Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 680 The Horror of Iceland (206)

The little red lizard ran back all the way as fast as possible. It only took him a quarter of an hour to cover such a long distance from the Black Widow's castle to the ice cave. In order to get back as quickly as possible, it even used its strength to open the passage to the Kingdom of Fire, locate its own lizard egg shell, and come directly through the passage.

The Country of Fire is an extremely dangerous place. The little red lizard that came along the way was overstretched and its scales were covered with magma. The lava solidified and turned black when it was cold in the ice cave. The solidified black magma hung on its entire lizard scales, which looked a bit dirty. Of course, there was a reason why it wanted to come back at all costs. Just a quarter of an hour ago, he suddenly felt a chill in his heart, and an extremely ominous premonition came over him. It was a harbinger of death!

At that time, it found an excuse to leave the Black Widow's castle. It would never show any weakness in front of her. The Black Widow was vicious and cruel, and there would be no good end if she found out. However, when he left the Black Widow Castle to check that nothing was wrong with himself and the Tooth Hunter, the little red lizard felt even more solemn.

To be able to have such a clear omen, apart from himself, it can only come from the Silver Moon Killer's spiritual connection! Silver Moon Killer is in a similar situation to him now. The main body is outside and Fenrir the wolf wolf is on the journey. Something could happen to anyone. But after careful sensing, the little red lizard determined that this omen originated from the abyss pollution between it and Fenrir Wolf. The problem lies with the little wolf!

There was a moment of panic, as if something could cut off the pollution, and even cut off the connection between them, fell on the little wolf, and rubbed it, the little red lizard rarely changed its expression. There is nothing in this world that can cut off the pollution of the abyss. There are many weapons, and it is unheard of to cut off the weapons between the guide brigades. There is only one possibility.

That's the knife!

Slice the chief's knife!

During this hurried journey, the little red lizard's churning emotions were like erupting lava, thinking over all the possibilities. Could it be that Fenrir Wolf had another adventure and fully matured, revealing the power of the Silver Moon Killer, and was being watched and watched by the hotel. After reaching his strength, he was given the sword? The Silver Moon Killer's strength is considered to be top-notch in the Western Region. If it weren't for his mental and soul problems, he would have been targeted by the hotel and given a knife.

The Lizard Duke is not willing to let Silver Moon Killer be the leader. Even though he is ambitious, he is also more suspicious by nature. Originally, the connection between the tour guide and the tour guide connected their spirits and souls. If the hotel cuts off part of Silver Moon Killer's soul, who knows if it will affect him? But if Fenrir Wolf is really powerful enough to attract the attention of the hotel, it is barely normal. Although it is troublesome, the Lizard Duke has a way to fool him.

But the problem is that this possibility is actually not high. The most likely scenario is that the damn Miracle Bingyi uses a stupid light knife to try to cut off the Fenrir Wolf's tail to threaten him!

The Lizard Duke never thought that one day he would worry about others using a knife to cut his own people. Isn't it common sense that the knife can only be used by yourself? But Bingyi is not a person who can be limited by common sense! Thanks to Black Widow, Lizard Duke also watched the live broadcast during the competition and witnessed Bingyi's feat of obtaining nine light knives and cutting Roger Betty with a knife.

The shock in his heart at that time was indescribable, almost comparable to the mood when he learned that An Xuefeng had opened a journey to two 30 degrees north latitude. Black Widow went crazy crying and laughing. It was okay to watch it live, but later the live broadcast was blocked Well, even he can't stand up to the madness of the Black Widow. Even the Lizard Duke was murmuring in his heart.

Could it be that Black Widow's dream can really come true? Are the astrologers really blind? Are they not mad and desperately trying to support Bingyi? Is it that Bingyi really has the potential and qualifications to overthrow the hotel? Arrogant people are unwilling to admit that others are far more talented than themselves, but Lizard Duke is not so arrogant that he cannot see the situation clearly. If he were to do so, he would not be where he is today.

Originally, Loki's incomplete fire was given to Bingyi just to take advantage of him, but Bingyi's performance in the confrontation was beyond his expectation. In fact, the shock brought by the hotel's acquiescence in Bingyi's possession of nine light knives was secondary. What concerned the Lizard Duke the most was the color of Bingyi's tour guide's cloak.

Black cloak... In the entire hotel, only the host's cloak has a black background. To be able to become the person in charge, one must touch the rules of the hotel and make the hotel appreciate and fear him, so that he can be recruited and controlled by his subordinates.

It’s clear that Byeichi is not the person in charge now, but his cloak can turn black when he uses a certain title. And his cloak was also black when he obtained the light saber one after another. Is it true that he had too many butterfly fragments in his body to survive the hotel's rules of constantly touching it? Or is it that a certain title of Bingyi...has touched the rules of the hotel?

If this is the case, he must carefully consider his relationship with Bingyi, the Mutual Aid Alliance, and Homecoming - but before he could think about it, the Lizard Duke had an ominous premonition on a whim. After confirming that the premonition came from the Fenrir wolf, the Lizard Duke became even more anxious and furious. This was not pleasant! Betty and Roger would never be the ones in charge, and it was obvious that they were not successful when the live broadcast was interrupted for such a long time instead of just a moment.

But if Fenrir Wolf is to be cut off, it has a high probability of success. I'm afraid the hotel will laugh to death on the spot. There is such a good thing! The little red lizard immediately hurried to Bingyi's side. Although different soul powers require different levels of strength, the possibility of killing the Fenrir wolf with Bingyi's current strength is very slim. It may be more of an indirect deterrent to him. But the Lizard Duke didn't dare take the risk.

What if he went crazy for real? Moreover, its eggshell is still there with Bingyi. Rounding it off, it can be regarded as something closely related to it. Even if Bingyi is reluctant to cut up the wolf, what if he goes crazy and cuts off the eggshell!

Damn hotel, why did Bingyi get nine light knives? He is not afraid of Bingyi turning the hotel upside down!

The little red lizard gnashed its teeth and spit out venom in its heart. Even if it didn't feel the danger of being cut again, it still couldn't let go. It rushed to the ice cave site and saw the scene in front of it.

There is such a strong abyss pollution, there are so many abyss creatures, and if the black and green parasitic bacteria continue to spread, I am afraid that the Jin Lunga Chasm will soon reappear in the world!

As soon as they saw the black and green parasitic bacteria forest, the little lizard and the phantom cat thought of going together. If Bingyi hadn't created this large piece of parasitic fungus, and Bingyi and Fenrir Wolf were still deeper in the ice cave, he would probably secretly admire in his heart that the primordial abyss was also his ultimate goal, and creating such a scene was just right. It suits him.

But now is not the time to think about this. The little red lizard reluctantly pulled out a fiery red scale from its chest and threw it into the ice cave. When the scale hit the ground, it turned into a hazy red light, just like another world here. Projection, you can vaguely see the boiling magma and the back of the tall fire giant in the distance from the red light.

The polluting parasitic bacteria in this ice cave grow too densely, making it a thankless task to cross. It left some abyss pollution behind just to avoid the hotel's attention, but it didn't really want to be completely contaminated. The pollution on its body is heavy, but it will show up in the Fenrir wolf. With only one black tail, Bingyi is so abnormal. If the white wolf completely turns into a black wolf, what can this madman Bingyi do? Not even a small lizard can do it. Anticipate.

Just go through the passage of the Land of Fire. It is a common occurrence for the tour guides to vomit blood due to severe pain. It also saves you the trouble of crossing the mushroom forest, which is clean and hygienic. The figure of the little lizard disappeared in the hazy red light. Before leaving, it turned its head slightly and looked at the ice wall on one side. The Lizard Duke naturally felt that someone was watching over there, and he could probably guess who was following him.

But it deliberately maintained the passage to the Kingdom of Fire for a few more seconds, so that those following it could catch up with it. Now that the Fenrir wolf was in Bingyi's hands, it was necessary to bring some gifts to meet him, so that it would be easier to socialize.

The dim firelight disappeared quickly, and a second before it dissipated, the silhouette of the phantom cat passed through the ice cave, stepped into the passage of the Kingdom of Fire, and caught up with this ride. The little red lizard that left first had reached the end of the passage, but its eggshell was clearly positioned at the exit, but Bingyi was not seen when it came out.

It appeared in a narrow and towering ice crevice, but the power of the lizard eggshell was at the end of the ice crack, further ahead. This made the little red lizard think deeply. There is a divine power deep in the ice cave that blocks the passage to the Kingdom of Fire!



In the ice cave at the end of the ice crack, on the lush black and green parasitic fungus, Bingyi held a piece of blue ice with a purer color in his hand. It was covered with cracks, and after it suddenly shattered, a brighter silver light burst out, but The divine power of Odin's Spear was finally received into the rune character tablet by Bingyi.

This slate belonged to Yu Xiangyang. Di Feiyu's antlers amulet had been filled with several divine powers of Odin's Spear. Bingyi had to replace it with a rune-character slate to continue to contain it. It was actually the remaining one in the ice cave at the end of the ice crack. The blue ice is much better than the last ice cave.

As he expected, after passing the 'test' of the ice crevasses, the blue ice contained in the deeper ice cave was older and of better quality. It is no longer half white and half blue Millennium Blue Ice, but as clear as a blue diamond. It is of the same quality as the piece of blue ice that the Tooth Hunter gave him. It is Thousand Years Blue Ice!

This blue ice contains more Odin's divine power. Although there is still no specific divine thought, the message conveyed in it is a higher level - those who find the thousand-year-old blue ice are warriors recognized by God, and when you come here, you find the thousand-year-old blue ice. Nian Lanbing, you are a hero recognized by the Nordic gods. You can leave this extremely cold ice cave and go to the Hall of Valor to participate in the feast held for heroes and be baptized.

Moreover, this information also revealed that the Nordic gods are currently in a divine war and are in urgent need of heroes to join them.

The ultimate goal of the attraction is ten thousand-year blue ice, the highest reward, activating new tasks, involving the main line of Ragnarok... All these things seem to imply that this is the end point of the ice cave exploration. Although it is not too difficult, Miao Fang Fei and the others also said that the difficulty of most scenic spots alternates. Yesterday the difficulty of the scenic spots was too high. Today there is a bonus scenic spot, which is normal.

But the more tempting the information revealed in the Ten Thousand Years of Blue Ice, the more convinced Bingyi became of his own inference - this was by no means the end of the ice cave, and his passengers were equally sober. The number of ice leaks at the end of the ice cave and the number of passengers Unanimously, they all chose to explore deeper. The bloody limbs and pieces of flesh in this ice cave are the price the travelers paid when the ten thousand years of blue ice shattered.

If you choose to leave, it may be equivalent to joining the camp of the gods in Ragnarok.

But if you continue to go deeper...

Surrounded by blue ice, ice cave, and Odin's divine power, there is almost only one being who is qualified to be in the deeper parts of the ice cave.

The deepest part of this ice cave is probably related to Ymir, the ancestor of the ice giants.

The little red lizard thought that the deepest blue ice might be part of its body, which was a bit bad. After all, hunters are almost 100% from the camp of the Nordic gods, especially the fang hunter. The blue ice on his necklace that is full of Odin's power and his identity as a local mean that he is from the Iron God camp.

The existence of hunters will bring a more severe test to the tourists. If the group of tourists brought out by Bingyi all choose the Frost Giant camp, then there is a high probability that they will be attacked by the iron fist of the fang hunters. But this is not a big deal for the little lizard. The test of life and death will always come in various forms. Although Bingyi looks after the passengers, he will not protect the chicks like a mother chicken. Everyone has their own destiny, and he will not be affected by this target. Tooth Hunter...probably not.

But this is not its biggest concern at the moment. The divine power that came from the depths of the ice cave to resist the Fire Nation disappeared, but Bingyi did not leave. He had free time to wait for it, which really made the little lizard a little unhappy, but people under the eaves had to bow their heads occasionally.

It vented its unhappiness on the 'gift'. It had just been thinking for a moment. The length of the passage in the Kingdom of Fire was freely adjusted by the little lizard, and now the follower had just exited the passage, that is now.

"Hiss, hiss -" 'Black Widow, follow me - you are not the Black Widow? ! ’

When the black shadow appeared in the dim firelight, the little lizard, which had been well prepared, deliberately screamed and breathed out flames, but the black shadow was far larger than the spider, and it smashed the flames it spouted with one claw! As the firelight splashed, the little lizard took a few steps back in surprise. The person following him was not the black widow. When it saw the cat's shadow in the firelight clearly, the Lizard Duke couldn't believe his eyes and couldn't understand.

"Hiss?!" 'Why are you walking through my flame passage! ’

How could the thing following it be a phantom cat? Are you going to come here specifically through the flame channel? ? Couldn’t it be easily transmitted to Bingyi! It couldn't possibly be blocked by the polluted mushroom forest in the abyss. How unworthy this would be!

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