Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 676: Icelandic Horror (203)


Bingyi chuckled when he heard the words, and rubbed the black wolf tail of Fenrir wolf with his light blade, but used no force: "Isn't it normal to be dangerous in the ice cave? This is a test for travelers. You can't say that a tour guide can't survive without me, right? ”

"If that's the case, it's better to die early. You shouldn't rely on others to save your life...don't you think so?"

He said this with a smile, but it gave people a very dangerous feeling. The Fenrir wolf whose head was clamped seemed to feel the danger, and whimpered pitifully. Instead of trying to break away from Bingyi's hand to avoid it, he sat down, pressed his tail firmly under his body, and used the plush hair to please him. The wolf rubbed its head against Bingyi's arm and cooed affectionately.

"Okay, good wolf."

Bingyi was successfully flattered, he smiled and patted the wolf's head, put away the light blade with his backhand, and said meaningfully: "I won't use the knife on you for the time being, don't worry."

As he spoke, he looked at Fenrir's wolf's dark tail, raising his eyebrows and smacking lightly, but his thoughts were no longer on it. Bingyi had never thought about using a knife on it now. After all, Fenrir Wolf was more powerful than Roger Betty's soul. If it was cut into the path of light, that would not be the result Bingyi wanted. He was just using this to threaten and test the lizard - Fenrir's wolf tail was heavily polluted, and Bingyi didn't believe that the lizard couldn't sense what was happening here.

But before he could seriously threaten him, he discovered something more interesting. The octopus Feng from Phantom Cat and Ring can actually speak human words in his mind! Bingyi was convinced that the Ah Feng's voice that sounded in his mind just now was not the Ah Feng after Wei Xun's sanity level was reset to zero and he regained his memory. The moment the words rang out, Men Bingyi tried to contact Wei Xun, but there was still no response, and the mental connection was blocked.

In other words, in addition to Ah Feng's consciousness in Wei Xun's puppet, the little octopus in the ring is also connected to Ah Feng's consciousness. The two figures of Ah Feng he saw when he first gained the power of domination...could it be said that they were exactly the same? These two? If not, then Ah Feng may have more.

More... My brother seems to be the same way, with phantom cats, scarlet sky cracks, etc. He thought it was the same soul before, controlling different things, and dispersed consciousness, but now it seems -

‘Have you all been cut with a knife too? ’

Bingyi asked abruptly in his mind, but no one said a word. The two people who had spoken in his mind just now began to pretend to be dumb again. The little orange octopus slowly moved into the ring, and the phantom cat casually jumped off his arm and wandered around as if it was about to leave.


‘So it seems that all strong men need to be cut off? ’

Bingyi pretended to be thoughtful, and eight light knives appeared in his hand. As soon as these eight rays of light lit up, the little octopus of the door didn't move, and the phantom cat didn't leave either. They stared at the thing in Bingyi's hand and froze. For a moment, the door looked like two small animal statues. B always wanted to take both of them into his lost paradise, just like the statue of Archangel Uriel, never to be released again.

But no, he is not strong enough now. Obviously this light sword has some secrets that cannot be revealed, and the light path leading to the void is most likely related to the mastermind behind the scenes. No wonder they remain silent except for reminders. Perhaps they are afraid of being discovered by the being behind the scenes?

Bingyi doesn't like being concealed, and he doesn't like it when the people he values ​​​​have deeper secrets hidden from him. Although I could understand it, I still couldn't help but do something bad. I just listened to Bingyi pretending to be envious and yearning: "You are so strong, you must have obtained more swords than me."

In fact, just by looking at the postures of the little octopus and the phantom cat, you can see that his acquisition of these eight light knives is definitely a special case. Obtaining more knives does not necessarily mean stronger potential, and it may also mean greater danger, but Bingyi said deliberately: 'I obtained the light saber by breaking through my mental limit. When I think about it... I seem to have lost a lot of memory. As long as you concentrate on recalling, you will have a chance to break through the limit and obtain more light sabers——'

Hearing what he said, the little octopus couldn't help but wrap it around Bingyi's finger. The phantom cat's big tail swept around on the ground, looking more and more restless. But Bingyi's voice changed and he said: "——But having too many light knives doesn't seem to be a good thing. Are you like this now because you were severely cut by the knives?" ’

Hearing that he had given up the idea of ​​getting more light knives, the phantom cat slowly licked its paws, and the little octopus wrapped its tentacles around his five fingers with great interest. They all relaxed a lot at the sight, but none of them spoke. The smile on Bingyi's face grew wider, and he said slowly: 'No, maybe I am too weak and can't see where I am stronger. Maybe the strong ones are just like you. It’s because I’m narrow-minded, but it seems I still have to cut it’

'It's a pity that I wasted a knife to cut Roger Betty. I should have cut myself with these eight knives. Otherwise, how could I be as strong as you? ’

His words caused people to feel like a roller coaster, but the Phantom Cat sneezed arrogantly and remained unmoved. He turned around and left, disappearing into the depths of the ice cave. Obviously, it saw that Bingyi said it on purpose and would not do it at all, and it was too lazy to pamper him. Bingyi raised his eyebrows and cast a dangerous gaze on the ring.

The orange-yellow little octopus was clamped by his soft tentacles, and it was not alone like the phantom cat. It had a wife and would not do it even if it knew that Bingyi said it on purpose. The little yellow octopus just wrapped around his finger deeper when he looked over with a smile. The round spots on its body flashed and changed colors, from orange to light blue to light pink. It looked like a sweet octopus candy. Look. Bingyi was stunned for a moment, then couldn't help laughing.

Even though it didn't make a sound in the end, Bingyi, who was in a good mood, still graciously let it go. Mainly because Xiaolong felt the long silence (Bingyi was talking in his head) and couldn't help but poke his head out and ask how it was going now.

"It's been solved for the time being, but I'm afraid there are abyss cracks deep in the ice cave."

Bingyi picked up the rune character tablet representing Roger and Betty and looked at the characters on it. The character on Betty's slate looks like a sideways π, which is the Persian character, corresponding to the English letter p, which represents the power of mystery and creation, and also means secret pregnancy and fertility. She was afraid that she had been contaminated by the abyss last night, and it was when she quoted the divine goat's milk to relax her spirit.

The pollution of the abyss did not deform her body, but it lurked in her spirit. From the black and red spots seen in her soul when the spiritual lancet cut it, it can be determined that the fertility chrysalis was essentially her spirit. pollute. The protection and bias of the Rune character allowed her to survive, but it also caused Betty to start giving birth to pupae.

Holding Betty's rune characters, Bingyi's heart moved slightly, and several other character slates appeared in his hands, namely the slates corresponding to Di Feiyu, Heydrich, Charlie, Yu Xiangyang and Bai Lian. After these slates came out, they merged with Betty's slate to form a rectangular slate. There was a shimmering light on it and it looked extraordinary. Only two corners were missing and it was incomplete.

So far, most of the group of passengers who survived the incarnation in the old dream have died, leaving only Miranda and the Phantom Cat still alive. The characters belonging to the second group of Aite are almost complete. Bingyi has a hunch that as long as he collects the remaining two characters, he will gain the power of all the obstacles and difficulties in the rune characters.

Collect all the runes, and his wisdom and authority will be fully mastered!

Bingyi looked at Roger's slate. The character on Roger's slate was a vertical line with a triangle protruding from the right side of the middle of the vertical line. It was the third in the first line of the twenty-four rune characters, named Selai. Thurisaz (thurisaz) corresponds to the English letter th.

This character represents stubbornness and self-deception, meaning 'you are unwilling to heed warnings about stubborn behavior', and it also represents passage and protection, which can trap a person and ward off enemies.

It is precisely because of this rune character that Roger was able to protect Betty's remnant soul from the pollution and open a passage to escape when the photo's power was insufficient. When Bingyi got this slate, he felt a rare sense of intimacy, something that other rune character slates did not experience. Perhaps it’s because the original meaning of this character is ‘giants’, and Loki is a giant.

After feeling the power for a while, he put Roger's rune tablet and Philip's tablet together. Then Bingyi was surprised to find that both tablets were emitting a faint light, and the power flowing from them was obviously more active than before. . Perhaps this is because the runes corresponding to both of them belong to the first group of Aite-Freya Aite, and Freya corresponds to today's god.

"I made a deal with the goddess Freya. She is paying attention to the war between humans and gods in Northern Europe. If you have any news, you can ask her to forward it to me."

Bingyi touched the little dragon's head with his fingertips. It had obviously consumed a lot of energy on this trip, and was affected by the chaos just now. It looked much bleaker, like a weak bubble: "Go back, don't affect it. to the body.”

"I'm fine, but you've gone too far with the thrills here."

Xiaolong muttered dissatisfiedly, flapped his wings, and looked into the depths of the ice cave: "With my little strength, I can still crawl through the tunnel with you. There are many dangers here, so stay away."

All the parasitic bacteria were removed, and the low ice cave tunnel that the previous passengers crawled through appeared in front of Bingyi. It is very deep and low, making it difficult to retreat if you encounter danger along the way. Xiaolong was kind-hearted. When Bingyi persuaded him to go back, Xiaolong rolled his eyes and teased: "Hey, you don't have a good face. You don't want me to see you climbing the tunnel."


"Then it's up to you."

Speaking of this, Bingyi said simply. He had nothing to pack, only a dispensable safety rope. I squatted down to test the height of the tunnel, then released a corn shoot to explore the path and clear the obstacles. Then Bingyi leaned over and lay on the ice. He grabbed the knife in one hand and the worm tail of the corn shoots in the other. He was directly dragged away by the corn shoots, without having to crawl on his own. The little dragon landed on the end of the corn shoots, like a dim little lamp.

As his whole body entered the tunnel, a sense of depression and suffocation suddenly came over him. There was huge and heavy ice above his head, and narrow ice channels on both sides of his body. At this moment, the person seemed to become extremely small, like a person who was pressed under the Wuzhi Mountain. monkey. The road ahead is even more dark, accompanied by the hissing sound of the wind, which puts great psychological pressure on people.

Even Bingyi couldn't help tensing up and used the devil's power. If the giant ice above his head suddenly collapsed in the middle of the tunnel, even if the devil's physical fitness was good, he would be seriously injured, flattened and bleeding, not to mention that there were The little dragon emits a dim light, vaguely reflecting the scene inside the tunnel.

After crawling into the tunnel for about a few meters, there is no longer smooth ice under you, but black sand with a smell of sulfur. It rustles when rubbed. From time to time, black marks appear on the ice walls on both sides. Like basalt behind ice, and like blood. There are several black traces gathered together, and it looks like there are black handprints behind the ice. The dim light of Xiaolong adds to the weird and terrifying atmosphere, and it looks like a ghost movie.

Especially when we were nearly halfway up, the sound of the wind became more and more shrill, like the roar of a ghost. The ground below Bing's waist suddenly collapsed, and he suddenly felt weightless, as if his whole body was about to fall. But he held on to the tip of the corn shoot's tail and left the danger zone. How could a perfectly good tunnel suddenly collapse? The tunnel was so narrow that it was difficult to turn back. As soon as Bing let Xiaocui look behind him, he was surprised to find that the ground was flat and there were no collapse cracks at all. But it doesn't seem to be entirely an illusion.

The ice walls on both sides of the place were covered with traces of desperate scratching. The black sand ground was wet and cold, and there were some minced flesh and blood, which was actually soaked in blood!

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