Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 683: Icelandic Horror (208)

Fenrir Wolf, Midgard Serpent and Death God Hela are the three famous children of Loki, who killed Odin and Thor in Ragnarok. Even though they are the three children created by the explorers, they have nothing to do with the real myth. The differences are currently not as terrifying as those described in Nordic mythology, but they are enough to stimulate the explosion of the power of the Nordic gods.

In an instant, thousands of terrifying divine powers like silver light needles almost pressed down on Bingyi's head. Most of the huge parasitic fungus was smashed into pieces, and a thick black-green slurry full of heavy pollution spewed out like a fountain waterfall, without its outer skin. It blocked the unbridled spread of pollution in the abyss and temporarily withstood the pressure of divine power. However, the outbreak of pollution caused another disaster to the live broadcast room.

The overflowing power became stronger, and the spectators who could barely bear it died one more time and were resurrected. By now, the low, medium and high-level passenger spectators had almost died for one round, which rarely happened. matter!

Normally, the live broadcasts of big tourist guides are blocked, and middle and low-level tourists are not exposed to higher-level things. Only the annual warm-up competition and year-end celebrations are broadcast live. At that time, middle- and low-level travelers will be lucky enough to see some real horrors in advance under the protection of the hotel live broadcast. This is equivalent to a Nationwide screening.

Although most of the best and most talented tourist guides are selected for the competition, the hotel has a huge tourist base and there are always many talented people. The live broadcast of competitions and year-end celebrations can broaden their horizons and increase their knowledge. Occasionally, when the most dangerous times are reached, the danger that spills out is like a whetstone, which will automatically screen out passengers whose strength and talent far exceed the current level.

This is why the hotel only blocked the live broadcasts of passengers who had died once and no longer allowed them to watch, instead of directly blacking out the live broadcasts of all middle- and low-level passengers in advance. In fact, this kind of thing doesn't happen often. The things that can exceed the hotel rules are pollution at 30 degrees north latitude, abyss pollution and battlefield pollution. Competitions and year-end celebrations basically don't involve these, but once they do, like that year in the abyss The live broadcast of the year-end celebration in Node also attracted many viewers.

But this time, even more people died than that time. This was caused by the pollution of the primordial abyss, the power of the Nordic gods, the pollution of the ancestor giant Ymir's minced meat, and the pollution carried by Bing Yi naturally. and his three children, even if only a little bit is leaked, it will be too much for most middle and low-class tourists. The number of tourists in the hotel is the largest, especially the middle- and low-class tourists. The death of so many people is like poking a hornet's nest. Resurrection and healing them All of a sudden... less than half of the assets were invested in it.

This is a small half of the assets of the person in charge... After working hard for almost ten years, all the assets he saved were used to maintain his own slice after his death. When he saw that half of it was gone, his eyes turned red with anger, and he wanted to slap him. Bingyi shot him to death. The worst thing is that there are not a few people who died and came back to life this time. The hotel's will has been noticed and coming, and they want to hold... accountable.

In the final analysis, he is still too weak. The power of the rotating host will affect the operation of the hotel. Why does the hotel invite the thirty-degree north latitude journey pioneers, A-class/S-class, B-class elite/A-class elite and other tourist guides to become the host? People, give them part of the authority of the hotel, not only because they are powerful enough to spy on the rules of the hotel and must be under their control, but also because the hotel itself has flaws in its control of the world.

The journey to the Thirty Degrees North Latitude, the abyss and the battlefield are the parts that the hotel cannot completely control. In this case, it is a good idea to find tour guides and travelers who have the abyss node to open the journey to the Thirty Degrees North Latitude and let them be the principals.

If the person in charge of the rotating hotel today is * * *, there will be no leakage of power. * * * Starting two journeys to 30 degrees north latitude, the contamination of parasitic bacteria is no longer a problem for him. In the final analysis, the Onmyoji died too early and had nothing. He can only feel sad. He was jealous, but he had to hold his nose and do it hard. Among so many people in charge, he was the most active in rotating the hotel over the years.

Although being on duty at a hotel is not as dangerous as a position such as suppressing the abyss, it is by no means easy. The person in charge of suppressing the abyss is as high as the sky and the emperor is far away, but the person in charge of the hotel on duty is always under the surveillance of the hotel. Things like this don't happen very often today. There are many, but smaller-scale power leaks also exist.

However, if it weren't for... he was proactive enough to do the most, a dead and weak leader like him would probably be treated as trash by the hotel - the hotel's will is like a robot. Merit is the rule. Loyalty, hard work and seniority are of no use to a hotel. It only depends on whether you have done enough.

Therefore, even if he was to be held accountable by the hotel, he could only grit his teeth and bear it at the moment. Years of depression and hardship had already made him mentally abnormal. He would only be happy when others lived in worse conditions. When I saw the Fenrir Wolf, the Corn Snake and Xiao Cui were under great pressure from pollution as soon as they were summoned, each of them was injured and even their limbs were crushed, it seemed that they would not be able to last long... I felt happy and thought in my heart. Bingyi really deserves it.

But this pleasure was like a false soap bubble. He felt good for a few seconds and then his face darkened. He knew very well that Bingyi had his own agenda, and he could not send Fenrir Wolf and the others to their deaths in vain. After thinking for a moment, he understood Bingyi's purpose of putting himself and his third son in danger. He knew that today's misery was just an appearance. In the future, Bingyi and his third son would probably soar into the sky, and his mood suddenly became even worse.

However... I can understand that many viewers who are still watching the live broadcast are confused. Although most of the high, middle and low-level passenger viewers have died in one round, the live broadcast is blocked for them and they cannot watch. The remaining viewers At least they are all special-level and have some insights after being immersed in the journey for a long time, but what they understand is the journey that they can experience at this level.

There are very few people like Miao Fangfei who can see a lot when they are weak and still survive by chance. Today, the current situation of the Explorers is still unclear to most viewers, and they are discussing it.

[It’s so miserable. Is Fenrir Wolf going to die? It is stained with so much pollution that half of its body was bruised just now from trying to block the light from the explorers]

[The corn snake is even worse. Most of the snake's body is pricked like a hedgehog. It hasn't fully awakened yet. Why is it just pulled out and used? 】

[It seems that the explorers are really in danger, and they have to throw out all their cards at the end of the road]

[He wants to use three children to resist the divine power and try his best to revive Ymir's minced flesh. Once this thing is revived and all the divine power is directed at it, the explorer will naturally be freed]

[I don’t think that’s the case. An explorer is never like a person who gives his hope to others. He must have his own ideas]

"Badr, the god of light, dies, and the cold winter comes in Finbul. The three seasons of cold winter in the competition will most likely correspond to these three days."

The special guest who is explaining in the live broadcast room is still an astrologer. In fact, it should be Bai Xiaosheng's turn today, but it is said that Bai Xiaosheng is not feeling well. Looking at the situation of Director C, let alone Bai Xiaosheng, the entire return journey can be done. There's a ghost. But the audience didn't know this. No matter who explained it, it was a big figure they couldn't see, so they listened carefully.

But the astrologers were angry about the cold winter in Fimbull. It is now the fifth day of the competition. After the fifth, sixth and seventh days, the last three days of the journey will enter the second stage. Everything will come true in the heart of Snæfellsjökull. And there are exactly three seasons of cold winter in Fimbull, which is suitable for the last three days of this first stage of the journey.

"Loki and his three sons all played a vital role in Ragnarok, but their current strength does not meet the standards in the myth."

The astrologer said simply and bluntly: "There are too few myths repeated."

Fortunately for Bingyi, most of the three sons he trained were only recognized by the Nordic gods and his 'father'. Very few of them actually reenacted Nordic mythology, which was just not enough.

"He wants to take advantage of this danger and make up for it all at once."

Nordic mythology is relatively special in the world's mythology system, because it has a beginning and an end. It can be said that the reenactment of the myths of 'birth' and 'death' is crucial for those who want to replace the corresponding identity. Bingyi did not find a giant as his wife, Fenrir wolves and the others were born a little short, and then died.

Fenrir Wolf and Jormungandr both died in Ragnarok, which is not urgent for the time being, but it also leads to an uneven reenactment of their myths - they were born a little worse, but after all, their father admitted that they had not experienced death at all. , then there should be corresponding hardships.

In Norse mythology, Fenrir the wolf was bound and Jörmungandr was thrown into the sea. They are both famous stories in mythology. They are essentially the Nordic gods being wary of and making things difficult for them. After the death of Baldur, the God of Light, Loki also suffered severe punishment. Odin turned Vali, Loki's child from his third wife, into a wolf, and let his brothers fight each other and bite Loki's son Narfer to death. Under the poisonous snake, let the venom corrode Loki's face, and decreed that the punishment would last forever.

It wasn't until Ragnarok that Loki finally got out of trouble.

Of course, Bingyi will not completely follow the myth. He boldly sees danger as an opportunity, and uses the terrifying pressure of the Nordic gods as a whetstone, so that he, Fenrir Wolf and other descendants can go through hardships and relive the myth. , to the next level! But if they really can't withstand the pressure and die, then all the previous efforts will be wasted. There is obviously a safer way, but Bingyi can make a big gamble. Such courage makes astrologers admire, but because of his wanton arrogance, he has all kinds of feelings in his heart. Miscellaneous.

After yesterday, Bingyi probably already knew that he would not die. Without the grip of death, what could stop him? If the sky wants to destroy it, it must first make it crazy. The astrologers can't help but wonder whether the rule of immortality of the tour guide in this competition is also part of the hotel's calculation? Once Bingyi truly regards death as nothing, he may not end well.

Now the astrologer can only lament that fortunately Bingyi was suspicious enough and the Davidians were sent. However, the astrologer knew at a glance that Bingyi definitely did not believe him, but was wary of him. It's good to be suspicious. As long as you are suspicious enough, you won't fall into too many traps.

While the audience in the live broadcast room was talking a lot, the situation in the Icelandic ice cave had changed again. The dark green parasitic fungus was completely crushed into a thick slurry, and the black and green juice surged and flooded most of the ice cave, like a horse's tail. Algae sea. Bingyi and his third son struggled to hold on in this pollution, like a small boat about to overturn on a rough sea, with no room for survival.

But so what! The situation has become extremely bad, but the white-haired tour guide still has a smile on his lips, and there is a burning excitement and joy in his eyes. He cannot feel pain, and even his negative emotions are extremely weak. Only by wandering in death and limits can he let go. Bingyi felt relaxed, like a bird soaring in the sky.

Affected by his emotions, the Fenrir wolves bravely faced the oncoming divine power even though they were seriously injured and struggled hard, even if they were covered with bruises. Bingyi was also covered in wounds, and blood was flowing from the wounds all over his body. The scarlet color fascinated Bingyi, as if he had shed his sickly and heavy body, and his soul was walking freely in the violent storm.

And when his blood flowed into the black-green parasitic juice, the contaminated juice began to undergo subtle changes! Fenrir Wolf, Midgard Serpent and Death God Hela are the three famous children of Loki, who killed Odin and Thor in Ragnarok. Even though they are the three children created by the explorers, they have nothing to do with the real myth. The differences are currently not as terrifying as those described in Nordic mythology, but they are enough to stimulate the explosion of the power of the Nordic gods.

In an instant, thousands of terrifying divine powers like silver light needles almost pressed down on Bingyi's head. Most of the huge parasitic fungus was smashed into pieces, and a thick black-green slurry full of heavy pollution spurted out like a fountain waterfall, without its outer skin. It blocked the unbridled spread of pollution in the abyss and temporarily withstood the pressure of divine power. However, the outbreak of pollution caused another disaster to the live broadcast room.

The overflowing power became stronger, and the spectators who could barely bear it died one more time and were resurrected. By now, the low, medium and high-level passenger spectators had almost died for one round, which rarely happened. matter!

Normally, the live broadcasts of big tourist guides are blocked, and middle and low-level tourists are not exposed to higher-level things. Only the annual warm-up competition and year-end celebrations are broadcast live. At that time, middle- and low-level travelers will be lucky enough to see some real horrors in advance under the protection of the hotel live broadcast. This is equivalent to a Nationwide screening.

Although most of the best and most talented tourist guides are selected for the competition, the hotel has a huge tourist base and there are always many talented people. The live broadcast of competitions and year-end celebrations can broaden their horizons and increase their knowledge. Occasionally, when the most dangerous times are reached, the danger that spills out is like a whetstone, which will automatically screen out passengers whose strength and talent far exceed the current level.

This is why the hotel only blocked the live broadcasts of passengers who had died once and no longer allowed them to watch, instead of directly blacking out the live broadcasts of all middle- and low-level passengers in advance. In fact, this kind of thing doesn't happen often. The things that can exceed the hotel rules are pollution at 30 degrees north latitude, abyss pollution and battlefield pollution. Competitions and year-end celebrations basically don't involve these, but once they do, like that year in the abyss The live broadcast of the year-end celebration in Node also attracted many viewers.

But this time, even more people died than that time. This was caused by the pollution of the primordial abyss, the power of the Nordic gods, the pollution of the ancestor giant Ymir's minced meat, and the pollution carried by Bing Yi naturally. and his three children, even if only a little bit is leaked, it will be too much for most middle and low-class tourists. The number of tourists in the hotel is the largest, especially the middle- and low-class tourists. The death of so many people is like poking a hornet's nest. Resurrection and healing them All of a sudden... less than half of the assets were invested in it.

This is a small half of the assets of the person in charge... After working hard for almost ten years, all the assets he saved were used to maintain his own slice after his death. When he saw that half of it was gone, his eyes turned red with anger, and he wanted to slap him. Bingyi shot him to death. The worst thing is that there are not a few people who died and came back to life this time. The hotel's will has been noticed and coming, and they want to hold... accountable.

In the final analysis, he is still too weak. The power of the rotating host will affect the operation of the hotel. Why does the hotel invite the thirty-degree north latitude journey pioneers, A-class/S-class, B-class elite/A-class elite and other tourist guides to become the host? People, give them part of the authority of the hotel, not only because they are powerful enough to spy on the rules of the hotel and must be under their control, but also because the hotel itself has flaws in its control of the world.

The journey to the Thirty Degrees North Latitude, the abyss and the battlefield are the parts that the hotel cannot completely control. In this case, it is a good idea to find tour guides and travelers who have the abyss node to open the journey to the Thirty Degrees North Latitude and let them be the principals.

If the person in charge of the rotating hotel today is * * *, there will be no leakage of power. * * * Starting two journeys to 30 degrees north latitude, the contamination of parasitic bacteria is no longer a problem for him. In the final analysis, the Onmyoji died too early and had nothing. He can only feel sad. He was jealous, but he had to hold his nose and do it hard. Among so many people in charge, he was the most active in rotating hotels in these years.

Although being in a rotating hotel is not as dangerous as suppressing abyss and other positions, it is by no means easy. The person in charge of suppressing the abyss is as high as the sky and the emperor is far away, but the person in charge of the rotating hotel is always under the surveillance of the hotel. Things like this don't happen very often today. There are many, but smaller-scale power leaks also exist.

However, if it weren't for... he was proactive enough to do the most, a dead and weak leader like him would probably be treated as trash by the hotel - the hotel's will is like a robot. Merit is the rule. Loyalty, hard work and seniority are of no use to a hotel. It only depends on whether you have done enough.

Therefore, even if he was to be held accountable by the hotel, he could only grit his teeth and bear it at the moment. Years of depression and hardship had already made him mentally abnormal. He would only be happy when others lived in worse conditions. When I saw the Fenrir Wolf, the Corn Snake and Xiao Cui were under great pressure from pollution as soon as they were summoned, each of them was injured and even their limbs were crushed, it seemed that they would not be able to last long... I felt happy and thought in my heart. Bingyi really deserves it.

But this pleasure was like a false soap bubble. He felt good for a few seconds and then his face darkened. He knew very well that Bingyi had his own agenda, and he could not send Fenrir Wolf and the others to their deaths in vain. After thinking for a moment, he understood Bingyi's purpose of putting himself and his third son in danger. He knew that today's misery was just an appearance. In the future, Bingyi and his third son would probably soar into the sky, and his mood suddenly became even worse.

However... I can understand that many viewers who are still watching the live broadcast are confused. Although most of the high, middle and low-level passenger viewers have died in one round, the live broadcast is blocked for them and they cannot watch. The remaining viewers At least they are all special-level and have some insights after being immersed in the journey for a long time, but what they understand is the journey that they can experience at this level.

There are very few people like Miao Fangfei who can see a lot when they are weak and still survive by chance. Today, the current situation of the Explorers is still unclear to most viewers, and they are discussing it.

[It’s so miserable. Is Fenrir Wolf going to die? It is stained with so much pollution that half of its body was bruised just now from trying to block the light from the explorers]

[The corn snake is even worse. Most of the snake's body is pricked like a hedgehog. It hasn't fully awakened yet. Why is it just pulled out and used? 】

[It seems that the explorers are really in danger, and they have to throw out all their cards at the end of the road]

[He wants to use three children to resist the divine power and try his best to revive Ymir's minced flesh. Once this thing is revived and all the divine power is directed at it, the explorer will naturally be out of trouble]

[I don’t think that’s the case. An explorer is never like a person who gives his hope to others. He must have his own ideas]

"Badr, the god of light, dies, and the cold winter comes in Finbul. The three seasons of cold winter in the competition will most likely correspond to these three days."

The special guest who is explaining in the live broadcast room is still an astrologer. In fact, it should be Bai Xiaosheng's turn today, but it is said that Bai Xiaosheng is not feeling well. Looking at the situation of Director C, let alone Bai Xiaosheng, the entire return journey can be done. There's a ghost. But the audience didn't know this. No matter who explained it, it was a big shot they couldn't see, so they listened carefully.

But the astrologers were angry about the cold winter in Fimbull. It is now the fifth day of the competition. After the fifth, sixth and seventh days, the last three days of the journey will enter the second stage. Everything will come true in the heart of Snæfellsjökull. And there are exactly three seasons of cold winter in Fimbull, which is suitable for the last three days of this first stage of the journey.

"Loki and his three sons all played a vital role in Ragnarok, but their current strength does not meet the standards in the myth."

The astrologer said simply and bluntly: "The myth is repeated too rarely."

Fortunately for Bingyi, most of the three sons he trained were only recognized by the Nordic gods and his ‘father’. There were very few who actually reenacted Nordic mythology, which was just not enough.

"He wants to take advantage of this danger and make up for it all at once."

Nordic mythology is relatively special in the world's mythology system, because it has a beginning and an end. It can be said that the reenactment of the myths of 'birth' and 'death' is crucial for those who want to replace the corresponding identity. Bingyi did not find a giant as his wife, Fenrir wolves and the others were born a little short, and then died.

Fenrir Wolf and Jormungandr both died in Ragnarok, which is not urgent for the time being, but it also leads to an uneven reenactment of their myths - they were born a little worse, but after all, their father admitted that they had not experienced death at all. , then there should be corresponding hardships.

In Norse mythology, Fenrir the wolf was bound and Jörmungandr was thrown into the sea. They are both famous stories in mythology. They are essentially the Nordic gods being wary of and making things difficult for them. After the death of Baldur, the God of Light, Loki also suffered severe punishment. Odin turned Vali, Loki's child from his third wife, into a wolf, and let his brothers fight each other and bite Loki's son Narfer to death. Under the poisonous snake, let the venom corrode Loki's face, and decreed that the punishment would last forever.

It wasn't until Ragnarok that Loki finally got out of trouble.

Of course, Bingyi will not completely follow the myth. He boldly sees danger as an opportunity, and uses the terrifying pressure of the Nordic gods as a whetstone, so that he, Fenrir Wolf and other descendants can go through hardships and relive the myth. , to the next level! But if they really can't withstand the pressure and die, then all the previous efforts will be wasted. There is obviously a safer way, but Bingyi can make a big gamble. Such courage makes astrologers admire, but because of his wanton arrogance, he has all kinds of feelings in his heart. Miscellaneous.

After yesterday, Bingyi probably already knew that he would not die. Without the grip of death, what could stop him? If the sky wants it to perish, it must first cause madness. The astrologers can't help but wonder whether the rule of immortality of the tour guide in this competition is also part of the hotel's calculations? Once Bingyi truly regards death as nothing, he may not end well.

Now the astrologer can only lament that fortunately Bingyi was suspicious enough and the Davidians were sent. But the astrologer knew at a glance that Bingyi definitely did not believe him, but was wary of him. It's good to be suspicious. As long as you are suspicious enough, you won't fall into too many traps.

While the audience in the live broadcast room was talking a lot, the situation in the Icelandic ice cave had changed again. The dark green parasitic fungus was completely crushed into a thick slurry, and the black and green juice surged and flooded most of the ice cave, like a horse's tail. Algae sea. Bingyi and his third son struggled to hold on in this pollution, like a small boat about to overturn on a rough sea, with no room for survival.

But so what! The situation has become extremely bad, but the white-haired tour guide still has a smile on his lips, and there is a burning excitement and joy in his eyes. He cannot feel pain, and even his negative emotions are extremely weak. Only by wandering in death and limits can he let go. Bingyi felt relaxed, like a bird soaring in the sky.

Affected by his emotions, the Fenrir wolves bravely faced the oncoming divine power even though they were seriously injured and struggled hard, even if they were covered with bruises. Bingyi was also covered in wounds, and blood was flowing from the wounds all over his body. The scarlet color fascinated Bingyi, as if he had shed his sickly and heavy body, and his soul was walking freely in the violent storm.

And when his blood flowed into the black-green parasitic juice, the contaminated juice began to undergo subtle changes!

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