Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 669: Icelandic Horror (197)

The two brigades were in danger half an hour ago. After discovering that looking up at the ice cave would cause ice to fall down, the passengers became extra cautious, but it was not that they stopped looking up. Instead, under the assignment of the brigade captain, two people looked up every minute.

There is always a reason why ice cubes fall in ice caves. If these ice cubes that can smash people's heads can be collected, they may be of great use. If An Xuefeng were to make a plan, he would stay at the entrance of the ice cave for a while to roughly figure out whether the falling ice belonged to the ice cave, where it came from, how to collect it, etc., and then explore deeper.

However, the tooth hunter seemed to want to make up for the wasted time because of Betty's birth. He led the team to walk really fast. He had to do his best to keep up with him. The passengers didn't pay much attention to the surroundings. Chance.

"What are you looking at? There's something good to see here."

Miao Fangfei put forward her opinion tactfully, but the tooth hunter directly spat it back: "If you want to stay here and move around freely, feel free to do so. If you want to go deep into the ice cave with me, just follow me."

Exploring the Blue Ice Cave is a bit like free time. As long as you are in the ice cave, it doesn’t hurt to leave the group temporarily. However, after the fang hunter said this, no one chose to leave and no one fell behind. They all followed him closely.

"Something's wrong."

Miranda whispered, touching her arm. Even though she was wearing a waterproof and windproof jacket, she still felt unusually cold. This coldness was somewhat similar to the severe cold caused by the frost giant's resurgence. Once a person stopped moving, it would be like being frozen into an ice sculpture.

"This ice cave is very deep."

An Xuefeng said seriously, ordinary ice caves are actually different from what people think. Most of them are just caves full of blue ice, and you can see the end at a glance. But the ice cave led by the Tooth Hunter was different. At their speed, they had walked almost a hundred meters, but there was still no end to the ice cave.

Nowadays, most of the tourists are grateful. Fortunately, for the sake of safety before entering the ice cave, the tourists have tied safety ropes to connect them together like a glacier hike. Without this safety rope, I would be afraid of getting lost in the twists and turns of the dark ice cave. The tooth hunter walking at the front was walking like flying, and almost only a blurry figure could be seen. Under the dim light, the figure seemed to be twisted into a ghost. People couldn't help but wonder whether it was still the tooth hunter who was leading the team. People are ghosts.

In this case, the presence of a tour guide is like a talisman. The devil merchant did not raise any objections to the route, which showed that the tooth hunter was right to lead the way. The so-called eternal blue ice was deeper in the ice cave, which also reassured the passengers. However, it is true that the deeper you go, the more nervous everyone becomes. The environment in this ice cave is really too bad.

The light is misty, like countless wet mist droplets floating in an ice cave. The damp and cold air almost penetrates into people's bones, making them sore and unbearable. The ice underfoot seems to be too frozen, even though It is very difficult to walk on the road with crampons, and you will often step on the thin ice, and your whole feet and calves will get stuck in the ice holes.

Pure ice was okay. Although it was sharp enough to cut the legs of trousers, it couldn't hurt anyone. The problem is that most of the ice caves that have been trampled on are filled with extremely cold ice water. Except for Betty, who is being carried by Roger, everyone's shoes are soaked through and their toes are so cold that they feel like they have been pricked by hundreds of steel needles. It hurt like hell to get up. Everyone stumbled, gritted their teeth, and continued walking deeper, one step deeper and the other shallow. No one dared to stop, as they were afraid of falling behind even if they stopped for a moment.

The skylight at the entrance has long since disappeared, and it is extremely dark in the ice cave. Even if all the lights on the safety helmet are turned on, the light is as dim as if it is being completely swallowed by the darkness. Most tourists have very good eyesight and can see things even in the dark, but in this ice cave everyone seems to have degenerated into ordinary people. Not to mention the beautiful blue ice in the ice cave, the light from the headlights is almost It allows passengers to see the blurred figure of the person in front of them.

In this case, everyone is busy rushing on, and no one has time to look back. When they discovered that Director B was not at the end of the team and couldn't find him, after they had walked for about a quarter of an hour, a very low tunnel suddenly appeared in front of the ice cave. The tunnel was less than half a person's height and they could not walk normally. They had to bend down and crawl through the long tomb-like tunnel before they could enter deeper into the ice cave.

This is very dangerous. The tunnel is narrow and low. Once the passengers in distress are unable to stand up and fight and can only crawl one by one, they seem to be easily killed. Even the tooth hunters who were in a hurry stopped in front of the tunnel, leaving some time for the passengers to discuss. Unfortunately, this was the only way to go deeper into the ice cave, and there was no shortcut.

Should you risk climbing through the tunnel and go deeper into the ice cave to look for blue ice, or stay here and look for blue ice in the already explored range.

"The quality of the blue ice behind the tunnel is better, but there is no blue ice here."

The devil merchant spread his arms and did not interfere with the tourists' free choice. Logically speaking, when it comes to such a dangerous scenic spot, it is safest to go in a group. Most of the time, rashly teaming up is looking for death. However, differences still emerged.

"The danger of this section of the ice cave is probably not as high as the normal difficulty level of this attraction."

Shao Yuan whispered: "We haven't heard the laughter yet."

On the itinerary, the prompt for exploring the ice cave is "The blue ice people are laughing when exploring the blue ice cave." Passengers think this is a clue. Perhaps the eternal blue ice is characterized by its ability to laugh. Maybe the longer you freeze, the louder you laugh. So far, they hadn't heard any laughter. Even if there is blue ice hidden in the tunnel, I am afraid that the 'laughter' is very weak and will be ignored by them. I am afraid that he is not very old, and even if he digs it, he will not get a high degree of completion of the scenic spot.

"Sorry, I'm afraid I'll have to stay here."

In fact, even now passengers can think of this, but some people still laugh helplessly. Betty gasped in pain, and her head was covered in cold sweat. Even though Roger, who was worried that she would catch a cold, kept wiping her, the cold sweat kept coming out.

"I...have started to have labor pains again. I'm afraid I may still be born soon."

Betty said hoarsely, forcing a smile: "If we go there, we will drag down the team."

"Betty is right."

Tong Hege turned into a human to check Betty's pulse, and shook her head: "I'm afraid she will lose strength even if she climbs the tunnel. She is not suitable for strenuous exercise."

After Betty gave birth to pupae, Director Bing temporarily asked Tong Hege to follow them and keep an eye on Betty's condition. If he said this, then Betty had really reached her limit and was not suitable to continue taking risks. If Betty stays, Roger will naturally stay too. Miranda opened her mouth after thinking for a moment. Although she was very ambitious about the ice cave and blue ice behind the tunnel, she planned to stay.

"I'm staying."

But before she spoke, An Xuefeng calmly said: "I have experience. If I stay, I can help. I'll wait for Director C."

When Betty gave birth to pupae for the first time, the guards were nearby. It was good to have experience, and they would be better able to deal with various emergencies if they stayed. But the passengers intuitively believed that the important point was still the latter - Director B did not follow the team, and it was essential for a passenger to stay to pick him up.

In fact, as early as when Bingyi deliberately fell behind, An Xuefeng realized that there was a spiritual connection between them. However, after learning that Director Bing had his own secret, An Xuefeng continued to lead the team after confirming that he was fine, and did not stay to wait for him - that was because he didn't look down on others. Until a few minutes ago, the emotional and mental fluctuations coming from Director Bing suddenly became very strange and regular. An Xuefeng immediately felt that something was wrong and contacted Tong Hege.

Even so, An Xuefeng had a vague premonition of something bad, so he decided to stay.

"I'll stay too."

After hesitating for a while, Miranda made up her mind. After Di Feiyu's death, only she, Betty and Cat-form Director C were left in the old dream team, which represented the second group representing difficulties and disasters. Only the runes of this group were left. Each person can roughly guess the corresponding person from their respective meanings.

Looking at Betty's current situation, if she is affected by the power of runes, she most likely corresponds to the rune character 'Persian', which corresponds to the English letter p. Its original meaning is 'fruit', which represents secret pregnancy and fertility. , Hidden Babies and the like. The two rune characters outside it are Nosus (corresponding to the English letter n) and Sowelu (corresponding to the English letter s).

The original meaning of the latter is the sun, which represents God's victory over the devil and is a symbol of victory. Miranda feels that this character is more suitable for Director B, who has nothing to do with the sun.

According to this calculation, her corresponding rune character is most likely to be n. This is not a good omen. It represents oppression, hardship and misfortune, meaning 'any form of gambling is not an opportunity', and must be stable. Waiting for better times.

...So all in all, Miranda, who was worried, thought it would be better for her to wait here and not risk going to the tunnel for the time being. At least wait for Director C to come back.

"And if Betty wants to give birth again, there should always be a woman to help. It's still inconvenient for you men."

Before the tooth hunter became impatient again, everyone made a quick decision after a brief discussion. Wei Xun, Shao Yuan, Miranda, Roger, Betty and Lisa stayed outside the tunnel to look for Lan Bing, waiting for Director C to return to the team. After Betty's second production, it was determined whether to enter the tunnel, while the others all entered the tunnel. A mixed team was formed, with Miao Fangfei as the captain and Dan Lin as the deputy team leader.

After finalizing the decision, the passengers quickly started taking action and got into the tunnel one by one with quick hands and feet. An Xuefeng had been contacting Bingyi, but when he still didn't reply, he decided to go back to find him on the grounds of searching for Lan Bing. Acting alone in the deep, dark and cold ice cave is almost tantamount to seeking death, so Shao Yuan and Wei Xun go looking for it together. Thinking that if anything happens here, Lisa can always protect Miranda and the others by regaining her memory.

However, when the two of them left the tunnel entrance and hurried back to the ice cave according to the markers, they soon discovered something was wrong - they had just walked back ten meters from the tunnel entrance when their heads began to throb. , and the further back you go, the more intense the pain becomes, and soon it turns into a severe pain like an electric shock!

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