Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 673 The Horror of Iceland (200)

This spiritual lancet is indeed dangerous, and can actually attract phantom cats.

Bingyi thought, but at the moment he had no time to care about anything else. Seeing that the phantom cat stopped moving, all his attention immediately returned to the soul being cut. After he himself was contaminated by pupal juice and parasitic bacteria, and he was holding the same kind of pupal skin that was contaminated by Betty's soul, the light knife no longer resisted cutting Betty's soul, but it was still hesitant to cut the small piece of Roger's soul. .

But fortunately, the small piece of remnant soul that Roger left here was too weak, and it was almost entangled with Betty's remnant soul. It was also contaminated by the same kind of parasitic bacteria. Coupled with Bingyi's strong decision to cut it off, Liu was allowed to die. The leaf knife can continue to cut smoothly. It seems to be born to cut the soul and pollution. The chaotic remnant souls that were almost fused together and inseparable are gradually separated from the pollution under the cutting of white light. However, not all remnant souls can be cut open.

This terrible pollution can distort the soul and cause it to become deformed. Even if the pollution is removed, the distorted soul still cannot return to normal. Roger Betty's undistorted remnant soul is actually limited, almost only a small half. This is the result of the two kinds of pollution devouring each other and not fully affecting their souls.

Although the soul cut by the lancet seems to be protected by it, no matter how incomplete it is, it is not broken - and it seems that it will not be broken, which is a good thing, but even if it is not broken, the distorted soul cannot be integrated into the pure remnant soul. , so that Betty and Roger's souls are still incomplete. Even if it is cut and contaminated, good luck and opportunity are still needed to fully restore it. After losing part of their souls, they may become stupid, or they may not wake up. This is not the result Bingyi wants to see.

Now that you have done it, you must do your best. While continuing to cut with the light knife, Director B pondered. Can he extradite the souls of Betty and Roger to his lost paradise like he did with Di Feiyu, so that their souls can rest and recuperate in the lost paradise? But after thinking about it, Bingyi gave up the idea. Roger Betty was not completely dead and had not yet escaped the control of the hotel. His rash extradition of the two souls was tantamount to luring a wolf into the house.

Furthermore, it is said that their souls have been contaminated and cut by lancets, and they need to be closely observed. Although the extradition of souls is very beneficial to the development of Bingyi's Paradise Lost, it cannot be induced casually.

‘Xiao Cui, how is the Kingdom of the Underworld?’

Bingyi asked briefly, using the mental lancet was too energy-consuming, but within a minute or two he felt weak as if his strength had been drained, especially since Bingyi was still multitasking. But in the process of cutting souls, the power of the lancet is also being rapidly consumed. Who knows if the two broken souls of Roger and Betty can still remain stable after the power of the knife is exhausted?

Their next resting place must be arranged before the cutting is completed.

‘Father, everything is fine in the Kingdom of Hades, and it is even better than before! ’

Of course Xiaocui knew the master's current situation and spoke very quickly: 'The Kingdom of Hades is now completely separated from Paradise Lost and can accommodate souls! ’

Although Bingyi's Lost Paradise was built using the Little Cui Underworld as a medium, after taking in the Three Knights of the Apocalypse and the Archangel Uriel, and perfecting the Lost Paradise, it was naturally completely separated from the Underworld. After all, they were two separate entities. A different mythological system.

The current Lost Paradise is a bit like Bingyi's portable space, relying on his wings to exist, which he can freely summon and use when he turns into an angel. People like Yu and Hui who signed a contract with Bingyi and were soul-connected and had eaten grapes could stay in it and could not enter or exit freely without Bingyi's permission.

Xiaocui's Kingdom of the Underworld is similar to this. As Hela, she should have lived in Helheim, which is one of the nine worlds in Northern Europe. All the undead in Northern Europe will come to Helheim and obey the God of Death. Sent. As Xiaocui gains more and more complete control over the power of death, she can vaguely feel the existence of Helheim. If she wants, she can open the door of Helheim, truly establish a connection with the world of the dead, and completely become a member of the Nordic Hell. The goddess controls all the souls of the dead.

But Xiaocui has not established a connection with Helheim. The authority of Hela, the god of death, needs to be controlled, but she does not have to have too deep a connection with Norse mythology. If she is really completely related to Helheim, by then she will It will be a complete 'Hela' and no longer a demonic insect.

Is it better to be a human or an insect? This is not something Xiaocui cares about. She only knows what she really wants and understands her master's ambitions. If she is really greedy for 'becoming a god' and only cares about the immediate pros and cons, she will become a real fool. Xiaocui has no intention of doing this. She maintains the balance between the power of death and the power of the mother worm. Although she has not established contact with Helheim, she is also ambitious to use the power of the death god Hela to build her own kingdom of the underworld, just like her master Do that.

Although there are not tens of thousands of dead souls, Xiao Cui also has his own 'subjects'. These days, in addition to breeding the large eggs of the mutant golden silkworm butterfly, Xiao Cui devotes all his energy to continuously giving birth to a new kind of devil insect. They do not have a larval stage. After hatching from the egg shell, they have soft wings. Their whole bodies are beautiful emerald green, crystal clear, clean and well-behaved, in line with the aesthetics of their owners.

However, this kind of demonic insect is very fragile and has almost no attack power. They do not eat or drink after birth, and they only make sweet chirping sounds. And when the song of insects ends, they will die. This fleeting life is far shorter than the life and death of a mayfly. Hundreds of thousands of demonic insects can be born, chirp, and die in one day and night. They live and die in the Demonic Insect Ball, and this is their entire world. Only when they die will they go to the devil insect's 'heaven' - where their mother is.

The newly researched bug cubs of Xiao Cuiguan are called soul bugs. They have rich emotions that other devil bugs do not have. The fragility of their bodies and the short life allow them to compose emotionally rich insect sounds in their extremely short lives. . It is this rich emotion that allows them to appear in a soul-like form after the body dies.

These soul worms are the undead souls of Xiao Cui. Based on countless soul worms and the power of the death god Hela and Lailala female worms, she built her own 'Kingdom of the Underworld'. Just like her master's Lost Paradise, she also The unfinished Little Underworld is built with the body of a small green insect as a medium, just like a small space that only belongs to her. Every moment, more soul insects enter her Little Underworld after death, worshiping the pious insects. Singing made her little underworld more stable.

It's just that before, Xiao Cui was still unsure about whether Xiao Ming Kingdom, where only soul insects were stationed, could receive human souls, but it was different now. From a certain moment today - probably before the god's cat came to communicate with its owner, Xiao Cui keenly felt that the hell Helheim and her own little underworld were shaking, but there was an aura of destruction. The rapid filling of power actually made the two spaces more stable, and even Xiaocui's power as the god of death, Hela, increased rapidly.

This is the chain reaction brought about by the death of Baldur, the God of Light. It is the fall of light. Darkness, death and evil come with the cold wind, and both the human world and the divine world will fall into chaos and disaster. But to Xiao Cui, it was like a big pie suddenly fell from the sky. When the dark and cold wind blew, her little underworld became much more stable, and at least it could bear the human soul.


Bing Yi gave a brief compliment, but it made Xiao Cui smile with great joy and satisfaction. The hundreds of thousands of soul insects in her little underworld were simultaneously happy and joyful, and the insects chirped and sang. During the singing, Xiao Cui's insect body appeared in front of Bing Yi. It was like a huge dark green jade, with its gradually green membrane wings spread out, as clear as if it were sprinkled with gem powder, revealing a gap.

That is the crack leading to Xiaocui Xiaoming Kingdom! And the moment she spread her wings, Bing and she controlled the light knife in a tacit understanding, completely separating the souls of Betty and Roger from the pollution! The thick green plant stalks in front of me turned to ashes in an instant, and the separated pollution scattered. Before it could spread, it was absorbed by the vampire knife. Where there once were two stacked and broken corpses, now only two pieces remained. The rune characters on the stone slab emitted a faint light.

These are exactly the runes corresponding to Roger and Betty, and in these two groups of light, there are two small groups of souls as fine as ice crystals suspended. One is clear and pure, and the other, although the pollution has been removed, still exudes distorted and deformed Honkai power.

These are the remnant souls of Roger and Betty - mainly Betty's, after all, there is too little of Roger left here. Just as Bingyi expected, even if all the pollution is removed, the twisted and distorted soul still cannot be restored to integrity. With a slight movement of his mind, the two groups of souls threw themselves at Xiao Cui's insect body at the same time. Under the guidance of the insect singing, the normal group of remnant souls were successfully received into Xiao Ming Kingdom, waiting to be transferred to the secret ice cave. In , Betty and Roger's main body reunite.

But there was a problem with the remaining small group of distorted souls. When Bingyi tried to guide them into the Little Hades Kingdom, he saw a white light suddenly blooming, which was the remaining light blade power after cutting through the pollution!

Bingyi's pupils suddenly shrank, and he saw the snow-white light extending upward in an instant. It was obvious that the top of the ice cave was not far above his head, but this white light passed through the ice cave, and even seemed to pass through Iceland, like a snow-white sky. It stretches like a road to another higher world! Bingyi felt a slight tug, as if some force wanted to induce him to embark on this heavenly path. He wanted to retreat, but his body seemed to be locked and he could only stand in place. Seeing the white light getting closer and closer, Shi Huojian Bingyi decisively wiped his hand with a blood-sucking knife, absorbing the contamination that was originally stuck to his fingertips.

As expected, the power transformed from the light blade had no intelligence of its own. When Bingyi completely got rid of the aura related to the 'cut person' without hesitation, the feeling of being locked disappeared. This path connected to the void The white light fell on the small group of distorted remnant souls, trying to pull it up, and of course they wouldn't resist, but...

Bingyi held his breath for a moment and then became speechless. He saw the end of the white light pulling the distorted little remnant soul back and forth, but stepping on the light path should also require strong strength. Whenever the little remnant soul was pulled up, it couldn't bear the invisible force and rolled down again. It went back and forth several times, like a small ball swinging in the wind. After stepping onto the light path, it rolled up and down, repeating the cycle, but failed to move forward.

What's going on?


Bingyi, who was curious, heard the phantom cat let out a snort of contempt and teasing. The leader's ring was covered with an orange light, and it vaguely transformed into an animal form with the aura of Feng. They looked at the light path in front of them together, as well as the distorted soul ball that couldn't be moved up after a long time, and Bingyi could vaguely feel the emotions coming from the mental feedback. Surprise, conflict, gloating... He could only distinguish a few of the extremely complex emotions, but they all seemed to have an attitude of watching a good show, fearing that the world would not be in chaos.

What on earth is going on? Where does the light path transformed by the light blade want to lead the distorted remnant soul?

Bingyi became more and more curious, and while he was guessing, he didn't know that the hotel station in a very far away place was completely in chaos! All live broadcasts of the warm-up match were interrupted. All tourists and tour guides who were originally in the virtual hall or other places returned to their home bases and were restricted from going out. They could only see through the windows that the virtual hall was penetrated by a bright white light, leading directly to The highest void.

Most people didn't know what happened, and the forums that could still post for a while were completely in chaos. Countless people panicked and thought it was the end of the hotel, but those top travelers and tour guides knew that this was extremely special. , something extremely rare and important happened. Through the window, they looked solemnly at the sky.

This is a party of principals.

It is a scene that only occurs when a new leader is born and ten years of battlefield. Those extremely mysterious and powerful leaders from various fields will gather together. When they all temporarily put down their work and gather together, waiting for the new owner to return to the hotel, the hotel will have a very brief shutdown, just like the scene at this moment.

But it has never caused such a big stir as it does today. Let’s not talk about the ten-year battlefield, but just talk about the birth of the new leader—returning to the hotel. That was an extremely quick thing. The power of the boss is beyond people's imagination. In less than a second, the meeting between the new and old bosses will come to an end, and then the bosses will review their positions.

In such a short period of time, unless you are a very powerful tourist guide, it is impossible to feel that the hotel has stopped for a moment.

But this time it's different.

It has been five minutes since the light path appeared, and the hotel has been suspended for five minutes, but the new person in charge has not yet appeared. Above the void, the several chiefs in cloaks who had gathered waited silently at first, then in surprise and confusion, and then in disbelief. The powerful person in charge felt it. It was really strange. He didn't even feel anything on the light path!

finally,? ? ? After pondering for a moment, he was the first to speak. He asked half melancholy and half relieved: 'The hotel is finally going to be destroyed? ’

This kind of mistake will happen when a new manager is born. Your hotel is really going to be ruined.

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