Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 656: Icelandic Horror (184)

【What happened next? Say it quickly, say it quickly】

[I got goosebumps just listening to what Di Feiyu said. It’s so scary. Watching the live broadcast will make you crazy! 】

[Even if the san value is crazy, I still want to see it. This is the legendary primitive abyss! ! 】

[Yes, there are also two top directors, Director Hong and Director Huang! Damn it, the dream live broadcast room is open, why can’t old dreams involving the abyss be broadcast! 】

Since Director Bing woke up, the number of viewers watching his live broadcast has immediately soared. Especially when he and Wei Xun were cooking and eating, and testing each other's ambiguities, the number of comments reached a new height. However, after Di Feiyu entered the RV, the barrage in the live broadcast room changed its style. Some barrages joked that Mr. Di was just like cracking down on pornography, which is true.

No one except perverts can discuss what it means to engage in cp in the "minced meat", "human skin" and "viscous black pulp" he talks about, but the number of people in the live broadcast room is increasing, because of the experience Di Feiyu talked about. It’s exactly what no audience can see in the live broadcast room!

Dreams in the past has never been live broadcasted, but this time many big tourist guides have applied for it. Coupled with some unexplainable reasons, the hotel finally opened a coded version of the Dreamland live broadcast room. The live broadcast perspective is only dreams. The person who is still alive in the incarnation and enters the dream activity of the past.

After Charlie's death, he completely fell into his old dream, and Charlie's perspective became the first split screen to be broadcast in the dream live broadcast room. However, the hotel is really stingy, as if it is afraid that the audience will see more from the old dream, it not only mosaics the faces of various relatives in the dream, but also fixes the live broadcast perspective on Charlie.

Unlike normal live broadcasts, which have various angles, you can not only see people but also various surrounding environments. The Dream Charlie live broadcast room only shows Charlie's lizard perspective, and the audience is equivalent to watching "the world through lizard eyes". Charlie is really very thin and small. When he climbs over an ice block, it feels like he is climbing over a mountain. Watching it from this angle makes people want to vomit. Some people complained, "Shit, watching the live broadcast from this angle makes me feel like I have turned into a cockroach!" ’

But when Bingda launched the Apocalypse Knights and the Frost Giants and the Resurrection Angels, all major brigades in the east and west districts had dedicated personnel watching Charlie's live broadcast room closely to analyze the impact of reality on the old dream. Although he is a weak lizard, Charlie is usually kept in the pocket of his relatives and cannot see anything at all.

Until Bai Lian died, most of them entered the Hall of Valor to be baptized and the other half entered old dreams. A new split screen of Bai Lian appeared in the dream live broadcast room. The audience was extremely excited, thinking that they could get a glimpse of some new clues. However, what left everyone speechless was , the dream incarnation of the White Lotus layman... is a white lotus, which was collected in a purple gold alms bowl by the relatives of the White Lotus layman.

Although this white lotus is more similar to the white lotus essence, the flower can float and emit a little Buddha light, but the white lotus does not have eyes. To be precise, the 'eyes' of the white lotus are gestating in a restrained Buddha light. Therefore, the audience in Bailian's live broadcast room can only see a piece of light, hear the Buddha's voice, and feel that their lives are about to be purified.

It's just that although Charlie and White Lotus are in one's pocket and one in the alms bowl. But fortunately, the hotel did not skimp on the sound. All the audience could hear the terrible sounds of the earth falling apart and people fighting and screaming outside. The ice field of the old dream seemed to have turned into a purgatory on earth. Just by the sound, they could feel how much had happened in the dream. Terrible things.

Philip's death in reality failed to add a new split screen in the dream live broadcast room. In the dream, he was not part of Charlie's group. His avatar had long since died and fell into a real dead silence. The audience really got a glimpse of the horrific scenes that happened in the old dream only after the fierce battle in the outside world ended and Miranda and others all fell into the old dream.

Miranda, Di Feiyu, Heydrich, Betty, Charlie, Yu Xiangyang, and Bai Lianji, these seven dream live broadcast angles shocked the audience's attention. The ice field in the dream has become a terrible ruin. Huge ice spikes and broken black basalt points to the sky. White mist is everywhere. Magma flows on the ice. Extremely cold ice mist spurts out from the ground and condenses. Into a sharp icy rain.

There are bodies of snow zombies everywhere. Large clumps of polluted snow cover the ground like clumps of spreading white plaque, with zombie skeletons in the middle. They have been soaked with blood and completely changed. This is the result of absorbing the blood of the lamb that the angel sent to bring disaster. Outside the corpses of the snow zombies are the remains of the Frost Giants. There was no Snaefell volcano erupting in the old dream, and the fragments of the original giants were not suppressed under the volcano. The gods and the frost giants did not have to worry too much, and they fought for real. fire.

Both gods and giants have fallen. The battle between the Nordic gods and the frost giants seems to have begun in advance. The death knights in the dream come looking for the breath of the gods' demise, and the war knights follow the will of the bloody battle between the gods and the giants.

All developments in old dreams have their own logic and are not exactly the same as reality. Especially the crack in the primordial abyss - the Golden Lunga Chasm in reality disappeared. Under the misdirection of the power suspected of approaching Ragnarok, a small crack opened and quickly closed again.

However, this was not the case in the old dreams. When the deaths of giants and gods made the Jinlunga Gap truly appear, no one could close it again. The abyss appeared in the world, and the Golden Lunga Chasm quickly swallowed up half of the ice field. Gods and giants wanted to stop it, but it was too late. The end was approaching, and famine and plague knights appeared one after another, making the war situation more chaotic. The world is like a broken glass bowl. When the ice field is broken, the fog and fire hidden under the deep ice spurt out. It is the fragmentation of space that forms the passage between the Kingdom of Fog, the Kingdom of Fire, and the human world!

By the time Archangel Uriel comes, the ice field is already in chaos. It is different from reality. In reality, when the first angel blows his trumpet, he will bring blood-stained hail and fire, burning a third of the earth. The problem is that everyone Without Uriel's intervention, the terrifying Kinlunga Gap had already swallowed up nearly half of the ice sheet!

All revelations and judgments must be based on the Book of Revelation. It will not work if there is too little burning, and even more it will not work if there is too much burning. So Uriel rained down hail and fire. The fire hit the cold fog of the Land of Mist and condensed into frost, and was smashed by the hail into new ice. However, what he created was not as fast as the spread of the Golden Lunga Gap, and not as fast as the destruction of the Norse gods and giants. So soon Uriel boldly attacked the Norse gods and giants at the same time. As long as they died and Ragnarok ended, there would be no world in the world. will be damaged again.

In such a chaotic and terrifying battlefield, even the top travelers can lose their lives at any time. Almost all the traveler avatars in the dream live broadcast room are fleeing with their relatives. In this disaster, not only the gods, giants and knights died, but also the travelers in the dream. , Di Feiyu's grandfather died, Heydrich's relatives completely turned into ghosts, both brigades were swallowed up by the expanding and cracking chasm, and the whole world fell into chaos and collapse, making the audience subconsciously anxious and worried. Terrified, not knowing how to stop this disaster.

If the disasters continue and the world in the old dream is really destroyed, how terrible will it be in reality? The worst thing is that if the Old Dream Brigade is destroyed, wouldn't all members of the two brigades of Director C and the Devil Merchant be killed suddenly?

But just when everyone was worried, the disaster in their old dreams suddenly stopped. It was as if someone had pressed the stop button, and the Jinlunga Chasm no longer continued to expand crazily. The terrifying creatures crawling out of the chasm swallowed up all the energy emanating from it, including the blood of the fallen lambs with mutilated limbs of gods and giants. These things that contained terrifying power and would cause pollution to the human world were all devoured, and the gods and giants took the opportunity to escape from the battlefield. Everything temporarily returned to calm, and after the old dreams calmed down, Miranda and others woke up one by one, panicked and confused.

The Kinlunga Chasm appeared in the world, and the two brigades fell into the chasm. What they encountered was undoubtedly terrible and terrible.

But why did the divide suddenly stop growing? Why did all these disasters suddenly end? No one can tell for sure. Outside the live broadcast room, many large brigades and tour guide alliances are doing their best to analyze. They believe that in old dreams, travelers or tour guides entered the depths of the Jin Lunga Chasm. What special means were used or what problems were solved to allow Jin Lunga to escape? The divide no longer widens.

However, none of the passengers in the Dream Live Broadcast Room went down to the deepest part of the Jinlunga Gap, and this speculation cannot be confirmed. It wasn't until Di Feiyu got into Bingyi's RV on a snowy night and told these things that the bosses in the live broadcast room suddenly realized and were surprised and excited.

This is definitely the most precious clue!

I didn't expect Di Feiyu to hide such an important thing! After all, after waking up from the old dream, the living people gathered together to discuss information. Heydrich, Charlie, Yu Xiangyang and Bai Lian all died in reality. Only Miranda and Betty were left alive in their team. and Di Feiyu.

Miranda and Betty invited Di Feiyu to come together during the discussion. During the discussion, Di Feiyu was taciturn and only talked about the death of his grandfather and the news that he was drifting down the glacier. The audience recalled that during the old Dream live broadcast, his split screen went completely black shortly after the glacier water rushed downwards. At that time, they thought it was because of the death of Grandpa Di Feiyu that the live broadcast could not be viewed. Now it seems that at that time He may have really touched upon the Kinlunga divide.

Even in old dreams, live broadcasts involving the abyss would be blocked!

More and more viewers came to watch the split screen of Director Bing's live broadcast, but fewer people posted comments. Everyone held their breath and listened to Di Feiyu reveal more information. However, when they saw a green filament protruding from the tip of Bingyi's finger and piercing into Di Feiyu's hand, both the ordinary audience and the top tourist guides couldn't help but curse.

Damn it, this is Bingyi’s string. They actually chatted privately, and even Wei Xun didn't know what they were talking about. He was simply not a human being!

But in the RV in Iceland, Bingyi, who was chatting with Di Feiyu in secret, didn't care about other people's feelings at all. His eyes widened at this moment, showing a hint of surprise at the news revealed by Di Feiyu!

'They found a 'door', which was sealed by a crimson curved bulge'

‘Director Huang said, this is the mouthparts of a butterfly’

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