Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 667: Icelandic Horror (195)

The black cat left neatly, but Bingyi still couldn't calm down. Countless thoughts were tumbling in his mind. Bingyi now had an impulse. He wanted to force the phantom cat back to ask him thoroughly, but before he could stir up his energy, he paused. After a pause, I still didn’t choose to do this.

The phantom cat had been with him for so many days and never gave any sign, indicating that he didn't want to mention this matter more. Although his memory was blurred, Bingyi also had the impression that his brother was a person who had his own ideas. If there was something he didn't want to say, no one could pry his mouth open.

Not dead, essentially alive.

Bingyi slowly circled the ice cave, thinking over and over what the black cat had just said. He thought of Ah Feng. In the RV that night, Ah Feng also said, "I'm not dead, and neither is Bing Ling." He also said, "You can almost see him when you get out." However, Bing Yi was not dead at that time. Didn't fully believe what he said.

It's not that he doesn't believe Ah Feng, it's that Bingyi is used to playing word games and knows that there are many ways to understand "alive", especially in a hotel with extraordinary power. Does a living soul count as living? Does living spiritually count as living? But for Bingyi, his thoughts are not that detached yet. He wants to know if his brother's 'person' is still alive.

Now that he has the black cat, Bingyi feels more certain. He rarely hesitated, and after going around the ice cave a few times, he took out a few rune slates. The characters on them looked a little dim. This was because Bingyi used them to perform a divination in the igloo late at night last night. .

Bingyi has some wisdom authority, and even obtained a few runes, which Bingyi can also use for divination. Although he is not proficient in this aspect, and it is far from being considered a real divination, it is more similar to 'inquiry', asking about the omniscient and mysterious rune power in the universe, especially the phantom cat also corresponds to a rune character, B-1 and so on. This can ask some questions related to it.

For example, when he asked about Rune's power and asked it, 'Is Bing Ling alive?', the answer he got was that Bing Ling did not exist.

Bingyi was in a bad mood at the time, but it wasn't that bad. He thought that maybe their names were not passed down from the same line, and maybe his brother was not named Bingling. He asked Rune Power again about his brother's situation, but the answer he got was 'blank'. Bingyi changed his mind and asked Ah Feng for relevant information, but the answer he got was also 'blank'

He wanted to ask other questions, but the rune characters Bingyi mastered were not powerful enough, and his wisdom and authority were insufficient, so he could only make these three inquiries reluctantly. Even so, Bingyi has deduced a lot of information, which shows that their information has been completely concealed, and other forces in the world can no longer find this person. Bingyi seriously doubted that this was done by the mastermind behind the journey, or maybe after joining the "Hotel" organization, personal information and existence will be blocked.

And this is definitely a terrifyingly powerful mysterious organization that can control so many people. Bingyi is used to reading novels, so he changed his mind and thought about a lot of elements and themes such as 'system', 'main god', 'quick travel', 'infinite flow', etc. Most of the selection routines for this kind of thing are to choose dying/already. Dead people, or those with strong wishes.

On the verge of death... Bingyi suddenly thought of himself, wasn't he suffering from a terminal illness and on the verge of death? B1 seemed to be seriously ill too, while Miao Fangfei and others looked healthy. Could it be that the selection criteria for 'tour guides' and 'tourists' are different? A dying person is a tour guide, while tourists have other criteria?

Bingyi didn't notice that he had unconsciously used the power of the master, and the color of the tour guide's cloak became darker and darker and gradually turned into black. Patterns of butterflies fluttered on his cloak, and the power of the abyss filled the air. Bingyi, who was supposed to be self-explanatory and stop thinking about it, actually continued to think about it this time. All the doubts and inferences he had made before were just one opportunity away, and now they all burst out in his mind.

Why doesn't he remember any 'selection' or something like that? Is there something wrong with his memory? Otherwise, he would lead a team to explore Iceland when he was about to die. This fact is actually weird in every aspect, and it is definitely not a big deal before his death. Something clouded his memory. Is he really called Bingyi? While thinking intensely, a fragment of a picture flashed through Men Bingyi's mind, which seemed strange and familiar. Could this be——


Bingyi suddenly felt his head buzzing and the world was spinning. He subconsciously held on to the ice wall to steady his body. His mind was at a loss. He couldn't remember what he was thinking about just now. But... he looked at his right hand, his fingers moved slightly, and there was a faint white light as thin as a blade at the fingertips. It is invisible, but when you stare at it, you will feel a compelling aura, like an invisible thing that can cut off all doors in the world, such as soul and spirit.

[Congratulations on breaking through the limits of your spirit and receiving an exclusive spiritual lancet! 】

A reminder sounds in your head, pushing your mental limits? Spiritual lancet? Bingyi thought thoughtfully and examined the efficacy of this knife. It was actually a knife that could cut off pollution - whether it was the spirit or the soul that was polluted, it could cut off all these invisible things! But only he Bingyi can use it.

But - how could he suddenly break through any mental limits? What was he doing just now? Bingyi fell into deep thought and subconsciously played with the thin white light blade in his hand. Little did he know that the outside world was still in lockdown. Several deputy speakers or members who were running around in danger and busyness and occasionally watching the live broadcast were stunned when they happened to see this scene. My heart was shocked!

"He got to this point so quickly, God, I can't believe it, I can't believe it!"

The parliament at this moment was completely different from what Bingyi had seen before. It was in ruins. All the above-ground buildings were swallowed up by the dark blue battlefield pollution, so the members of the council temporarily went underground. The underground building is equally majestic, as sophisticated as an ant nest. It is obvious that it was built a long time ago, and this is not the first time a disaster like out-of-control pollution has occurred.

It's just that the underground is not as good as the ground. The MPs no longer have independent room doors, but the arms dealer, who is the deputy speaker and quasi-speaker, definitely has an office of his own. This also facilitated a series of cooperation, plotting, and taking time out of the busy schedule to watch the live broadcast between him and the dealer - only this time, both of them stared at the door of the Icelandic live broadcast room as if they had seen a ghost.

The barrage was in harmony. The audience was discussing the black cat and the reenactment of the myth. Not many people cared about the white light blade at Bingyi's fingertips. Even in the entire hotel, only a very few people know what it represents, such as the Parliament, which is extremely closely connected with the hotel. When the dealer saw it, the door almost overturned the table, and he was so shocked and anxious that he began to transform into a wolf.

"Bingyi created the Primordial Abyss Crack, Di Feiyu created the Abyss Pollution, and his cloak that turned black... The hotel rules were already like a piece of paper in front of him, and taking action now is more difficult than I thought. Night."

The arms dealer said expressionlessly, but the look in his eyes was extremely solemn: "I hope Bingyi will not use this knife."

Only a few people in the hotel will own this knife. It has different names and different meanings in the hands of different people, but among the members of Parliament, this kind of 'knife' is usually secretly jokingly called a dog tag.

Hotel dog tags.

When a traveler or tour guide's strength, title or adventure reaches a certain limit and touches the rules of the hotel, the hotel will send an invitation to them, inviting this strong person to participate in the operation of the hotel and become the host of the hotel.

This kind of 'invitation' also has various forms. For example, very outstanding and talented tourists or tour guides who have not touched the rules yet will receive a series of 'rules' level tasks. When they are able to complete this series of tasks, During the mission, it means that their strength has reached a level that touches the rules of the hotel, and the person in charge will issue an invitation to them on behalf of the hotel.

Some people choose to agree, and some people refuse. But some strong people have no choice - those who have been cut by a 'knife'.

Because rule-level tasks are not mandatory, there are limitations to using task filters. Regardless of whether you have progressed in the rules series of tasks or whether you have received rules-based tasks, when tourists or tour guides come into contact with the rules of the hotel, the hotel will use various methods and reasons to reward them with 'knives'.

These 'knives' have different shapes, and some are not knives at all. But they are essentially like knives, and their function is to cut through the spirit. It can cut away the polluted spirit and soul, it can cut out memories, and it can even cut out some of one's own unpleasant personalities. The hotel would not speak out. Some people just thought it was an ordinary prop and did not realize the deeper meaning. When they were in danger and were about to die, they cut it with a knife. Some people noticed something strange, but no matter what, cutting was the only way to become the owner of the hotel.

The person is cut into two, one is still a tourist or tour guide, and the other becomes the person in charge. He goes deeper into the hotel and has more authority over the hotel, but he is also controlled by the hotel and has to serve the hotel. This is a step to the sky, and it is also seeking skin from a tiger. But there are very few people who can reach this point and come into contact with the rules of the hotel. Usually only the top travelers and the most powerful tour guides have this opportunity.

He never expected that Bingyi would get the ‘knife’ at this moment.

"Compared with other rules in the hotel, the aspect of 'memory' is the easiest to touch upon."

The croupier said worriedly: "Bingyi may have remembered something, what do you think?"

"Whatever he remembered, he certainly can't remember now."

The arms dealer said coldly: "His strength is not enough."

Yes, although Bingyi's strength has improved rapidly in the competition, it is far from the top level of the hotel. Let alone trying to compete with the hotel, it is impossible to negotiate terms. It's even possible that the hotel won't let Bingyi know what the knife really means.

But no matter what, once he actually used this knife, he cut something of his own. Even if it doesn't show up now, when Bing Yi reaches the top in the future, he will have the only way to become the person in charge. And because the cutting was performed when he was weak, the hotel's mental control and influence on him will be stronger.

"He doesn't know how to use this knife. He can't cut the soul."

The croupier could hardly breathe. Her brother was soul-connected with Byeichi. After being rescued, he was similar to Kuroto. Once he really cut himself with this knife, the hotel would definitely feel his brother's presence and might do something. What's going on!

"With Bingyi's character, he will be very cautious about this kind of thing, and the possibility of using it is not high."

The arms trader was in an extremely bad mood. Bingyi was the liaison tour guide on the way home, and the tour guide and the brigade captain had different meanings. There are many brigade captains who are in charge of slices, so the team members will not have any problems. But tour guides are different. Tour guides are spiritually connected with every tourist. Especially judging from their previous performance, there is a high probability that B has already been deeply connected with the way home!

If he slices his mind, the spirits of the connected passengers will almost fall under the control of the hotel. If other tourists and tour guides do not have the value to let the hotel do this, but the return journey is the first brigade, the hotel must be very willing to completely control this brigade.

"You're right, the possibility shouldn't be high. After all, this knife is disposable."

The anxious dealer found some comfort from the arms dealer, thinking that a one-time item that could cut off the spirit and soul was valuable everywhere, and Bingyi would never use it directly. When something happens later, there should be peak travelers around him who have recovered their memories. They will be able to recognize what the knife is and will remind Bingyi.

Thinking of this, she took a long breath and said in a pretending relaxed tone:

"And there is only one knife. No matter what, Bingyi should use it sparingly, right?"

"you are wrong."

However, the arms dealer's tone was very strange, and his words gave the dealer an ominous premonition. The dealer didn't have time to think about it and immediately looked towards the live broadcast, only to see that Bingyi in the live broadcast almost repeated the scene just now - deep in thought, his cloak turned black, butterfly patterns appeared, he was emotional, his eyes were blank, and he was holding on to the wall -

Then another light knife appeared in his hand, and two rays of white light were sandwiched between his slender fingers. It looked particularly dreamy, and the croupier was stunned.

This, this, did he touch the memory rules of the hotel again in a short period of time? ? What other memories come to mind? ? Otherwise, why would he activate the hotel and give him a light knife again! But it was not over yet. Under the bewildered looks of the dealer and the arms dealer, Bingyi, who was awake again, quickly fell into deep thought, and then repeated the process - and soon, he obtained the third light knife.

Where is this guy's hotel bug? ?

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