Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 675: Icelandic Horror (202)

? ? ? This prophecy is really evil and pessimistic. Just listening to it makes me feel so bad. I don’t know how people who care about life can tolerate it.

Not only one person in charge was slandering, but was boycotted by everyone? ? ? He wasn't angry after hearing this, he just sighed, shook his head and said: 'This is fate. ’ He stopped talking, but it made people feel even more uncomfortable, as if they were stained with something dirty.

'If nothing else, who are Roger and Betty and how long will it take for them to come up?'

In the silence, ### was the first to speak, and said directly: "There is still a guard over the abyss. I have been away for a few minutes, and those abyss creatures are going to cause chaos again."

‘Is it because the light path took so long to open this time because Roger Beatty was there?

Someone in charge asked curiously, the light path was opened, even they couldn't peek at the journey at this moment. Otherwise, if there is a grudge between the old boss and the new guy, and he kills the new boss before he actually becomes the boss, wouldn't it mean that the hotel will lose a promising new generation general, and all the previous plans will be in vain.

It is precisely to guard against this that a gathering of all principals will be held when a new principal is born. Of course, there are also factors such as the hotel's re-planning of scheduling positions and other factors. Therefore, even if they were in charge, everyone could only suppress their impatience and wait here until the newcomers came up.

The light path took so long to open, maybe because it was picking up two people at once, or maybe the two people were fighting at the light path?

"I don't think so. Since Roger Betty can be cut out by Bingyi, maybe it's some of Bingyi's souls, so he won't distinguish between you and me."

Someone said lightly: 'What's more, if two people slice it, there will naturally be two light paths. There is only one light path, which means that this Roger Betty is probably me in you, and you in me.'

Hear what he said,? ? ? He hesitated to speak again, and wanted to speak, but was directly snatched away.

‘No need to guess too much, let... tell it all directly, no need to stop every sentence to keep people’s appetite’

Appetizing? Why is he so appetizing! ... He was almost laughed out of anger. If the other person in charge opened his mouth, he would definitely not let this person get what he wanted. But the person who spoke out was * * *, and the other principals were all staring at Him. If... if he took Qiao Na again, he would have offended the public and couldn't bear to eat, so he could only swallow his breath and said coldly:

'This Roger Betty is not the soul of Bingyi, let alone a strong one, but two weak travelers who were selected into the competition. They are just high-level trash fish. They were polluted to death, and their souls were seriously polluted and distorted. , blended together. ’

‘Bingyi cut his soul with a knife in order to save others. He infected himself with the same contamination and deceived the knife so that it could attack Roger Betty's soul.'

‘The light path lasted for so long, I’m afraid it’s just because Roger Betty’s cut soul was too weak and couldn’t meet the requirements of the person in charge, so he couldn’t get up.’


···As soon as these words came out, everyone present was shocked and incredulous. If all this is really not...a lie, it would be too bizarre. This kind of thing has never happened before! Wait... Talking about Bing Yihao's process of obtaining nine light knives, and how he repeatedly broke the memory rules and used the knives like a bug, the principals were even more speechless. If others hadn't broken the cycle, let alone the nine lights. It's just a matter of time to get the ninety-nine swords.

'If he really gets ninety-nine knives, I'm afraid the hotel will kill him first'

? ? ? When he opened his mouth, no one told him to shut up. This is true. If Bingyi can really get so many knives, it means that the hotel rules cannot trap him. This kind of person is too dangerous and the hotel will not keep him. Nine knives is a good number. Nine is an extreme number. One more point may be too full to overflow.

‘Can you deceive the light knife? Is this pollution from the abyss or pollution from the 30th North Latitude? ’

Someone has grasped the key point. How can it be so easy to deceive a light knife, unless the pollution is also the kind that the hotel cannot fully control?

‘There is no change in the Tower of Babel. Northern Europe is not at 30 degrees north latitude. Northern Europe… is the Golden Lunga Gap, the primitive abyss? ’

'That's right'

'Able to withstand the pollution of the primitive abyss, this Bingyi... I am afraid he will be extraordinary in the future. No wonder the hotel acquiesced to him getting nine light knives'

Someone sighed, with a complicated tone: "Don't talk about the future, I think he will become a blockbuster at the end of the competition."

"There are still two vacancies for core managers. I thought they were reserved for Black Widow and the others before, but now it seems that there will be new ones."

‘I don’t think so. Bing is so strong, can he be stronger than the Life-seeker and the Devourer? He hasn’t experienced ten years of battlefield experience yet, and he still has a long way to go’

‘Yes, he still has ten years to live, so he doesn’t need to be sectioned so early. In the future, when the strength is far greater than mine, and we can be sliced ​​into principals, I’m afraid we won’t be restricted by the hotel like us.’

‘That’s not the case’

¥¥¥ said calmly: ‘If he wants to slice it, it’s best before he goes to the battlefield. There are many dangers in the battlefield, and even if there are many characters in the next ten years, there are still many characters who cannot come out completely. It would be terrible if their strength accidentally declines and they cannot reach the level of the person in charge.'


‘¥¥¥You are really a good friend of ***, and you are so caring about his tour guide’

···Hearing this, he sneered and said with a strange air.

Bingyi's amazing talent is really enviable, especially since he is new to the hotel and will have at least ten more years of good life if nothing else goes wrong. And so what if they are the ones in charge now, what if they are the most powerful and the highest in the hotel? Aren't they going to the battlefield when they go to the battlefield, and they can't disobey the hotel?

It's just a stronger Gu, no one can escape from this world. They are all people who are about to die. They seem calm and indifferent, but in fact their emotions are extremely suppressed. They are like volcanoes about to erupt. They are really pushed to the cliff and are stimulated, and it is hard to explain what they do. So what if Bingyi is the contact guide on the way home? There really is a person in charge who doesn’t want to live anymore and wants to cause chaos before he dies. How can one guard against thieves? A single omission may lead to bad consequences. It wasn’t %%% at the beginning. Kill Tong Hele?

Furthermore, it is said that the people in charge are all slices, mentally unstable, and the stronger they become, the more paranoid they become. It is impossible to speculate with common sense. If we continue the discussion just now and talk about how Bingyi is talented and can live for ten years, I am afraid that it will make many people present unhappy. Even if he does not show it in front of * * * now, it is hard to say what he will do in the future. .

But ¥¥¥ somehow managed to speak here, and what he said seemed unlucky, but in fact he was trying to save Bingyi. It is true that Bingyi is talented and intelligent, and he was recognized by the hotel as being qualified to be the host early on. But he is not alone and has no worries. He will definitely have a smooth future in the future.

He is the tour guide who is connected with An Xuefeng, and he is also the brother of the life-seeking man. Bingyi and An Xuefeng had an incomprehensible bond, and they had a very good relationship with Xi Mingren, his elder brother. After ten years on the battlefield, An Xuefeng and the Mingxi people had no choice but to die. How could Bingyi do nothing and ignore them? Once he loses control on the battlefield, the probability of surviving is probably very slim, let alone ten years.

Even if he did survive, the captain would be shuffled and replaced on the way home. Even if the tour guide would not die because of the death of the brigade leader, he would definitely be sad and sad. And Bingyi's mental state is related to the life-loving person. If the life-loving person dies, his mental state will probably be implicated. By then, let alone his strength continuing to advance by leaps and bounds, his strength will probably decline seriously. Even the New Ten Years Hotel You may not be able to get the first tour guide position.

The hotel is giving him the knife now, probably not only because they are afraid of seeing his future strength, but also because they have inferred this.

When everyone present thought about this, they would only think that he was a new tour guide with a bright future, but with An Xuefeng and Xi Mingren as two 'burdens', his future would become bleak. Everyone is miserable. Seeing how bleak his future is, naturally he won't be jealous of Bingyi.

After discussing for a long time, the light path was still there, and it was estimated that it had lasted ten minutes. At this time, the people in charge received the news from the hotel. If no one came up after five minutes, the light path would naturally collapse. At that time, the leaders present need to take action to prevent the residual power of the shattered light path from disturbing the virtual hall.

It seems that the souls of Roger and Betty are too weak to come up at all. Without many new companions, the leaders will no longer care about this. It's a rare opportunity to get together for such a long time, so it's time to talk about some topics between the principals. The eight principals gathered together. As long as they did not have any unfavorable thoughts in their hearts, even the hotel would not monitor them all the time. They could just talk about some secret topics and exchange some information.

'The situation on the battlefield is better than before. Although the torrent of pollution frequently invades, it has not affected the hotel. I am afraid that the group of people who went to the battlefield ten years ago are still alive.'

‘It’s incredible that I’ve been able to hold on until now, but I’m almost at my limit’

'That's right, before the Parliament suppresses Speaker Deep Blue, the battlefield is contaminated and the backlash will only be more terrifying. No one can survive on the battlefield.'

"No matter how much the parliament is blocked, it will only be blocked until the end of the year celebrations, which is only a few months away."

‘It should be a sure thing that the arms dealer becomes the Speaker’

‘There have been frequent changes over there in the Abyss. I thought it was because of the year-end celebrations, but now it seems it’s because the Primordial Abyss is coming to the world again.’

"Many powerful old monsters in the abyss have awakened this time. They are no weaker than the Slime King back then. This year-end celebration may have to clean up the abyss."

‘That’s not necessarily the case, the hotel doesn’t want more Devourers’

‘Speaking of which, can the final showdown at this year’s end-of-year celebration really determine the newcomer? ’

'It was possible that a newcomer could defeat An Xuefeng before, but now...'

‘With the connection guide, your spirit is no longer burdened, and * * * your strength has also improved a lot.’

An Xuefeng is the number one tourist in ten thousand years, and his slices were cut on a journey of 30 degrees north latitude. The sea-like wave water pattern on the black robe inherited the power of Daxi Continent, and he is the faint leader among the core slice masters. .

That is to say, An Xuefeng's mental state has been extremely bad in recent years, and he looks like he is dying. * * * He has restrained his behavior a lot, and his reputation has gradually become less prominent. Many people in charge are watching the excitement. If An Xuefeng's original body is really dead, * * * I'm afraid he will be in the same situation as... and his strength will decline a lot.

The principals had friendships with each other, but it was true that they had not many good friends, or even none at all. The astrologer was originally An Xuefeng's good friend, but the result? ? ? If you go to someone who is desperate and obey his instructions, you will have a normal relationship with him. ¥¥¥ seems to have some friendship with him, but it is just a superficial friendship. Such a person in charge lives alone. If something happens, no one will come to help. I am afraid they will rush to rob him of the journey to the 30th North Latitude and take advantage of it. His illness was killing him.

After all, it is very likely to be related to the only way to survive for the person in charge.

‘..., how’s your research on that thing going? ’

Someone asked frivolously: "You can't eat alone. You can't handle this alone. If it really happens, we can all work together to share some of the pressure for you."

'Achievement? Progress has long since stalled’

··· He retorted, saying that among the people in charge, he was already the weakest. If he had a softer temper, he would really be at the mercy of others. Therefore, even if the person who spoke was the stronger person in charge of the West District@@@, he would still say: ‘Want a share of the pie? OK, give me a token of 30 degrees north latitude, and you will become a shareholder.'

Sure enough, when he heard what he said, @@@ instead of getting angry, he pondered: ‘The token of the 30th North Latitude... is it really necessary to travel to the 30th North Latitude? ’

'That's right'

··· He also simply said: ‘Except for the journey to the 30th degree north latitude, what else is beyond the control of the hotel? What other attractions can withstand the host? ’

‘That’s true’

The principals thought to themselves, exchanging glances secretly. No one wants to live, especially the person in charge. They have reached the highest peak, with a status that can be said to be lower than that of one person and higher than ten thousand people, and their strength has reached the peak, but they still cannot escape the fate of being on the road for ten years. How sad. Everyone is trying to survive, and the bosses are no exception. But when they go to the Slice Road and enjoy the overwhelming power, the road is basically blocked by the hotel.

All the principals are secretly thinking of ways, among which the transformation from a core principal to a peripheral principal seems to have a relatively high chance of success. Although the peripheral aboriginal bosses recruited by the hotel cannot hold power, they have a high degree of freedom and will not be affected by ten years of being on the battlefield. Most of them continue to cooperate with the hotel for a long time.

The strength of these principals is by no means weaker than that of the strongest aborigines. If they can really turn into peripheral principals, it will be a way to escape from the hotel, and it should not completely anger the hotel and cause too much backlash. The key is how to change. As an aborigine, what kind of journey must be strong enough to withstand the addition of the host, but not easily destroyed by the hotel, and even be able to block and hide part of the hotel's perception.

The journey to 30 degrees north latitude is almost their only option. Although the journey to 30 degrees north latitude in the last ten years was eventually divided into battlefields, no matter how slim the possibility is, they still have to give it a try.

Previously, * * * was the target of public criticism among the principals, not because he opened two journeys of 30 degrees north latitude, and the principal's black robe was imprinted with the pattern of Daxizhou. Everyone speculates that he has the deepest research in this area and has gone the furthest.

It wasn't until Zhang Xingzang got out of trouble a few months ago and... used the Death Sahara Token as a reward to seal the Sun Gate passage, that the people in charge were shocked. Although... he kept silent, I'm afraid he is the one who really studied this aspect the most. If it hadn't been for the last step of keeping a low profile, and only needed the token of 30 degrees north latitude to take another step forward, he would never have accepted the dream chaser's request.

After all, the original person is dead, and the person in charge is like a big tree without roots... He has always valued his own power the most, and basically won't do anything if he doesn't. But everything has two sides. His original body died when he first became the person in charge. He was probably the most taboo about death, and he was also the most diligent in studying how to survive, so that he could achieve such results.

Everyone wanted to study..., but no fool actually gave him the token of 30 degrees north latitude. What he said was irritating, but @@@ just laughed a few times and didn't take the bait. The only one who spoke? ? ? .

"The dream chaser was your only chance to get the token of 30 degrees north latitude. Unfortunately, you faced the life-seeker"

? ? ? He sighed softly and said with some pity: "You can't touch a life-hungry person. He has extremely bad luck. If he gets even the slightest bit of contamination, he will be in bad luck." It seems that the road of becoming an aborigine is not feasible, it is fate that makes... death'

'you you! ! ’

···The angry Buddha left his body and the two Buddhas ascended to heaven. He was so angry that he sneered and sneered, "Since people who like life are so unlucky, I think you must be the first one to die." I will eventually die, and you will die sooner than me! ’

Who knew he said this? ? ? But he just nodded in approval and said: "You are right, I also think I will be the first to die."


Bad luck, you really don’t want to follow? ? ? Talking about whether he will die or not, he is really one of the most unlucky people in charge!

‘It’s rare for everyone to get together, quarreling is a waste of time’

Five minutes passed in a blink of an eye, and the light path began to buzz and tremble, and it collapsed and shattered in an instant. In an instant, the void shook with lightning and thunder, the light path was established but no new leader appeared. This was a violation and destruction of the hotel rules! But before the destructive power could escape, it was completely stopped by a black figure as tall as an obelisk.

The light path shattered, the gathering of the principals ended, and the eight dark figures in the void disappeared, each returning to their place.

But just before disappearing, someone seemed to say melancholy: 'Don't worry, maybe we will get together again soon...'

His words cast a psychological shadow on the principals, and... they even cursed in their hearts that sooner or later they would become mute? ? ? Q. The hotel returned to normal, and the shocked tourists and tour guides were finally able to leave the hotel, but the bad impact caused still needs to be corrected... It makes me feel upset just thinking about it. Should we simply strip away their memories of this incident? This was how most things like this were handled in the past.

But if this happens again, it will be very troublesome to have to peel off the memory again——

‘Damn it! ’

···Can’t help but curse in Japanese, is he still being raped? ? ? This unlucky damn guy has affected me! Even Bingyi couldn't possibly use the light saber again after he had just finished using it. He was just a new tour guide - he thought so in his heart, but... he still subconsciously stopped his movements and couldn't help but look at the man who had recovered. Studio.

But the scene in Bingyi's broadcast room made... my scalp numb and I almost jumped!

* *

"The light path is broken. Betty and Roger's deformed souls have not left. Is it because their soul power is too weak?"

In the ice cave, Bingyi looked at the broken light path and the distorted remnant soul that fell into his hands and muttered: "The soul power has strengthened and become more stable. Other than that, there is nothing abnormal... It seems that if you are not summoned away by the light path, use the knife." Wouldn’t it be a bad thing to cut it off?”

He said to himself, but remained silent after watching the lively phantom cat and Ah Feng animal movements, perhaps because he was afraid of giving Bingyi more inspiration. The orange-yellow light turned into small octopus-like tentacles, which were wrapped around Bingyi's fingers to play with. The phantom cat looked on coldly, its tail swaying impatiently, and its sharp claws were unsheathed and ready to move.

But at this moment, Bingyi's next move shocked the octopus and the phantom cat exploded. He asked Xiaocui to take the remaining soul back to the underworld, and then an extremely powerful white snow wolf was summoned by Bingyi. !


As soon as Fenrir wolf came out, he put his head affectionately into Bingyi's arms. Bingyi smiled and patted the wolf's head, then clamped the wolf's head with his arm to prevent it from looking back. While smiling kindly, he used his light knife to point the snow wolf black. He gestured with his tail and said with great interest: "This should be able to be cut off -"

'no! ’

'stop! ’

The next moment, two voices of restraint rang in his mind urgently, among which Ah Feng's voice was the clearest: "The knife is here and the wolf is here, you can cut it anytime you want, but something happened inside the ice cave. If you go in later, you will be killed." I'm afraid more people will die! ’

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