Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 685: Icelandic Horror (210)


The moment a large amount of Ymir minced meat appeared with Wei Xun, the power of the Nordic gods shook violently. Thousands of light needles pierced the air and made a sharp roar like a strong wind. It was like the sharp and piercing chirping of a bird of prey that shook people's eardrums. My brain was aching and buzzing, and I wished I could deafen myself to avoid this terrifying and sharp sound that exceeded the limit of human endurance.

And in this terrible chaos, the light needle, which contained the power of the Nordic gods, gave up the siege of Loki and others in an instant. However, it approached An Xuefeng in an instant, but was stopped within a short distance - An Xue. Feng dropped the yew longbow and turned his backpack in front of him. A backpack of Ymir minced meat that had revived and was as clear as blue ice was facing the light needle.

The laughter that comes one after another becomes more fierce and arrogant, and even the sound of the wind tearing the air with light needles cannot suppress it. The laughter full of resentment and anger carries terrible pollution, which can easily inspire the deepest anger and mania in the human heart. These two The after-effects of the confrontation between two terrifying forces were astonishing. The cracked and collapsed ice cave seemed to have been slashed by an invisible blade, creating winding and ferocious cracks. The ice ballast splashed up and stained the cracked ice cave, which was completely white. Like a pure land of gods.

However, the dream-like illusion contains terrifying murderous intent. Every rapidly falling ice cube is more harmful than a knife blade. The light needles facing Ymir's minced flesh exploded with all their divine power to destroy it again. Suppressed to the depths of the ice drain.

It was only now that Xiao Cui smiled bitterly and realized that the light needle had not used all its strength when dealing with them. It only took a second from the outbreak to the present, and the Fenrir wolves were even more injured than before. The blood stained the ice with their painful and furious roars. , Bingyi's eyes were dyed red, and the frost hit his face, making his dark cloak look like frost and snow, and his hair also looked like frost and snow, as if he was going from young to old——

No, his hair was as cold as frost and snow, and it did not change due to this terrifying confrontation of divine power. His calmness was not shaken at all. He just looked at Bing Liu through the vast white frost, and his eyes collided with Ah Feng for a moment.

The young traveler also had a hair as thick as frost and snow. Like him, he was clearly holding a package filled with Ymir's minced meat and withstood the oppression of the ancestor giant and the Nordic gods at close range. In an instant, he was covered with cuts and bruises. Obviously, Ymir with this backpack Er Minrou couldn't bear the power of the Nordic gods and his laughter became distorted and crazy. He was pushed back and almost fell into the ice channel again, but Ah Feng's back remained straight.

The momentary exchange of eyes made Bingyi see the almost cold indifference and calmness in his blue eyes. Even if this was a duel between the top powers in Nordic mythology, even in his eyes, it was just like weeds in the autumn wind. Nothing could move him. .

Only at the moment when he looked into Bing's eyes, there was a trace of warmth in his calm, ice-covered eyes, like a glacier thawing. This look... Bing's ears seemed to hear his own strong heartbeat, overwhelming. Hearing the restlessness of the butterfly fragments, the look in Ah Feng's eyes at this moment actually made him feel more excited than being on the verge of death, and his cold blood was also ignited by the excitement. It's just that Ah Feng's body is completely white without any blood, but he doesn't look like a living person. After all, puppets are different from living people. Bingyi wants to see An Xuefeng alive, and he will bleed and be injured, and his blood will be stained red. The body must look more powerful and ferocious.

"Attack the top of the ice cave with all your strength."

The tip of his tongue pressed against the sharp canine teeth, Bingyi suppressed his eager and unstoppable beating heart, and ordered decisively. They entered the ice cave too deep and were buried under the glacier. Even though the earth shook now, the ice cave did not completely collapse. The space became smaller and smaller due to the falling ice blocks. There was no place to hide from the power of the Nordic gods and Ymir's minced flesh. , a fire broke out at the city gate, affecting Chiyu. Ah Feng was the first, not the last. When more travelers brought Ymir's minced meat, the outbreak between the two hostile parties would definitely be even more terrifying.



The father ordered Fenrir wolves and corn snakes to immediately respond in groups. The giant wolf roared and hit the crumbling ice crack with its head. The corn snake's huge body circled in the void and squeezed the glacier above the ice cave. The huge ice fell into the ice cave. There was a violent earthquake, and the cracks snaked upward like ferocious snakes. At the end, there was a faint line of blackness at a very high place. It was the dark sky covered with thick clouds and ink outside.

At the same time, Bingyi did not hesitate to throw the minced meat of Ymir stained with milk in his hand towards A Feng. Before the power of the Nordic gods could react, the two large lumps of minced meat merged together and exploded. The stronger laughter and the giant's power actually supported the power of the Nordic gods when Ah Feng was forced into the ice gap and was about to fall, and blocked thousands of light needles for a moment.

At this moment, the second and third people jumped out of the ice channel almost at the same time. They were Lisa and Tang Xiang. They were also covered in a thin layer of ice and almost froze into icemen. Their backpacks had been thrown away long ago, but Tang Xiang's turtle shell and Lisa's curled-up demon wings also contained a lot of Ymir fragments. When the meat arrived, the quantity was almost the same as what Ah Feng had brought.

Following them were werewolf Walker, Yin Qiaoqiao and Maria. Among them, werewolf Walker was covered in blood. Most of his hard wolf head was smashed, and his snow-white skull could almost be seen. He was seriously injured and was extremely furious. As soon as he got out of the ice leak, he roared angrily and rushed towards the light needle formed by the power of the Nordic gods. His sharp teeth actually tore off a piece of the divine power, which was then violently blasted to the broken ice wall.


The already fragile ice cave could not withstand more heavy blows. The bombardment by the giant wolf was like the last straw that broke the camel's back. The ice cracked from the glacier was like an ice cone tens of meters long. It was about to collapse the ice cave. Split into two, Bingyi's pupils shrank suddenly. This ice cone was extremely huge. If it really fell, it could fill the ice hole and crush everyone into pieces. But before he could order the corn snake to take action, Seeing that before the ice cone fell completely, it was crushed into ice chips by the divine power erupting in the ice cave.


The anger of being attacked and the appearance of more and more Ymir minced meat caused the power of the Nordic gods to explode completely. For a moment, Fenrir wolf blocked the outermost corner and the corn snake coiled his father in the middle to protect him, but even so Bingyi could still feel the violent vibrations and the rush of force that almost made him physically sick. When the corn snake finally trembled and loosened its tightly entwined body, the biting cold wind, accompanied by the chill of ice and snow, blew The tour guide's cloak rustled.

The scenery in front of me has completely changed. There are no traces of the original ice cave anymore. Looking up to the sky, there is no longer an ice wall to obstruct it, and I can directly see the sky with howling wind and snow. The glacier above the original ice cave has disappeared, leaving only a huge hole tens of meters deep, like a sinkhole where a meteorite fell. The huge head of the corn snake is resting on the edge of the huge hole, and almost only the length of the skeleton is left. The dying Fenrir wolf was curled up in its tail.

Bingyi looked at the other side of the giant pit and vaguely saw the figures of Lisa and others. The crimson demon wings flew like bats up and down the giant pit, bringing a person to the ground. It was Lisa and the others who spontaneously climbed out of the ice leak after rescuing Miao Fangfei and others. The revived Ymir's minced meat and the power of the Nordic gods were still fighting fiercely in the depths of the sinkhole. The glacier shook and countless rays appeared on the edge of the sinkhole. The fragile crack caused the passengers and Bingyi and others to retreat.

The cold wind raged and roared like the roar of gods, and the white marks on the distant glacier were like majestic snow dragons roaring and falling. The vibration of the glacier caused a large-scale avalanche. Not far away, there was a column of air spewing into the sky, a mixture of solid ice and The basalt cracked too deep, and the cave stimulated the magma flowing underground. At this moment, the ice field was the real land of ice and fire. It was not until half an hour later that the roar finally disappeared, the earth stopped shaking, and the avalanche and rioting magma gradually subsided. .

"Director C!"

When the roar faded, Bingyi slipped into the tiankeng. The ice pit tens of meters deep was shrouded in a white mist, making it difficult to see the others. They actually chose to return to the ice cave at this time. The loud laughter can no longer be heard, but the shock has not completely disappeared. Those who choose to come down at this time are all brave and careful people. Bingyi nodded slightly and saw Lisa, who was covered in blood with half of the devil's horn, holding a handful of it. Lan Bing stuffed it into his hand.

"This is……"

Bing glanced at it with a look of surprise in his eyes, and looked again and again. The blue ice Lisa handed him was an extremely clear dark blue, but there was a radiating silver trace in the middle of the blue ice, which was as mysterious and magnificent as opal. This was most likely the minced meat of the giant Ymir, but Bingyi didn't feel any of the giant's power from it.

Of course, I didn’t feel the power of the Nordic gods.

"It seems that the power of the Nordic gods erupting here and the power of Ymir's giant minced meat are balanced."

Lisa said, her voice a little hoarse.

"No, the power of the Nordic gods that exploded in the end is no match for the power of Ymir's giant minced meat."

A cold voice sounded, it was Sister Maria. It can be seen from the tone of the voice that Maria must have regained her memory and changed her personality. She also handed him the minced meat of the Ymir giant that she had collected.

"If the power of the Nordic god is stronger than Ymir's Minced Flesh, it will suppress it again. If the power is balanced, then it will explode with all its strength to attack the enemy, causing Ymir's Minced Flesh to temporarily fall into sleep and escape from the state of recovery."

Another female voice sounded, it was Yin Qiaoqiao. She also picked up a lot of blue ice, but she didn't give it to Bingyi. After all, she was from b1 brigade, so she had to hand over the task to director b.

"Only the power of the Nordic gods here can't suppress the resurrected Ymir's minced flesh, and can't even die with it, so it's like this-"

She traced a piece of blue ice with her finger and clicked on the ring of radioactive silver light in the middle.

All the power of the Nordic gods was poured into Ymir's minced meat, temporarily suppressing the recovery of Ymir's minced meat at the cost of burning divine power. But this is only the last resort. They are in Ymir's minced meat. It will not take a few days for the divine power to be exhausted by Ymir's minced meat, and the minced meat will be resurrected again.

The decline in power of the Nordic gods and the increase in power of the giants correspond to the precursor of Ragnarok, but it is not just because of this. When the top tourists were searching for blue ice in the ice pit, their eyes fell on Bingyi who was checking the giant wolf's injuries. They had marched all the way to the depths of the ice cave because the competition in the past few days had improved their mental and physical potential and titles. They have recovered a lot, and they were almost at their peak strength when they lost their memory. Therefore, when they dive into the depths of the ice leak, or even dive deeper into the ice leak submerged in ice water, they have not yet reset their sanity to zero to recover their memories.

The memory was restored at the moment of severe pain in the head. A plant sprouted from their brains and grew from their temples. The black-green slender stems and umbrella-like tops were like mushrooms. The pollution of the abyss directly invades the brain nerves, and the sanity of all peak passengers instantly returns to zero. The most taboo in the face of pollution is to let it contaminate the nerves. Once the pollution reaches this point, it is almost hopeless. The abyssal parasitic bacteria that grow directly from the brain are avoided by even top travelers like snakes and scorpions.

But they soon discovered that these parasitic bacteria had no intention of sucking them dry. Instead, they grew and sprouted at the fastest speed, then got out of their brains and hurriedly rushed to the ice drain (Bingyi was attracted by the power of the Nordic gods). Attack, when the parasitic fungi gather into large mushrooms)! Even top travelers find it difficult to see polluting organisms behave like this. These parasitic bacteria are as anxious as rushing to the canteen, as if something is calling them from above.

Everyone thought of Bingyi in unison. The pollution in the abyss was converging on Lisa. They all felt their scalps numb. They didn't know what Bingyi was doing up there. The unknown fear and restored memory made them quickly dig out the sleeping Ymir's minced meat (blue ice) and rush up, but they did not see the scene they expected. Although Ymir's giant minced meat and the power of the Nordic gods They were bombarding each other, but the ice cave looked very harmonious, and there wasn’t even a single mushroom at all!

So where did those polluting parasitic bacteria, or rather their dark green polluting juice, go?

The only people who descended into the ice pit were the top travelers. They quickly searched the bottom of the ice pit with their hands and feet, and found a mountain of Ymir minced meat that had turned into blue ice. After confirming that there was nothing left behind, they immediately climbed out/flyed out of the ice pit and returned to the glacier without hesitation. The weak vibrations continued, and it didn't take long before they heard a rumble and muffled sound coming from deep underground.

The white ice mist gradually dissipated, revealing the terrifying scene deep in the ice pit. A dark crack that almost penetrated the ice pit lay across the bottom of the ice pit. It had no end at first glance, as if it was connected to the abyss of the netherworld, with the faint sound of Gulu. There was a bubbling sound, and if you look carefully, you can see the black-green viscous liquid bubbling and bubbling in the depths of the cracks from time to time, like a boiling cauldron, emitting the sinister atmosphere of the primitive abyss.

Bingyi understood clearly and knew where all the parasitic fluid had leaked. Sure enough, there is a crack leading to the primitive abyss deep in the ice cave. The black-green polluted liquid in the crack can be seen rolling and spitting, with occasional debris passing by. A closer look makes one's scalp numb. The black-green pollution is so dense. What was tumbling in the liquid seemed to be human skin!

But no one is stupid enough to stare at the cracks in the abyss. This is not a good time to go down the cracks. Even Bingyi has no intention of paying attention to that for the time being. He called Tong Hege back under the ice pit just now and roughly checked the conditions of Fenrir Wolf, Corn Snake and Xiao Cui. They were all seriously injured and very weak, especially Fenrir the wolf who was the most seriously injured.

However, when Bingyi used Loki's flame induction, he found that the power feedback they transmitted to him was purer. This showed that Bingyi's bet was successful. After this battle, the Fenrir wolves and the others became more in line with the Nordic mythology. This chaotic world between heaven and earth Power began to feed them back - after all, according to the myth, the winter of Finbul, the death of the god of light, came, the power of the gods weakened, but the strength of the giants became stronger.

With the supplement of this power, it won't take long for Fenrir and the wolves to quickly return to their original state, and then their strength will be further enhanced. But they were too seriously injured now. Bingyi made Fenrir Wolf and Corn Snake smaller, gathered them in his cloak and carried them with him. If it was convenient and safe, of course he could let them return to his lost paradise to cultivate, but this would make it difficult to absorb the feedback from the chaotic power between heaven and earth.

Not only were the three Fenrir wolves seriously injured, this ice cave attraction was even the most tragic on the trip so far. Bing's body was bruised and exhausted. He leaned against Tong Hege, his eyes fell on the strong travelers, and found that without exception, they all had two large holes in their temples. The darkness was so deep that it had penetrated their skulls. It was very deplorable. terror.

How dangerous are the depths of the ice cave? The strong travelers were so seriously injured, let alone Miao Fangfei and the others. When collecting the blue ice, Bingyi's eyes fell on his passengers. Miao Fangfei's left arm was gone, and Yao Jinghe only had thumbs and index fingers left on her hands. They were all frozen and damaged by the extreme cold. The blue ice covered with Ymir's minced flesh is so cold that you have to pay a price to dig it out.

And they didn’t get many awards for this attraction. If you choose the camp of the Norse gods, you can naturally go to the Hall of Valor to recover from your injuries and improve your strength. If you choose Ymir, the ancestor of the giants, you can also get its corresponding rewards. But the travelers did not choose this way. They did bring all the minced meat of Ymir, but they did not protect them. They did not fight for the power of the ancestors of the giants and the Nordic gods. They just used the minced meat to contain the power of the Nordic gods.

Then they handed over the temporarily sleeping minced meat to the mission and gave them all to Director C. Even the passengers in b1 brigade gave their minced meat to Bingyi, even Maria was no exception. On the surface, they chose the giant camp, but in essence, they chose Bingyi, the camp of 'Loki', not a certain race.

Loki is a very important character in Norse mythology, but he does not represent a certain giant race. The fire giants have their leaders, and the frost giants also have their leaders, except Loki. He is the god of fire, but he does not represent the fire giant. His three children were not considered giants, so the rewards were distributed here. The giants should have chosen the giant camp to distribute rewards, but the giants were ruined. The giants were poor anyway.

But no one cares too much. If you firmly choose Guide C now, you may lose some petty profits, but passengers all firmly believe that this choice is not wrong. Their solemn mood at this time was not for their disabled limbs, but for their dead teammates.

Miao Fangfei and Yao Jinghe had heavy expressions on their faces that were reddened by the cold wind and ice water. There was uncontrollable sadness in their eyes, but it was not because of their injuries.

Yin Guangyuan died, and his body was swallowed by the corn shoots' fake mouth to preserve it and brought back. He was lucky, at least the body was well preserved. The person who died deeper in the ice cave had no bones left due to the confrontation between the Nordic gods and the power of the resurrected giant Ymir's flesh.

"how come."

Yao Jinghe, who had always been calm and gentle, rarely lost control of her emotions. She held Miao Fangfei's hand tightly and couldn't even recite the rebirth mantra. The passengers have gathered together to count the number of people. Failure to return is basically equivalent to death. This time there were only six passengers left in their team.

Miao Fangfei, Yao Jinghe, Dan Lin, Lisa, Maria and Werewolf Walker.

There is no Shao Yuan.

Shao Yuan died deep in the ice leak.

"Maybe he used that photo and is now in that safe ice cave."

Tang Xiang comforted, but Miao Fangfei shook her head heavily. As a brigade captain, even if Shaoyuan only has his soul left during this journey, it can be regarded as a special state of survival, especially since Shaoyuan has always had a spiritual heart Gu from Miao Fangfei in his body.

This kind of voodoo can allow people to communicate spiritually. It can be regarded as a special voodoo species that is half real and half virtual. Shao Yuan in the soul state can also communicate spiritually with Miao Fangfei. But now she can feel that the spiritual heart Gu has completely disappeared on both the spiritual and physical levels.

Tang Xiang did not underestimate Miao Fangfei's judgment, he just sighed softly when he heard this. Shao Yuan is a very potential newcomer in the Sunset Brigade under the Return Way. He can be regarded as the strongest newcomer in their level. He can even fight across levels. His strength has been further strengthened in the competition. It seems that the captain of the brigade is optimistic about it. the next generation of successors. When it comes to the current strength ranking of the two brigades, Shaoyuan is definitely not the weakest.

But fate played a trick on him, and he died deep in the ice leak.

"Shaoyuan burst out with terrible power before he died. It was the power of light."

His body was not found, and naturally his corresponding rune character was not found either. Shaoyuan, Philip and Roger were on the same team in the old dream, and their runes also belonged to the same group of Etes. Coupled with the last message from the Spiritual Heart Gu at that time, Miao Fangfei reviewed and speculated that the rune character corresponding to Shao Yuan might be Kanaz, which corresponds to the English letter k, which originally meant the god of torches and light.

This rune represents light, a light that can illuminate the way forward, and corresponds to Shaoyuan's strongest orange title, Aurora. At the same time, it also has a deeper meaning, that is, the light of knowledge, which illuminates the darkness of ignorance and is the flash of creativity*

The meanings represented by this rune are very positive, enthusiastic, friendly, warm, positive, warm, healing, and strong. It represents men and creativity. Miao Fangfei and the others cannot think of any negative impact the rune will have on Shao Yuan, and they can’t help but guess. He may have encountered an irresistible danger in the ice leak. Sometimes the life of a passenger is as light as dust and flies away when the wind blows.

Bingyi raised his eyebrows, and the other peak passengers were also thoughtful.

"He corresponds to the light, so how can he survive?"

The smile and impatience in the tone of this sentence made Miao Fangfei and others' faces darken, even though the person who said this was a tooth hunter. Someone makes sarcastic remarks about a friend just after his death. Such people will be beaten. But Miao Fangfei suppressed her anger and politely asked the tooth hunter why he said that. As a great tour guide, the Lizard Duke must have his own opinions. Even the death of his companions can be turned into clues. The way for travelers to become stronger is so determined and sad.

As expected, the tooth hunter revealed important information.

"Kano belongs to the first group of Ete. This group of Ete runes represents God's favor to mankind and is a gift from God to mankind."

The tooth hunter said calmly, with deep fear hidden in his tone: "The God of Light is dead, how could the 'Light' survive?"

"Ragnarok is coming, and when the gods die, no one will survive."

The God of Light is dead? !

The passengers didn't know the news yet, so they were all shocked. Only the top passengers thought of the windy winter from the terrifying cold wind, and made some vague guesses. However, the tooth hunter didn't give them much time to discuss, so he impatiently urged: "How long do you have to stand here? The snowstorm is coming. Going to Diamond Beach will take longer than expected. Why don't you hurry up and go to the glacier?"

His aggressive and oppressive urging for time gave people the feeling of a parent urging marriage. The brigade never objected to his opinion every time, but this time almost everyone decided to wait and wait before leaving. .

Miranda was dying.

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