Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 671 The Horror of Iceland (198)

"What is this?!"

"God, what a horrible, evil, filthy thing!"

The firelight illuminated the deep darkness, which was filled with moist mist. It was so dark that it seemed to swallow all the light. The headlight on the safety helmet does not have much effect, and even the light of the fused flame appears weak. Bingyi called out the light elf twins, and they emitted naturally bright light, finally illuminating the darkness.

However, under the light, the dark green looked even brighter and weirder, making Bingyi hold his breath, and both Xiaolong and the Flame Man were shocked. If it weren't for the extremely low temperature and the ice beneath our feet, this vast expanse of lush green would look like vines in a tropical rainforest. They looked vibrant, and the color was very 'new', as if they felt the light, and a cluster of green closer to Bingyi tilted slightly towards him.

Different from those 'plants' that grow extremely tall and are covered with ice holes, and only the stems can be seen like thick cylinders, the ones on the edge are much shorter, as if they are malnourished, but people can intuitively see them. A full view of the whole 'plant'. The slender stem is topped with a blunt canopy. If it weren't for the suspicious green color, it would look a bit like...

"It looks a bit like a mushroom."

Bingyi had a subtle expression and raised his brows with interest. He seemed to be very interested in these things, but in fact he stood calmly a few meters away and took back the light elf. The bright light dissipated, leaving only dim firelight. These strange green plants finally stopped leaning towards him and straightened up and returned to their original positions. Only the fresh plant fragrance filled the air.

This faint plant fragrance is like bamboo juice or bamboo cane water, it smells very fresh and relieves tiredness, and it also evokes a sense of hunger in Bingyi.


Xiaolong, who was lying on top of him, couldn't help but retched and said with disgust from the bottom of his heart: "It's so disgusting."


"You feel sick in this state now?"

"Yes, these things are very dangerous. The smell they give off is like pollution. It will erode my power."

Xiaolong said without hesitation, sliding down from Bingyi's hood, all the way down to his shoulders, shrinking between his neck and hair, using the hood to block his body, he finally breathed a sigh of relief: "They are very polluting, and Very weird. If my power is contaminated, I may have to cut them off completely."

Even the dragon in its power state could 'smell' the smell emanating from these green things, which made Bingyi's face become more serious. So far, Bingyi still can't contact Wei Xun, or even talk to Tong Hege. I can only vaguely feel their position and roughly feel their current status - if it weren't for the power of the 'Master', I'm afraid the connection between them would be even weaker. This situation is very unusual.

Originally, he wanted to call out Yu Hehui who was sitting in the lost paradise, but seeing Xiaolong's reaction, Bingyi temporarily gave up the idea: "Other travelers have entered deeper into the ice cave. If I want to go there, I must get rid of this green... thing."

"Is it a real thing or pollution? Can it be burned with fire, Francis?"

"O God, it will pollute your power and corrode your sacred fire!"

David, who was staring at the patch of green, was unprepared to be called out, but without hesitation he immediately pinched his throat and said: "If you want to use flames to burn them, then the flames that burn them will become dangerous. Let them go." Fire will weaken you and your safety is more important than anything else!"

David tried his best to persuade: "There is no energy and no other nutrients here. These filthy things have lost the fertile soil of evil and will disappear soon. There is no need to take risks!"


Bingyi was noncommittal. He squatted down and looked at the knife marks on the ice by the firelight.

This was the signal A Feng left before leaving, and it was also a warning to him.

Be careful, green brains, parasitic bacteria.

b Stillbirth, Cordyceps sinensis.

The seeds of this strange plant quietly parasitized in the brains of passengers, dyeing part of the brain green? The tour guide's cloak became more and more wet and heavy along the way, but Bingyi was sure that he had not been affected too much. Many tests were for tourists, but they were not too harmful to the tour guide.

Cordyceps sinensis uses larvae as parasites, and the larvae... The pupae produced by Betty for the second time are more mature than the first time? Do these 'green mushrooms' crave the power in the chrysalis more than human flesh and blood?

Bingyi's gloved fingertips brushed over the knife marks. The knife marks left on the ice had dark red traces, as if they were stained with blood. Clusters of green, as big as rice grains, grew on the blood marks like fly eggs. It looks weird and disgusting. But as Francis said, this bit of blood cannot make them grow, which is different from the pollution of the abyss.

Abyss pollution will contaminate all tangible and intangible things around it and spread rapidly, but this piece of 'green plants' is limited by 'nutrition'. If you saw it correctly, the thickest and largest cylindrical stems have already grown dark spots on them, giving them a feeling of withering. If Bing Yi comes a little later, maybe all this vibrant green will die.

And they can grow so thick that it is impossible for them to only use human blood as nutrients.

Betty is probably in danger.

‘Someone died here, two people’

Xiao Cui solemnly whispered to her father that since she had the power of Hela, the God of Death, she could naturally feel the breath of people after death. Bingyi didn't feel the lack of passengers in his team, so the deceased was probably someone from the b1 team.

Betty and Roger?

Xiao Cui said, 'It's just that there is only breath here, and the souls of the dead have not returned to the underworld.'

There are many possibilities. One is that their souls were ingested into old dreams, and the other is that these green mushrooms not only devour flesh and blood bodies, but also devour souls - their first step is to contaminate the brains of parasitic travelers, which is very suspicious. . In addition, there is a third possibility. A few days ago, Bingyi funded Roger and others, allowing all passengers in the two brigades to participate in the snowmobile exploration of the ice cave. Both tourists and tour guides took photos I took a photo with the secret ice cave.

With the group photo together, even if they die, their souls will be transported back to the safe secret ice cave. But if these parasites can pollute the spirit and soul, even if they are teleported, their situation will be extremely bad.

Swipe and pull——

Amidst the inaudible sound of clothes rubbing together, Bingyi pulled out the vampire knife. Which kind of situation it is, I'm afraid we have to clean up the large area of ​​'plants' in front of us to judge. Bingyi didn't even think about letting them wither on their own, which was too wasteful.


The bloody sword light passed through the darkness, and the thick stems of these 'plants' fell down like stubbles of wheat. Bingyi was inexperienced at first, so he tentatively cut off a stem near the root. As a result, a large amount of black and green juice spurted out, as if he had exploded a sucker. Fortunately, these plant juices, like pupa juice, automatically adhered to the vampire knife, otherwise Bingyi would have been splashed all over.

After losing its juice, the mushroom quickly shriveled up and shattered into blackened powder, unlike the tough pupa shell, which ceased to exist after losing its juice. This makes Bingyi cut off a piece of ice where they are 'rooted' when cutting other 'plants', trying to keep them intact. With the harvesting, the fragrance of the plants becomes more and more refreshing to Bingyi, but with At the same time, Xiaolong almost fainted from the smell and completely shrank into his hood, and the flame villain also retreated into Bingyi's fusion flame.

Only Bingyi can do this, and neither Xiaolong nor Flame Man can help. And Bingyi was not completely unaffected. As the fragrance became stronger and stronger, his hunger became stronger and his heart beat faster and faster, as if a nest of butterflies were restless. He was so flustered that thin cold sweat broke out on his back, and he breathed More and more urgent.

However, the more this happened, the calmer Bingyi became. He quickly and vigilantly harvested these green 'plants' while thinking quickly. If these green plants feed on chrysalis, do they also come from the primordial abyss? Is there a crack deep in this ice cave that connects to the Kinlunga Chasm? Is this plant the nemesis of butterflies/chrysalis, or...another food for butterflies?

It does not have any tissue structure similar to that of a plant, and it is even less similar to a fungus. The entire 'plant' is like an 'outer package' of black-green juice, just like an insect pupa filled with liquid pupal juice. Butterflies use siphon-type mouthparts to eat and can only suck in various liquids. And Bingyi feels hungry when he smells plant juices, just like he does when he's faced with pupal juices.

It's just that the hunger caused by it is lower, just like one is the staple food and the other is the freshly squeezed vegetable juice that goes with the meal.

Vegetable juice, Bingyi shuddered, successfully making himself sick. He quickly dismissed the terrible thought and returned his attention to reality. Zai Bing raised his knife and dropped most of the green plants quickly, leaving only the most vigorous and thick one in front of him. If the stems of other plants are only as thick as a baby's arm, then the stems in front of you are almost as thick as an adult man's arm, and the place where their 'roots' are close to is no longer ice, but brown. , a soft leather surface like a torn sack.

These are two human skins overlapped.

Just like the interesting flower beds sold in the flower and bird market in the past, they were made into doll shapes with grass seeds buried inside. As long as you water it, green grass will grow through the brown cloth. The two overlapping human skins were stretched to the point of collapse by the growing green plants, and the original appearance could hardly be seen clearly. Bingyi did not give birth to them immediately.


He exhaled, and the worst happened.

Xiaocui felt the breath of part of the soul from these two human skins. Bingyi is not sure whether most of their souls escaped the pollution and entered the old dream/the secret ice cave, but people with incomplete souls will become fools, and part of the souls of these two people have grown closely with these plants. Together, almost fused, inseparable.

'I can't bring them out of the dream'

Xiaolong sighed and felt that they were very pitiful: 'The fusion is too deep. If my soul is polluted like this, it will definitely be cut off. If you can find most of their souls and take good care of them, you might be able to save them - what are you going to do? ’

Bingyi changed the vampire knife to his left hand, and a white light blade appeared between the fingers of his right hand. When Bingyi decided to use this 'knife', he clearly felt his heart beat faster. For a moment, he was extremely alert and could clearly feel the butterfly fragments residing in his chest - the power of pollution. And the light blade between his fingers became brighter and sharper, making a faint buzzing sound. The light and shadow fell on Bingyi's chest, and he seemed to be ready to try.

But just kidding, how could Bingyi use this knife to cut himself.

‘Let’s treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor’

Bingyi said calmly, and threw the light blade to slash at the plants growing on human skin. He was not sure if one was enough, but another light blade appeared between Bingyi's fingers.

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