Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 681 The Horror of Iceland (207)

"came back."

Bingyi said with a smile, he had witnessed everything, but he seemed not to notice the hidden conflict between the volcanic lava little lizard and the phantom cat. He was not surprised at all when the phantom cat and the little lizard came over, and he spoke very normally. His tone was like a big domestic dog coming back. He took out the volcanic lava lizard eggshell and struck at the phantom cat and the little lizard.

The phantom cat swept its fluffy long tail to wipe out the flying sparks around it, jumped into Bingyi's arms with a light leap, and actually got into the eggshell on its own initiative. Seeing this scene, Bingyi raised his eyebrows slightly, and the little lizard was even more dumbfounded and incredulous, and then his heart trembled. The phantom cat takes the initiative to walk through its passage and then jumps on its eggshells. There is definitely a conspiracy!

Could it be that Bingyi has already thought of that?

"Why, don't you come in?"

The next moment, Bingyi's playful greeting called back the little lizard's attention. It carefully observed Bingyi's expression and body language and found no clues. It will naturally come to Bingyi to rely on, and it intends to negotiate terms with him. However, the actions of the phantom cat made the little lizard hesitate.

Besides, now is not a good time to negotiate terms. When I return to Bingyi, I am destined to be closely watched by the hotel. It is better to find time... The thoughts and calculations are only fleeting, but the situation is stronger than the person. Before Bingyi's tone cools down, the flames The little lizard quickly approached him and tentatively tried to climb onto Bingyi's body - but failed.

Bingyi took a step back and just leaned down to let the eggshell be close to the ground. Although it really wanted to think that Bingyi was wary of him at the beginning, judging from Bingyi's subtle movements, maybe he was disgusted by the dirty-looking solidified magma on its body and the contamination from the ice cracks along the way. Black and green parasitic bacteria contamination.

"You can jump up."

Bingyi's hesitant tone was particularly irritating. For a moment, the Lizard Duke seemed to have seen an annoying life-seeker. He let it go into the eggshell in a matter-of-fact tone, as if it was supposed to be here... Damn it, Lizard Duke thought angrily, how could he acquiesce to Bingyi getting nine knives by insulting the hotel again!

If there hadn't been so many knives - alas! Without any ifs, the little lizard jumped onto the eggshell neatly, trying to step on the phantom cat's fur. Before the cat's claws struck fiercely, it swung its tail and changed its direction, landed on the edge of the egg shell, and squeezed the fluffy fat cat, which almost filled the salamander egg, into the depths of the salamander egg. Everything had to be considered in the long term.

"So good."

Bingyi smiled, his eyes thoughtful. It has only been a minute or two since the little lizard and the phantom cat appeared, but countless information has been revealed. The little lizard's hissing words could only be understood by him holding the eggshell. Naturally, Bingyi did not miss the words "Black Widow". The black widow, a famous spider, reminded him of the spider silk that appeared in the eggshell and was most likely related to a5. The small lizard and the spider silk disappeared at the same time. The little lizard was missing with the black widow during this period. Together? It seems to know that she will follow her to fish deliberately. Are these two enemies or friends?

But regardless of friend or foe, they are definitely strong men at the same level of strength as Little Lizard (Tooth Hunter) and should not be underestimated. Will she follow? Bingyi glanced at the ice crevasse behind him, which was already covered by dense black and green parasitic fungi. The little lizard deliberately let him hear it for this reason. He would naturally become suspicious after knowing that the Black Widow was likely to be able to intervene in Iceland.

If the Tooth Hunter and the 'Black Widow' join forces, they will definitely be a powerful force that cannot be ignored. The hunter leader is extremely powerful. Even if Bingyi has the help of a dragon hunter, the dragon hunter is not in Iceland and cannot fully display his power. Distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. The best method at the moment is to drive away wolves and tigers, befriend one and suppress the other.

In this way, the importance of the fang hunter (little lizard) becomes apparent. Both parties have needs, so they can naturally sit down and negotiate terms - when he rubs the threat on Fenrir wolf's tail with a knife, he will suddenly think of the flame little lizard or the small lizard. The fang hunter will come, and it comes so quickly. Naturally, it attaches great importance to Fenrir wolf wolf.

But it didn't mind exposing this to Bingyi. Either it was extremely powerful and didn't take Bingyi seriously at all, or it had some other secrets in its hands and was confident that it could exchange this with Bingyi for an alliance. The threat of a 'Black Widow' whom he has yet to meet is far from likely to make Bingyi give up Fenrir Wolf. And even if it comes to facing an enemy, as the eldest son of Loki, Fenrir Wolf will definitely protect him. If the fang hunter really values ​​it so much, he will not fail to help him when he is really in danger.

The threat of a black widow alone is far from likely to make Bingyi give up Fenrir Wolf, so the little lizard most likely has other bargaining chips.

Flame channel.

The moment the phantom cat appeared, Bingyi felt a strong breath of fire, which was similar to the power of the flame crystal from the Fire Country that he had swallowed before. In addition, the words "flame channel" blurted out by the little lizard in surprise made Bingyi's brain spin even more.

Volcanic lava lizards are originally related to volcanoes. Previously, Bingyi saw many lizards collecting flame crystals in the underground magma. You can guess with a little thought that Bingyi also thought about finding the node between the human world and the land of fire. Now it seems that this little lizard has probably found the node, and has also opened up a path such as the flame channel to connect the human world and the Kingdom of Fire.

This bargaining chip is probably related to the Kingdom of Fire, but no matter how it calculated before, after the phantom cat walked through the flame channel and took the initiative to get into its eggshell, the previous confidence will turn into suspicion and hesitation. When Dian Guangshi Huo Jian Bing thought of this, he naturally kept his expression calm, which made the suspicious little lizard even more unsure. He and the phantom cat cooperated well without any communication, and the little lizard took the initiative without saying a word. When he got into the eggshell, the initiative was in Bingyi's hands.

But let’s put all this aside for now. Bingyi stuffed the lizard egg into the fake corn shoot mouth and let it carry it, and walked quickly towards the end of the ice cave. He came to this ice cave with a vampire knife, and destroyed all the ten thousand-year-old blue ice in the ice cave that contained Odin's divine power. The pollution in the abyss radiated even more powerfully, and the parasitic bacteria that originally spread slowly to the depths of the ice leak instantly Speeded up.

The hyphae of the parasitic bacteria in one of the ice leaks have found the travelers in this ice leak, but the message sent is very bad.

The traveler was already dead when the mycelium was discovered, and it could be said that he had almost died just a few minutes ago. As soon as Bing arrived here, the invisible shielding power was weakened a lot. He could vaguely sense the presence of Wei Xun and Tong Hege, and he could also sense the passengers in his team - he pursed his lips tightly and had no intention of following. The little lizard pulled apart because the dead passenger was a member of his team.

Yin Guangyuan.

Yin Guangyuan died. His body was dragged up by the mycelium. It looked intact, but he was not wearing any clothes. His skin was blue and stiff from the cold, and his face was pale, but there was a smile on his lips, like those who had fallen asleep in the heavy snow. For a person who got lost in the mountains and froze to death, Director Bing let other mycelium dive quickly to search for traces of other passengers, while touching Yin Guangyuan's shoulder. The temperature on his body was even lower than that of a cold-blooded person like him.

Bingyi had generally heard that when a person is on the verge of freezing to death in extreme cold, the blood in the body will flow to important organs, allowing the person to live longer. At this time, the brain will receive wrong signals and mistakenly believe that the person is in a very warm or even overheated environment at this moment. Therefore, in the last moments before freezing to death, the person is likely to feel "hot" and take off his clothes. He also had a smile on his face before he died.

The temperature in the ice leak is indeed extremely low, reaching the terrifying 20 or 30 degrees below zero, and the ice leak is submerged by extremely cold underground glaciers a hundred meters down. People lose body temperature faster in the water, even when they are pumped out of the ice leak. The mycelia that come out are all covered with ice edges. The extreme cold that can freeze the pollution can be called another kind of pollution in itself.

Under such cold conditions, even if Yin Guangyuan was stronger than ordinary people, it would be normal for him to freeze to death. But as soon as Bingyi touched Yin Guangyuan's body, he understood that his death was strange.

Yin Guangyuan's soul is no longer there. I don't know if he was locked away in his old dream or went to that ice cave. There is no rune stone tablet on his body. If this is normal, Zai Bingyi tried to take his body into the Lost Paradise. But after being hindered by invisible divine power, he realized that someone was obstructing him. Not only was he unable to recover Yin Guangyuan's body, but even Xiao Cui was unable to do so. This shows that this divine power is not only aimed at the Lost Paradise of the foreign gods, but also the power of his Bingyi, or Loki's series.

Opposing camps.

If the blue ice and Odin's divine power in the two ice caves outside were still tempting people to completely choose the camp of the gods with rewards, then after no one was disturbed by him and all the passengers decided to go deeper into the ice cave and enter the ice leak, Odin's divine power hidden in this ice leak has taken off its hypocritical surface and revealed its ferocious interior. Bingyi turned over Yin Guangyuan's body and found a blood hole as big as a thumb on his heart, which penetrated his heart.

The intact bodies of passengers do not necessarily mean they were frozen to death, especially those who could turn into animals. Yin Guangyuan's strongest title is nothing more than the one who turned into a tiger. When he was at his strongest, he was killed neatly through the heart. Such a powerful power is not something ordinary people can achieve. Bing Yi put himself in for a moment. If he were Odin, after confirming that these people would not choose his own camp, he would probably strike first.

Especially now that the gods are at war with humans, the attitude of the Nordic gods towards humans is also subtly changing, and it will no longer be the same as before. It's just that Odin's divine power in the ice leak is more concealed, and even the sharp mycelium didn't find much blue ice with the aura of divine power. It was understandable that Yin Guangyuan didn't notice that he was being attacked.

But Odin's divine power is hidden, is it really just to make people take it lightly and attack him from behind? Byeichi doesn't think so. Even though Odin is a relatively cunning god, as the king of gods, he also has the arrogance of being a god. It is not the character of the God King to play dirty tricks on humans at all. It is more likely that the divine power he retained in the ice leak was meant to hide his aura, otherwise it would stimulate things deeper in the ice leak.

For example, the remains of Ymir, the ancestor of the giants.

The hyphae that penetrated every ice leak have spread downward for nearly two hundred meters, but the deep black and blue ice leaks have not yet reached the end. It is like a passage leading to the center of the earth. It is dark and deep, which makes people feel sad. fear. Yin Guangyuan died closest to the ground. The other passengers dived deeper, and the hyphae have not yet found any trace of them.

But Bingyi didn't want to wait any longer. The Loki flame ignited, illuminating the deep and dark ice cave. In the flames, he took out a large wriggling mass of flesh and blood, with bright and dark maggots squirming on it. It was Yumi, the ancestor of the giants. Your minced meat! In an instant, the entire ice cave buzzed, and the earth trembled like an earthquake, or like the angry roar of a god. At this moment, Bingyi, who was holding Ymir's minced meat, clearly felt that there was something closely connected to its aura in the deepest part of the ice cave!

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