Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 658: Icelandic Horror (186)

However, even if he is not dead, Di Feiyu is definitely not alive. He is seriously polluted and can hardly be called a 'human' anymore. But something has protected a bit of 'human' spirituality amidst the terrible pollution. In the middle of the dark, melting human body, something was emitting a faint light.

It was a small piece of eggshell. It was pale and broken, almost completely soaked with thick black pollution. Only the middle point was still lit, emitting a faint white light. This was the piece of Kunpeng that was branded with the character corresponding to Charlie's rune. eggshell! But this rune character did not correspond to Di Feiyu. It could withstand some pollution but not much. The little Kunpeng under the eggshell turned into a ball of slimy and squirming eyeballs, almost completely assimilated by the pollution.

It was another force that protected Di Feiyu's humanity.

Demon Bing stretched out his hand, the tips of his sharp black nails flashed with dots of light, and two palm-sized stone slabs hung above it. There is a character carved in the center of one of them, which looks like a capital letter f. It is the rune that separated from Philip's flesh after his death. The other piece is full of cracks, as if it had been completely broken and then spliced ​​back together. This is the rune letter corresponding to White Lotus, the core stone slab dedicated to Binggou.

It was once shattered by the power of Odin's Spear, but now it is restored at Bingyi's fingertips.

Archangel Uriel is the angel in charge of wisdom. Philip who was in the guard at that time died when Uriel came to the world and died during the power struggle. His corresponding rune letters should naturally belong to Uriel, even if he was stopped by Odin at that time. Later, this stone tablet was still part of the Nordic wisdom authority and came into the hands of Uriel. After Uriel's death, Bingyi should have inherited his inheritance.

After initially integrating Uriel's authority, Bingyi truly touched the threshold of wisdom and authority, instead of only relying on Odin's thinking to understand the meaning of the rune characters. In addition to Philip's alphabet slate, fragments of Layman Bailian's slate are also here in Bingyi's place. After he initially understood the authority of wisdom, the stone slab was naturally repaired in his hands.

At that time, Di Feiyu was seriously polluted and in critical condition. Ah Feng mobilized the flames to slow down the spread of pollution, which inspired Bingyi. While he drew his sword, he also activated the power of the rune character, causing it to match the character on Di Feiyu's Kunpeng eggshell. Rune character resonance. Bingyi didn't think too much at the time. He was afraid that Di Feiyu couldn't bear being pierced by the butterfly's mouthparts and would die, so he subconsciously wanted to activate the power of Di Feiyu's own runes - after all, Di Feiyu definitely corresponded to the runes. , his corresponding character will be separated when he is dying, just like when Philip died.

The passengers and tour guides in the team all correspond to rune characters, and they have different forward and reverse solutions, corresponding to the death of the passengers. However, Bingyi, who has initially gained control of the command, understands that as long as he can completely master the rune character, he can control the powerful and terrifying power contained in it, which can not only cause death, but also life. Bingyi hadn't reached that point yet, but he went to great lengths to exert all the power of wisdom and authority he had on Di Feiyu, and he got an unexpected surprise!

The light of the runes on the Kunpeng eggshell reflected another faint light, which was a deer bone amulet, located on the waist of Di Feiyu, who was melting in darkness. It was carved into the shape of antlers, and most of it was also contaminated. Devouring, it's just that the light is brighter than on Kunpeng's eggshell.

This is the rune letter corresponding to Di Feiyu. It shines with a mysterious light. When Di Feiyu was polluted and dying, Bingyi used his wisdom and authority to activate it and appeared on the antlers amulet. The moment it appeared, Bingyi realized what Di Feiyu corresponded to.

The rune letter algiz corresponds to the English letter z.

Its original meaning is protection, its original meaning is elk, and its reverse meaning is sacrifice.

Di Feiyu is willing to sacrifice himself for the overall situation, just like he took the initiative to tell Bingyi that he wanted to die and enter the old dream to balance the forces of the east and west areas in the old dream. But Bingyi didn't want to see him sacrifice. He used his wisdom and authority to hope to activate the positive 'protective' power of this rune letter. However, Bingyi did not fully grasp the wisdom and authority after all. The power of protection was activated, but not much. He wanted to Saving Di Feiyu, who was severely distorted and contaminated, was even more impossible.

What really allows Di Feiyu to escape the fate of complete pollution and complete death is the other power contained in the characters.

"Is this Di Feiyu?"

The terrifying abyss pollution was almost completely absorbed by the scarlet sword, and the Peak travelers were the first to be vigilant and come to the source of the pollution. Yin Qiaoqiao looked solemnly at the black body pierced by the scarlet knife, the flesh and bones that melted into slurry, the protruding clusters of tentacle buds, and the series of muddy and squirming eyeballs on the chest. This body has long been unable to be called a human being, let alone There was no 'face' to speak of, but through the piece of eggshell in his arms, Yin Qiaoqiao recognized that it was Di Feiyu.

He only glanced at Yin Qiaoqiao and then looked away, with blood and tears in his eyes. The pollution of the abyss is so terrible that it can pollute all tangible and intangible things. Vision, hearing, and smell can all become the carriers of pollution. Yin Qiaoqiao's eyes were polluted the first time he saw it. But tourists can still bear this kind of pollution.

No one wants to miss this rare clue.

How could Di Feiyu become like this? !

"What did he come into contact with after he came back? No...what did he see in his old dreams?"

Lisa said solemnly. Her face and body were covered with pits and blood marks left by digging out the flesh. She was almost inhuman shape and looked no better than Di Feiyu. But this is just pollution attacking the body. As long as the spirit is good, it is not a problem for peak travelers. Lisa pretended to be serious and angry and stood in the front, but in fact, she intentionally or unintentionally blocked the werewolf Walker behind her.

Under such a horrific level of pollution, of course Werewolf Walker's sanity returned to zero and his memory was restored! With his violent personality and the experience of being the mount of Director C many times when he lost his memory, Lisa was afraid that the werewolf Walker would turn against C and attack C, and even kill him to seize the source of pollution!

However, even though his face was extremely ugly and ferocious, almost completely transformed into a werewolf, with thick wolf fur covering his face, and sharp wolf claws scratching the basalt ground, there was no movement from Werewolf Walker. On the contrary, it was Maria who almost rushed forward past Lisa.

"Evil, false ugliness."

Maria's eyes were as cold as ice, and her gaze fell from Demon Bingyi to Di Feiyu, her expression becoming more cold and disgusting, as if she had seen something dirty.

"A place of falsehood, emptiness, and deceit is not the kingdom of God."

"What the polluted believer needs is God's guidance. Where will the false angel lead him?"

The series of words she said, the cold words that came out one after another, were really incomprehensible. However, Bingyi and An Xuefeng both understood but didn't care. The power of the rune characters flickered and gradually turned into a line of light. It passed through Di Feiyu's almost melted body and landed on the location where the 'head' should have been.

A jet-black ball shone with light. It had melted to the point where it was almost unrecognizable from its original appearance. It exuded a rancid and sour aroma of wine where it was illuminated by the light.

This is a grape.

The grapes of the unhappy, the grapes of Satan. In Paradise Lost, Satan tempted Adam to eat fermented grapes, causing him to be banished from God. After Bingyi gets the title of the Lost Man, he can produce a few grapes every day. If you eat his grapes, you will become a believer of the Lost Man.

Yu Hehui, Tong Hege, and Xiaocui all ate grapes, and Wei Xun also ate them. After discovering that A Feng seemed to have two bodies, Bingyi teased him in the RV and gave him another one. When An Xuefeng escaped from the RV with Bingyi, he stuffed the grape into Di Feiyu's mouth!

Di Feiyu's body has been completely polluted and cannot be reversed, but Bingyi and Butterfly have an unclear relationship. If Di Feiyu can become a believer in Bingyi, perhaps the pollution will be able to spare him and allow him to keep his soul as much as possible. . This is Di Feiyu's only chance of survival, and by chance, this matches the rune character corresponding to Di Feiyu!

After realizing that the power of 'protection' was not enough to protect Di Feiyu, and realizing that the other force represented by this character was more powerful, Bingyi made a prompt decision to activate this force with all his strength.

"Where does it lead——"

Bingyi chuckled when he heard the words and prolonged his voice. His body changed and he showed the power of an angel. Thick and wide wings stretched out behind him. He was holy like a god descending. Three rays of light guarded him like knights. , a pair of angels outlined in light were silently guarding him. Those were the Three Horsemen of the Apocalypse and the Angel Uriel in his Paradise Lost.

The lost man flapped his wings, and a feather fell lightly. White light lingered around it, and traces of light remained in the air, like a pure white staircase leading to an angel. When the feathers fell on Di Feiyu, his severely polluted body completely collapsed, leaving only two faint haloes, one like a golden bird, the other like an old deer. They were Xiao Jinpeng and Di Feiyu. Feiyu's soul.

These two haloes of light were severely polluted and filled with thick black, but they joyfully and lightly stepped on the feathers, followed the traces of light, and flew up until they were beside the angel. Many butterflies flew around the angels, sucking away the pollution. The knights stood solemnly. The archangel in front of the Lost Paradise folded his wings. The door of the Lost Paradise opened to the soul, welcoming God's believers into the Kingdom of God.

The rune character Yagiz corresponding to Di Feiyu represents an elk. The antlers of the elk extend like branches, like an upwardly extending hand.

It implies that the person corresponding to this character has reached the kingdom of God.

Bingyi successfully took in the souls of Di Feiyu and Xiao Jinpeng and eliminated the pollution in their souls. According to Ah Feng, as long as the soul is not completely contaminated, it can still be incorporated into the rules of old dreams. As long as he can resurrect his relatives and hold his incarnation in the old dream, Di Feiyu can be resurrected after the old dream ends!

But in Bingyi's view, regardless of whether the Laoshizi rules are useful or not, Di Feiyu's soul is now in his hands. As long as he figures out how to bring people back to life, Di Feiyu will naturally be reborn in his hands.

With a buzzing sound, the long blood-sucking knife flew into Bingyi's hand along with the two runes, the egg shell and the antler amulet. The angel is holding a scarlet sword, and holy white light is falling. The angel is smiling at people in mid-air.

"Where does it lead?"

"Of course I will guide him to my kingdom of God."

‘Why don’t they do anything to me? ’

After a while, Bingyi struggled to explain. Although he was pretending to be cool in the sky, in fact Bingyi was tense and ready for the battle. Maria was not like Shantu, and Lisa and the others were very interested in the seriously contaminated Di Feiyu. After Bingyi took away all the contaminated souls from Di Feiyu, he was always ready to fight. Bingyi's brain has been running rapidly as to whether or not to disclose the information Di Feiyu told him, and how much to reveal.

However, in fact, what Bingyi was worried about did not happen. Even Maria, who seemed to have the worst attitude, just looked at him strangely, and then the Peak passengers turned around and left to count the remaining supplies and instruct the passengers to move their positions. , dug ice bricks and built an igloo to prepare for the night.

This made Bingyi, who had been on guard with his wing feathers exploding in the air, look dumbfounded. He hesitated for a long time and finally couldn't help but ask.

‘First, it’s almost midnight’

Before Bingyi spoke, A Fengniao had been silent until he asked a question.

At midnight, the peak passengers regain their sanity but lose their memory again. No one wants to waste this time fighting. They must race against time to secretly leave clues that they can understand to remember what happened tonight.

‘First, you saved Di Feiyu’

Even An Xuefeng sighed from the bottom of his heart and couldn't help but repeat: "You really saved Di Feiyu"

I'm afraid Bingyi doesn't know what it means to resuscitate a person who has looked directly into the abyss and has been seriously polluted by the torrent of the abyss, and to free his soul from pollution.

This is not only due to the title of Lost Music and the power of the rune character, but most importantly, those butterflies are the hidden power of Bingyi. No one in the hotel has ever been able to do this. This alone is enough to completely separate Bingyi from the references of 'An Xuefeng's contact tour guide' and 'life-haunting brother'.

Bingyi is Bingyi, which is a miracle. He is like a life-saving straw for all the top travelers and tour guides in the hotel who are about to go to the battlefield.

Who dares to hurt Bingyi before he understands the principle? Who dares to be an enemy of Bingyi? Who dares to kill Bingyi? Even if Bingyi suffered even a little bit of damage——

Everyone... is going to go crazy.

* *

At midnight, all the top travelers return and lose their old memories.

A new day has arrived.

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