Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 650 Nutrient Solution 222 added

"The stone body of the angel is always within a hundred meters of the explorer. The broken spirit body of the angel takes the initiative to fly towards the explorer. There is no doubt that the explorer killed the spirit body of Archangel Uriel."

In the live broadcast room, the astrologer's explanation voice remained calm, but the barrage was as turbulent as an erupting volcano.

It's not that the audience doesn't believe that Bingyi can create miracles, it's that none of them can see clearly how Bingyi does it!

[Did the Explorer really kill Archangel Uriel? ? 】

[Just waved a knife like that? Am I fucking dreaming! 】

[I didn’t see the angel’s spirit body at all from the perspective of the Explorer’s live broadcast room! I collapsed. Is it because I am too weak and the hotel selectively broadcasted on me? 】

[I burst into tears. I have also been watching the explorer’s live broadcast. I am sure that he just waved the knife casually, and then a scarlet light flew out. Other than that, I didn’t watch anything. arrive】

[There is not even a spirit body in the explorer's sight! I could have sworn he was looking at Uriel when he swung the sword! ! 】

[Yu Tuan didn’t even see how the explorer swung the sword. He was tired. Uriel’s wings were all blocked.)] [The incredible expression on Yu Tuan’s face is almost the same as mine. Exactly the same]

[There is no Uriel spirit body from the perspective of Bingyi’s live broadcast room from beginning to end! I dare say he definitely didn’t look at Uriel’s spirit body! 】

[…Calm down, maybe it’s telepathy. I’ve been watching Yin Tuan’s live broadcast. I have to say that except for Yin Tuan’s soul leaving her body and doing it herself, I can’t see anything about her soul skills]

[I have to say, I can’t see anything from Heydrich’s live broadcast perspective (smile)]

[When will the hotel live broadcast be able to show off mental power and soul-level attacks...]

[I saw it from Wei Tao’s perspective! ! Uriel's spirit body was a hundred meters above Dan Lin's heads, and the explorer's sword pierced him! 】

However, among the countless barrage of complaints from people in the East End, the barrage from the West End audience seemed extremely dazzling.

Of course, most of the viewers in the East District see the perspective of tour guides and tourists in their own district. In the same way, except for some viewers who are extremely interested in explorers, most of the people in the West District see Dan Lin, Heydrich, Maria, etc. A person’s live broadcast perspective.

These perspectives show different details, so that the shocking point of the barrage in the West District is different from that in the East District, but without exception, the barrage of the audiences in the two districts is equally crazy, and even the barrage of the audience in the West District is even more shocking. Be more furious.

【Fuuuuuuck! What the hell! Isn't Dan Lin about to take action against that light group? Why did the light group suddenly die suddenly! 】

[Oh my God, is that ball of light really the spirit body of Archangel Uriel? ! 】

【That’s right! Otherwise, why had Dan Lin been watching it secretly and turned into a Holy Infant on such a dangerous battlefield? Dan Lin must have wanted to play big, oh shit, he is so bold]

[I can’t believe it, shit, if it’s really Uriel’s spirit body, how can it be as fragile as a soap bubble! 】

[I saw a red light flash, and then it shattered! Satan’s shit, it broke into pieces]

[That red light came from the sky! Is this some sort of devil's curse? Otherwise, how could it have destroyed Uriel's spirit body directly? 】 @Unlimited good articles, all in @

[Hey guys, did you hear what the astrologers said? Or have you watched the barrage in the East District? In other words, maybe, that red light may not be a devil's curse...]

[That's not true, oh please, tell me that's not true...]

The barrages in the east and west districts were chaotic and mixed, and soon someone roughly sorted out the truth, but the truth was even more unbelievable.

The Angel Holy Spirit likes pure faith and prayer, and Dan Lin uses this to attract it to his side, and he joins forces with Yin Qiaoqiao and Heydrich to prepare to take action.

But before they could take action, the moment Uriel and Bingyi met high in the sky, Bingyi swung his sword casually, and a scarlet sword light spanned hundreds of meters and directly penetrated Uriel's spirit body through the chest. Chopped!

Audiences in the East and West Districts were rarely convinced. Audiences in the East District didn't believe that Dan Lin could really lead Uriel's spirit body to him - if he was so strong, what kind of underground activities could he do? He could just let the angels worship him!

The audience in the West District didn't believe that Bingyi could kill Uriel's spirit body instantly with a simple swing of his knife. If he was so strong, he couldn't have vomited blood when suppressing the Knights of the Apocalypse. No, he wouldn't be at that time. Just pretend!

However, among all the barrages, some were so rare that they were drowned out. They were excited comments from the audience watching Wei Tao's perspective.

In fact, not many people chose to watch Wei Tao's perspective in this melee. The vast majority of viewers who were looking for excitement watched from the perspective of top travelers. Some diehard Director C watched from Director C's perspective, while Dan Lin and the others have been at the core of prayer, and many people choose their live broadcast perspective.

Only Wei Tao seemed to have a mediocre performance in this battle, and not many people chose his perspective. Some are die-hard Return fans, some are CP fans, and there are a few fans of Captain Wei Tao who have watched the journey to northern Tibet. The dozen or so submerged barrages are divided into several factions, which looks very strange.

[The explorer must have sensed the spirit body. I saw that after Wei Tao was put down by him, he walked straight towards Dan Lin and the others, as if he knew there was something there! It must be that the explorers and Weitao have communicated spiritually! 】

[No, Wei Tao must have felt it. The explorer's sword light was obviously swung at will. Wei Tao must have been there.

[No matter who notified whom, they must be connected in spirit, damn, I knew it was more than just tacit understanding! ]

[Spiritual connection, eh, can I see it? The explorer and Wei Tao must have been whispering in their minds, so cool! ]

[Analyzing rationally, it should be Wei Tao's induction. Just now, the explorer was obviously trying his best to absorb the power of the bloody sky crack. He really didn't look for the spirit body.]

[Didn't you notice that at the moment when Uriel and the explorer came into close combat, the explorer swung his knife and Wei Tao guided him, and the bloody knife light pierced through the spirit body's chest. This was definitely intentional. Wei Tao must have sensed that the explorer was in danger! ]

[Did you notice that before the knife light pierced the spirit body, Wei Tao seemed to be stabbing the spirit body with something in the air? His movements were very small, I'm not sure]

[I saw it, I seemed to see a pale blue light, an old fan from the ten-year journey came uninvited, I suspect it was something related to Captain An's Atlantis, such as something of the same model as the R'lyeh pendant]

[Captain An gave the pendant to Wei Tao, Wei Hai gave the pendant to Bing Yi, hiss...]

[That's right, when the spirit was pierced and shattered and fell, Dan Lin and Wei Tao both rushed up, they seemed to have plundered something from the spirit... Not sure, let's see]

[Speaking of which, it's funny to see a baby rushing up like a cannonball, they must be grabbing something, this little baby even bumped into Wei Tao)

[Why didn't Wei Tao push Dan Lin away and hug the baby! No way, there won't be any fetters of nemesis, this angel was killed by the explorer, all the spoils should be given to Director Bing! 】

"No, what Wei Bo and Dan Lin took is not considered a trophy."

The barrage from Wei Tao's perspective was chatting happily in a sea of ​​barrages, but suddenly the astrologer spoke up. He didn't expect that the big guy would also read the barrage. The audience who sent the message before trembled, but the astrologer just used this as an introduction to continue.

"In theory, they took away the worst things on the spirit."

His eyes fell on the broken spirit, and he saw that the broken spirit flying straight towards Bing Yi was intercepted by many people in the middle (all failed to intercept), and then rotated around the angel statue for a long time.

Seeing this scene, the astrologer's tone was slightly depressed:

"Just as the gods in the myths of various countries are born because of people's beliefs and consciousness, as long as there are records, they will not completely disappear. The death of angels is of course not a real death, and it is even more different from the Knights of Apocalypse."

The astrologer talked about the various messages of the angels, which made the audience listen with relish and exclaimed with excitement.

After the angels die, their bodies will turn into metal or mineral state, belonging to the enemies who killed them, so these angel statues will always appear within a hundred meters of him.

These statues are very useful, can be used as shields or puppets, cannot be plundered, and can even be used to perceive the holy light and the authority of angels.

However, this is also like a mark that cannot be shaken off.

When the angel's spirit body is restored in people's faith and consciousness, this body will be controlled by the angel in an instant, and it will attack the enemy madly until it kills him or destroys itself, and then a new body will be born around the spirit body.

How hard and powerful this statue was before, how deep the connection between the enemy and it was, and how much authority it has comprehended, will eventually become a sharp blade that pierces the enemy, which is called "Angel Revenge".

Of course, if the enemy has been recognized by God before, or has obtained a title like Danlin, or if he survives more than three days in the angel's revenge and keeps the angel statue intact, then the angel will give up revenge after three days.

The new body will still be born around the spirit, and the abandoned statue will completely belong to the human, with all its advantages, and will not continue to chase within a hundred meters, like the statues of the West District Butcher Alliance.

But whether it is to obtain the authority of the angel or the revenge of the angel, it is extremely difficult for humans and even life-threatening!

Let’s not talk about the latter for now, just talking about the former, the authority of the angel is closely connected with the spirit, and if you want to comprehend the authority, you must endure the interference of the angel spirit.

As the most sincere creature, the angel spirit prays all the time, and that terrible piety can be called pollution. Some people have become fanatics unknowingly when they comprehend the authority of the angel. This kind of subtle spiritual pollution is even more terrible than physical deformity.

If you want to completely destroy the spirit, the authority of the angel will also dissipate. If you want to comprehend the authority of the angel, being polluted by prayer is a must.

In this process, the performance of the person will naturally allow the angel spirit to distinguish whether he is a "believer who can be influenced" or a "cold and unrepentant pagan", so as to correspond to different ways of angel revenge.

"The explorer is definitely interested in Uriel's authority. He will face Uriel's broken spirit, but..."

The astrologer suspected that Danlin wanted to kill Uriel because he wanted to seize the purest angel faith, which was mutually beneficial for killing angels and fearing people with devout faith.

But why did 'Wei Tao' intervene? What did he want to do? But just as he was thinking, the astrologer suddenly saw that the broken spirit finally stopped flying around the angel statue and flew straight towards Bingyi.

Even though he knew that the devout faith of the spirit might be deprived, even the astrologer paused and his nerves became tense. He was worried about Bingyi. At the same time, the screen in the live broadcast room changed dramatically. At the moment when the spirit was broken and flew towards Bingyi, Odin actually took action! @Infinite good articles, all in Pujiang Literature City

Odin doesn't care about angel revenge. He only knows about killing angels. People entangled by their spirits are very likely to degenerate into devout and crazy believers.

When he saw that the broken spirit body was about to wrap around Bingyi, even though he was becoming more and more wary of him, Odin decided to take action and erase the broken spirit body, even if he exhausted the last trace of his divine power that came to the world.

One can prevent Loki from obtaining those powers, and two, under the current situation in Northern Europe, Loki will never become a Christian. This is really terrible!

[Damn human being, are you crazy? ! 】 @Infinitely good articles, all in @

But the light spear thrown by Odin was completely blocked by Yu Xiangyang, and he could only watch the broken light rushing into Bingyi's body!

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