Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 677 The Horror of Iceland (204)


Thinking that he had just climbed over it, Bingyi's face darkened, especially when Xiaocui confirmed that the flesh and blood stained on the black sand was real.

‘I don’t feel the presence of flesh and blood’

Bingyi thought to himself, he was careful not to make a sound in this ice cave tunnel, he just communicated mentally: "corn shoots"

‘Father, I didn’t smell anything delicious just now! ’

The corn shoots that had stopped obediently said confidently, with a little bit of curiosity and doubt that was eager to try: 'But the bamboo shoots can smell it now! There is actually food. How did this happen? Father is so awesome! ’

The corn shoots don't lie, and these words are enough to prove that when Bingyi and the others passed here, there was indeed no flesh and blood on the black sand. All changes occurred after the tunnel collapsed.

‘Is this an illusion or reality? ’

Bingyi thought to himself, if he alone didn't find the problem, it might be an illusion that deceived him. But none of Corn Bamboo Shoots, Xiao Cui, and Xiao Long warned them, which meant that there was nothing strange about the tunnel when they passed by. This is a test for travelers and tour guides only. He was not swallowed by the sinking tunnel and passed the test, and the truth was revealed here. If you fail the test...

‘Father, it will be fine soon! ’

Xiaocui Xiaocui is working hard to analyze the genes contained in this flesh and blood. She is an expert in this field. Before, she could only collect and extract the genes of fused demonic insects. But now that she has the authority of Hela, the God of Death, she has also been involved in the human aspect. However, she is not yet proficient in it and cannot fuse human-insect genes. Class projects.

In order to practice this skill before, she collected passengers from the two brigades Bing 1 and B 1, but now it comes in handy. Soon Xiaocui came to the conclusion: 'Here are the flesh and blood of Yin Guangyuan, Walker, Miranda and Lisa! ’

Neither Walker nor Lisa passed the test? Bingyi felt a little depressed. As a tour guide, he didn't feel that there were any extra cuts in the team. But this ice cave can block the connection between him and Wei Xun, Tong Hege and others, and it may also be able to blind the tour guide's perception. But if it's all a test of the sudden subsidence of the tunnel, there's a chance that Yin Guangyuan and Miranda will fail, but there's no reason why Walker and Lisa didn't pass?

Are the tests different, or...

‘Xiao Cui, check the surrounding ice walls for several signs of damage. ’

Just then, thinking of the scratch marks on the ice walls on both sides of the tunnel, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in Bingyi's heart, and the results of Xiaocui's next test confirmed his thoughts. There are a total of five kinds of man-made traces on the ice walls on both sides of the black sand tunnel covered with flesh and blood. There are three kinds of claw marks, such as Yin Guangyuan's tiger claws, Walker's wolf claws and Lisa's devil claws. In addition, there is a trace of corrosion from the potion and a mark left by the crampon.

If danger suddenly appears in the tunnel, the first reaction of passengers will definitely be to fight back. Escape in such a cramped and narrow tunnel that cannot even turn around will only lead to faster death. Danger like a sudden collapse of the ground can be easily avoided by anyone outside. But here it is difficult to use your hands and feet. Bingyi was able to drag the corn shoots and escape from the collapse area effortlessly, but when he brought other passengers in, he had to use various methods.

In particular, the collapse did not mean that the entire bottom of the tunnel collapsed, but only collapsed from the waist down. It was more like giving people a chance to struggle and react. And still in the middle of such a dark and depressing tunnel, people's spirits have been stretched to the limit, and it is difficult to stay calm in this situation.

In a life-or-death crisis, some people will forget the rules.

‘Except for blue ice, no ice surface in the ice cave can be damaged, and we must take action to protect natural attractions’

The crushed flesh and blood left in the black sand may be the price for breaking the rules, but——

'Keep moving forward'

As soon as Bing gave the order, he wanted to take another look.

It's like the difficulty level suddenly increased. The next half of the tunnel is far more dangerous than the first half of the tunnel. The ground collapses, ghost hands behind the ice wall, the earth suddenly shakes violently, the cries of ghosts and howls tear people's spirits, etc., not only It was Bingyi, even the corn shoots and the dragon were seriously affected. By the time they climbed out of this tunnel, Xiaolong's body was so illusory that it was almost invisible.

"It's the wind, be careful of the wind!"

After hastily leaving this reminder, Xiaolong's figure shattered like a bubble in a dream, and the dragon scale as a medium also became a little dull, and was carefully kept in Bingyi's arms. Outside the tunnel is a smaller ice cave, which is also not very spacious. As soon as Bing stood up, his head was almost touching the roof of the cave. In the small area covered by the light of the headlight, the blue ice reflects a strange and bright light, like a cave full of blue diamonds. The clear blue is mixed with wisps of dark blue and almost black cracks, like deep sea waves.

Even after reaching this point, they were still unable to communicate spiritually with Wei Xun and the others. The winding trail of blood extended from the entrance of the tunnel to deeper parts of the ice cave. Bingyi found some traces of fighting in the ice cave, but the ice surface was not damaged too much. Apparently the passengers began to strictly abide by the rules. However, there are still a lot of blood stains left here. Not far ahead, there are even piles of black-red material that has been frozen hard, looking like internal organs and flesh.

This seemingly quiet ice cave contains murderous intent, and the passengers have entered deeper. Bingyi did not explore immediately. He leaned down and looked at the tunnel he came from, rubbed his fingers, and his nails turned into sharp devil nails. He reached into the tunnel and carefully scratched the ice wall. He controlled it well, and the sharp devil's nails only made a mark about two centimeters long and two millimeters deep. Then he waited for a moment, but nothing happened, and he didn't feel anything strange in his body.

This is of course, after all Bingyi can't feel pain, but there are corn shoots that are very sensitive to the smell of blood. The worm shrank its body and wrapped around his wrist obediently like a golden python. It smelled all over, but found no problem. Bingyi was surprised, and then suddenly breathed at it. His body temperature was very low, even in the extremely cold ice cave. There is no white fog in the middle of Kazakhstan. The tentacles of the corn shoots moved like a snake's son, and then it eagerly turned over and said, "Father, it smells so good!" There's, it's the smell of blood! ’

Sure enough, there was something broken inside him, Bingyi knew it in his heart. As expected, destroying the ice wall would react equally to people. This method was simpler and more crude than he originally thought. It's just that this injury didn't seem to be random. Bingyi tried a few more times and there were still no wounds on his body. However, the smell of blood in his throat became stronger and stronger. He could smell it without using corn shoots. arrive.

Do different places in the ice cave correspond to different parts of the human body? The tunnel corresponds to the internal organs... If you just look at the outline, does the long and narrow tunnel correspond to the human intestine?

If that were the case, judging from the deep scratches on the tunnel ice wall, Walker and the others might have scratched their own intestines.

"The situation is not good."

Bingyi sighed softly, his eyes becoming more interested. He picked it up with his fingers, and there was a black-green plant stem in his hand. It was a polluting parasitic fungus that he had chopped off before! In other words, it wasn't cutting it off. Ever since he discovered that the parasite was full of liquid and it would all splash out if it was cut off, Bingyi changed from cutting it off to digging it up by the roots.

When digging, try to ensure the integrity of the parasitic bacteria as much as possible along with the ice surface where they are 'rooted'. So the question is, if you damage the ice surface, you will be punished. So at that time, he cut a large area of ​​​​the ice surface, why didn't he have any reaction? Even if he didn't feel pain, Bingyi would have to at least vomit blood if such a large-scale injury were to be reported back.

Did the contamination and destruction of the parasitic bacteria block the 'rules', or did the parasitic bacteria take root and 'destroy' the ice surface first, so the backlash has already reached them?

Bingyi simply crushed a small bit of ice at the root of the fungus, with a faint light flickering in his eyes. He saw many crystal-clear filaments, like light dust, intertwined in the broken ice, which were tiny mycelium. Tiny ice strands are entangled in finely divided ice particles, and each ice particle has a tiny circular cavity as small as a grain of sand, just like the traces left by tiny bubbles frozen in the ice.


Bingyi thought of what Xiaolong said before leaving, "Be careful." He didn't suffer any repercussions when he destroyed the ice particles entangled in mycelium. With a quick thought, Bing Yi stabbed the parasitic fungus directly into the ice wall! The parasitic bacteria that were extremely docile on his hand stood still as soon as they landed on the ice, and the hyphae quickly spread across the ice. Bingyi took advantage of the situation and struck down with his sword before this small piece of ice was completely contaminated by the parasitic bacteria.

Then he saw the 'wind' from a cross-section with his own eyes. It was an extremely light cyclone, but it was filled with the aura of destruction and death. It rushed into Bingyi's body at a speed that was difficult for humans to react, but was wrapped and swallowed by mycelium. It was completely absorbed, leaving only one round hole after another in the ice that looked like it had been eaten by insects, and it looked very leaky.

If I hadn't known about it earlier, I would have thought that this was a place where parasitic fungus spores or some kind of insect eggs lived, or that other things had indeed accumulated in the ice before, but now they were all replaced by the wind. No wonder I could always hear the sound of wind when I crawled through the tunnel just now. It turned out that the wind was hidden in the ice wall. If you fail to discover this and think that if the wind blows, there will definitely be a passage to the outside world, you may be misled into a dead end in the end.

"The wind is getting stronger."

Bing Yi pondered, at the place where Betty and Roger died, the edges of the parasitic bacteria that grew in the less blood-stained area had begun to wither. Apparently the wind in the ice could not provide them with enough power. But now, the parasitic fungus stuck on the ice by Bingyi is still very intact, and even more hyphae have emerged.

"It is indeed the Winter of Wind."

Bingyi clicked his tongue. In the past, major events happened in Iceland, which caused chain reactions in other Nordic countries. This time, they finally encountered a chain reaction. In Norse mythology, before Ragnarok comes, there are three years of severe Fimbulwinter. This long cold winter came due to the death of Baldur, the God of Light, and the nine major Nordic worlds lost the blessing of the God of Light. Spring, summer and autumn all disappeared, leaving only winter.

This cold winter is described in "Edda: The Prophecies of the Female Seer" - brothers will kill each other and become each other's mortal enemies; sisters' little girls will be raped by their relatives.

It was a difficult time, and adultery was rampant.

This was the age of the ax, the age of the sword, and the shield was split in two.

Before the world was destroyed, it was the age of wind and the age of wolves.

Among the three consecutive seasons of winter, the winter of wind, the winter of swords, and the winter of wolves, the winter of wind came first. The harsh cold wind caused the temperature to drop sharply, killing all crops. The lack of food caused the order of the world to begin to collapse. The cold and cruel cold wind made magic and curses unstable, and released many enemies who had been imprisoned by the Nordic gods. , no existence can resist the biting cold wind.

Nothing can resist it.

Looking at the black-green parasitic fungus that took root on the ice and spread hard, but was still very docile and friendly to him, Bingyi smiled.

He has found something that can prevent wind and solidify ice. As for the spread of contamination - this parasitic fungus came from the primitive abyss and is something that was originally present in the ice cave. When the wind in the ice can provide them with nutrients, it is only a matter of time before they spread.

The vampire knife broke through the parasitic bacteria, and where the black-green bacterial juice spread, black-green mushrooms grew up, covering the crystal clear ice. The energy provided by the ice cannot be compared with the pupa juice. These mushrooms do not grow to the top of the ice cave. They only grow to the height of a person's calf. The large black and green mushrooms make one's scalp numb. This ice cave It’s like being transformed into an abyss in advance!

Bingyi used a vampire knife to control the growth range of the parasitic fungi. When they covered the entire ice cave and Bingyi was about to cross the ice cave, he was suddenly stunned and took out a butterfly-sized pupa with his backhand. Just now, the butterfly-sized pupa suddenly moved! After taking it out, Bingyi was surprised to find that cracks appeared on the human-shaped pupa shell, as if it was about to break out of the pupa!

Could it be that the parasitic bacteria originating from the primordial abyss affected the chrysalis? They are really one of the food for butterflies. They sense that the food is rich enough, so the chrysalis breaks out of the cocoon? The thought was only for a moment, but the next moment Bingyi smiled and squeezed the chrysalis shell tightly, then pinched and closed the crack on it, holding the poor chrysalis between the palms of his fingers like a devil.

Do you really want to break out of the pupa? There are no doors!

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