Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 672: Icelandic Horror (199)



The thick stalks changed when the light knife was cut down. Unlike when they were cut off by the vampire knife without any resistance, the snow-white light blade suddenly burst out with a burst of white light, like light spots of dense flames. And these white lights were dyed dirty dark green in an instant. This dark green extended quickly, swallowing up nearly half of the light spots in an instant, and was still spreading in the direction of Bingyi.

Feeling that something was wrong, the little dragon suddenly got out of Bingyi's hood. He only had time to scream for caution before he hurriedly spat out a mouthful of dream power like mottled light and shadow to block it for a moment, and then quickly slashed at Bingyi's wrist with his sharp dragon claws. The pollution has been activated, and they can spread rapidly along the energy like an infectious disease. The connection between white light and Bingyi must be completely cut off first!

However, the pitch-black cloak moved and blocked Bingyi's hand holding the light blade. The dragon bumped into the cloak and bounced off it. It was obviously invisible, but the tour guide's cloak blocked it firmly, as if it had hit a dark and tough raincloth.

"I'm fine, you take a look first."

Bingyi's voice sounded, as calm and rational as ever, which slightly calmed the anxious and alert mood of the Halong hunter. It looked back and saw half of the white light and dark green pollution in front of it. The two sides seemed to be in a stalemate, and the pollution did not spread anymore. Even so, the dragon hunter was not relieved: "You are playing with fire!"

It angrily warned that the dream energy that it had just cut out and blocked was almost completely contaminated in just a few seconds, and there was a faint feeling that it was going to contaminate his body, which was enough to show how corrosive it was. Even if the white light now blocks the dark green pollution, who knows how long it can last? Once such terrible pollution breaks out, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"I still have a vampire knife."

Bingyi comforted him, saying that when he threw the light blade, he had already blocked it with a vampire knife in front of him. Even if the dark green pollution is really out of control, just suck it all up with a vampire knife. To the butterfly's mouthparts, this pollution is probably just a mouthful of vegetable juice. He wasn't too worried about the backlash of pollution, but was shocked by Xiaolong's actions just now.

"Don't touch this white light."

Bingyi warned, letting the little dragon crawl back into his hood and stick it to his cheek: "It's very dangerous."

Although this spiritual lancet can cut off any pollution and any intangible things, including the spirit and soul, although this little dragon is only an incarnation of energy, it is highly likely that it can be cut. If it hits the light blade, it will probably be cut directly.

"It's very dangerous."

After hearing Bingyi's explanation, Xiaolong said solemnly, because that part of the energy was separated, it looked dimmer and dimmer. In fact, even if all the energy that is separated to remind Bingyi is cut off and discarded, it will not have a big impact on his body. After all, this small group of energy does not account for much. However, Xiaolong was inexplicably wary of this light blade, vaguely feeling that if it was really cut by it, it would probably lose more.

"So you want to use it to cut away the pollution on these two people's incomplete souls?"

Putting aside his distracting thoughts, Xiaolong looked curiously and warily at the white light intertwined with the dark green pollution, and faintly saw two illusory figures. They were the broken, incomplete and polluted parts of their souls, repeatedly replaying the scene before their death. After seeing the faces of these two figures, Bingyi finally determined that the two people who died here were Betty and Roger.

They died miserably.

The dark green parasite with a mushroom-like appearance first sprouted on Betty's flesh and blood. Her belly, which had been deflated after giving birth, swelled again, but inside there were not new pupae, but piles of parasites. Bacteria burst open the newly sewn incision on Betty's belly and grew rapidly like bean sprouts, becoming more and more lush.

Just as Tong Hege concluded that Betty had more than one pregnancy when taking her pulse. Although each time she produced one insect egg, just like the string of immature eggs in the hen's body, Betty also had dormant and immature eggs in her belly. Chrysalis. Tong Hege had tried his best to clean up the pupae visible to the naked eye when he performed her cesarean section, but due to the influence of runes and last night's pollution, pupae were still emerging and developing in Betty's body.

The initial spores of parasitic bacteria take root in the human brain. Even if all the bacterial strains in the abdominal cavity are eliminated, new bacteria will continue to appear as long as the brain is not cut off. They grew very slowly in flesh and blood, but they grew very quickly after taking root in the chrysalis. Betty was bleeding all over her body, and more spores came out of her blood. The chrysalis also wanted to be born, and wanted to escape from Betty's body. More chrysalis were born before they matured, but they became a breeding ground for more parasitic bacteria.

Soon Betty almost lost her human form, her breath was as thin as a thread, and she was dying. Roger did not give up his almost completely deformed lover. He kissed Betty, hugged Betty tightly, stacked the photo of the two of them in the ice cave on their close chests, and then pierced their bodies with a long knife, It broke their hearts.

This is Wei Xun's knife, Bing thought, but he also had a hunch that it was indeed Wei Xun who sent Roger and Betty off for the last time. After they died, the two ice cave photos lit up, trying to take away the souls of Betty and Roger. In fact, they could leave with the help of the photos when they were alive, but Betty and Roger had bacteria in their brains, and leaving was just a matter of time. Die somewhere else. They must be ready to give up their bodies and escape with only their souls.

However, what made the two people despair was that their souls were also stained with dark green traces. That bacteria not only parasitizes their brains, but also their souls. Among them, Betty's situation was even worse. Her soul not only had large dark green spots, but also a series of black and red spots, which were the pollution of insect chrysalis.

This pollution is so terrible that even the white light of the photos is distorted. They can only take away the unpolluted souls. Roger could ruthlessly cut off a small part of his contaminated soul and forcefully escape at the cost of temporarily becoming an idiot, but Betty would have no way of surviving at all. Most of her soul was contaminated, and even if the small bit of soul that was not contaminated was cut off, it would not be able to exist independently and would only be broken.

However, even after death, Roger did not let go. His soul was still stubbornly attached to Betty, and even wanted to inherit the pollution on Betty. But these contaminations didn't bother to pay attention to Roger at all, and kept fighting in Betty's soul. The white light that posed with the ice cave cut through their uncontaminated souls like a blade. This is a force that no one can resist.

Betty's fragile soul was almost broken during the cutting, while Roger was unwilling to give up even to the edge of despair. Bingyi and Xiaolong couldn't help but sigh when they saw this scene of collapse and struggle, but then a look of surprise flashed in Bingyi's eyes. At the moment when Roger's unpolluted soul was forcibly cut and was about to be taken away by the photo, it seemed that he was finally triggered by his strong emotions. Runes suddenly lit up on Roger's soul!

This is the rune character corresponding to Roger. Its power turns into a triangular aperture, enclosing Betty's remaining pure soul that is on the verge of being broken, and is circled with most of Roger's remaining soul. The group photo turned into ashes, and they finally succeeded in leaving here with their remaining souls. The situation here cannot be suppressed and has become a paradise for polluting parasitic bacteria.

The power of flesh and blood was quickly exhausted, and only the contamination of the pupae in Betty's remnant soul still maintained the growth of parasitic bacteria. However, this also caused her remaining soul left here to be completely contaminated, and Roger's remaining soul was also mixed into it.

"It's really difficult."

Bingyi lamented that although the power of the runes protected Betty's fragile soul, that little soul was too little. It can be said that it is more of a plant soul than a vegetable person. Moreover, Roger also cut off part of his brain and soul, so even if most of his soul is left, he will probably become a fool. Unknowingly, he will not be able to control his power, and he may gradually melt away the little bit of Betty's soul.

If this contaminated remnant soul is not cleaned up and their souls are restored to integrity, the fate of these two people may be tragic. Even the dragon hunter cannot separate the pollution that is almost completely mixed with the soul. However, the white light transformed by the light blade is evenly matched with the pollution, indicating that there is still a chance.

It's just that it's difficult to control the light blade to separate pollution. When Bingyi controlled it, he found that the resistance of the white light was very strong, and it couldn't fall on the contaminated remnants of Betty and Roger's fusion. Is he too weak to control the light blade? No, no, Bingyi threw the other light blade thoughtfully, but this sword did not turn into white light - before the power of the previous light blade was exhausted, the second light blade could not do its job. effect. But Bing Yi can also use this to test Yi or Two.

Like the previous light blade, the second light blade showed great resistance and rejection to cutting Betty Roger's fused soul and pollution, and could not be used on them at all. Bingyi felt slightly depressed. This was not because he was not strong enough to control the light blade, but more because the light blade was unable to cut other people's souls/spirits.

The exclusive spiritual lancet can only be 'used' by Bingyi. It turns out that not only does it mean that only he can use these light knives, it also means that these knives can only be used on himself!

There's something wrong with this knife, Bingyi's face turned serious, remembering the time when he first got the knife. This thing should be very good, but Bingyi was a little afraid of him at that time. What happens to those souls or spirits that are cut off? Can he return to his true form? This is probably impossible. After all, he only got these knives and did not get any corresponding needle and thread that can sew the soul/spirit.

If something is cut off, it is completely cut off. Not only Bingyi himself may be severely damaged, but those things that were cut out... To be honest, Bingyi has signed a bunch of soul contracts and has many spiritual connections. He was worried that cutting off part of his soul would cause him to lose part of his contract and his extraordinary power.

Looking at it now, the forces secretly 'rewarding' him with swords may have some serious intentions. The more this is the case, the more Bingyi has to try the swords. Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you survive a hundred battles - anyway, he has nine swords, so he is not afraid of wasting them. As for Roger Betty's current situation, only a knife could possibly remove the contamination from their bodies.

The knife doesn't want to cut, so it can only cut him Bingyi himself?

This matter may still be planned, after all, it is pupal pollution and parasitic bacteria pollution that pollute Roger Betty's soul.

Bing's eyes flickered, as if he had some evil intentions. A broken pupa shell appeared in his hand, which was the pupa skin of Betty's first embryo. At first, all the pupa juice was given to Tong Hege for research, and only the pupa shell was in Bingyi's hands, but it didn't matter. He scratched the edge of the pupa skin with a vampire knife, and the dark green contaminated juice that had condensed on the vampire knife immediately fell into the pupa shell.

The two kinds of pollution began to erode and fight rapidly. Under the stimulation of the dark green juice, the pupa shell that originally had no pupa juice leaked out some black-red pollution liquid - it was the pupa juice.

There were both pupa juice and parasitic fungus juice. Bingyi put away his knife, took off his gloves, took a deep breath, and quickly stirred his fingers in the mixed polluted liquid like he was turning over a trash can with his bare hands. His pale fingers were immediately stained with black, red and dark green liquids. They did not erode his body, but stuck to his fingers. If you don't think about their origin, the milky smell and the sweet plant fragrance are intertwined, which is quite pleasant.

Bingyi quickly prepared himself mentally, while extending his polluted fingers to control the light blade that turned into white light. Sure enough, this time was different! Originally, the white light that was not interested in the pollution on Roger Betty's soul and resisted cutting was like chicken blood. It rushed towards the pollution and started cutting. He Bingyi was "polluted" by these two juices, and he had the pupa skin in his hand that was closely connected with Betty's soul breath, which was enough to confuse the light knife's cognition and make it think that it was cutting the pollution for Bingyi!

After all, it was just a knife, and it had no wisdom.


At the moment when Bingyi controlled the light knife to cut, a large group of cats suddenly jumped onto his arm. It turned out that the missing phantom cat had contacted him for the first time! The angry cat bit Bingyi's wrist and bit it mercilessly, as if to stop him. However, the next moment, its movement was blocked by the light on Bingyi's leader ring. This was the power of Afeng. The phantom cat exhaled, and seemed to be even angrier, but calmed down, and suddenly realized that the light knife in Bingyi's hand did not seem to be activated.

Its eyes fell to the front, to the soul that was being cut by the white light... Hmm?

It looked at the soul, then looked back at Bingyi, then looked back, and then looked at the other light knife in Bingyi's hand that had not been activated.

Phantom cat:?

The cat's eyes were rarely blank, even a little unbelievable.

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