Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 670 Second update

"Guard, this is not right."

Shao Yuan gasped in pain, his head felt like it was about to split open, and the whites of his eyes were bloodshot, looking a bit scary in the dim light. At first it was a slight throbbing pain, like a stiff neck, or a headache after being overly concentrated. But the severe pain that developed later was anything but ordinary.

"I suspect this is not just my problem, it's this ice cave..."

Shao Yuan smiled bitterly, filled with worries. They had walked less than a hundred meters before he got an unbearable headache. Shaoyuan could endure pain very well, but the severe pain almost made him faint. It seemed that after collecting the blue ice, he would have to find the source of the problem and solve it if he wanted to leave the ice cave. However, apart from worries, Shaoyuan was not panicked. After all, the words the devil merchant said before entering the ice cave, "The head will be like a smashed watermelon, red, green, and green." In the ice cave, you will encounter certain dangers of pollution/parasitism/affecting the brain.

Shaoyuan was worried that he hadn't noticed anything strange along the way. What was secretly eroding his head? Is it the moist mist in the ice cave? Ice dust that shattered on the safety helmet after falling from a high altitude? Some kind of mental pollution? Or something else? Why did that thing prevent them from leaving the ice cave, and what was its ultimate purpose?

However, his headache was so severe that he could hardly think straight.

"You go back, I will explore further."

An Xuefeng said solemnly, lowering his eyes. His face was extremely pale, which could be said to be bloodless. He seemed to be able to endure the pain very well and spoke briefly. But in fact, only An Xuefeng himself knew that his current body was and won't feel any pain.

Of course, this characteristic has its advantages and disadvantages. This is the limit of Shaoyuan's ability to withstand pain, and it is probably closer to the limit of the human body at the same level of strength as him. Pain usually means that the body is being destroyed. Severe pain usually means the limit. The human body's protective mechanism is here. When the pain reaches the extreme, it will faint.

And An Xuefeng knew that although he couldn't feel pain, his brain or body was most likely suffering from serious pollution or damage. Without pain warning, he was very likely to die suddenly... However, his body could really be regarded as... A living person? Being soaked in ice water and corroded by the mist, An Xuefeng could already vaguely feel the stickiness on the surface of his body, as if there was a thin layer of mud.

He also noticed that some parts of his memory were blurry and some parts were clear. These chaotic memories seemed to have been turned over by a big hand and could not be sorted out clearly, but they also made An Xuefeng clearly aware of the specialness of this body. Because of this, he was even more worried about Bingyi. Is Bingyi's strange mental state also caused by the strangeness in the ice cave? After all, Bingyi couldn't feel pain, and there was no one around him to remind him, so An Xuefeng couldn't contact him at all now.

"This is too dangerous - hey, guard, be careful!"

Although he was very worried about Wei Xun, Shao Yuan knew that no matter how hard he carried on, it would be a burden, and in the end he had to return to the tunnel entrance unwillingly. Just as he guessed, the pain became lighter the closer he got to the tunnel. When he returned to where Betty and the others were, the pain in his head had eased much, and only the area near his temples was still throbbing. An Xuefeng originally planned to change his mind immediately after sending Shao Yuan back, but plans could never change.

As soon as they returned to the entrance of the tunnel, they smelled a strong smell of blood, and the smell of blood was also mixed with a subtle, moist smell. It's like the smell of the jungle after a rain, the decayed tree trunks and fallen leaves soaked by the rain. Betty started, Roger Miranda and others were busy. This was the second 'birth'. It should have been more experienced than the first time, but in fact the atmosphere was more solemn. The safety helmets were gathered together, dim like candlelight, shining on Betty's bulging and slightly trembling belly, and there was a layer of greasy light, as if it was covered with a thick layer of grease.

Tong Hege was half-kneeling beside him, holding a knife in his hand. When Shao Yuan and the others came back, they saw Tong Hege cutting Betty's belly, but they couldn't cut open Betty's belly. The blade would slip away every time. The anxious people on the sidelines were sweating, but they didn't dare to say anything for fear of disturbing him. .

"Wei Xun, give me the knife."

Sensing the return of Shao Yuan and 'Wei Xun', Tong Hege, with a solemn expression, immediately said without raising his head. Human life was at stake, so An Xuefeng immediately gave him the murder knife without hesitation. With the madman's murderous knife in his hand, Tong Hege finally cut open Betty's belly. Several slender and tough branches grew out of his wrists, opening the knife edge like hooks, allowing him to cut off layer by layer and give it to him at the same time. The pale Betty was filled with life. Tong Hege is an operation alone, and other than needing help from others for lighting, it would be a hindrance for others to intervene. Taking advantage of this short period of time, Miranda quickly said: "The 'fetus' that Betty was carrying has died, and a cesarean section is required to induce labor."

How could Betty's fetus die suddenly? An Xuefeng and Shao Yuan immediately thought of the severe headache just now, but Betty clearly did not leave the passage. Miranda, Roger and the others seemed to have no other problems. Why did Betty alone suddenly have a problem? Also caused the death of the chrysalis in her body? Could it be that the source of pain they were 'infected' was more directed at insects or abyss pollution?


The smell of blood became stronger and stronger during the brainstorming. At this moment, Tong Hege suddenly took a long breath and took out a bloody insect pupa from Betty's open stomach. It looks a little larger than the previous pupa, and the pattern on the pupa shell cannot be concealed by the blood. It seems to be more fully developed than the previous pupa, and there is a short, thick brown fleshy tube that seems to be an umbilical cord connecting it. and Betty, looking like an umbilical cord.

Tong Hesinger used his knife to completely cut out the umbilical cord flesh tube, put the pupa aside and immediately began to sew Betty to stop the bleeding. From the operation until now, Betty has not made any sound like a groan of pain. Except for her body twitching from time to time, she is like a dead person, and her breathing is weak and seems to be non-existent. It is all thanks to the vitality given to her by Tong He Geshen. Roger has been Accompanying her, holding Betty's hand tightly and calling her name, but Betty only trembled her eyelashes and had no reaction other than that.

"What's going on? Why is this happening all of a sudden?'

After the pupa was taken out, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and Shao Yuan couldn't help but ask. An Xuefeng looked at the pupa. It was very different from the first pupa. The pupa shell seemed to be better developed. However, compared with the energetic wriggling of the previous pupa, this one was too quiet, motionless and without any life. Connected with Miranda's reference to the 'still fetus', it seemed that it had died in Betty's belly before being cut out.

"Betty started having labor pains after you left and was sweating a lot."

Both Miranda and Lisa were working on Tong Hege. Betty's bleeding was not much. What they wiped was mainly the strange and greasy liquid on her body. Lisa raised her chin and said, "Roger noticed something was wrong when he was wiping her sweat." , Betty’s belly is not sweat, but this kind of thing——"

"It's like some kind of parasite, absorbing the energy of the chrysalis to grow, just like... Cordyceps sinensis, you know."

Tong Hege sewed up the wound, but his face was still extremely solemn: "It will absorb the energy of human flesh and blood... but it prefers insect chrysalis. I suspect Betty, no, I am afraid that there is this kind of parasite in each of us."

It's just that the parasites in the human body are still hiding, but compared to the human body, the energy contained in the chrysalis should be particularly suitable for it to absorb. Before the human body mutated, the parasite in Betty's abdomen grew rapidly with the help of pupae and was noticed by others. That's why Tong Hege urgently performed surgery on Betty, otherwise it would continue to absorb human flesh and blood.

Just as Tong Hege said, the dissected chrysalis was quickly becoming shriveled up, while the 'meat tube' was expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye. It turned out to be not brown, but dark green. It only looked brown when it was stained with blood. The greasy liquid mixed with flesh and blood gathered in circles to form something in the shape of a fungus cap. In the blink of an eye, the flesh tube stood up against the mucus-like umbrella cap. It looked like a A very disgusting mushroom.

"We felt severe pain as we walked out—"

Shaoyuan immediately thought of this and said urgently. His forehead was buzzing with pain and he couldn't help scratching. Not only him, Miranda and others also started scratching their foreheads with some anxiety. An Xuefeng noticed this and frowned more and more. The mental communication still failed. An Xuefeng quickly drew a mark on the ice with a knife and warned Bingyi not to come here! This parasite comes with bad intentions. In this world, one thing attacks another. No matter how powerful Bingyi's demonic insect butterfly is, it will inevitably remain relatively restrained.

At the same time, An Xuefeng contacted Miao Fangfei through the spiritual heart Gu. After a few words in his mind, he concluded: "Miao Fangfei and the others have no physical abnormalities at the moment. We will go deeper into the ice cave through the tunnel immediately."

Whether there is something that can suppress the parasites deeper in the ice cave, or the activity of the parasites is reduced the deeper they go into the ice cave, they may not be able to stay outside anymore. Everyone else quickly realized the seriousness of the problem, but Roger was anxious and hesitant. Betty was so weak now, how could she pass through the tunnel that was so low that she could only crawl through it?

However, after discovering that Shao Yuan and others couldn't help but scratch the skin on their heads and faces - it looked like ordinary pimples. However, after scratching, a greasy white pulp squeezed out from inside, and very thin stipes vaguely grew out. When he saw that stipes began to appear on the gauze used to wipe the mucus and blood on Betty's body, Roger's face suddenly changed, and he no longer hesitated. He just begged desperately to take Betty to the tunnel with him, and almost knelt down to Wei Xun and the others.

But even if An Xuefeng and others would not abandon their teammates, Betty, who was seriously injured, could not hold on after all.

* *

When Bingyi led the flame man and the dragon quickly to the depths of the ice cave, and when he was about to reach the entrance of the tunnel, he noticed the mark left by A Feng, and at the same time he saw the area not far ahead, which was densely packed and full of life. green.

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