may have led to Yin Guangyuan's death. fatal injury.

"The dangers we encounter in ice leaks are different."

Tang Xiang sighed: "Thanks to Director Bing for activating the minced meat of the Ymir giant and angering the power of the Nordic gods. Otherwise, trying to continue diving in the ice leak filled with ice water and looking for ten thousand years of blue ice would be like finding a needle in a haystack. There will be more casualties by then.”

"It's your strength that allows you to survive."

Bingyi said calmly and said nothing more. Shao Yuan's body was buried deep in the ice pit and no trace could be found. After viewing the bodies of Miranda and Yin Guangyuan, the passengers stood solemnly in the cold wind with their heads bowed and observed a minute's silence for them. After the silence ended, everyone quickly packed up their only luggage and braved the storm and snow to walk towards the snowmobile that came to pick them up.

Bingyi was the last one to get on the bus. He asked the corn bamboo shoots to collect the bodies of Miranda and Yin Guangyuan, and then sent a bamboo shoot to drill into the depths of the snowfield glacier. When he got on the bus, the tooth hunter was already very impatient and pressed his button. It is said that with such a heavy snowstorm, if it were later, the brigade would not be able to go down to the glacier, and they would have to freeze here until the snowstorm is over.

As he said, the wind on the glacier is getting stronger and stronger, and the snowmobile is like a pitiful and thin piece of paper shaking in the strong wind. The ice and snow in the wind are like blades cutting on the snowmobile, making a harsh squeaking sound. , which makes people worry that it will be blown apart by the wind. Fortunately, this snowmobile was pretty good, and they braved the violent wind and snow all the way down the glacier, passing by the secret ice cave they arrived at on the snowmobile that day.

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