Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 684: Icelandic Horror (209)

‘Father, something is wrong! ’

The first person to discover the problem was Xiaocui. Now she is fighting against the pressure of the Nordic gods with Bingyi to hone Hela's authority. The incarnation of her mental state is no longer as petite as the demon insect, but is almost the same height as a normal person. It's just a head shorter than Bingyi. She is half beautiful and half skeleton, and the bloodstains destroy the harmony between beauty and death.

Dots of green light spots fluttered around Xiao Cui, and the ethereal hymns of the soul insects resounded through the ice cave. Xiao Cui brazenly opened up his own small underworld as soon as he joined the war, using the power of the underworld to help his master resist the Nordic gods. The pressure - even if a god enters the Kingdom of the Underworld, he must be demolished by her. Just like in the myth, after the death of the God of Light, Balder, fell into the Kingdom of the Underworld, no one could take him out of the world of death without Hela's permission.

It's just that the Little Hades Kingdom was only initially built after all, and it didn't have that much power. Xiaocui showed it off just to figure out the owner's thoughts and to provide Fenrir Wolf and Corn Snake with a guarantee. Because they are not only oppressed by the power of the Nordic gods, but also attacked by parasitic bacteria. Xiaocui is okay, maybe because she has drank the blood of her master, but the situation of Fenrir Wolf and Corn Snake is extremely bad.

Almost half of their bodies were dyed a sticky black-green color, and the clusters of pollution penetrated into their flesh as if they were alive, which made people shudder to see them. But Bingyi didn't interfere too much, maybe to train their ability to withstand pressure. But the training was too harsh. Xiaocui could smell the breath of death from them, and her mood suddenly froze.

There is no clear record of whether Hela, the god of death, died in Norse mythology, but Fenrir wolf and Jörmungandr serpent are indeed dead! Although it is not Ragnarok yet, the final battle is approaching. If the Fenrir wolves and corn snakes are really weakened by pollution, and the Nordic gods go all out to suppress them until they die, they may really succeed.

But according to the rules of Nordic mythology, Fenrir Wolf and Jormungandr's souls will enter the Kingdom of the Underworld even if they die. Xiao Cui's open Hades Kingdom is right next to them. If these two really die and the Nordic gods have no time to do anything, Xiao Cui can take their souls to the Hades Kingdom. However, this is only the final guarantee, and they have to bear the pain themselves with all their strength.

In the heartbreaking pain of having their skin, flesh and bones crushed inch by inch, the strength of the three sons slowly increased. As the sons of Loki, they were feared by the gods and should have suffered. Although the form was different from the myth, the essence was The meaning is similar, like a myth reenacted. The more they are in tune with their identity in pain, and the more they are accepted by the Nordic mythology system, the more they can control their own power.

It is clear that the pressure of the power of the Nordic gods is getting lower and lower, but the wolf Fenrir is growing taller and taller, even taller than Bingyi. According to legend, when the giant wolf Fenrir opens his mouth, his upper and lower jaws can touch it. world. Thousands of terrifyingly powerful light needles fell on it, making a clanging sound, and struck out with white light like dazzling sparks. The skin and flesh on its back were continuously gouged out, leaving almost only the skeleton, but it quickly regenerated. It roared angrily and devoured it. The bite of the light needle actually bent the invisible silver light as hard as Odin's spear!

In mythology, the wolf Fenrir possesses invincible power and can only be bound by the magic chain Gleipnir. There are vague traces of the sun and the moon on its back, which represent the twin wolves that Fenrir should have possessed to devour the sun and the moon. But the Fenrir wolf is not the biggest change in the ice cave. The biggest one is the corn snake. It woke up from its deep sleep, and its huge body sank into nothingness. Only its huge head and the tip of its tail were exposed in the ice cave. The rest of its body seemed to have surrounded the world.

It hisses and spits in the pollution, its snake eyes are fierce, and the extremely hard snake scales on its face and head can resist the power and coercion of the Nordic gods, but they cannot withstand the ubiquitous pollution. The sticky black-green pollution poured in from its scales, polluting its body, making the corn snake painful and dazed. The cruel and cold look in its eyes became more and more serious, but it became clear after smelling the faint smell of blood in the pollution. docile.

The smell of the father's blood and the pollution of the abyss is the most beautiful and warm memory of its childhood. The most powerful father is like the most delicious food, making it dependent and eager. It is a little confused and doesn't understand why it is so warm. The beautiful smell will attack it, and the painful corn snake can't wait to swallow all the pollution.

But neither the corn shoots nor the separated corn snakes would eat secretly. It swallowed its saliva and endured the pain, swung its tail tip and hit a piece of light needle. The severe pain inspired its ferocity, even if it hurt to hiss. No matter how loud you are, you will never take a step back. It's just that there is pollution and corrosion below, but there are needles to pick out the scales. The corn snake is not as insensitive to pain as corn shoots. When the pain becomes unbearable, its instinct takes over and it can't help but approach Xiaocui.

Insects have a natural obedience and yearning for their mother, even though Xiaocui has adjusted the genes of the insect cubs to eliminate as many of these characteristics as possible since she followed her master, making the worm cubs more loyal to their master than to her. However, when the corn snake was in pain and was unconscious, it still had some instincts and subconsciously moved closer to the insect mother and owner. However, Xiao Cui did not pay attention to the corn snake. She was looking at her nails in shock.

In Nordic mythology, every soul who enters the underworld will sacrifice his nails to Hela. These nails are filled with the strongest aura of death. Legend has it that when Ragnarok is about to come, Hela, the god of death, uses the dead people he has collected over the years to sacrifice his life to Hela. Nagnail built the world's largest sailing ship, Najirfa. She will use this ship to continuously transport the giants, monsters and undead armies that intend to destroy Asgard to Vigrid (vigri?), the battlefield of Ragnarok. r)*

Although Xiaocui had drank the blood of her master and was soaked in black and green mucus, the pollution she suffered was much lower than that of others. Only the death energy gathered on her nails was too heavy. Hela's authority overcame the demonic insects, and she was severely eroded by the pollution. The healthy light green nails have been dyed black-green, covered with mucus and blood, and need to be cleaned from time to time.

But while she was cleaning her nails in a hurry despite the pressure of the Nordic gods, Xiaocui was surprised to feel the breath of life from above! The drops of blood falling on the black and green mucus appear to be just blood and pollution that are incompatible at first glance, but if you look closely, you will find that countless egg sacs the size of sand grains have been bred in that drop of blood!

They scattered into the black and green pollution. Xiao Cui looked around in shock and saw a faint scarlet glow floating on the black and green pollution torrent in the ice cave. This light was extremely weak and could only be seen in the Nordic gods. The divine light needle can only reflect a little reddish color under the bright white light. At first glance, it looks like blood falling into the pollution, but in fact, there is a dense layer of egg sacs floating on the pollution! And this was no ordinary egg. Xiao Cui felt a hint of the aura of a powerful demonic insect from above. This was an insect egg, and its level was very high!

My father's blood contains mysterious and powerful power, which can make the demonic insects advance and change their life state. Now that his blood dropped into the thick slurry of parasitic bacteria, it caused such a reaction. This may mean that the parasitic bacteria are essentially insects and are affected by it. The intensification of father's blood either means——

'Um? ’

Xiaocui immediately reminded her father urgently, and Bingyi also realized that something was wrong. Contrary to what the astrologers thought, Bingyi always remained calm amidst the joy of dying. After knowing that he would not die completely, although Bingyi became more wanton and rampant, he was no longer obsessed with life and death. When a person does not die completely, the excitement and danger of death for him is weakened. The goal is no longer to find excitement between life and death. Bingyi understands what he wants at this moment.

Using the power of the Nordic gods to crush Fenrir Wolf and others, the reenactment of the myth gives them a new level of control over their own power. Attracting the power of the Nordic gods, the numerous Ymir giant minced meats under the ice leak were revived.

The recovery performance of Ymir's giant minced meat is different from other blue ice, which helps travelers trapped deep in the ice leak to find and truly join Loki's giant camp. The pressure of the Nordic gods has been attracted to him too much. If someone else dies in this situation, it only means that he is either unlucky or not suitable for the next battlefield.

Bingyi always assessed the status of Fenrir and the three wolves. He originally wanted to push them to the brink of death, but while reenacting the myth to the extreme, it also stimulated the little lizard. But the situation was different now. Bingyi felt that his blood was not assimilated after falling into this large amount of black and green pollution. Instead, it began to absorb the power of pollution on a large scale. He could faintly feel every drop of blood he scattered. This was really... An extremely special and weird feeling, as if the field of vision has become extremely wide and the entire ice cave is within his control.

The weirdest thing was that after the blood droplet was filled with pollution power, he actually felt the vitality from it. Bingyi vaguely sensed that all the things born from blood could be hatched with his own command. The heartbeat accelerated, the vampire knife buzzed, and the butterfly fragments conveyed joyful emotions. Even the butterfly chrysalis and the golden silkworm butterfly egg were shaking slightly, as if they wanted to break out of the pupa/hatch out in response to his order!

So much power consciousness came together, and for a moment Bingyi felt as if he had become extremely powerful, possessing extraordinary power. The vampire knife was no longer a tool that he was wary of, like an iron spoon. Ordinary. But instead of immersing himself in this wonderful feeling, he felt a chill running down his spine and his scalp felt like it was exploding.

No more delay!

Bingyi's eyes were cold and his heart moved. While sending a message to Wei Xun, he crushed the monster born from his blood at the same time. In an instant, the power shocked the brain and went blank. The terrifying power destroyed and exploded with a deafening sound. The earth trembled and the ice cave cracked - this time it really cracked! Not only because of Bingyi's side, but also because of the unusual movements that occurred in the dozens of ice leaks. Ymir's weird laughter overwhelmed the explosion of the ice cave's collapse, and one person jumped out of the ice leak first.

He holds a murderous knife in his mouth and holds a yew longbow. His hair is filled with ice crystals solidified from ice water. His eyebrows are cold and awe-inspiring. He is none other than Wei Xun! He was carrying a bulging backpack, and he burst into laughter. There was actually a bag full of blue ice in it, all of which were the minced meat of the giant Ymir!

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