Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 678 The Horror of Iceland (205)


The butterfly-sized pupa lay pitifully on Bingyi's fingertips, but it could not resist his power. The human face that was still blurry when it first pupated seems to have become clearer now, perhaps because it is on the verge of emerging from the pupa. It was just that when it was blurry before, the human face on this butterfly chrysalis looked like Yiwu, but now that it is clearer, the face of this humanoid chrysalis actually looks a bit like Wei Xun!

If it still looked like Yiwu, Bingyi might have risked letting it hatch and cut it with a light knife, but just now he noticed with a sudden glance that the chrysalis' human face was somewhat similar to Wei Xun, he immediately squeezed the chrysalis shell tightly. Don't give Die Da the slightest chance to break out of the cocoon.

‘Why does it look like Wei Xun’

Bingyi directly communicated with Xiaocui mentally, feeling hesitant and slightly angry. Could it be that Yiwu was secretly targeting Wei Xun, but he found out? Otherwise, it would never be such a coincidence. The fluffy snow-white silk at the top of the chrysalis looks like Wei Xun’s white hair! And that face looked a bit like Wei Xun, and a bit like Yi Wu. At first glance, it looked like their child - which made Bing Yi feel more and more displeased, and he felt even more secretly angry, with a tone of voice. A bit gloomy.

Feeling the master's emotions, Xiao Cui's scalp was numb, and the whole insect was so frightened that he could hardly breathe, and he couldn't laugh or cry at the same time. What is this! Dieda's mental state was originally very similar to that of its owner. When it turned into a human pupa, its appearance changed probably due to the influence of other forces. But now it is trying hard to change back. The human pupa has regained an appearance similar to that of its owner, and even more It shows its loyalty and hard work!

But now that he has made a huge mistake, he can't speak directly.

‘Die Da was once Wei Xun’s devil insect’

Xiaocui said euphemistically: 'Its previous mental state was very similar to Wei Xun'

'oh? ’

Bingyi said calmly, he had calmed down, and his mood swings only lasted a moment, but at that moment it was like tearing off the smiling mask, completely exposing the madness and evil inside, which made Xiaocui even more silent and dared not say anything anymore. When he spoke, even the corn shoots were frightened. They clung to their father's arms like a golden python and did not dare to move.

‘It turns out that B5’s target is Ah Feng’

Bingyi muttered to himself, touching the trembling butterfly chrysalis with his fingertips. As if sensing his emotions, the chrysalis secreted fine white silk, which sewed up all the cracks in the pupa shell like thin threads. The human face on the chrysalis also disappeared, looking like a star. The big white pupa seems to have returned to the pupa stage.

Although Xiaocui carefully explained that the human face on the butterfly chrysalis has become like Wei Xun again, which is because it is trying to resist external forces, which is a sign of loyalty, Bingyi does not believe the chrysalis. Insect pupation is a somewhat strange process. The butterfly that emerges from the pupa does not gradually transform into a larvae. The original larvae will completely turn into juice in the pupa shell, and these juices will then give birth to a complete butterfly.

If insects have minds, do the larvae and the butterflies emerging from pupae still have the same mind? Even if the previous butterfly was very loyal, will it completely change during the process of pupation, turning into a completely new butterfly that is completely different from the past? Is Yi Wu taking this opportunity to intervene? Will Die Da's thinking after pupation be affected by Yi Wu? These are all unknowns.

'It's such a pity that the tour guide couldn't be killed completely'

Bingyi sighed, there was only pure regret in his words, but it sent chills down people's spines. If it was just targeting him, Bingyi would even be interested in it, treating it as an exciting challenge and game, and would even deliberately expose some flaws. But now I have to say that Yiwu annoyed him.

Those who covet him must pay a sufficient price. Die Da and Wei Xun are closely connected, and it is inappropriate to cut them with a light knife. But... Bingyi chuckled, and an insect egg intertwined with light gold and silver appeared in his hand. It looked very beautiful, like a shining gem. This was the golden silkworm Gu and Die Dayi. Genetically fused insect eggs!

Ever since he realized that there was something different about this insect egg, Bingyi asked Xiaocui to produce it in advance. Yiwu is like a source of pollution. Who knows whether it will affect Xiaocui. This egg obviously inherited the characteristics of Butterfly. The butterfly pupa responds to a large number of parasitic bacteria. This egg is eager for the pupal juice and pupal shell produced by Betty. It is very likely that it was also affected by B5, and it is the same as B5. Five connected.

Bingyi's tour guide cloak turned black, and the pattern of butterflies on the edge of the cloak was about to fly. Bingyi used the power he gained after dominating the butterfly fragments to draw out a wisp of thick black abyss pollution, like a black thread wrapped around his fingertips, and then Bingyi wrapped the pollution around the insect eggs like a spool.

Abyssal pollution is extremely contagious, especially in spiritual connections. This is the inspiration Bingyi got from the black-tailed Fenrir wolf. When the pollution wrapped around the butterfly egg, Bingyi keenly felt the pollution moving, as if a spider was pulling on the threads and spreading outward along several invisible lines in the void. He quickly identified that several of the pollution lines were connected to him and Xiaocui, which was what they should have been.

But there is another pollution spreading far away along the invisible line.

found it.

The butterfly egg was indeed connected to Yi Wu. Bing raised his eyebrows and passed more contamination along the connection between the butterfly egg and Yi Wu. Although these contaminations cannot kill Yi Wu, they are enough to make him drink a pot. I want him to be so busy that he has no time to do anything else here. Bingyi doesn't have time to deal with him completely now, there are more important things to do at the moment.

"No rush, take your time."

Black and green parasitic fungi have grown over the entire ice cave. He is walking on the soft and thick caps. The most important thing at the moment is to meet his passengers. Bingyi quickly walked to the end of the ice cave, and saw an extremely high but extremely narrow crack. The original ice cave was just big enough for Bing to walk upright, but this crack in the ice was at least several meters high, and there was no end in sight.

It's just that it is extremely narrow. If the previous tunnel was so low that it could only allow people to crawl, then this ice crack is so narrow that it can only allow people to pass sideways. Bingyi tried it, and he was already very thin. Even wearing a jacket, he was much thinner than the others. But even so, when he entered the ice crack sideways, he could clearly feel his clothes being rubbed against the ice wall on his front and back.

When squeezed into the ice crevice, his face was very close to the ice wall directly in front of him, and he could clearly see the twisted lines on the ice. Looking at these lines for a long time makes people dizzy and creates an illusion, as if the ice walls at the front and back are slowly closing in, squeezing people to death in the middle. Being stuck in the middle of a narrow crack is a very primitive fear. If you think about it more deeply, the illusion becomes more real. It makes people break out in cold sweat with horror and fear.

But Bingyi did not go deep. He just tried it for a while and then retreated into the ice cave. If the ice crack is really that narrow, a big man like Werewolf Walker might not be able to squeeze in. There is a high probability that this will be another test like the previous tunnel. But now Bingyi no longer has to put himself in danger, he has a faster way - although Bingyi withdrew, he thoughtfully left the black-green juice of the parasitic fungus behind.

Large tracts of parasitic fungi began to grow and spread in the ice cracks, extending into the distance like black-green octopus tentacles. They passed through the ice cracks in just a few minutes. After the ice cracked, there was another ice cave similar to where Bingyi was currently. There were more blood stains inside. The frozen blood almost covered the entire ice cave, and some human limbs were frozen on the ice.

But the parasitic bacteria still found no trace of living people, and the ice cave after the ice crack was not the end. There were several ice leaks in the deepest part of the ice cave, winding down to the deep underground. The number of ice leaks was exactly the same as the two ice holes. The current number of surviving passengers in each brigade matches! There are frozen pieces of flesh and blood around each ice leak. The passengers may have entered different ice leaks.

The black-green mycelium kept spreading, and the parasitic fungi also grew into each ice leak. But when it got here, the growth of the parasitic fungus began to slow down and was greatly hindered. There must be something or an environment that can restrain the parasitic fungus. If it weren't for Bingyi's command, the parasitic bacteria would not spread inside - but now with Cingyi's command, the parasitic bacteria will continue to grow downwards very hard, but at a slow speed. The ice leak is also very deep. If you want to It takes time to fully explore.

Bingyi ordered the parasitic bacteria to continue growing, but he did not take the path that the parasitic bacteria had explored. Instead, he took a few steps back and returned to the center of the current ice cave. The internal organ fragments originally accumulated in the ice cave had been destroyed by the parasitic bacteria. Covered, but they were obedient and did not devour the flesh and blood. Xiao Cui analyzed the genes contained in them - including almost all passengers. Everyone suffered a lot of injuries here. In addition, Xiao Cui actually felt from it. To the power of the Norse gods!

The power of a Norse god?

Bingyi's mind moved slightly, and a black-green parasitic fungus pulled out its stem and grew in front of Bingyi. Those black-green hyphae wrapped around the vampire knife. The winter of Finbul came, and the power of the world began to become unstable and gradually collapsed. However, the parasitic fungi from the primitive abyss ushered in a leap in power. They could already deliver some very brief messages. The message came, and with the vampire knife in hand, these parasitic bacteria were extremely obedient to Bingyi.

The countless hyphae of the parasitic bacteria extending into the ice felt the gaps created by several man-made excavations in the ice surface of the ice cave. Strangely, there are no bubble holes caused by wind at these gaps, and the temperature is lower than the surroundings. However, the mycelium quite likes the residual power aura around the gaps. The mycelium continues to spread in the ice layer, covering the entire ice cave, digging A piece of ice with a similar aura to the remaining power of the gap was produced and presented to Bingyi.

This is a piece of ice as big as a small fingernail. It shows a very light blue color with some white spots in the middle, just like a cloudy sky. It's not cold in the hand, very light, and shows no sign of melting.

This is a piece of blue ice.

The goal of their two teams in this ice cave expedition is to obtain the eternal blue ice in the ice cave. After passing the test of the tunnel, it is normal for some blue ice to appear in this ice cave. It seems that the tourists are also keenly aware of this and have almost swept away the blue ice in this ice cave. Bingyi flicked the ice between his fingers, and Loki's flames burned around him.

After using Loki's power, Bingyi clearly felt that this piece of ice was indeed filled with a very faint trace of Nordic divine power.

Is blue ice related to the Norse gods? Bingyi thoughtfully took out a necklace. The necklace was just a simple black rope tied with a blue rhombus crystal. It was given to him by Shiya Hunter at the dance!

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