Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 657: Icelandic Horror (185)

God knows how shocked Di Feiyu was when he learned the news in his old dream. If the mouthparts of the butterfly were really the 'mouthparts of the Maria butterfly' he thought, wouldn't that be Director Bing's vampire knife?

Yin-Yang Die left the Butcher Alliance and joined the Mutual Aid Alliance. Everyone in the hotel had long known that she had abandoned the dark side and turned to the light. However, Yin-Yang Die presented his usual vampire knife to Director B. This vampire knife was given to him by the life-haunting man. Not many people know about Maria's butterfly mouthparts, at least middle- and low-level travelers like Di Feiyu don't know about it.

However, since he was successfully selected into the pre-match match, he trained with Miao Fangfei and others before the match to develop a tacit understanding, and he has always performed well in the match. He is smart, has a bottom line, and has potential, which has attracted the attention of both Miao Fangfei and Shao Yuan. , so after discussion, Shaoyuan secretly revealed some information about Director B to Di Feiyu.

The main purpose is to help Director B, who has lost his memory, regain his strength as soon as possible, and in this, reminding Director B of his weapon 'Vampire Knife' is an extremely important part. Shao Yuan told Di Feiyu the origin and purpose of the vampire knife just to see if there was a chance to hint to Director Bing. It would of course be a surprise if he could remember it as soon as possible.

But who would have thought that Director Bing would be successful in Iceland, and the next day he would have a Nordic hunting knife as a weapon, and he would quickly regain his strength and even become stronger day by day. In addition, every day is a high-pressure, overdraft and extremely difficult journey, and passengers have no time to think about other things that are not crucial.

It wasn't until he saw that 'door' in his old dream and heard Director Huang say that the scarlet sealing strip on the 'door' was most likely the mouthparts of a butterfly that Di Feiyu suddenly remembered Director Bing's vampire knife!

If the thing on the 'door' is really the mouthparts of the Maria butterfly, Director Bing's vampire knife actually comes from the Jin Lunga Gap, from the primordial abyss? In other words, there are fragments of Marea butterflies in the Kinlunga Gap? !

‘The mouthparts of a butterfly? ’

Bingyi felt strangely familiar, as if he had seen or heard it somewhere. His hand touched his waist thoughtfully, and this action made An Xuefeng raise his eyebrows thoughtfully. But Bingyi didn't remember anything. He needed more clues. So he continued to ask.

"When the glacier and the magma river collide and merge, and thick fog rises, the 'door' will be looming in the fog, hanging above the pure and sticky black, not solid, just like the moon reflected in the river water."

Di Feiyu wasn't sure whether it was the mouthparts of the Maria butterfly, and Director Red and Director Huang didn't say anything else. I could only rack my brains to recall and describe everything I saw in my old dream to Director C in detail: 'Those human skins that had been swollen by sucking flesh and blood sank into the depths of the glacier, and some disturbed the mist when they fell.' The door will disappear. When the fog becomes stable again, the door will reappear without any change. Director Huang tried his best, but he couldn't touch the 'door'.

It's as if it doesn't really exist here, like a mirage reflected in the fog, reflected by the scenery thousands or even tens of thousands of meters deeper in the Jinlunga Divide.

Gate of the Abyss.

Di Feiyu shuddered at the thought, feeling coldness rising from the seams in his bones. Bingyi frowned, while Di Feiyu continued to talk, seemingly unaware of the sudden drop in temperature in the RV. The golden bird came out of his arms, its golden feathers exploded, and its fluffy wings spread out to protect Di Feiyu, but it could not stop the ominous black from spreading upward from the whites of his eyes.

"That 'door' is not a door in the conventional sense. It looks like an arch composed of iron-gray prisms. It is so huge that human skin is like a sesame seed compared to it."

The shadow of the 'door' was reflected in the thick fog. At first, Di Feiyu did not think how big it would be, until Director Huang and Director Hong solemnly whispered, the shadow of the 'door' was also reflected in the fog, and the stars that appeared next to the door were pointing towards the door. When the black particles floating away were human skin floating on the glacier, Di Feiyu suddenly understood how huge this door really was.

'It is covered with dense bulges, like insect chrysalis. The human skin filled with black water and thick slurry falls on the door and explodes. The thick slurry flows and pours on the bulges. The bulges expand more and more, and finally crowd and crack. , purple-red slurry flows out and falls on the butterfly's mouthparts'

Di Feiyu murmured, his eyes gradually lost focus, and black particles floated in clusters in his eyeballs, like the compound eyes of insects. His skin was melting, turning into a thick black slurry that flowed all over the RV, but he didn't notice the changes in his body at all, didn't hear Bingyi and Wei Xun's anxious calls, didn't feel Bingyi pull away from his grasp. Silk. Wei Xun tried to knock him unconscious. The eyeballs sprouted from under the feathers of the small bird bird and screamed loudly. There were screams one after another outside the RV, but Di Feiyu couldn't notice it.

He seemed to be trapped in his own world, but even if the strings were pulled away and Di Feiyu's mouth was blocked, black wounds still appeared on his face. He opened and closed to murmur, and the words echoed in the minds of Bingyi and Wei Xun. , as if it wasn't Di Feiyu who was speaking now, but something else was transmitting these extremely terrifying pollution through his body.

'The mouthparts of the butterfly pulsate like a living thing, sucking the thick purple-red slurry. It sticks out from the door, as if something is devouring food through it'

Di Feiyu didn't realize that these things were not what he saw when he observed the mist. He couldn't see it so clearly: 'There is too much thick slurry, and the butterfly's mouthparts pulsate more and more violently. When it sucks the thick slurry,' The door was opened by a tiny gap and could not be closed. The initial strength leaked out from the gap. He observed through the gap——'

"Di Feiyu, look what this is!"

At this moment, a sharp roar was like lightning splitting through Hun Meng, and Di Feiyu saw a familiar scarlet color, the mouthparts, which were the mouthparts of a butterfly.

"There's no slurry here, there's no food, it seals the door and won't hold it open!"

"No energy can leak out, and no one can see. It completely seals the door, locks it, and no one can see."

Yes...this is the mouthpart of a looks very flat and will not hold the door open, seal it, or lock it...

"Di Feiyu——"

"Di Feiyu!!"

Di Feiyu suddenly fainted amidst the call, and the terrifying murmur finally disappeared. However, at this moment, the RV campground had been completely destroyed! Piles of thick black slurry came out of nowhere and swallowed up all the RVs, ice and snow, and the ground, turning the temporary camp into a quagmire and swamp.


The terrible pollution caused distortions in almost all the passengers. After escaping from the RV, they fled hundreds of meters away in the wind and snow in fear, screaming uncontrollably.

"Damn, what is this?!"

Lisa screamed in disbelief: "Polution torrent? Butterfly pollution? How could it be!" Horrible red spots appeared one after another on her face, as if she had been burned by fire. Blisters first appeared in the middle of the red spots, and then burst, and the red spots turned into Holes after holes, her skin and flesh melted into a thick pulp, dripping down her cheeks like sticky asphalt. Lisa immediately peeled off the deformed skin, as other peak travelers did, and the melted flesh and bones slowly flowed into the black In the center of the thick slurry, there seemed to be a molten black statue standing there, which was the source of the pollution.

Tricky, very thorny, even if the top travelers join forces, it will be difficult to get rid of it. Fortunately, it was stabbed through the chest with a long scarlet knife. The thick black slurry carrying the terrible pollution rushed toward the scarlet sword, as if falling into the void and gradually disappearing. The terrible pollution did not spread anymore, but gradually disappeared. The black demon flew in the sky, covering the scarlet sword like a shadow, looking down at everything. The golden-red bird clustered on the demon's shoulder, his eyes solemn. Thinking of the chaos just now, even An Xuefeng felt palpitations.

Di Feiyu was polluted by the abyss. He may have seen the real abyss in his old dream. Even a single glance planted the seeds of pollution in his mind. The more he thought about it carefully, he tried to describe the things in the abyss. The more it looks like, the more it will become a source of pollution. If An Xuefeng knew about it, he would definitely stop Di Feiyu and Bingyi as soon as they mentioned the abyss.

However, he and Wei Xun were chatting in secret at that time, and An Xuefeng could not hear it. He noticed that Wei Xun touched his waist and had a vague premonition in his heart. Wei Xun used to often wrap the blood-sucking soft knife around his waist. . However, within a few seconds, the contamination began to spread rapidly and could not be stopped. Wei Xun also felt that something was wrong, but he could not stop Di Feiyu from continuing to speak. An Xuefeng immediately turned into a little phoenix and used flames to communicate with the dying little phoenix in Di Feiyu's arms.

It would be troublesome if it was a Kunpeng that belongs to water, but this little roc mutates like a golden-winged roc and belongs to fire. When Bingyi saw this, he immediately released the flames. The burning of the fire slowed down the pollution. They should have taken this opportunity to escape from the RV, but in this case Di Feiyu would definitely be dead, and once he died because of the abyss, it would be very likely It is a true and complete death without any chance of resurrection.

It is a tacit fact that the rules of the hotel cannot fully take effect in the abyss! An Xuefeng stuffed something into Di Feiyu's mouth before escaping, which was most likely his chance of survival.

However, Bingyi, who felt his thoughts, did not want to give up on Di Feiyu and leave. He asked that it was he who indirectly caused this disaster and that Di Feiyu was deeply polluted and on the verge of death. It was up to him to end everything. Especially Bingyi finally recalled what a ‘butterfly mouthpart’ was from Di Feiyu’s description. That seems to be a relic left by my brother. After all, he seems to be an avid insect lover in private - yes, that's it! Bingyi has been carrying butterfly mouthparts with him, and here it is——


The blood-red knife light flashed, and Bingyi pulled out the butterfly's mouthpart in the torrent of pollution. It was a scarlet soft knife. He did not hesitate to use it to pierce Di Feiyu's almost completely melted body. Before speaking more dangerous words, she shouted those words at him instinctively. Since Di Feiyu said that the butterfly's mouthparts opened the 'door', then as long as the butterfly's mouthparts seal the 'door' tightly, no pollution should flow out!

Bingyi did it instinctively, but he was not completely sure whether this would prevent the spread of contamination. Fortunately, he succeeded! The scarlet long knife pierced Di Feiyu's body, which was like a seal sealing the door of pollution leakage. However, this was still too slow for the rapidly spreading pollution. Even though it had only been two or three minutes since the situation got out of control, the entire RV camp It has been completely contaminated, and Di Feiyu, who is the source of the pollution...

The thick black slurry was completely absorbed by the scarlet sword. In just a few minutes, the basalt ground sank several meters, and the RV campground became a deep pit. In the center of the pit was a pitch-black body, with the scarlet sword piercing through its body. The body looked like a half-melted ferocious stone sculpture, or a rotten insect shell. In short, he did not look like a human being, and there was no sign of life.

Di Feiyu...

An Xuefeng sighed in his heart and looked at Bingyi, only to see that he was still staring at the dark stone sculpture without blinking.

Di Feiyu did not 'die', and as his tour guide Bingyi could clearly feel that he did not die!

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