Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 679 Second update

This blue crystal is exactly a piece of blue ice. It is also very light and does not feel cold to the touch. It is similar to the ice cubes dug out by mycelium. But in terms of quality, this pure blue ice is definitely better. The blue and white ice is older. Bingyi clearly remembers what the fang hunter said at that time, "It is said that there is an eternal blue ice deep in the glacier." They are the banquet held by the gods under the World Tree, the wine that Odin spilled into the world after he was drunk, and the solid ice that fell in the glacier.

Therefore, it is natural that the blue ice dug out of the ice cave has the aura of power of the Nordic gods - but is this blue ice really just the wine Odin spilled into the world?

Even Yin Guangyuan, the most upright person in the team, would not be so naive. The journey is already on its fifth day. There are many dangers and tests in this ice cave. The blue ice that is the ultimate goal is just Odin's wine. How is this possible? In terms of difficulty, it is not up to par, not to mention that it is already the fifth day. The seven-day journey of the first stage of the warm-up competition is coming to an end, and the scenic spot assessment must be 100% closer to the final difficulty.

Ragnarok, Snæfellsnes, and the ancestor giant Ymir. Odin's wine has no card at all, unless these blue ices are just under the guise of 'Odin's wine', but are actually the secret power of Odin, guarding/imprisoning something more dangerous and precious.

You must know that the ancestor giant Ymir is a frost giant. Everyone saw on the battlefield yesterday that the flesh and blood remains of the frost giant looked like huge ice cubes.

Is the depth of this ice cave related to Ymir, the ancestor of giants?

Although Bingyi didn't know about the competition and couldn't infer the direction and difficulty of the attractions, he still thought of this aspect. When Bingyi got the blue and white piece of blue ice, he vaguely sensed some of Odin's remaining divine power, which conveyed some information, to the effect that if you go here and find the blue ice, you are already a warrior recognized by God. , the King of the Gods has held a grand banquet for the warriors in Asgard, and this piece of blue ice will be turned into wine at the banquet as proof of your bravery.

At first glance, these messages are uniform and dull. It has not discovered Bingyi's identity as 'Loki', otherwise it would not call him a 'warrior' or the like, but the meaning revealed in it is very obvious - it is discouraging people. It will be interesting to continue exploring deeper.

Bingyi tossed the blue and white ice cube in his hand. As a tour guide, he could clearly feel that this ice was far from reaching the ten thousand year standard and was only the lowest standard thousand year blue ice. The tourists in his team are very motivated and will definitely work hard to complete the scenic spots and will not be satisfied just by getting a piece of thousand-year-old blue ice.

They will definitely continue to move deeper into the ice cave. When Bingyi held the blue ice and walked deeper into the ice cave, he just walked to the ice crack and saw the blue and white piece of ice in his hand. There was a sound of the ice on the verge of breaking.

If you want to continue exploring deeper, the blue ice you found before will break. Once you choose to go deeper, if you fail to find other blue ice, it will be equivalent to failing the mission and losing all your money. At the same time, the blue ice conveyed some information, to the effect that after the blue ice breaks, the Odin divine power contained in it will burst out. Only by withstanding the invasion of divine power can one be qualified to further explore the ice cave.

Otherwise, the deeper parts of the ice cave are extremely cold and there are many challenges. If you don't have enough strength, you will die if you go in.

Of course Bingyi would not stop there. The moment he took another step forward, the blue ice shattered, and a silver light burst out from it, rushing towards his chest like a meteor. Bingyi quickly avoided it, but the silver light changed its direction like a tracking missile and pursued him closely. This light was extremely sharp. When B opened the Devil's Wings to change directions flexibly, the edge of the silver light just lightly brushed against the bone spur at the tip of the Devil's Wing. It left a very deep mark on it and almost penetrated the bone spur. !

Bingyi finally knew why almost all the passengers were injured in the ice cave, and also recognized what it was - it was actually the divine will of Odin's Spear! Of course, it was very weak and had no consciousness at all. It just tracked the enemy dully. Bingyi could have swallowed it with Loki's flames, but an idea flashed in his mind and he did not do so. Instead, he entangled with the silver light for a moment, and After confirming that it really had no consciousness and did not even have the spiritual imprint left by Odin, after dodging the impact of silver light again, an antler amulet suddenly appeared in Bingyi's hand, with mysterious runes shining on it. Rune characters!

The silver light that was about to rush in front of Bingyi in the next second suddenly turned around and threw it into the antlers amulet. The rune characters can really attract silver light. He boldly tested it and got a satisfactory answer. Bingyi laughed happily.


As early as when he snatched the death knight's head, Bingyi discovered that Odin's Spear would be attracted by Odin's power and defect to the nearest 'Odin' unconditionally.

So he gave it a bold try. The spear of Odin that cut off the death knight's head was much more powerful than this one, but he was deceived by Bingyi who drank the fountain of wisdom and imitated Odin's appearance. The rune character he is taking out now is the wisdom and authority itself - Odin is the God of Wisdom, and the one who holds the wisdom and authority is naturally the King of Gods. Although anyone with a brain can see the difference between Bingyi and Odin. It was as big as a butterfly or a caterpillar, but Bingyi deceived Yin Guang and was brainless.

The deer antler amulet he took out belonged to Di Feiyu. Di Feiyu's soul was enjoying happiness in Paradise Lost. Currently, this deer antler amulet is the most reliable one for Bingyi. Even if something happens, he is not afraid that the deer antlers amulet will be used. Odin took it away. Now this silver light is quietly stored in this deer antler amulet. Bingyi feels it and finds that he can only expel it from the amulet, but he cannot drive it yet, and the interception by the stone slab is also temporary.

Once the real Odin appears, the power of Odin's Spear will naturally no longer be deceived. But B can't hold it back, and some people might be able to. Bingyi collected the power of Odin's Spear on a whim and was about to give it to Tong Hege. The handle of Odin's Spear is the branches and bark of the World Tree. Tong Hege has grasped the divine power of Odin's Spear with his bare hands before. The World Tree was born to 'grasp' Odin's Spear.

Although Tong Hege only absorbed the essence of the Nordic World Tree and did not truly become it. But now that his own strength has reached a higher level, he must have greater control over his own power.

The power of Odin's Spear is not unlimited. Every part of the power will return to the spear itself after piercing the enemy. When Odin actually uses the spear, he will naturally take back all the power, making it the strongest state - but if there is power If it is intercepted, the power of Odin's Spear will most likely be weakened.

Ragnarok is approaching, and as Loki, Bing starts to prepare early in the morning. There is no other blue ice in this ice cave. The parasitic bacteria have spread to the deeper parts of the distant ice leak, where the resistance to the spread of parasitic bacteria is stronger. It is difficult to control them even with a vampire knife C-1 at such a distance. Continue down.

No longer staying here, Bingyi decisively stepped sideways into the narrow ice crack. At this moment, the cracked ice is no longer the crystal clear and pure scene before. The ice surface is covered with black and green parasitic bacteria. The parasitic fungi on the front and rear ice walls are extremely tiny, like a plush green blanket, while the parasitic fungi under the feet are thick and thick, capable of carrying a person's weight. Bingyi doesn't need corn shoots to guide him when he stands on it. The parasitic bacteria swaying under my feet were like the tracks transporting cargo at the airport, spontaneously sending Bing Yi forward.

The ice wall is covered by a black-green carpet, and no ice patterns are exposed, so naturally there will be no illusions. The dense mycelium is rooted in the ice wall, swallowing up the power of the wind on the ice wall. Without the strange whistling wind, there will naturally be no auditory hallucinations. This is not a power that tourists can master. It simply crushed the assessment mainly for tourists. Bingyi's process of passing through the ice crack and reaching the deeper ice cave was surprisingly smooth.

But if it wasn't Bingyi who was holding a vampire knife, but someone else passed by, this dense mass of abyss-contaminated parasitic bacteria would probably be more terrifying than any illusion or auditory hallucination. Even the top tourists and tour guides will suddenly change their expressions when faced with this extremely terrifying jungle of abyssal parasites. Even Bingyi's own mental state will be extremely stressed when faced with this situation - just like the phantom cat.

It stood quietly on the ice, looking at the dense and terrifying black-green polluted mushroom forest in front of it, its beard trembling slightly. The strong smell of rotting plant sap came, not only the smell, but also mental pollution. This smell made the cat nauseous. The cat's instinct made it couldn't help but scratch its hind paws. The crystal clear ice hole simply became a blur in its eyes. It has become a huge and terrible landfill full of garbage.

It's only been a quarter of an hour since the light blade killed Roger Betty. For a quarter of an hour, it just found a place to take a nap and fell into an old dream. When it woke up, the ice cave looked like this!

The fact that I entered the old dream just now to be wary of the light knife had an impact on the old dream - it would be great fun if Roger Betty's relatives suddenly became the principals in the old dream. The reason for coming out was that the environment in the old dream suddenly deteriorated. The pollution in the abyss erupted like a volcano. Abnormal plants bred by the pollution were all over the ice cracks. The passengers in the old dream were exhausted.

In the old dream, when Bai Lian and others were anxiously worried about how bad the dream scene would be in reality, the phantom cat already had an ominous premonition. When he came out, he saw that it was indeed an old dream affected by reality. Now it seems that it is better to let nature take its course. Anyway, what should happen will happen. With so much abyss pollution gathering, the original abyss cracks in reality may not take long to appear. This opportunity cannot be missed. Stay tuned for the next time. Only by Bingyi’s side.

In a sense, Bingyi's unscrupulous approach coincides with the goal of the phantom cat, and even the advancement speed is faster, but looking at the slimy mushroom forest in front of him that makes the cat sick, the phantom cat The cat never thought he would play so dirty! It can naturally teleport to Bingyi through its spirit and soul, but what if Bingyi is surrounded by parasitic bacteria?

The phantom cat rarely hesitated. Suddenly its cat ears moved slightly, and then the whole cat jumped lightly and hid. After it hid for a few seconds, an angry little red lizard hurriedly crawled over, as fast as a volcano spewing lava. But the next moment, it saw the endless black and green jungle of parasitic fungi in the ice cave.

"Holy shit!"

The little red lizard's pupils are trembling.

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