Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 668: Icelandic Horror (196)

[What happened to Explorer? 】

[Why do I feel like something is wrong with the Explorer? Is it an illusion? 】

While the arms dealers, dealers, and members of parliament who were secretly watching the live broadcast couldn't believe their eyes, there were also viewers in the live broadcast room who noticed something strange. Why does the Explorer's state look wrong? It's like he's in a trance from time to time, and there's a white light between his fingers. There's a white light in his fingers, and there's a white light in there. What's this? What's going on?

However, the tone of the discussion among the viewers in the live broadcast room was just curiosity. After all, they didn't know what it was. But when a handful of big tourists and tour guides saw this thing, their hearts trembled, and they couldn't help but have some bizarre conjectures.

"No way, this, can't be so perverted."

At the Mutual Aid Alliance station, Zhang Xingzang was stunned, saying, 'This, this, that, that' was like a cassette. Wu Yun went back after reminiscing last night. There was no one else around Zhang Xingzang at the moment. He stared at the live broadcast room for a long time, and finally couldn't help but contact Taoist Ban Ming. As soon as the call was connected, I heard a jingle from Ban Ming Taoist's side, as if something had fallen over, which made Zhang Xingzang say, "Half Life, have you watched the live broadcast?" ’ Before I said anything, I first asked Taoist Ban Ming what was wrong.

"You're at the Mutual Aid Alliance station, right? Don't hang up the phone. I'll be right back!"

Unexpectedly, Ban Ming said neatly, but within a few minutes, there was a knock on the door of Zhang Xingzang's room. The half-life Taoist walked in, dusty and dusty. He was still wearing gloves with some bone meal and corpse oil stuck to them. He looked very embarrassed. He saw that he was refining corpses and watching the live broadcast. His face was a little lost, and his brows were getting more and more wrinkled. As soon as he entered the door, he said: "It's broken, Zhang Xingzang, something big is going to happen!"

"Is that really that?"

Zhang Xingzang felt a sudden change in his heart when he heard his tone. Then he looked at the live broadcast room and found that there were five white lights between Bingyi's fingers. When the fingers of his left hand were full, he began to pinch them on his right hand. He felt something was wrong: "This, this is not right." Maybe that much.”

Although he, Zhang Xingzang, died early, he was still considered a first-tier traveler in terms of strength, and compared to other brigade captains at the same time, he had a huge advantage, that is, he tied up the tour guide early. The hotel has preferential treatment in this regard, and their strength is not weak, so that Zhang Xingzang, Dream Chaser and their Hope Alliance Hope Brigade have not yet found a person in charge, but they also know something.

It can even be said that Zhang Xingzang once got a 'knife'. In fact, Zhang Xingzang is still not sure whether the 'knife' he got back then is the only way to become the principal, because the prop looks like It was just a broken rope, nothing like a knife. Zhang Xingzang used this to avoid any punishment and successfully severed his deep connection with Zhui Meng.

Of course, Zhang Xingzang only started to vaguely doubt the nature of the broken rope when he later learned that Dream Chaser's mental state had changed and turned into another 'Zhang Xingzang', and was still extremely strong. I'm afraid he wasn't the only one who had been cut off. The connection between Zhang Xingzang and Dream Chasing, and now there is no one in charge of Zhang Xingzang's slices in the hotel. I am afraid that this change happened due to Zhang Xingzang's uncanny thinking and actually using a broken rope to cut the deep connection between guides and travelers.

Now that Zhang Xingzang is watching the live broadcast, he feels that the light knife is held between Bingyi's fingers, a bit like the person in charge's knife.

Unlike the people in the council, they are no longer in the category of ordinary tour guides and tourists. They have reached a level that is basically closer to the hotel. They can tell at a glance whether the item is a 'knife'. Zhang Xingzang and the others can only rely on their own experience to judge - even if a normal person sees this white light, it is impossible to think about the 'knife'.

However, people who have received a 'knife' will have a vague premonition when they see similar things again. Zhang Xingzang now felt that the thing held between Bingyi's fingers was somewhat similar in nature to the broken rope he had obtained at that time.

But Zhang Xingzang couldn't handle the number of 'knives' that Bingyi had grown rapidly in his hand. If it were true, it would be impossible to have so many of them! On the contrary, he was not sure, so he called Taoist Ban Ming to come.

"Just a minute."

Taoist Ban Ming waved his hand and took out a bunch of things. What giant with blood, heart, liver, lungs, flesh and bones exudes a terrifying and powerful aura, as well as the power of pollution from the 30th degree north latitude. Zhang Xingzang was thoughtful when he saw this, and immediately took out a bunch of sand bottles, which are all specialties of the Sahara of Death. The Thirty Degrees North Latitude and the Abyss are places that the hotel does not have complete control over. There are more items at the Thirty Degrees North Latitude, which can also shield some of the hotel's surveillance, especially when discussing dangerous topics.

"It's this thing."

After taking out a pile of things, the Half-life Taoist breathed a sigh of relief, and then said firmly: "This white light is the 'knife'"

Of course Taoist Ban Ming is not the person in charge, nor does he have a sword. But he was originally trained as an heir, and all the hotel secrets accumulated over many generations of metaphysics were taught to him by Chen Cheng. What's more, Team Old Chen used unknown methods to strip away the ancient oasis at Thirty Degrees North Latitude, which made Taoist Taoist Half Life vaguely guess. When the first light knife appeared in Bingyi's hand in the live broadcast room just now, he saw that something was wrong. came, so I immediately found Zhang Xingzang.

"You can contact Dream Chaser, right? Find a way to contact him and let him break Director Cui's state."

Taoist Ban Ming spoke quickly, and when he saw that Kung Fu Bing had one more light knife between his fingers, his pupils shrank: "We must not let him continue for too long!"


Zhang Xingzang readily agreed without saying much. He took out a dragon scale on the spot, closed his eyes for a moment and then opened them: "Dream Chase will contact him in ten minutes."

After all, the Dream Chasers have lost their memory, and they are in the warm-up competition, and today they are caught in a war between the human world and the Nordic gods. It is the core focus of the competition, and the hotel will pay more attention to it. Therefore, Zhang Xingzang's contact is also secretive. He only slightly influences the dreamer mentally and cannot go too far.

Ten minutes is the fastest time. Guessing that it would take Director Cui about three minutes to get a knife, Taoist Taoist Ban Ming felt a little relieved. While waiting, he couldn't help but said to Zhang Xingzang: "I think Director Cui must have touched the rules of the hotel, and it is most likely a memory rule! "

There are many rules in the hotel, both explicit and implicit, involving all aspects. Different strong people have different rules. Some people do it unintentionally, and some people will continue to deepen their research in this area after touching it. Normally, hostels aren't too obstructive. After all, this person has almost become the preparatory person in charge after the sword is issued.

In the future, if he really reaches the level of being in charge, he will definitely have a thorough understanding of certain aspects of the hotel's rules, and he will be able to get started quickly. If you refuse to become the principal in the end, the hotel will naturally sign an agreement with it and fill in the loopholes in the rules.

Therefore, hotels basically only give out things like ‘knives’ once.

But Bingyi's situation is different now.

"The warm-up competition is still going on...this time it involves the abyss again, and the hotel will not allow the rules to be broken."

Taoist Ban Ming saw that there were two more light knives in Bingyi's hand on the live broadcast screen, and couldn't help but feel bitter: "So if he really breaks the hotel's memory rules, after the hotel rewards him with knives, he will definitely continue to lose his memory. "

It's one thing to have a memory and continue to study the rules after breaking them. It's one thing to lose your memory after a breakthrough and forget everything related to it, and then break the rules again.

"It stands to reason that the hotel would seal his memory more tightly every time. How could it be..."

Zhang Xingzang felt embarrassed when he heard this, and before he finished speaking, his expression suddenly turned serious: "Could it be that——"

"It's possible that he carries so many butterfly fragments with him, and there is a problem of abyss pollution here."

Taoist Half-Life sighed in distress: "It's also possible... it's his title that caused the cloak to change color."

The former is okay, after all, the hotel on the abyss side really didn't have a complete grasp of it. But the problem is that currently, there are no abyss cracks in the ice cave, so the possibility is not high.

if the latter one--

Zhang Xingzang and Ban Ming Taoist looked at each other and saw the heaviness in each other's eyes.

If Bingyi really was able to break through the rules of the hotel because of his title.

Then he has only two options, either completely surrender to the hotel and become its most loyal owner, or die.

At present, every time Bingyi has a light knife in his hand, his cloak will turn black. Although there would be butterflies flying on the black cloak every time, which seemed to be related to the Maria butterfly fragments, both Taoist Half-Life and Zhang Xingzang had serious doubts that this matter was related to a certain title of Bingyi.

"The hotel is still giving him the light knife."

Taoist Ban Ming took a deep breath: "The hotel knows that Bingyi has many butterfly fragments on his body. It will be very dangerous to cut off the spirit and soul in the future. A light knife cannot suppress it."

Every time Bingyi touches the hotel rules and regains his memory, the butterflies flying on his cloak look like a manifestation of the power of the butterfly fragments in his body. Therefore, the hotel uses this quota and provides more than one light knife to prepare for future cutting.

But if this continues, once the hotel suspects that this is not a problem with the butterfly fragments, but a problem with the Bingyi title——

That would be bad.

Thinking of this piece of Xingzang's back, I finally understood why Taoist Half Life was so anxious to come over and ask him to contact Dream Chaser. Seeing Bingyi holding more and more swords, he was also frightened. Once Bingyi is really suspected by the hotel, he and his forces will definitely be swept away by the hotel. Now Bingyi involves too many people and too many forces. If you include this competition and those who have traveled with him before, Almost the entire east and west districts, whether tourists or tour guides, are all in close contact with him!

When it comes to censorship of the hotel, it will be turned upside down...

"It's okay, it's okay. As long as Director Cui doesn't get a hundred and eighty knives, I don't think it's serious."

Taoist Ban Ming was kind-hearted and believed in Zhang Xingzang. Once the matter was explained, he was no longer in a hurry. He said cheerfully: "Although before this, Yu and Hui should have been able to react and stop them, not to mention... ah, so and so is here and can't get out. It’s a big deal, but I can’t let it go, so I just let Chai Meng be my insurance.”

"I think he can only get ten knives at most. He only has so many butterfly fragments on his body. He also has a butterfly mouthpart and a butterfly. This number is normal and will not make the hotel too suspicious."

"Oh, why am I not the one selected for the competition this time? What a great opportunity, what a pity, what a pity!"

As he spoke, Ban Ming Taoist sighed again, and said to Zhang Xingzang in a slightly envious tone: "Old Zhang, you and Dream Chasing Life are so good, so good."

Although after Sahara, Taoist Ban Ming and Wei Xun both obtained parts of the Butterfly Eyes, and Taoist Ban Ming later joined the Mutual Aid Alliance, and the fates between the two were connected, but this connection was still somewhat inferior compared to Zhang Xingzang and the others - Zhang Xingzang did This clay puppet has entered the competition together as Wei Xun's passenger. Their fortunes during the competition are more closely intertwined than half his life!

Otherwise, how could Dream Chaser befriend Bingyi even though he lost his memory, and now he could wake him up, but Yu Xiangyang would have died so early! Oh, it's a pity, it's such a pity. If he had gone in with half his life, even if he had lost his memory, he would definitely calculate with his fingers that Director C was an extraordinary person.

But no matter what, it is better than the astrologer, Taoist Half Life comforted himself. Taoist Ban Ming was a little bit careless about his "comrades" who were also able to predict their fate. Thinking of this, he cheered up and noticed that Zhang Xingzang's expression was not right.

"This luck, well, I'm actually worried about it."

Zhang Xingzang said helplessly, and couldn't help but reveal some truth to Taoist Ban Ming: "Actually, I'm really worried that something will happen when Zhui Meng contacts Director Cui."

After all, after he used a broken rope that was most likely a 'knife' to cut off the deep connection, he himself was kidnapped by those who wanted to kill him when he was about to die. They suppressed the Sun Gate passage for several years. He was seriously injured and almost died after being rescued. No big problem. But over there, his mental state is still that of 'Zhang Xingzang', and this 'Zhang Xingzang' is becoming more and more like a real person.

Zhang Xingzang was not even sure whether the broken rope had cut him and created a 'Zhang Xingzang' mental state, or whether it had cut him into pursuing his dream. But that cut was not a success by any means.

Wouldn't the hotel want to give Chai Meng another blow to resolve this uncertain factor?

Chai Meng is now a second-level guide and has started another journey to the 30th North Latitude. Death Sahara is completely stable, and the butterfly fragments are in his hands. Can the hotel trust him? So far, An Xuefeng and the astrologer who have made the journey to 30 degrees north latitude clearly have the person in charge of the slice, and the possibility of the life-seeking person is not small. The remaining ones, except Wei Xun, are the black widow and the dream chaser.

Not to mention that Black Widow took a second-hand journey, just saying that her mental state was that of George made Zhang Xingzang feel scared. Zhang Xingzang also has the mentality to chase dreams. This is not simple when you think about it.

There are journeys to the 30th North Latitude, there are butterfly fragments, and the hotel will never let such a person escape its control.

"Hiss, if you tell me this, the possibility is not low."

I was just thinking about Wei Xun. Now when I heard what Zhang Xingzang said, I suddenly realized that there was such a hidden secret between the two of them when they cut off the connection. I couldn't help but think about it: "How did you hint to Dream Chaser?"

"Badr, the God of Light, is dead and the Winter of Finbul is coming. This is a disaster that will spread throughout Northern Europe. Zhui Meng has a good relationship with Director Cui and will definitely remind him."

Zhang Xingzang said: "I just hinted him to come earlier to remind Director Cui that with Dragon Scales around, Dream Chaser can talk to Director Cui through daydreams."

As long as it can interrupt the cycle and make him forget about it for a while, it will be considered a success. Leave the rest to 'Wei Xun'... They are already in danger in the ice cave. Judging from his sanity value, it is estimated that it will return to zero soon. He will definitely realize the seriousness of this matter and secretly remind Director Cui.

"Okay, interrupt, okay... you are afraid that Dream Chaser will talk to Director Cui, and Director Cui will ask, 'Don't you think there is something wrong with your memory?' or something like that, which will make Dream Chaser fall into thinking and breakthrough. Memorize the rules?”

Half-life Taoist joked, but when he saw Zhang Xingzang's expression was blank, he subconsciously stopped laughing and said in surprise: "You don't really think so. Hey, I think it's okay, dream chasers are not that discerning."

How can you really be so narrow-minded that you can be favored by Director Cui so quickly? Stop talking nonsense.

"I'm just worried that the hotel is calculating mentally and unintentionally... It would be great if I was also in the competition."

Zhang Xingzang sighed, suddenly stopped talking, and stared straight into the live broadcast room. Taoist Ban Ming had been paying attention to the live broadcast room during the conversation. At this moment, he glanced around and saw that Cui Dao already had nine light knives in his hand. When he was working on the tenth one, a light shadow suddenly appeared above his head. Like the colorful halo of soap bubbles in the sun, the light and shadow condensed into a translucent little dragon, lying on top of Bingyi's head.

"Be careful! Baldr, the God of Light, is dead, and the Winter of Finbul is coming soon! The Winter of Wind comes first... what are you doing?"

The translucent little dragon lying on Bingyi's head first gave a serious and hurried warning, and then suddenly noticed something was wrong: "Bingyi, Bingyi?"

"……I'm okay."

Bingyi slowly returned to his thoughts and looked at the light knife in his hand. He was just wondering how he broke through the limits of his mental power and obtained this light sword. He had just fallen into deep thought when he was awakened by the dragon hunter.

Even if his friendship with the dragon hunter is a life-long friendship, Bingyi will not be lost in thought when others are around, otherwise it will be very dangerous to develop this habit.

"Thank you for coming all the way to remind me of this. Is it dangerous over there? I heard from Freya's messenger that there is a war between gods there?"

First, he thanked the dragon hunter for the reminder and was curious about its power that appeared out of thin air around him during the day. Bingyi tried to take down the little dragon above his head. The dragon hunter's curious eyes naturally fell on the light knife in his hand. So he asked: "What is this?"

It might be suspected of spying on others, but Bingyi knew that Long Hunter had no evil intentions. At the same time, he thought about it and suddenly said: "Long Hunter, have you been a hunter since you were a child?"

"Of course not."

Xiaolong said matter-of-factly and didn't care that the topic was changed because Bingyi's question made him stunned.

"Do you remember what you were doing and how your life was before you became a hunter?"

"Of course I-"

This question is easy to answer. In the dragon hunter's limited memory, he was sleeping, almost most of the time. Then he came to Northern Europe to be a hunter... Why did he come to Northern Europe to be a hunter?

The natural answer stuck in his mouth. Xiaolong frowned and thought for a while, but he simply didn't think about the things he couldn't think of clearly. He asked: "I can't remember clearly. What, you forgot something too?"

really! Watching the conversation between Director Cui and Chasing Dreams in the live broadcast room gradually slipping to the edge of danger, Zhang Xingzang was anxiously thinking about it, especially after Bingyi asked the Dragon Hunter a few words, and asked meaningfully: "Do you feel that you have any power?" Let us lose our memory, do you want to retrieve the lost memory?" When he saw Xiaolong's face wrinkled and lost in thought, his breathing almost stopped! Zhang Xingzang's head is full of roars about who can stop Bingyi, don't let him talk anymore!

Maybe Zhang Xingzang's prayer was too pious. Just when the topic between Bingyi and Xiaolong gradually slipped into the abyss of danger, Bingyi suddenly paused, with a subtle expression, and said to Xiaolong, "Wait a minute, you hide first." Xiaolong disappeared. Bingyi raised his finger, and a ball of flame burned on his fingertips. Then one of the flames separated from the fused flame. The fire shadow shook and turned into a villain like a flaming angel.

"God, I finally came to you, I finally found you!"

The little flame man was overjoyed, his little flame wings fluttered, almost singing a hymn. Regarding the fact that one of his own flames suddenly became a spirit, Bing Yi wondered if it was due to the impact of the changes in Paradise Lost. Instead, he touched the head of the flame angel with his fingertips. He was quite kind - for someone who was completely in his own way. Bing has always been kind to things under his control.

But he asked first: "What's your name?"

Not George.

"My name is Frances, God, my name is Frances!"

The little flame man cheered and asked God his name. Then he suddenly became serious and said carefully: "God, I received the revelation when I was born. The world will fall into darkness, and there will be three years of cold winter without any light. The Lamb of God will fall into eternal sleep in the bottomless black ice cave until the world is destroyed and a new world is reborn!"

Bingyi frowned, the flame villain said that although the apocalypse corresponded to the winter of Finbul, he did not believe the sudden appearance of the flame villain and had to examine it carefully. But there was one sentence in it that caught Bingyi's heart.

A bottomless, pitch-black ice cave? They are now in an ice cave. Does “Lamb of God” refer to the travelers he brought? Does ‘eternal sleep’ refer to an old dream? It was really outrageous that there had been no movement in front of him after being away from the team for such a long time. Bingyi subconsciously glanced at the time just now, and he was a little shocked.

What happened? How come half an hour has passed? Why doesn't he have much memory? Could it be that he has lost his memory? ?

But now Bingyi's mind was not on amnesia. After receiving no response from his mental communication with Wei Xun, he frowned and immediately rushed deeper into the ice cave.

* *

"Finally, fortunately, the little flame angel appeared in time!"

Seeing that Director Cui finally got out of the cycle by going to the scenic spots, Zhang Xingzang finally breathed a sigh of relief and smiled with Taoist Bansheng: "Fortunately, you asked Meng Zhui as an 'insurance'. It seems that Yu Hehui and his brigade are Something really happened."

Taoist Ban Ming did not answer the question. He stared at the little angel next to Cui Dao and said thoughtfully: "Don't you think it's too coincidental for it to appear?"

"It's a bit of a coincidence. Fortunately, it's not called George - wait, George's last name isn't Francis or something."

"That's not true."

Half-Life Taoist said quietly: "But I don't think it is a serious thing..."

Francis, he seemed to have heard this name somewhere a long time ago. Where exactly is——

* *

Ah sneeze!

The little flame angel sneezed - of course, it didn't sneeze, it was just that the flames fluctuated, feeling that someone was thinking about him.

Probably the captain, David thought to himself. He managed to sneak in, which was not easy.

That's right, this little flame angel is David, the occult deputy team! The astrologer had already had the idea of ​​sending him in to be an angel for Bingyi. He originally wanted to figure it out slowly, but when he noticed that the light blade appeared in Bingyi's hand, the astrologer also became anxious, and Ma Liu brought David in. Needless to say, the difficulty and resource consumption involved, David can only use Ifrit's flame to become a villain for the time being.

Of course he couldn't call him David when he became angry. It would be too conspicuous. He couldn't just call him a cat or a dog, as he would lose his fate of being connected to Bing and Yi, so David simply called him this name - Francis. This was the surname of the astrologer's real name, which came from an ancient secret family.

Almost no one in the hotel knew the astrologer's real name, and even those who knew his name didn't know his surname. It was a safe name, and it could connect the captain to C. David praised his quick wit, and then calmed down.

Although he came in to interrupt Bingyi's cyclic state, what he said was also not a lie - the two brigades that went deep into the ice cave encountered unimaginable and terrible dangers!

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