Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 682 Second update

If Bingyi took out the minced meat of Ymir, the ice cave was still vibrating and buzzing as if an earthquake was coming, then when he took out the milk that had fed Ymir, the ancestor giant, and poured the milk on the meat On the body, the originally normal pieces of flesh began to tremble and twitch, producing many granulations, overflowing with majestic vitality. A thin layer of ice seemed to have grown on the surface of the flesh and blood, glowing with a faint blue light.

This is what the flesh and blood of a Frost Giant should really look like, which shows that this piece of minced meat from the Ancestor Giant is really beginning to glow with life! Both the light elves and the dark elves were excluded, and flew to Bingyi's side in panic. Clusters of sprouts growing from its surface were actually growing downward, like ice hanging from the eaves.

They were extending in the direction of the ice leak, and the depths of the eleven ice leaks at the end of the ice cave corresponding to the number of surviving passengers were filled with an aura of power similar to the minced meat in Bingyi's hand. In an instant, Bingyi finally understood the deepest part of the ice leak. What is it that is guarded by the power of Odin.

That was the minced meat of Ymir, the ancestor of the giants, and there were a lot of pieces of meat! Bingyi currently has enough Ymir minced meat in his hand, but compared with the large amount of minced meat from the ice leak, it is probably as small as sesame seeds. In an instant, Bing thought of many things. The minced meat of Ymir was erupted to the Nordic countries with the eruption of the Snæfellsjökull volcano. In addition to the tourists, the Nordic gods were also looking for it. Their divine power was incomparable to humans. The minced meat found by the gods was far more than the tourists. We discovered even more.

Perhaps for some reason, these minced meats were not transported back to the Snæfellsjökull volcano for sealing, but were temporarily sealed in the Nordic countries. Under the ice leak deep in the ice cave, there was a piece of Ymir's minced meat. Storage point everywhere!

No wonder there is Odin's divine power guarding it. No wonder even Odin's divine power has to hide his aura, and he doesn't even pay attention here, for fear of irritating this large pile of dangerous minced meat.

'Ha ha ha ha'


Suddenly, harsh and sharp laughter suddenly sounded in Bingyi's hand. It was the piece of Ymir minced meat in his hand that laughed loudly. At this moment, its surface had completely turned into ice blue, with a layer of cold frost on the surface, like It looks like ten thousand years of blue ice, but it still has the texture of muscles on it. Those textures undulated like breathing, and the extremely cold wind blew past the surface of Ymir's minced meat and turned into sharp and harsh laughter. It was more terrifying than the howling of ghosts and wolves, and it instantly made people break out in cold sweat!

Although Bingyi was not frightened enough to throw away the pieces of meat in his hands, his breathing was still stagnant. When the piece of Ymir minced meat in his hand laughed, laughter also sounded from deeper inside the glacier. This was not one laughter, but dozens or hundreds of laughters that sounded from time to time, as if buried under the glacier. Thousands of resentful souls were killed, and when the laughter broke out, the entire ice cave and the glacier at the feet began to vibrate and roar violently!

There was a continuous clicking sound that sent chills down the spine. The dark green parasites all over the ice cave were like a dark green ocean. As the ice cracked and squeezed, it bulged and sank upward, like a stormy wave in a storm. The Bingyi above tried their best to maintain balance. Fortunately, the mycelium was as tough as a rope binding the earth that was about to crack, but they could not stop the ice cubes falling like meteorites above their heads.


The ice cave was so empty that there was no place to hide. After B's helmet was hit twice, he heard the sound of the helmet on the verge of breaking. At this moment, even his expression changed slightly. If the helmet was broken and then hit on the head by the ice, even if Even he might have his head broken, that's the rule. To make matters worse, the house leaked and it rained all night, and streaks of silver light lit up like long needles, filled with terrifying divine power. The resurrection of a large amount of Ymir's ancestor giant's minced meat completely activated Odin's hidden power here. There are three to hundreds of silver lights sealed above each ice leak, but these silver lights are only one-third of the total amount.

Other silver lights filled with the power of Odin's Spear were all locked on Bingyi. Looking at the deep and dark ice cave, the silver light was as bright as day. Even before they came close, Bingyi felt that his body was being The terrifying power pokes and melts, and this is just the power they overflow. No, this is not just the divine power of Odin, but also the power of the King of the Nordic Gods pulling the entire Nordic Asa clan to suppress!

Under the dazzling silver light, Loki's power was completely suppressed, and he was completely unable to resist. It was not purely the divine power of Odin's Spear, even Bingyi's rune tablet was of no use. In this situation, even the top traveler would not be able to escape death, let alone Bingyi. These rays of light can turn him into a pulp in an instant. Compared with the unified power of the Nordic gods, his strength is still far away. You cannot break everything with force.

This is the crushing force of a stronger and higher level. No one can resist it. At the critical moment, the dark green parasitic bacteria spontaneously gather towards Bingyi. Their entangled and broken ferocious appearance no longer looks like plants, but more like filth. The evil abyss monster, the huge deformed parasitic fungus opened its canopy, protecting Byi Yi. However, when the silver light continued to press and press, even the dark green parasitic fungi began to break under the pressure of the terrifying and terrifying force. .

The fungus cap that was originally so long that it almost reached the top of the ice cave was shattered inch by inch, as if an invisible big hand was pressing down. When this terrifying force covered the entire ice cave, even Bingyi There is no chance of survival anymore!

At this moment, the barrage in the B-1 broadcast room was rarely sparse, and the terrifying and suffocating pressure could almost burst out through the live broadcast screen. Almost all passengers below senior class and B-class tour guides were disconnected instantly and could not watch. Even so, in their hearts Still echoing the terrifying pressure as if a thousand swords were approaching.

Many people were frightened to death. At that moment when watching the live broadcast, there were many tourists or tour guides who were so frightened by the oppression that their hearts exploded and their breathing stopped. However, the hotel treated them before their deaths were discovered, even if they had companions. Unfortunately, having witnessed the scene, his memory will also be affected. He no longer remembers the incident. He only remembers that the danger faced by the explorers at this moment is particularly terrifying, even more terrifying than the battle between the Nordic gods and angels when the Angel of Doomsday came. It is far more than the divine war taking place in Norway and other places today!

Only big tourists and big tour guides understand that there is indeed something wrong with the current live broadcast. In fact, if we really talk about the strength of the gods, yesterday's battle of the gods is certainly better. That battle is certainly top-notch, but the audience who experienced it personally only watched the excitement, because the usual live broadcasts have been processed and will not Deliver the terrifying power of the scene.

But this time is different. Perhaps there are too many parasitic bacteria full of abyssal pollution growing in the ice cave. Abyssal pollution itself is an area that the hotel does not fully control. The growth of excessive parasitic bacteria has caused blind spots in the hotel's strict monitoring. Some real Yes, the terrifying pressure over there is transmitted, and death is normal. This can even be regarded as Bingyi indirectly causing a small-scale loss of control in the hotel, resulting in the live broadcast not being completely closed, and a trace of real terrifying pressure permeating the air, instantly making people Death suddenly.

However, the abyss pollution in the live broadcast affects the hotel rules only slightly, and the hotel will not shut down all live broadcasts because of this. This is a critical warm-up match. Of course, the hotel has fundamental rules and will naturally 'fix' these wrong deaths. But even if the hotel has unlimited power, resurrecting and treating so many people in an instant is a big burden. The person in charge of the shift... is even more angry and crazy. Many of these expenses come from him. Who makes him unlucky? Rotating person in charge.

However, the tour guides and tourists who were frightened to death did not remember this at all. Some of them were left with a deep psychological shadow and no longer watched the live broadcast. However, there were also many people who liked watching the live broadcast because they liked it and couldn't watch it anymore when they saw it. I went to the forum to vent my emotions, and I was so angry that I couldn't watch the live broadcast anymore! ’, ‘If you don’t know how to hold a warm-up match, you don’t have to hold it’, ‘Is our hotel just a grassroots team? ’, ‘Is the director dead? Is this some kind of underworld perspective? Of course I'm not criticizing the hotel, I'm just criticizing the game director! ’ and the like, I was so angry... I was simply incoherent, and in my heart I cursed Bingyi to die quickly——

Although the tour guide will not die in the competition, if he 'dies', at least those divine powers will subside. After he is seriously injured, he will most likely absorb those parasitic bacteria to replenish energy. In this way, the pressure will be instantly relieved, and the terrifying power over there will be gone. It will not exceed the live broadcast tolerance limit and will not overflow again.

But just at this moment when I saw the scene in the live broadcast room... I almost couldn't breathe. Bingyi, who was on the verge of death, did not wait for death. Not only that, he actually released the Fenrir wolf, the mortal python (corn snake) and the god of death Hela (Xiao Cui)!

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